Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set Page 1

by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-232-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “No one gets to train with Master Dominic. He’s like the king of Darkest Dreams. No one, and I mean no one, will ever own him,” Ella said.

  Avery Masters stared across the Darkest Dreams BDSM club to the man that captivated every single person in the room. She had been coming to this place for over a year, and couldn’t bring herself to do anything more than watch. For this club, prior to being accepted, she’d had to take a test. During the test she’d been so nervous, and after finishing it, she’d been graded submissive. At first, she had only wanted to be part of the club to see if she wanted to be in a Dom/submissive lifestyle. She was still unsure, even after a year. She rarely played with anyone, but she did like to watch. The idea of being with Master Dominic, though, that was what got her all hot and bothered.

  “All you do is watch when you could be with any other man here,” Ella said, drawing her attention back to her. “Why wait for someone who has never given you the time of day?”

  There were times Avery wondered why she even stayed friends with Ella. Her friend was pushy, and at times made her feel a little uncomfortable. What was wrong with doing what she wanted to do? Why did people have to constantly push her? Ella had been part of the lifestyle, and offered to help her explore, but right now, Avery was wishing she had turned her down, and come along under her own steam.

  “It’s nothing. Honestly, I’m just, I don’t know. I don’t like the thought of anyone else touching me.” The club had plenty of Masters. She simply didn’t want any of them. All of the men were Dominant, and there were a few female Dommes as well.

  “Why don’t you just ask him?” Ella asked.

  “Ask who?”

  “Please, sweetie, you drool over him every time we’re here.”

  “He’s very good.”

  Right now, Master Dominic was showing a man how to use a whip. This was what Avery loved about Darkest Dreams. Everyone could learn, and there would be no judgment. She didn’t know the man he was teaching, but the woman currently secured to a spanking bench looked damn happy.

  Licking her lips, Avery pressed her thighs together as another wave of arousal washed over her. What was it about Dominic that called to her? She didn’t understand it. Yes, he was a handsome guy, but there were plenty of handsome men out there who didn’t get her attention. He looked hot in a pair of leather pants, but then again, she’d never seen him naked.

  “I’m going to head to the bathroom,” she said, needing a distraction. She was starting to feel like a stalker herself.

  “If you see a handsome man, just go with it. I think it’s the only way you’re ever going to get over your addiction to Master Dom.”

  “I’m not addicted.” She didn’t stick around to see what else her friend had to say. There was an attraction, and an addiction. Was it healthy? No, it wasn’t. She hadn’t been with a guy in a long time, even before she joined the club. Now she spent most of her time comparing all men to Dominic.

  The bathrooms were clear, so she didn’t linger, nor did she stare at her reflection. All she would find was fault. Her face was too round, her hips too wide, her stomach too round. At a size sixteen, she had to be one of the biggest women at the club. Ella had told her not to worry about her weight, and to own who she was. See, Ella had good and bad parts. It was all right for Ella to tell her to just go over to Dominic and ask him, but not once had Avery seen him take notice of her. The only women she’d seen with Dominic were the kind that were slender, like bone slender.

  Pressing her washed and dried hands to her face, she whimpered. “Just get him out of your mind. Completely, totally, out of your mind.” This obsession was going to make her a lonely, miserable woman.

  Still avoiding the mirrors, she made her way outside, coming against a sudden wall of human flesh.

  “Be careful there, sweetness.”

  His voice.

  Heat filled her cheeks, and when she looked at him she cringed, immediately looking down. “I’m so sorry, Sir, Master, erm…” She couldn’t find the right words.

  My first time talking to the man of my dreams, and I’m stuttering!

  “You can look at me. I have not expressed a desire for you not to. You’re still unattached, little sub.”

  She frowned, looking up at him. “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve not taken any of the Masters here. You’ve been here over a year, so you’re no longer a newbie, and yet you act as if you are.”

  “I thought the whole head bowing was a sign of respect.”

  “Yes, and that is not what I’m talking about any longer. You don’t bow your head for everyone, do you? At work?”

  “No.” That would be embarrassing. She worked in an office all day. Bowing her head would just make her stand out like a sore thumb. Crap, this was not going well. He was looking at her as if she was someone crazy, and she really wasn’t. This was not going well at all. Gritting her teeth, she forced a smile to her lips, and then it felt all wrong because she was smiling for no reason. “I don’t bow my head all the time. I’m … I don’t know what I am.”

  “You’ve never been played with, Avery.”

  “You know my name.” Get a grip!

  He leaned in close so that his lips were against her ear and whispered. “There’s a lot I know about you.”

  Closing her eyes, she found herself leaning closer, trying to get as close as humanly possible without seeming weird.

  “You’re just a beautiful little peach waiting to be plucked.” He shocked her even further by stroking her cheek. “Maybe one day. You’re going to be such a delight.”

  Within the next second he was gone, and she stood wondering if she’d imagined the whole thing. Only when she’d got her bearings did she move back toward Ella. She couldn’t believe that she had nearly blown her first conversation with Master Dominic, the man of her dreams, or at least, the man of her kinky dreams.

  “Is it possible for all Masters to actually know our names?”

  “I don’t know. It’s possible. We give a great deal of our personal lives on those forms. There’s a lot of Masters, and there’s a lot of people.” Ella stared at her. “Did something happen?”

  “I don’t know. I think I’m going insane.”

  “That’s not hard, really. You work long hours, and for a guy who doesn’t appreciate you most of the time.”

  Avery worked at a small desk, answering the phone and handling people’s problems with their insurance claims. Not that she was about to tell Ella, but she was looking for a new job. Patrick, the guy she currently worked for, was a creep and an asshole. He drove difficult clients her way, and if she failed to appease them, all the blame was put on her. She was tired of the stress, and the worry that with a phone call she could lose her job.

  Besides, she didn’t want to be answering the phone for the rest of her life, nor sitting behind a desk. Every day she was finding it harder and harder to get out of
bed to face the day. Work was a pain in the ass necessity. The only thing she actually enjoyed was visiting Darkest Dreams. She wanted a little more excitement in her life, and to connect to someone else.

  “So you don’t think it’s normal for one of the Masters to remember a name?”

  “Depends. If you’re a regular sub for one of them, I imagine they’ll know you.” Ella shrugged. “Who knows? I reckon it’s why we have those pet names and stuff.”

  Avery didn’t know what else to say, so she sat down and drank her soda. At Darkest Dreams alcohol wasn’t allowed. Right at that moment she could have really used a stiff drink.


  “That wasn’t very nice.”

  Dominic Wright turned from the shadows where he’d been watching Avery Masters to see Malcolm Cross, a fellow Dom, watching him. From the moment Avery had entered Darkest Dreams, she’d turned his world upside down.

  “I’m not a nice guy,” he said.

  “Every single person here, Dom and sub, knows that she has a thing for you. She can never take her eyes off you. You’re no better. Always making sure you’re at your best. It’s almost like you’re performing for her. You made her all flustered, and she didn’t know what to do.”

  He was performing for her.

  “What can I say? I’m just that good. It’s why all the subs want a chance with me.”

  “You’re a trophy to them, Dom. Don’t think you’re anything more or you’ll get hurt.”

  “I won’t get hurt.”

  Malcolm shrugged. “I think Avery is one of the good ones. She’s not just here to have a good time. She actually wants to find someone who’ll be her Dominant in all things.”

  Dominic hated that Malcolm saw that. Dom had already figured out the same thing, only he wanted to keep her to himself, and not have anyone else touch her. Even though it was against the rules, he’d demanded everyone at the club not touch her. Several of the Doms owed him favors, and he’d called them all in, making sure Avery was free for him. Of course, he’d not known her very well at the time. Now, however, he was starting to see the real woman beneath the shy exterior.

  Dom knew he had the skills to draw her out of her shell, and to actually bring the best to her. Her body was ripe for the taking, and he believed her heart was as well.

  Several of the Doms were annoyed with him for waiting so long. He’d truly believed she would make the first move. She’d surprised him by keeping her distance.

  “What would you like me to do?”

  “I don’t just speak for myself when I say the men are bored with waiting. Either you stake your claim and make her yours, or you’re going to lose her. She deserves a chance to play, and keeping our distance is proving to be difficult.” Malcolm left before Dom could comment.

  Dom didn’t want to play with her for the first time at the club. He wanted more, and the first time he got to touch her, taste her, he intended for it to be in private.

  Entering the main part of Darkest Dreams, he saw Avery was leaving. She was hugging her friend, and making her way toward the main doors. He didn’t want her to leave just yet.

  He rushed toward the back door, and ran around the front in time to see her getting into her car.

  “Avery, wait,” he said.

  She paused, and he saw her eyes widening. “Dominic?”

  Stopping in front of her, he took a few deep breaths. “Hello, beautiful.” He found it really charming when she looked behind her as if he was looking at anyone else.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “You know my name,” he said, smiling, repeating the same words she’d spoken to him.

  Her cheeks heated. Even in the lighting from the street lamp, he saw it.

  “I don’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “It just seems a little surreal right now. I mean, you’ve never spoken two words to me before, and yet you know my name, and now you’re stopping me from getting into my car. I didn’t even think I existed to you an hour ago.”

  “You existed in a lot of ways you’ll never understand.”

  She laughed. “You see this is where the whole scary, cryptic thing comes in. I don’t know what to expect.”

  “Have you ever been told to expect the unexpected?”

  “I’ve been told it, but you see, I live my life normally. Nothing unexpected ever happens. It’s always predictable, even down to the littlest of details.” She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “The truth?”

  “How boring I am.”

  He reached out, tucking some hair behind her ear. “You’re not boring. In fact, I have a little proposition for you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I’ve seen you, Avery, sitting in the background, watching, always watching, and I was wondering how you’d feel about a little private playing.”

  “Private playing?” she asked, frowning.

  “You, me, alone, no one watching us, waiting to see what would happen.”

  “Like a date?”

  “Yes, like a date, only you come to my place, and I will show you a whole world of loving.”

  She bit her lip, looking toward the club. To the outside world, it didn’t look like anything extravagant, just an ordinary house. It was only when you got inside that you saw the truth.

  “I don’t know. Isn’t that against the rules?”

  “There are no rules. We only ask for submissives to be careful, and if need be, we can check on the men claiming to be Doms. This world is exhilarating, exciting, and like all worlds, it is subject to being exploited.”

  She nodded. “I get that. I’ve heard some scary tales.”

  “Which is why we ask for everyone to be careful. You know how a first responder is supposed to respond to someone in the street no matter what?”


  “We encourage fellow Doms, and even submissives, to help those that could be in an abusive relationship.”

  “Sounds very dedicated.”


  She took a deep breath. “You want me to come to your house.”

  “Yes, and I would like to explore what is going on between us without prying eyes. I promise you discretion and of course privacy.” Pulling his card out of his back pocket, he handed it to her. “Call me tomorrow by five, and I will know it’s what you want, and I’ll pick you up to explore this lifestyle together.”

  “If I don’t call by five?”

  “Then by seven I’ll be here, and I’ll leave you alone. There are plenty of good Dominant men out there.”

  He didn’t want that to happen. He wanted the phone call at five.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “You do that.” He opened her car door, and waited for her to climb inside.

  Those curves were going to be all his. Dominic knew he’d get the phone call. It was only a matter of when she would phone.

  Chapter Two

  At exactly one minute to five, she called Dominic. She didn’t want to appear too eager, did she? Standing in her apartment, dressed in a pair of jeans and black shirt, she stared at her reflection. She didn’t look too bad, if he was into thick thighs, tiny waist, and large tits.

  “It’ll be fine. You’re stressing, and way overthinking this. Everything is going to be okay.”

  She hadn’t told anyone about her encounter with Dom, not even Ella. Truth be told, when it came to Ella Avery was doing a lot of avoiding. Was she making a big mistake?

  Avery didn’t know what to think, but then at exactly five-thirty, her apartment doorbell rang, letting her know someone was there.

  “It’s too late now. Too late.” Tucking hair behind her ears, she made her way toward the door.

  There he stood, dressed in leather pants and a white shirt. Dominic Wright.


  “Hello, Avery.”

  His voice made her shiver, and not in a bad way. No, it was all in a very good way. Her nipples tightened, and h
er pussy went slick. Licking her lips, she smiled.

  “Are you ready to leave?”


  He entered her apartment and grabbed her bag. “I take it everything here is what I asked you to pack.”

  “Everything.” During her phone call he’d told her to get a change of clothes for tomorrow, along with her purse and a few toiletries. It looked like she was staying over, or doing something at least. She was going to do this.

  Dominic held out her hand, and she took it. The moment they touched, everything to her felt right. This was supposed to happen. They were both about to take the next step in their relationship. She couldn’t help the thrill of knowing that.

  Locking up her apartment, she followed him out the door, down to his waiting car. There were no words as he helped her inside the car. Buckling the seatbelt, she waited for him to climb behind the wheel, marveling at how big he was.

  You’re doing this.

  Watching the passing scenery, she saw they were leaving the city and heading toward the countryside.

  “You don’t live in the city?”

  “I do. In a penthouse, but when I play I like to go to my house where no one is around.”

  “Should I be afraid?” she asked.

  “Not at all.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “First, I just want us to get to know each other, and then we’ll get down to business.”

  She was safe.

  Dominic Wright wouldn’t hurt her, unless she asked him to.

  He released her hand, and she locked her fingers together.

  The silence wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, the silence gave her peace.

  They were driving for a good hour when they pulled up at some very large, very imposing, and scary looking gates. Dominic pressed a button, and his window pulled down. She watched as he typed in a code, and the gates opened.

  Once they were through, she counted the seconds, exactly three, and the gates closed.


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