Riding Out the Storm

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Riding Out the Storm Page 6

by Desiree Holt

She began to shake with the excitement of it and made a supreme effort to hold herself together.

  “Enough.” He jerked himself away, turned and grabbed her hand, soaping it carefully and rinsing it. “I’m not ready to come yet, sweet thing. I’m saving it this time for the real thing.”

  “H-how can you control yourself like that?” she asked as he turned off the water and stepped out onto the tiny patch of floor.

  “Because that’s what it’s all about,” he told her, reaching for a big towel on a hook and drying her off first then himself. “How can I control you if I can’t control myself?”

  Before she could answer, he retrieved the collar from the vanity counter, he lifted her in his arms again and carried her back to the main room, setting her down on the bed. He fastened the collar around her neck again before arranging her carefully against the pillows.

  “Time for a drink. I wasn’t expecting company so it’s either beer or beer.” He snapped his fingers. “Wait. I do have some very expensive brandy I’ve been saving. Rather have that?”

  “Beer’s fine. I’ll take whatever you have.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “That’s very good to know.”

  Chapter Five

  They were sitting side by side on the bed, pillows plumped up behind them. The rain was still pounding away on the roof and battering the outside of the cabin’s one window. The wind, although safely shut out, was still whipping at the rain and singing its banshee tune. But inside they were snug and warm, the fire built up again, the gold and orange of the flames bathing everything with a warm glow, the sizzle and snap of the logs a comforting lullaby.

  Jody was both exhausted and exhilarated. She’d never, ever thought it possible to reach such extreme planes of sexual satisfaction. There wasn’t a muscle or nerve in her body that didn’t beg for mercy. At the same time she was so stimulated by the whole situation, if Logan had rolled her over, and said, “I’m going to fuck you again right now,” she not only wouldn’t have denied him, she’d have told him to hurry.

  The nipple clamps lay on the nightstand, drawing a sliding glance from her.

  “We’ll give those sweet buds a chance to recover,” Logan told her, tracking her gaze. “They’re too sore right now to put them back on.” He grinned. “Although I’ll be seeing that gorgeous sight in my dreams from now on.”

  He had, however, attached the tiny butterfly on her clit again and replaced the collar around her neck. Then he pulled a frosty bottle of beer from the fridge, popped the cap and carried the drink to the bed.

  “Just one?” Jody asked, curious.

  “A good Dom shares with his sub.” He arranged his long, rangy body on the bed next to her, the pillows behind him. “I’ll show you how we do it.”

  He lifted the bottle to his lips and pulled some of the beer into his mouth. Then he cupped Jody’s chin and turned her to face him. Pressing his lips to hers until they opened, he let the cool beer slide into her mouth and trickle down her throat. Jody thought it was the most erotic sip of anything she’d ever had.

  She swallowed and Logan’s tongue probed her mouth, licking up the traces of the tart liquid. She pressed her own tongue against his, twisting with it, loving the feel of it.

  Logan lifted his head took another swallow of beer. She obediently opened her mouth and accepted another portion of the liquid. This time, however, he kept a few drops in his mouth and let them dribble over her breasts and navel. Leaning over her, he lapped them up with the lightest flicks of his tongue.

  “Your turn,” he said. “Hold it in your mouth this time. Then when I tell you, let it drip over my cock.”

  He hadn’t reattached the cuffs so she had freedom of movement. Closing her lips so she wouldn’t lose any of the liquid, she rose to her knees took his shaft in both hands and very slowly let tiny streams of the beer run down the sides of his erection.

  “Cup my balls,” he ordered. “Play with them.”

  She took his sac in the palm of her hand and began lightly manipulating the testicles inside with her fingers. Her other hand still held his cock. When she saw the pre-cum beading at the slit on the head, without thinking she bent forward and licked it off then realized she probably should have asked permission. She glanced at Logan, waiting for him to comment.

  “Yes,” he nodded, “you should have asked. You will never do anything except by my orders. And despite how good it felt, you know what that means.”

  “A p-punishment?”

  Lust consumed her and made her pussy clench at the thought of another spanking. Would he use his hand again or this time apply the flogger. Everything she’d read said the pain they inflicted was so sensuous the recipients embraced it.

  Logan chuckled. “You sound far too eager. I may have created a monster here.”

  Setting the beer bottle on the nightstand, he reached down and pulled her up to him, taking her mouth in a kiss so hungry and voracious it made her week. His fingers threaded through her hair, holding her head in place while his tongue swept every area of her mouth. She was weak from the intensity of it, limp, yet her body was so aroused her heart thrummed a heavy staccato and her breathing hitched unevenly.

  “I like to combine many sensations at one time,” he told her, drawing back from her mouth. “The assault on the senses should come simultaneously from multiple aspects, heightening a person’s sense of arousal. I’m going to take you to the top of the mountain, Jody, but you must not come until I allow you. Can you honor me by having that much control?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Master. I want to please you.”

  Jesus, was this her? she wondered, listening to herself. Reveling in the subservience of the situation? Liquid seeping from her as the submission heightened her need? Longing for punishment, for restraint, for commands, all leading to erotic sex beyond anything she’d ever dreamed? Was this what she’d been waiting for all her life, in all the other relationships that had fallen so short of what she wanted? Craving, even? And with Logan Mitchell, of all people?


  She was so stunned by the realization that she was barely aware that Logan was moving her with his big, strong hands, moving her around, adjusting her across his lap. A pillow was moved under her head to support it and from somewhere he’d produced two thin silk scarves. At the moment he was using one of them to bind her wrists together at the small of her back. The knot tied securely, his hand drifted over the globes of her ass in a caressing motion.

  “You know,” he said in a casual voice, “it’s a fact that when one sense is taken away, all the others are more acute. Have you ever been blindfolded, Jody?”

  She turned her head so she could look at him. “Only in kids’ games. Why?”

  “I assure you, sweetheart, this is no kids’ game. Adults only. I’m going to cover your eyes with this scarf so your sense of touch will be sharpened.” He paused. “We’re still good with the trust issue, right?”

  She wet her lips and swallowed once. “Yes. I’m good.”

  “Just let yourself feel, Jody. Whatever I do, however I move you, think of nothing but the pleasure you will receive. And that I will have by satisfying you.”

  He placed the silk across her eyes and tied the ends at the back of her head. The moment she dropped into darkness, everything else intensified—the scent of his maleness, the heat from the fireplace, the sounds of the logs snapping and the wind singing its demon song outside. When his hand smoothed over her ass again and then descended in a stinging slap, the sensation was so much sharper than before she was blindfolded. Liquid dripped from her pussy as the pulse deep in her womb set up a heavy throb. A pause then another slap. Then nothing.

  More. I want more.

  But she knew everything was in Logan’s control.

  “Spread your legs,” his deep voice commanded. “As wide as you can.”

  Obediently she moved her thighs as far apart as she could. This time the slap landed on the lips of her pussy and more cream gushed from her. Logan’s finge
rs probed her opening, gathering her moisture on his fingers.

  “Soon you’ll be begging me to spank you all the time,” he chuckled.

  Using her own liquid, he pressed the tips of two fingers against her anus and pushed inside her. The deep pulse beat harder inside the walls of her pussy fluttered in tiny spasms. She moaned as his fingers moved in and out of her ass in a slow, steady rhythm. Then, abruptly, they were gone and a series of slaps rained onto her buttocks and the lips of her pussy. And each time the little butterfly on her cit fluttered its wings.

  Jody moaned, wriggling her hips. Logan was right. Because she couldn’t see, every sensation was heightened, every sting of his hand sharper, every throb of her cunt heavier and more stimulating.

  She frowned into the darkness as Logan lifted her from his lap and slid from the bed then arranged her as she’d been before, her legs spread wide, her head on the pillow.

  “Time for your real punishment, Jody.” His voice was so thick and heavy with desire she almost didn’t recognize it.

  Soft fabric drifted across the surface of her ass, wide strips of some supple material.

  The flogger!

  “You’re such a good sub, I know you’ll love this. You may even find excuses to misbehave just so I’ll use it on you.”

  The first lash was barely more than a kiss of material against skin and she wiggled her hips, trying to convey her need for something harder. But Logan was bent on teasing her, keeping his strokes light. Drawing out the anticipation. So she wasn’t expecting it when the first stinging lash bit into her ass.


  She jumped involuntarily then forced herself to lie still. The second lash was even sharper and they soon increased in both intensity and tempo. The pain quickly turned to pleasure, every nerve snapping, every pulse point pounding, her blood thundering in her ears as her heart rate accelerated.

  Then, as before, he stopped and the strips of the flogger moved easily back and forth against her burning skin.

  “Your ass is so red.” Jody heard the desire in Logan’s voice. “All that beautiful red, running in stripes down to your pussy and the insides of your thighs. I wish we were at one of the clubs I go to so I could show everyone how gorgeous you look.”

  Her heart tripped and her stomach clenched. One of his clubs? Show her off? Then she remembered his words earlier, his indication of his pleasure in being able to display her for his friends. If they made it through this weekend, would he expect that of her right away? God, she wished she could think but an erotic fog surrounded and dulled her brain. All she could think of at the moment was having Logan inside her any way he wanted to, making her come, pushing her harder and higher each time.

  His fingers rubbed the lips of her pussy, gently opening them and she felt something hard and thick slowly being inserted. The surface of it was rough and it was totally rigid. Jody knew it was the handle of the floggers and again, surrounded by darkness, she felt everything more acutely. Unable to help herself, she began humping it at once, thrusting her hips as Logan moved the handle in and out of her drenched channel. She wanted to cry when he slipped it out but in a moment the floggings resumed and her need for satisfaction intensified again.

  Jody bit the pillow to keep herself from crying out, from pleading for him to allow her the release her body was crying for. When the flogging stopped, she was shocked to feel his mouth on her ass, placing kisses everywhere the strips of material had landed then licking them slowly with his tongue.

  “In a little while I’m going to put some salve on this,” he breathed against her skin. “The first time, when your skin is so sensitive, the stripes can take a while to fade. I don’t want you to be sore.” He moved behind her until he was almost lying on top of her. “But first, I’m going to do what I’ve wanted to do for longer than you can imagine Especially from the moment I saw you naked. I’m going to fuck you in the ass and make you scream out your pleasure.”


  Even as she felt a tiny knot of fear of the unknown, her body was demanding this ultimate intrusion. Logan lifted her to her knees, her hands still bound behind her back and placed another pillow beneath her head and more under her stomach. He pushed against her inner thighs until her legs were spread as wide as she could get them.

  She bit her lip and waited for him to enter her. Instead something cool and firm slid into her vagina. She knew at once it was the wand he’d placed on the nightstand. He pressed on the bottom of it and a low vibration set up inside her cunt. While she was adjusting to the feel of it, sinking into the darkness and letting the vibrations take over her body, Logan applied a cool gel to her anus and massaged it into her rectum, first with two fingers then with three.

  She heard the tearing of foil, the snap of latex and his big hands with their long, lean fingers gripped the cheeks of her ass, pulling them wide. The first press of the head of his cock against her hole made her jerk. She knew how big it was and wondered if she’d be able to take it all.

  “Breathe, Jody,” he told her. “In and out. Big, deep breaths.”

  He must have reached down and touched the vibrator because Jody felt the speed of it increase. She drew in a great lungful of air then let it out slowly. Again. And again. And each time she did, Logan pushed farther into her rectum, rocking his hips, invading her further.

  Then he was in, all the way and myriad sensations overtook her in the soft darkness so powerful that her body threatened to explode. The vibrator hummed, the butterfly beat its wings and Logan’s thick cock pushed in and out of her ass, all in some kind of sexual symphony. Darkness surrounded her, making her aware of nothing except the lust that gripped her body and Logan’s big, thick cock pounding into her ass, pressing against the vibrator and urging the butterfly to beat its wings faster.

  She was transported, somewhere on a plane where her body was stretched so thin on the rack of pleasure she wasn’t sure she’d survive. He knew what he was doing this Dom to whom she’d willingly given control, keeping her just at the edge, allowing her to convulse, to spasm, yet still driving her higher and higher. His hands gripped her, pulling her back against him with each thrust.

  When he finally pushed her past the tipping point, her entire body spasmed and shook and she screamed his name.


  Again and again, until her throat was raw, as his cock jerked in her ass and he spurted into the latex reservoir. She didn’t think she would ever stop coming, ever stop convulsing, her body ever stop jerking.

  At last she collapsed forward, shivering and shaking, her body covered with sweat. She couldn‘t get enough air in her lungs and her heart threatened to beat its way through her ribs. She heard the rasping sound as Logan dragged air into his lungs then he was lying on top of her, his heart thudding against her back.

  She had no idea how long they stayed that way, his arms around her, his breath fanning her cheek. He had turned off the vibrator and slid it from her cunt, tossing it to the side. Then he simply lay on top of her, his forearms catching his weight, as time stopped. His scent filled her nostrils and the power of his big body surrounded her. She could stay like this forever.

  In that instant she knew he possessed her completely. And she had no idea what she was going to do about it. He hadn’t even given her a clue as to what would happen when the storm finally abated and they left the cabin.

  After a long time Logan removed the blindfold and untied her wrists, massaging her arms and turning her over to remove the butterfly. The kiss he gave her was more emotional than sexual and made her heart catch. He nibbled at her lips, licked the outline of her mouth, brushed his lips against hers then pressed them harder, his tongue forcing her mouth open.

  “Shower,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “Bring it here,” she told him. “I can’t move.”

  “Can’t do that,” he chuckled, “but I can do the next best thing.”

  Lifting her in his arms, he carried her into the bathroom, turned
on the shower until the small room was filled with steam then stood her against the tiled wall while he bathed her like a baby.

  The last thing she remembered was him drying her off and carrying her back to the bed, rubbing salve into her sore buttocks before cradling her against him as she fell into a deep sleep.

  * * * * *

  He watched her sleep, fingers gently brushing the stray strands of hair from her velvety cheek. Her long, thick lashes cast shadows on her cheeks and her firm breasts rose rhythmically with her even breathing.

  He had to restrain himself from waking her, kissing every inch of her body, licking that appetizing naked cunt. No matter what they did or how often they did it, no matter how hard he pushed her or what he demanded, he couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

  This was more than just his normally high level of sexual need. This was something raw clawing its way up from inside him to grab him by the throat and it scared the shit out of him. What had started out as a game to satisfy his hunger for her had turned into something far more serious, something that invaded his heart as well as his groin.

  He hadn’t given much thought to a permanent relationship after his one disastrous attempt years before. As far as he was concerned, there was plenty of time to consider it in the future. Life held too many opportunities for him right now, plus he had the responsibility of running the ranch.

  Besides, he’d always seen himself with someone as much into BDSM as he was, not his sister’s sweet best friend who he’d known forever. At least he thought he knew her. Just went to show how much he was really aware of things. What a shocking revelation Jody had been. If he’d ordered up the perfect submissive—hot yet sweet, obedient yet sassy, smart and savvy and a wildcat in bed—Jody would have appeared in his wish balloon.

  The thought of letting her just walk away from him now made his gut twist. But could it even work? Could she really adopt The Life and live it with him when playtime was over? Would she be willing to move to the ranch with him and work from there?

  That might be the easiest problem of all to fix. Jody was a well-respected software designer. Most of what she did was on the computer anyway, so the location of her home base shouldn’t present problems.


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