Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series)

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Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series) Page 15

by Ashley Beale

  His teeth press into my neck gentle as his fingers do it one more time. "Dammit Pierce, I can't handle this. Just fuck me already." It comes rushing out of my mouth without me meaning for it to.

  He chuckles in my ear before licking at it. "I knew you were faking it. You're not good at pretending."

  I glare at him. "This was a trick?"

  Instead of answering, he rolls himself on top of me and in between my legs. He has nothing on either. What the hell? He really did have this planned! My legs bend at the knees and he pushes himself into me. He doesn't even try to go soft with me, he just fucks me hard and it is utterly amazing. The way he pumps into me, the way he looks at me, the way he touches me, it's all telling me that he is claiming me in his own way.

  As I'm about to come around his cock, he leans down and bites on my bottom lip, pulling back with still between his teeth, then he dives forward, plunging his tongue into my mouth. I pant into his mouth, around his forceful tongue, as my hands dig into his hips. He shudders above me, and soon I can feel him warm me up.

  He pulls his mouth away from mine, then lightly brushes his lips against mine, before he pulling out of me. He rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling, grinning from ear to ear. "You had that planned," I say softly. He turns his head to face me the same time I turn to face him.

  "Not until I saw you in the shower, then I brought my boxer shorts back in here with me."

  I smack his leg and pull the blankets up until they're under my chin. He laughs and looks back up to the ceiling.

  "I'm glad you called me tonight."

  "I'm glad you came to my rescue."

  He reaches over and holds my hand. We fall asleep just like that.

  The following morning he cooks me some breakfast and serves it to me in his bed. It's just an omelet with fried ham, along with a glass of milk. It's simple but it's delicious and extremely thoughtful. He sits on the edge of the bed while eating his own food. I tell him a little about last night, avoiding the part where we almost went to some random guy’s house. I'm thankful we didn't go, something worse definitely could have happened.

  Pierce brings me to my car after a while, saying he needs to go into the office and go over some paperwork with his brother. I call Amy to talk about last night, and she said she went right to bed when she got to Kevin's and they've had a lazy morning so far. I don't blame her. I'm glad to know she is okay.

  I decide that I deserve a day of relaxation too. I'm still exhausted from getting only a handful hours of sleep, plus the dramatics of last night. It doesn't help that I nearly squirm in my pants at the thought of Pierce on top of me last night.

  Laying back on the couch, I easily start drifting off to sleep. My phone ringing jumps me to the point I almost scream. I guess I'm a little more on edge than I had realized.

  Aubrey's name comes on the ID. I pick it up. "Hey."

  "It's Mason."

  Oh. "Oh, hi Mason, what's up? Everything okay?" I can vividly remember the last time I said this.

  "Yeah, great, um, Aubrey's water just broke. We're headed in. She told me I had to call you."

  "Oh my God, I'll be right there," I gush.

  "Okay, great. I got to call her mom now." The phone goes silent before I say anything more, but I don't mind. I rush into my room, quickly change into more presentable clothing, then I quickly brush my teeth and throw my hair up into a messy bun. Grabbing my phone, purse and keys, I rush out the door and to the hospital. I didn't realize quite how much I'd be excited, but I don't think I can get to the hospital fast enough at this point.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When I first got here, Aubrey was well aware of everything, including the horrid pain. She asked for an epidural and whatever other drugs they were willing to give her. She quickly became sedated, and eventually fell asleep. Although her water broke, she hasn’t dilated much, and they told her if she could rest, she needed to.

  So her mom and I are stuck in the waiting room while Mason stays by her side.

  The poor guy’s face was pale white and he looked completely in shock, and every time he'd snap to, he was being ordered by Aubrey to get her crushed ice, or a Popsicle, or would ask some extremely personal question to the doctor or nurse. Then he'd go right back into being pale white and sick again. I think as a female, we're programmed not to be nearly as disturbed by the situation. Mason obviously needs the rest as much as Aubrey, so I didn't mind leaving them both be.

  Her mom is mostly on the phone with her step dad and sometimes others in the family. She keeps urging everyone to sit home and she'll call them when there is more progress. She doesn't want a waiting room full of people. I don't blame her.

  While watching the news, well actually, I'm more reading the closed captions on the screen, Avery comes rushing in. He looks out of breath. I look at him and pull an eyebrow up. He smiles my way, then as if he wasn't just rushing around, he walks in and takes a seat on the wall to the left of me. I turn my attention back to the TV mounted on the wall, but it's hard because I can feel him staring at me.

  "What?" I ask, not looking his way.

  Aubrey’s mom turns her attention to me. She is on the phone and must not have noticed Avery come in. She waves in his direction, then continues talking to whoever.

  He snickers from the wall but doesn't say anything. I face him and he is just staring at me with his arms crossed. "What?" I ask again.

  "Let's play cards."

  "Cards?" I tilt my head in question.

  He stands, then he walks over and grabs a side table, clearing the things on it. Once he is done with his rearrangement, there is a table, with a chair on either side of it, placed almost the middle of the large waiting area. My jaw slightly drops when he pulls a deck of cards from his pockets. He waves to one seat as he takes the other, sliding the cards from their packet and shuffling.

  Unsure of why he had cards in his pocket, I take the offered seat and wait for the cards to be dealt. He doesn't say anything as he starts dealing, then when I pick up the cards to sort them, he grins at me. "What are we playing?"

  "Go-fish." His answer is so nonchalant, you'd think we played this game all the time.

  "You're so weird," is my only response as he starts the game.

  We both get lost in the silly game and there is zero conversation between the two of us, well aside from the card talk. Aubrey’s mom stands and heads for the exit. "I'm going to go check with a nurse, then grab some coffee, maybe lunch in the cafeteria, I'll let you know if there are any updates."

  I thank her as she walks through the threshold. "Lunch sounds good. Want to go grab some?"

  "Is it because you're losing?" I tease.

  He tosses his cards down and leans back in the chair with a smile. "Yeah, among other things."

  "Why are you so smiley today, if you don't mind me asking?"

  "Best friends having a kid, you and I are having a nice day," he shrugs his shoulders, "so why not."

  Together we clean up his little area, and after running into a nurse ourselves and confirming Aubrey is still asleep, we make our way to the cafeteria. While riding down the elevator, Avery looks over at me and smiles softly. "So is there a reason you called me at two something this morning?"

  I bite down on my lip, thinking how I should reply. I'd rather not tell him I got attacked and felt stuck, and didn't know who to call, so I called him just for him not to answer. Then I ended up having Pierce come get me. I guess I'll just stick to something much simpler. "Was at the bar and drank too much with my friend Amy, just wanted a ride home."

  "You were at the bar, drinking?" He cocks his head at me.

  I smile my brightest smile. "Yeah, well, I'm just that awesome."

  He laughs while the door opens, we exit the elevator as he continues this conversation. "What bar did you go to? Please tell me it wasn't some biker bar or something."

  "Nah, we went to that night club with two stories. I think it's called Eight-Six or something like that."

bsp; He nods his head. "And you were downstairs?"

  "Sure was," I say with a wink.

  We get into the cafeteria and he buys my lunch for me, then we sit down at a small round table, and apparently he isn't ending this conversation. I wish he would so I don't slip about any of the details. "Just you and Amy went?"

  "Uh, yeah?" I raise my brows, questioning his question.

  He shakes his head with a smile and looks down. I feel like I'm missing something, like he knows something I don't. "Meet any interesting people?"

  I pause mid bite then put my fork back down on my tray. "Why do you ask?"

  "Just curious." He isn't looking at me, he is still staring at his plate.

  "What do you know?"

  His eyes reach mine again and they're amused about something. "Levi is a buddy of Mouse's. Mouse saw you and had Levi take care of the both of you last night, drinks and all. He messaged me all the details last night."

  My eyes narrow at him the same time I stick my tongue out. Ass. I liked the idea of Amy and me just being picked out of the crowd by some random stranger and being fed drinks all night. I guess things aren't always that easy though, even for young, attractive females. "Whatever," I grumble.

  "So why didn't you guys go to the party last night?"

  "Why didn't you answer your phone when I called?" I ignore his question because he just admitted that he was texting Mouse, so obviously he was awake. I can almost guarantee he simply just ignored my call. Now I'm mad.

  All amusement leaves his face and he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "I was busy," is all he says.

  "Yeah, well I really needed your help." I stand up, leaving my tray, and I walk out the door.

  He doesn't come after me, which is even more disappointing than knowing he didn't come save me last night. When I see Aubrey's mom, she says there haven't been any more updates. I tell her I need fresh air and to text me whenever we can head in the room. I know Aubrey wants me in there for the delivery, or so she originally claimed. I know people sometimes change their minds when they're in the middle of the delivery.

  There is an area outside the hospital with bench seats, some trees, and a very small pond. I sit on one of the bench seats, pulling my knees up to my chin so I can rest it on them, and I wrap my hands around my legs. It hurts to think that he simply didn't want to answer the phone or come save me, not that he was just sleeping and didn't hear his phone like I had originally believed.

  What if more had happened? What if that guy did take advantage of me? Would Avery have even come to my rescue if he knew? That is how I feel now, like he wouldn't. I don't like that thought, of not being saved by Avery when I need him most. It's something I've been able to depend on for the last year and half. But he is leaving, and I need to stop being so stubborn. It hurts yes, but maybe it's exactly what I deserve. I'm being punished for loving two men.

  The sun feels good shining down on me. I bathe myself in it while thoughts and ideas and doubts all run through me. I can literally sense when Avery finds me, all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and my arms break out in goosebumps. Of course he'd find me. I should have found somewhere else to hide out. Then again, deep down, I secretly wished he’d find me. If he came out in search of me, he obviously still cares, even if just a little.

  He settles on the bench but I don't look at him. I just continue to stare out at the water that they consider a duck pond. His body slides towards me and I try my best not to tense up. "I'm sorry if I offended you, I just had things going on last night."

  "After two in the morning? She must be special." I don't mean for my voice to come out that way, snobbish and insecure, but that is how I feel right now. That is the only thought that crosses my mind, he was entertaining some chick. I can't expect him not to, I mean, come on, I just slept with Pierce last night, but still. It hurts.

  "That's what you think?" He laughs dryly. "Yeah, no, I wasn't screwing anyone last night. I was at Austin's for a poker night, and we'd all been drinking. I was having a good night and knew you were safe, so I didn't bother answering. I just thought you were drunk and wanted to confess or love or some shit. Honestly, this may sound harsh, but I didn't want that last night. I'm leaving in a week, and you said you're not coming with me, so I don't want to hear about your feelings."

  This time it's my turn to laugh sarcastically. Except, it's met with tears. I turn my head to face the opposite direction from him. "Don't do this, Cassie," he says with defeat.

  I turn my head to face him, allowing him to see the hurt on my face. "Do what Avery? Some douche bag tried taking advantage of me and if the bouncer hadn't gotten there in time, I'd have been raped. So screw you and you're not wanting to deal with me." I stand up and walk away.

  He comes after me. "Shit, hold up. What?" I don't answer, instead I start running away from him. I can feel him closing in on me. I'm not fast enough for him. He wraps me in his arms and I try to fight him off from me, but his grip is too strong for me. I continue pushing anyways until I just give up and start sobbing in his arms.

  "What the hell, Angel."

  "Don't... call... me... that!" I sob between each word.

  He talks softly while holding me tighter than he ever has. "What happened?" I steady my breath the best I can but since he is holding me so tight, I'm unable to wipe at my tears. My voice is still too thick with emotion, so I don't bother talking, I just continue to feel comforted by the one person I needed it from the most.

  I can hear as he swallows. My head is against his chest and his heart is thumping out of control. I hadn't meant to yell that out to him, but everything he said hurt, and I didn't want him to think I was just some drunken mess last night. He gives me the time I need to speak, and when I do, I'm surprised by how smooth my voice sounds, considering. "Some guy just hurt me. Amy tried to stop him but he was too strong for us. I'm fine now."

  "I'm so sorry. I would have come picked you up had I known. I'm so, so sorry." He coddles me and I let him.

  "Who picked you up?" he asks after a few minutes. My body tenses at his question. I can feel as he blows a ragged breath out. "Yeah, I guess I should have known." I didn't even need to tell him. "Well, at least you'll have someone while I'm gone."

  I pull away from him and look up, narrowing my eyes. "Screw you Avery." I turn and walk back in. My phone starts ringing in my pocket. It's Aubrey's mom, so this must be it. "Hello?"

  "She’s awake and nine centimeters dilated, she is going to start pushing soon. Come on in." The phone goes dead and I start walking even faster.

  Avery is still walking behind me. "I didn't mean for that to come out rude, Cassie. I was just saying I'm glad you'll be protected while I'm gone, since I can't be here to do it myself."

  "Whatever," I grumble. I hit the button on the elevator so I can head upstairs.

  He grabs my shoulders and turns me. "Listen to me right now." His head comes towards me until we're eye to eye, and he is giving me a very stern look. "I should have answered and I'm sorry I didn't. That is going to haunt me for a long ass time. I'm not sure I can apologize enough about that. I want to protect you, no matter if we're friends or in a relationship or nothing at all, I'll always want to protect you. So don't think I won't. From now on, whenever you call me, I'll be there. If I don't answer, I'll call back as soon as I can. I promise you. I won't let this happen again."

  I tremble from his words. Before I can speak the ding behind me indicates the elevator has landed on the floor, so I turn and walk into the elevator without a word to Avery. He follows me in but stands on the opposite wall from me. His head is down and he uses his fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose. I didn't mean to make him feel that guilty, or that bad. But once again, we're always hurting each other.

  "I'm not mad at you," I say as the elevator doors open. I step out and walk down the hall to Aubrey's room. He doesn't say anything but he follows, remaining a few steps behind. When I get to her door, I turn abruptly and look at him. "She is about to push
, so you won't want to come in. I'll see you later." I open the door then close it behind me, not letting him say another word.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "Welcome to the world Dakota Ainsley," I coo.

  Aubrey did such a good job with her labor, I'm so proud of her. Although, I can say with complete certainty, I do not want kids any time soon. Even if her little bundle of joy is oh so adorable.

  "Wow, you look just like your daddy." I look up to Mason and he is smiling with so much pride. I don't think I've ever been happier for my best friend than in this moment right now. I look back down to the precious baby with a scrunch face and puffy lips, wrapped in the softest yellow fleece.

  "Come on, there are others here that want a chance to hold the newest addition." I pout as I hand the baby off to Aubrey's step-father. He looks down and smiles wide, talking baby talk already. I love seeing all these men becoming so soft. I guess that is what babies will do to you.

  I walk over to Aubrey and hug her. "Congratulations again, I'm so, so proud of you. Is there anything you need me to get you?"

  "Coffee," she says with a weak smile. Yeah, I can imagine she is going to need some.

  "No," Mason interrupts. "Tea or something, no coffee. Or it has to be decaf. You're nursing, you can’t have that junk."

  She glares his way, warning him to say more. She smiles with glee when she faces me again. "I just was in labor for fifteen hours, if I want some coffee I'll get some." I know her words are more meant for Mason than me. I wouldn't argue with her if I were him. "Would you be a dear and get me a coffee with caffeine please? Because if not, someone is going to end up with only one parent by the end of the night." Her eyes focus on Mason again for a very quick moment.

  He huffs out a breath and settles in the chair next to her bed, completely defeated.


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