Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she said.

  “You should be sorry.”

  Jason raised his palm and brought it down on the flesh of her ass.

  She cried out, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room. He raised his hand again and did the same with the other cheek. Her fingers dug into his thigh as she held on.

  The bite of her nails provided his ideal of pain.





  He carried on until he’d slapped her ass ten times. With the other ten he didn’t allow a pause. He rained down blows until she was crying.

  When he was done, he stroked her hair with one hand and her ass with the other. “You’ve done well. You’ve made me very proud with the way you took your punishment.” Jason caressed her buttocks with his hand. Her ass was a glorious shade of red.

  Jason stared at her flesh to make sure he hadn’t hurt her too much. She’d be marked but not bruised. Her ass would probably hurt to sit down on for a few days.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Her words came out breathlessly. Her head rested on his lap. “I’ve missed being with you, Sir. I’ve missed this.”

  He smiled.

  “Get on the bed and open your thighs,” he ordered.

  She scurried off his lap and dived on the bed. Emily lay back, legs spread, waiting for him.

  His cock was tight in the pants he’d worn to open the door for dinner. Jason walked over to the cart and pulled the lids off each bowl.

  There was a dish filled with the reddest, ripest strawberries he’d ever seen. A bowl of cream sat with the strawberries. He checked the main meal to see if they could eat it cold and decided they could. Taking the bowls of strawberries and cream, he walked over to the bed.

  She lay with her hands above her head. Her gaze followed him where he walked. He loved her eyes on him.

  Jason had missed their time together and had constant dreams of her filling his bed. Not a night went by when he didn’t dream of her being in his arms. The real nightmare happened when he woke up to discover she’d gone. Then he felt real loneliness.

  There were lengths of silk rope at each end of the bed. He placed the bowls down on the counter next to the bed.

  “I’m going to tie you to the bed,” he said.

  She offered him her wrist, which he took. He tied the length of silk around her wrist. Once she tested the give of the knot he moved around to the other. Emily tested each arm and leg as he bound her to his bed.

  “You look beautiful waiting for me.” Jason glided a hand over her flesh watching goosebumps erupt over her skin. Her nipples tightened to beaded points and her stomach quivered as he moved his fingers over her.

  Every part of her lay exposed for his pleasure.

  “I can’t wait to play with you,” he said. “Are you hungry, pet?”

  She nodded.

  He sat down at the side of her and picked up the strawberry. Jason grabbed the bowl of cream, dipped the tip of the berry into it and then ran the creamed tip over her nipple. The white cream covered her red nipple. Once he’d coated her nipple with cream he pressed the strawberry to her lips. She took a bite.

  “I’d rather taste you.” He lowered his head and licked the cream from her nipple. She moaned, arching her back into his touch. Jason chuckled.

  Dipping the half-bitten strawberry into the bowl, he coated her other nipple. After she’d eaten the remaining berry, he sucked the cream from her nipple. Next, he placed his finger in the cream and presented his finger to her lips.

  “Lick it clean,” he said.

  Jason watched as she took his digit into her mouth and licked the cream from his finger. The sight was deeply erotic. His cock pressed against the zipper of the pants he wore. He cursed, put the bowls down, and stood to remove his clothing.

  His cock sprang free the moment he released himself from the confines of his pants. He stroked the shaft a few times before sitting down on the bed and picking up the strawberries.

  “You’re a lot sweeter than these berries.”

  “I wish I had some whipped cream,” she said.

  He smiled, gazing down at her. “Why’s that, baby?”

  “I’d squirt the cream all over your cock and lick it off.”

  Shit, that idea sounded tempting as hell. Jason picked up the phone and ordered a can of whipped cream. “Your wish is my command.”

  He dipped the berry into the bowl and then began licking the cream from her body as she ate the berries.

  When the last berry was eaten, he placed the bowls back on the counter. He eased down between her thighs and opened her creamy slit. Her pussy was wet. He licked his lips as her scent wafted to his nose. She smelled good enough to eat.

  The knock at the door stopped him from exploring her pussy. He got off the bed and opened the door partially. A woman stood there with the cream. He handed her a note, took the cream, and shut the door.

  “For later,” he said. He put the can down then went back to his position between her thighs.

  “Now, where was I?”

  Chapter Five

  Jason’s fingers opened her slit wide. Emily stared at the ceiling wishing once again for a mirror so she could watch him work. His tongue was a work of art and a deadly weapon. His breath brushed her pubic hairs.

  “You’ve got such a pretty pussy. I could look at you for days.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again.

  “I watch you working at your desk and I imagine you walking into my office, closing the door and then climbing up onto my desk. I imagine licking you throughout my whole lunch break.”

  If only she’d known. There had been many times she wanted to walk into his office, get on her knees, and wait for him to take her. Jason was the one in control.

  “I’d like that,” she said.

  “I’ll want a hell of a lot more from you now.”

  She smiled. Emily hoped he’d ask her again to marry him. Being without him was no longer an option for her. She’d made her choice, and she intended to stick with it.

  “Your clit is swollen.”

  Emily cried out as his tongue circled her clit. His wet tongue invited a load of sensation to course around her body. She pulled on the cuffs that bound her to the bed. The restraints remained firm.

  His fingers pressed against her opening, gathering juice. “Lift your hips.”

  She complied with his command, lifting her hips off the bed.

  Jason pressed his lubricated fingers against the seam of her ass. She moaned as he eased past the first tight ring of muscles.

  “Relax, baby. Take me in.”

  Emily relaxed her ass, and his finger sank inside her asshole. His tongue attacked her clit. He licked and nibbled her bud until she was shaking with the need to come. Jason moved his tongue down to her slit and pierced her cunt.

  She screamed as he fucked her pussy with his tongue and her ass with his finger. The dual penetration felt good. Her climax started to build. She felt it curling her toes. The onslaught of his mouth and hand was too much for Emily to hold back.

  Her release rushed through her, making her scream and tighten on his tongue. He continued to fuck her ass even when her whole body tightened in orgasm. The pleasure was out of this world. She couldn’t think past the beauty of what he was doing.

  Jason worked her like an instrument.

  Emily came back to earth with a smile on her face. He kissed his way up her body and eased his finger out of her ass.

  She smiled up at him.

  “Did you enjoy that, baby?” he asked.

  “It was wonderful.”

  He smiled down at her. “I didn’t give you permission to come.”

  She continued to smile at him. “I know, Sir. You’ll have to punish me some more.” The feel of his hand on her skin excited her. They were in a resort filled with Doms and submissives. There was equipment they could use if Jason hadn’t brought his suppl
y with him.

  “You’re a little vixen,” he said.

  “How are you going to punish me, Master?”

  He sat back on the bed.

  “You’re going to have to wait to find out.” Jason kissed the tip of her nose. “I won’t forget this.”

  Jason released her ties and then slammed inside her pussy. She cried out at the unexpected intrusion. His cock rubbed along her vaginal walls as he fucked her. He pulled out and rammed back in. There was no stopping his possession. She scored her nails down his back and thrust up to meet him. His hands gripped her hips, holding her in place.

  His hold tightened when his thrusts increased. Jason’s cock thickened inside her, the look on his face making her aware he was going to explode any second.

  “Make yourself come.” He growled the last word at her.

  She reached between their bodies and fingered her clit. Emily’s orgasm began to build as he changed the angle. One of her legs went high on his hip and the other went over his shoulder.

  Jason pounded inside her pussy. The angle bumped him against her clit. The sensation was wonderful, and she reached her climax within seconds. Up until Jason, she’d never been able to have multiple orgasms before.

  He cried out when his release came. His cock jerked inside her, and each wave of semen coated her womb. Emily stared into his eyes when he looked down at her.

  “I love you so much,” he said.

  For the first time, Emily fully believed his words.

  “I love you, too.” She really did even though she had done nothing but fight against him. The fear of giving herself completely, of loving him and being betrayed, was just too much for her. She had to fight that, though. If she was ever going to find happiness, she had to fight for him, not against him.


  Jason carried her to the shower this time. He stood behind her, soaping her body while the water sprayed down. She used the soap to wash his body. Her delicate hands ran all over his skin. Jason kept thinking about the best way to punish her for the orgasm she’d had without his permission.

  He washed her hair and looked forward to brushing the length out once again. She smiled at him as he reached over to turn the shower off.

  Grabbing a towel, he wrapped one around his waist and then helped her out. He dried her body.

  “I get to dry yours.” She took the towel away from him. He stood as she ran the towel over him. Jason watched. She looked happy. Her eyes no longer held the cloud of doubt that he’d seen so many times before.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  “So are you.” She threw the towel down then wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He stroked his palm over her back and cupped her ass. Jason lifted her up. She giggled as he walked back into the main room. There was no doubt the food would be cold. He sat her down at the table then wheeled the cart over. Jason took the seat opposite.

  “What do we have to eat?” she asked.

  Jason lifted the lid off the first tray. The tray was laden with fried chicken. “Charles doesn’t exactly run a five-star restaurant.”

  “I don’t care. I love fried chicken.” She took a drumstick and brought it to her lips. Jason watched her teeth sink into the flesh.

  She moaned in pleasure. “It’s very good.”

  He took his piece of chicken and bit into it. It would have tasted better warm. The spices were no longer searing hot. They only numbed the tongue a little.

  “Once we’ve eaten I’ll brush your hair.”

  “Why do you like my hair so much?” she asked.

  “It’s long, beautiful, and it gives me an excuse to touch you.” He took another bite. Jason didn’t have a hair fetish, but when it came to Emily, he loved everything about her, even down to the fact she liked cold fried chicken.

  “You never need an excuse to touch me.” She smiled shyly at him. “Do you remember the first thing you said to me at work?”

  Jason chuckled. “I ordered you to wear your hair down.”

  “If any other guy did that I’d have told them to fuck off. With you, I did as you asked. I took my hair down. I was yours from the start,” she said.

  He reached over the table and took her hand. “I’ll always be yours. Nothing will ever change that.”

  She nibbled her lip. He saw she wanted to ask him something. Whatever she wanted to ask him would probably make him angry.

  “Ask, Emily. I’m not going to get angry.”

  “How do you know another woman won’t come along who’ll take your fancy?” she asked.

  “We’re back to the doubts.”

  Emily shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve watched my dad for years. Every time he comes back he promises it will be the last. It never is. There is always another skirt, as he calls it, begging for his attention.”

  She bowed her head, reaching for another piece of chicken.

  “There is nothing for me to say that will relieve your mind. You’re going to have to trust me. I don’t want any other woman. I’m satisfied with you. Other women have offered themselves up to me even when we were dating before.”

  Her head rose at his last words.

  “I was never unfaithful. You’re the only one I’ve ever risked a million dollars for. I wouldn’t even risk that much in a card game for fun.” He chuckled at the shock in her eyes. “I’m a careful man, Emily. I play my cards close to my chest.”

  “I don’t know what I’d do if you found someone else.”

  “You’ll never have to know, baby. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Other men would find her fears annoying. Jason didn’t. They were part of her, and it highlighted how possessive she could be of him if she finally let go and allowed herself to accept him.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “Eat up, baby. We’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Jason no longer wanted to keep her in the room all to himself. He wished to take her around the resort. The beach and the ocean views were spectacular. Also, it showed her how they could be together if she trusted him.

  They finished eating their food. He placed the plates on the cart then put the cart outside his room.

  He sat down on the bed with Emily in front of him. A movie played on the television set. He ran the brush through her hair while they sat together watching the TV.

  “I hated you when I heard your voice call out that money.”

  “What did you hate more? My voice or being onstage with everyone staring at you?”

  She let out a sigh. “I hated being on the stage. You know me too well.”

  “Never forget it, baby.”

  “We’ll be the talk of the resort this weekend,” she said.

  Jason chuckled. “I’ve got a beautiful woman on my arm. Do you think I really care what other men and women are thinking?”

  “I guess not.”

  He put the brush down, and she lay back against him. Jason stroked her arms, enjoying the scent of her surrounding him. The credits rolled up on the movie an hour later. He turned the set and the lights off before climbing into bed beside her. She stared at him. Her body was highlighted by the moon shining through the curtains. He saw her eyes open and staring at him.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’ve never wanted to sleep next to you before.”

  Sleeping together was an intimacy they’d never shared. Emily had always found a reason to leave him before waking up in the morning. “What are you thinking now?” he asked.

  “I don’t know why I left. When you produced that ring I was so happy, but then everything went wrong inside me. In my heart I was screaming yes, and in my head I was shouting no.”

  He took hold of her hand. He kissed her knuckles then rested their palms on the pillow between them. “Next time listen to your heart instead of your head.”

  She chuckled. “I knew you’d say that.”

  Jason leaned over, kissing her temple. “I’ll always say what I must to get what I want. When I
’m with you those words mean more to me than anything else.”

  “I don’t think I’d have gone through with it. I don’t know what I was thinking. Did you really think I was worth that much?” she asked.

  “You’re worth more. I think I got you rather cheap.”

  She slapped his arm and then snuggled down in the bed against him.

  “Get some sleep, honey. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

  “That sounds promising.”

  “Don’t forget you still owe me a punishment,” he said.

  “I look forward to everything you have planned.” Emily kissed his lips and then lay next to him.

  Jason listened to her sleep before he drifted off.

  Chapter Six

  Emily woke to the sun shining through the little slit in the curtain. She opened her eyes and stared at the light. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she turned to see Jason asleep beside her. It was the first time she’d ever fallen asleep next to a man. Whenever they’d been together before she’d found a way to avoid sleeping through the night with him.

  In sleep Jason looked relaxed. He looked younger. One of his arms lay across her waist and the other lay under his head like a cushion. She watched him sleep, feeling all the love for him consume her.

  Smiling, Emily reached out and pushed a few stray strands of hair off his face. He didn’t move or make a sound.

  Was he a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper?

  Her knowledge of his sleeping habits was limited. As she bit her lip, her gaze traveled down the length of his body. The sheet covered his cock and legs but exposed a decent portion of his chest and arms. She loved his thick, muscular arms. They always made her feel small in comparison.

  Emily ran a finger over the outline of his arm. He moved in his sleep, which stopped her touching him instantly.

  She stared up at his face. He appeared to still be sleeping. Her gaze drifted over to the counter by the bed. The can of whipped cream lay innocently there. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. Glancing at the can then at the sleeping man, her smile widened.

  Easing out from under his arm was a lot harder than she thought it would be. His arm was heavy, but she managed to get out from under him without waking him.


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