New Title 1

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by Rain, Angelina

  “Yep.” Dihn grinned slyly. “Yet it’s not nearly as charitable as tagging along while you did your Christmas shopping. What a pain in the ass that was.”

  “Ouch,” Brenn said as he stepped around Vanessa to enter the kitchen. He took the box from Dihn, his gaze intent on her. “I think you’ve just been insulted.” He headed toward the door. “I’ll be back in an hour. You two better be ready for some gift opening,” he said over his shoulder.

  As the door shut behind Brenn, Dihn turned to say something to her, but the words seemed to die in his throat.

  “What?” she asked with a nervous laugh.

  With supernatural elegance, he hopped over the counter and was in front of her in the blink of an eye. He nodded to something above her head. “Mistletoe.”

  She glanced up. “Oh...” She broke off with a squeak as Dihn yanked her toward him and crushed his mouth to hers. She was surprised by his aggressiveness but not disappointed. With a noise of pleasure, she wrapped an arm around his neck and returned the kiss, unable to fight her attraction to him any longer.

  “I’ve wanted to do this for weeks, ever since that night on the porch,” he admitted against her lips.

  Vanessa closed her eyes with a moan as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth. “I need…to get…a shower,” she said regretfully. It was her last feeble attempt to resist him, one she silently prayed would fail.

  “Good idea. So do I.” He began walking her backwards toward the bathroom, his mouth once again on hers. He had his shirt unbuttoned and on the floor before they reached the door.

  Giving in to her needs, she helped him by unbuttoning his jeans and tugging them down around his ankles.

  As Dihn stepped out of them, he opened her robe and slid it down her shoulders, his fingertips skimming her bare flesh. He growled in approval as his hands cupped her breasts.

  “Commando under your jeans?” she asked as she wrapped a fist around his erection. “Sexy.”

  Dihn groaned and walked her backwards into the shower.

  As he turned the water on, hitting them with a blast of heat, Vanessa grabbed his shoulders. She hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. She knew it was wrong of her to be doing this, but she couldn’t resist him. She’d been yearning for him even as she slept in his friend’s bed. Vanessa wasn’t easy by any standards. In fact, she’d been called a prude by more than one ex-boyfriend. Yet something about these two men made her want to throw her morals out the window and fulfill her every sexual desire.

  With selfish pleasure at the forefront of her mind, she ignored her guilty conscience and rubbed her clit against Dihn’s cock, whimpering at the bolt of ecstasy spiking through her.

  Dihn growled again, the sound only a werewolf could make, and pressed her against the shower wall. His hands slid under her thighs, and he lifted her just enough to enter her, and elicited a cry of rapture. He was rough, forcing his way in and out of her as the water sprayed down on their entwined bodies.

  He lowered his mouth over a nipple, grazing his teeth along it, and she cried out. The orgasm slammed into Vanessa quite suddenly. She screamed, gripping his shoulders, her nails digging into his flesh.

  She felt him come shortly after her, the sensation of his orgasm prolonging her own. She screamed again, throwing her head back against the shower wall as her legs tightened around his hips, milking every last drop he had to offer.

  Brenn had informed her that both he and Dihn had gotten vasectomies for fear of passing down their genetic anomaly. Neither slept around, but they preferred caution to regret. This meant she was in no fear of pregnancy and could enjoy the convenience of no birth control.

  As she shuddered and clenched, trembling around his cock buried deep inside her, Dihn chuckled breathlessly. “I think this might top all the other gifts I receive this year.”


  * * * *

  “Ten, nine, eight,” the threesome counted aloud with the television, “…two, one…Happy New Year!”

  Vanessa clapped joyfully as one year ended and the next began, full of opportunities.

  While she was overcome with emotion, Dihn grabbed her. He hefted her up and gave her a kiss worthy of breaking in the New Year. He then set her back down on her feet with a joyful laugh. “Happy New Year. Excuse me while I go get really drunk.”

  As he wandered into the kitchen for more alcohol, Brenn spun her toward him with a chuckle. “Happy New Year, Ness.” He bent his head over hers and kissed her gently.

  He stared at her for a moment before taking her wine glass and setting it to the side. “I have a gift for you.”

  “More gifts?” she asked, raising a brow.

  “Sort of.” He took a deep breath, looking nervous. “I’ve arranged for movers to clean out your apartment and bring all of your things here next week if you so choose. We don’t want you to leave. You can have the spare bedroom permanently. It’s yours if you want it.”

  He held a hand up for her to give him a moment to continue. “And we know you’re nervous about money since quitting your job. Dihn’s secretary just had a baby, so she resigned. He said the position is yours if you’ll take it. He works for the Give A Wish foundation, collecting donations and arranging wishes for candidates. You’d be making a real difference in the world. It’s a good job. I wouldn’t have offered otherwise.”

  She stood stunned for a moment, unable to fully comprehend his words. Another part of her fell in love with Dihn all over again. For a man who was supposed to be a scary monster who went bump in the night, he sure did care about people. “You did all this for me?” she finally asked breathlessly.

  “Yes,” Brenn said softly. “Please tell me you want this.” He paused, giving her time to think, though his expression was full of anticipation and uncertainty. “What is your answer?”

  She watched as he anxiously fidgeted in place and fell in love with him even more. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Yes?” he asked eagerly. “To which part?”

  “All of it. The room, the job, everything.”

  Brenn picked her up and spun her around. “You have no clue how happy that makes me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and lowered her face for a kiss. “About as happy as it makes me.”

  Chapter Five

  It was March, two months since Vanessa had moved in. Life couldn’t be more perfect. She was truly happy like she’d never been before. She couldn’t imagine her life without Brenn and Dihn. She loved her new job, her new home, and the men she lived with…though perhaps the weather could be nicer. They’d been hit with another snowstorm. Brenn was currently outside shoveling snow while Dihn made dinner.

  Vanessa had just finished a load of laundry, trying to keep herself busy while the boys worked. Walking into the kitchen, she set the basket down. “How’s dinner coming along?”

  Dihn reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her toward him. “Good now that you’re here.” He kissed her firmly, before a wicked grin curved his lips. “Actually, it’s finished, and I’m bored.” He sank into one of the chairs at the kitchen table and pulled her down to straddle his lap. “Can you think of any way to keep me entertained until Brenn comes in?”

  Vanessa felt his hard-on already forming and rotated her hips against it in encouragement, rewarded by his deep groan.

  His hand slid up her shirt while his mouth kissed a path along her neck.

  She whimpered languidly and tilted her head back to give him better access.

  Suddenly, the front door whipped open, smashing against the wall, startling them both.

  Vanessa spun with a gasp to find Brenn in the doorway.

  His shoulders and chest heaved in anger, his eyes cold and filled with hatred. “What the hell is this?” he snarled. His gaze burned a hole in Dihn. “How could you? You know how I feel about her.”

  Dihn stood and put Vanessa behind him protectively. “Me? You knew how I felt from the very beginning, yet you went ahead and slept with her a
nyway! I was the one who dragged her out of that car. I was the one who wanted to share our secret with her. Me.”

  Brenn growled, the sound low and inhuman. “She chose me. She slept with me first. She’s mine.”

  “Brenn!” Vanessa cried in shock. She didn’t understand where his sudden animosity came from. They’d never openly discussed the circumstances of their situation, but none of it had been a secret. She alternated between whose bed she slept in every night, and they had appeared well aware of her relationship with the other.

  “She is not yours,” Dihn snarled. “She’s mine. Always has been since that first night on the porch, when you were too stubborn to come out and involve her in our lives.”

  “Dihn!” she cried in disbelief at his unusual aggression. “What is wrong with the two of you?”

  Ignoring her, both men moved with hostility toward the other, emitting ferocious growls.

  “Stop!” she screamed in horror as both men lunged.

  They collided and smashed through the large sliding door. Glass shattered, sending shards flying in every direction. Before either man hit the ground, both were covered in fur. They hit with a thud, glass tinkling dangerously around them. Both werewolves clawed, just missing injuring blows before breaking apart to circle each other, looking for an opening to go for the kill.

  Vanessa jumped through the broken doorway and raced after them into the snow, her heart in her throat. She’d known this day might eventually come, but she hadn’t expected it so soon. Nor had she expected it to turn violent. She put herself between the two wolves, trying to keep them from hurting each other. “Please,” she begged, her breath fogging the air around her face.

  A growl emanated from Brenn. He lowered his head and snarled, his gums pulling back from his muzzle to show a deadly set of teeth.

  “Brenn,” she pleaded. “Don’t do this.”

  Dihn returned Brenn’s ferocious growl with one of his own, his paws clawing at the snow in his rage.

  Vanessa whirled to face him, her expression panicked. “Dihn, no. We can talk this out.”

  Dihn and Brenn snarled in unison.

  Vanessa faced Brenn, her dark hair slapping against her face from the harsh wind. “Stop it!” she screamed, fearing they’d kill each other. “I won’t let you do this!”

  Ignoring her, both wolves raced forward, their intentions murderous.

  Vanessa sucked in a deep breath. Feeling braver than she ever had before, she stepped in between the two beasts, prepared to take the brunt of their anger.

  * * * *

  Vanessa awoke in Dihn’s arms, as pain raced immediately through her entire body. “Brenn,” she mumbled. “Dihn…”

  Her last memory was both werewolves slamming into her, unable to stop their brutal attacks. Brenn had hit her low, Dihn high. It must’ve looked like a horrible football collision that left her out cold. At least they’d managed to detour the strike of their deadly claws in time.

  As excruciating as it had been, her main concern at the moment was making sure both men were still alive.

  “I’m here,” Brenn’s voice assured from her right. “Oh God, Ness. I’m so sorry.”

  As Dihn lowered her to the bed in her typically unused room, she whispered, “Why? That wasn’t like you.”

  He looked sheepish. “I know you’ve been having sex with him. It was just…seeing it firsthand, this close to the full moon. We’re full of testosterone. I just flipped.” He ran a hand over his face, looking pained. “I can’t take it anymore, Ness. You have to choose. Him or me?”

  His question was like a shot to the gut. It was like asking a person to choose between air and water. Impossible. Climbing to a kneeling position in front of where Dihn stood next to the bed, she placed a hand on his chest. “I can’t live without you.” Leaning forward, she kissed him tenderly.

  “That’s your choice then?” Brenn asked, his voice full of agony.

  “No.” Not letting go of Dihn, she grabbed Brenn’s shirt and pulled his mouth down to hers, throwing all of her passion into that one action. “I can’t live without you either. I want you both. Can’t you see that? Don’t make me choose.”

  “Ness, how?” Brenn asked. “How would that even work?”

  “Society norms don’t apply to the majority of your life. Why should they here?”

  Brenn stared at her for a moment in silence, his expression guarded. She was positive he was going to reject her plea, when he finally spoke. “Dihn?” he asked carefully.

  Dihn’s voice came low and cautious. “Sharing was never the issue, not for me.”

  “I’m willing to try,” Brenn whispered, his voice full of vulnerability. “Though I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  “Let me assist,” Dihn offered. His gaze slid to Vanessa, and with authority, he said, “Take off your clothes and lie down on the bed.”

  Her eyebrows rose in surprise, but she was desperate for this to work. She nodded obediently and set to work at removing her clothing. It wasn’t until she had settled down on the comforter that she noticed both men had removed their clothing as well.

  Where Dihn looked eager, Brenn looked uncomfortable.

  “Relax,” Dihn instructed his friend. To Vanessa, he said, “Give me your wrists.” He positioned himself above her, and when she held out her wrists, he pinned them to the bed above her head, leaving her body exposed to Brenn’s suddenly hungry gaze.

  Any hesitation he’d had seemed to evaporate as he crawled predatorily across the silk sheets and lowered his mouth to her.

  Vanessa arched up off the bed with a gasp as his tongue lapped at the very core of her desire, causing her legs to quiver. She watched Brenn with wide eyes as he nuzzled her clit, teasing it with his tongue.

  Obviously not wanting to be outdone, while still pinning her arms down, Dihn lowered his mouth over her right breast and flicked his tongue swiftly along her nipple. At her cry of delight, he blew warm breath across the moist bud before taking it into his mouth and sucking hard.

  Brenn slid his arms underneath her thighs to gain better access, his palms cupping her buttocks. Doubling his efforts, he sucked on her clit just as forcefully as Dihn did her nipple. He alternated between licking and sucking, his tongue bringing her to completion almost instantly.

  With her nails digging into Dihn’s wrists, she cried out her satisfaction at receiving stimulation from both of them simultaneously.

  While she was still delirious with pleasure, Dihn released her wrists to let Brenn lift her. He pulled her against his chest and immediately lowered her onto his erection.

  She whimpered and buried her face in his shoulder, her eyes closing in rapture. As Brenn rocked her on top of him, guiding her movements, she felt Dihn move in behind her.

  He gently slid her hair out of his way, and then his lips trailed along her shoulder, adding to the erotic bliss. His hands slid around her front where he plucked and squeezed at her breasts in rhythm to Brenn’s movements, raising her pleasure to another level.

  Brenn suddenly gave a hoarse cry and thrust deep one last time. His abrupt orgasm threw her into a second one, and her body trembled with pleasure. He gave a satisfied groan and laid back, spent.

  Before she even had time to realize what Dihn was doing, he lifted her off Brenn’s lap and entered her from behind.

  Vanessa gave a sharp, startled cry of ecstasy, and Brenn was there, swallowing her shout with his kiss. He reached down between her legs and caressed her clit in rhythm to Dihn’s thrusts, increasing her pleasure.

  Dihn gripped her hips and thrust roughly, swiftly, taking his pleasure as much as he gave. He shoved so deep that he forced a scream from her throat as she climaxed a third time before he reached his own culmination.

  Both collapsed to the pillows next to Brenn.

  As Dihn fought to settle his ragged breathing, Vanessa curled up to Brenn’s chest, her eyes heavy and her heart overflowing with love.

  “I’ve only got one thing to say,” Brenn said
on a content sigh. “We’re going to need a bigger bed.”

  Dihn and Vanessa nodded in unison. “Agreed.”

  The End

  The Problem with Love Spells

  Copyright © Angelina Rain

  Chapter One

  “Are you insane?” Windred’s intense blue eyes appeared larger than usual as she stared at Gretchen, with her mouth agape and a look of utter dismay on her face.

  Gretchen shrugged, feigning innocence. “How was I supposed to know this was going to happen?”

  Windred sat down at the kitchen table and put her hand to her forehead. “The thirty million warnings you’ve had in your lifetime should have been a red flag.”

  Gretchen turned her attention back to the stove, added a dash of cinnamon to the pot, and stirred it gently. “Don’t tell mom, please.”

  She couldn’t believe she was still scared of her mother’s judgment. She was twenty-seven, had her own apartment, and a good job as a second grade teacher. What could her mother possibly do as punishment?

  “Don’t worry, Gretchen,” Windred said while toying with her shoulder length blonde hair.

  Gretchen adored her sixteen-year-old sister. They both looked a lot alike with their matching shades of cornflower blue eyes and sun-kissed blonde hair, although Gretchen’s was down to the middle of her back and wavy, while Windred’s was short and straight. Her sister was so carefree, beautiful, and lucky. She could never understand what Gretchen was going through.

  She added a spoonful of brown sugar and stirred the pot. The content was getting creamier and it smelled heavenly. What a shame that the next few ingredients she needed to add would destroy the taste. Her cell phone chimed and she turned to grab it off the counter top.


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