Roar of Lions (Darkening Stars Book 3)

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Roar of Lions (Darkening Stars Book 3) Page 20

by Mark Iles

  “I knew she’d have this place staked out and that being here would be difficult, so naturally I accepted her offer. In doing so, I had to carry out her orders to shoot you— it’s the assassin code, and I cannot break it. If I did, they would come for me. Besides, she pays well and I was sure you wouldn’t mind me earning a little extra cash.” Jessica rolled the Queen’s pistol over in her hand and passed it to Selena. “I’ve fulfilled my contract with the Queen, and also my promise to you. No hard feelings, I hope.”

  Selena took the weapon in her good hand, trying to ignore the pain in her shoulder. “None at all, and thanks … I think.” She studied the weapon, then dropped it and pressed her palm against her bloody shoulder. “I came here unarmed, and I intend leaving that way.”

  “No problem.” Jessica looked all around and pursed her lips. “I’d say it looks as though the Queen tried to commit homicide, and that Shadow here came to your rescue.”

  “Ahh, I take it that Shadow knew what you were planning, and that you wouldn’t kill me. Which is why he didn’t have to protect me from you.”

  “We have quite an understanding, the Lenars and I. They’re empathic, remember? They’re wonderful creatures and I still can’t believe this bitch killed most of them.”

  Together they looked at Miranda who for once remained quiet, her coal-black eyes darting from Jessica to Selena and then to Shadow. “You can’t do this,” she said, “I’m the Queen, you can’t just kill me.” She got to her knees and shuffled forwards, sidling towards the pistol while raising her good arm in a vain attempt to distract them as she spoke.

  “Like I said earlier, I don’t intend to,” Selena replied. “But if anything were to happen to you, then of course I’m next in line to the throne. I’d have to change my plans and remain here after all. Let’s just hope nothing does happen… Goodbye, your Majesty.”


  With a roar, the Magellan dropped from the sky, hovered briefly and settled into the far side of the clearing.

  A gangway lowered with a slight hum and caressed the grass, a door in the side of the ship opening noiselessly. Jessica at her side, Selena paused at the gangway and looked back to see that the queen had snatched up the side arm.

  “Hah!” Miranda barked. “You’re so damned stupid, I can’t believe I once wished that you’d been my real daughter.” Then she gave a loud, sickening scream of agony.

  The hand holding the weapon was no longer there. Instead, the stump of her arm pumped blood across the grass. Shrieking, Queen Miranda fell to her knees and stared at the ruins of both arms—and then in disbelief towards Shadow, who now stood growling above her. What was left of her hand, pistol still gripped, dangled from his jaws. Then, with a crunch of bone, her limb was thrown aside.

  “You’re so predictable, Miranda,” Selena said. Together the two friends turned their backs on the queen and strolled up the gangway. Selena stopped suddenly at the hatch and looked back towards Shadow, who gazed at her expectantly. “Dinner,” she said, with a half-smile.

  They bore witness as the queen’s disbelieving, agonised screams turned silent.

  “Shadow,” Selena said, “you’d better disappear. Once I’m established as Monarch I’ll keep my word and pardon you. I’ll also make an official apology on behalf of humanity to all Lenars. In the meantime, go, boy. Run, be safe.”

  Selena and Jessica watched as the silken black creature, jaws dripping with blood, padded into the undergrowth. The two of them entered the Magellan and the hatch shut behind them.


  Instead of leaving Capulet as Colonel Delmar had planned, the ship dropped them back at the space port. Delmar’s jaw gapped open when Selena walked into her office, alone.

  “Commander, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be on the Magellan.”

  When Selena told her what had happened, that the Queen had been waiting for her in the forest apparently knowing of her plans to leave the world for good, Delmar didn’t say anything for a moment. Then, “Are you sure she’s dead?”

  “Oh, most definitely,” Selena replied. “It’s dangerous to disturb a Lenar when it’s feeding and, of course, I was unarmed. I have witnesses and bee video evidence of what happened, which proves that I walked away and left her unharmed. It was only when she tried to kill me that Shadow leapt into action.”

  “Where’s the Queen’s body now?”

  “Oh, there’s a bit here, a bit there, a bit missing. You know how it is.”

  Delmar’s complexion turned ashen. “What about Shadow?”

  “He’s gone. Doesn’t trust the authorities anymore and, come to that, nor do I. Do you mind if I sit?” Without waiting for an answer, she dropped herself into the colonel’s chair and visibly relaxed. “Talking about trust, I know it was you who passed on the information about Jessica being an assassin to the queen. If you recall, when we were looking for that child-killer, I told you we didn’t need to look at my team, as I was happy with them. I’ve no doubt that, being the suspicious person you are, you checked them out anyway. And that’s when Jess flagged up.”

  Delmar’s lips quivered for a moment, as if she was stuck for what to say. “I had to warn the Queen, in case you hired Jessica to kill her. It was my duty.”

  Selena chucked, in spite of herself. “Well, for your information the Queen employed Jessica to take me out instead. In one way, you were right. I had hired Jess, but only to immunise her against the agent I used to disable her bodyguards, so that she and I could talk in peace. Unfortunately, things got a little out of hand, if you excuse the pun. Luckily Jess stayed loyal to me.

  “Oh, and just so you know, you’ll find that the recorders in this room are no longer functioning, so there won’t be any evidence of what’s being said here.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you’ve played me?”

  “If you like to put it that way.” Selena felt herself grinning, despite all good intent. “No offence intended Colonel, but let’s keep it sweet, shall we? After all, I’m sure you realise that you wouldn’t want me as an enemy.”

  Face graying even further, Delmar swallowed and said, “Look, I really don’t understand what’s going on here.”

  “Of course you don’t, so let me explain. When the Queen met me in the forest, she had the satellite feeds blocked, so they wouldn’t record any evidence that she’d killed me. What she didn’t know was that I suspected you’d tip her off as to where I’d be. Consequently, I’d hidden surveillance bees in the trees and of course they recorded everything that happened. If you check them, you’ll be able to hear the Queen telling her guards to remain behind. As for the rest, well, feel free to watch it for yourself.

  “Jessica never let on that the Queen had hired her. As for Shadow, how he restrained himself after she murdered his people I’ll never know. He never took any action until I myself was under threat; you have to admire him for that. Tell me, is that coffee that I can smell?”

  “My apologies,” Delmar said, almost wincing. “Would you like a cup?”

  Selena gave her a smile. “Colonel, I can see that the penny has finally dropped and you’ve realised that I’m next in line to the throne. But it’s a bit late to be nice now, isn’t it. However, as you’ve said before, the past is the past. As for Shadow, he protected me and I will ensure that he and what’s left of his race are pardoned and remain free here on Capulet. After all, this is their home as much as ours. If they die naturally, so be it. But there will be no hand raised against them by anyone. After all, we both know who’s watching. Don’t we.”

  Delmar blew slowly through puffed up cheeks, finished pouring Selena’s drink and placed it before her before sitting again. “So, what now … are you going to assume the throne?”

  “As much as I dislike the idea, I’ve really no choice. If I don’t, then someone of her inner circle will, and that could lead to all kinds of trouble. So yes, I’ll take the crown—with you and the admiral behind me of course. I take it that I will have your full

  Delmar’s ashen complexion flushed slightly as she realised that she was off the hook. “Yes, of course. It’ll be both my duty and my pleasure.”

  Selena took a sip of the coffee, noting that it was better than the normal crap and gave the colonel a cheery smile. “Excellent. In return, I’ll forget about any past indiscretions, and ensure that the admiral’s aware that I want you to stay on here. In the meantime, I’d like two hundred penal troops, including my own unit, to replace the former royal bodyguard, and I’d be grateful if you would see to that immediately.” Putting down her cup, she stood up and dusted off her already immaculate uniform. “Good day, Colonel. Many thanks for the coffee.”

  Delmar stood and offered her hand, which Selena shook before turning and leaving her office with a triumphant grin.

  As the news spread, congratulations and demands for audiences flowed, from local authorities and promotion companies right down to individual citizens. Selena denied them all, until she’d met with the Privy Council who declared her Queen two days later. Once that was done, she ordered the arrest of her stepmother’s cronies. They would remain in the city prisons, where she’d once resided herself, until full investigations into their past abuses had been completed. Then they’d face whatever punishment was forthcoming. With a sense of deep satisfaction, she ordered that the cases be investigated by off-world judges, as her own had been.

  The next day the coronation was held in the City’s cathedral, after which she stood in front of the waiting cameras. As the cheers slowly died down, Selena raised her right hand. Behind her stood Jessica, Kes, Braxis and Kotes —all armed, ready, and watching the crowd. Five hundred uniformed troopers stood amidst the audience. Just them being there spoke volumes to any dissenters.

  “Citizens,” Selena began. “As Queen of Capulet I’m here to assure you that things are to change for the better. Many of the former Queen’s cohorts have been dismissed, are in prison, or have fled. Any citizens with grievances about the previous administration are to report them to the appropriate authorities. You have my word that all cases will be fully investigated and dealt with accordingly.

  “This morning I was also released from Penal servitude, with my full time served. Consequently, I no longer hold a commission. By my invitation, the Penal Corps will remain on this world and they have replaced the royal bodyguard, many of whom are themselves under investigation. I can assure you that justice will be done and peace will reign here on Capulet.”

  More cheers. Hats were thrown, a profusion of multi-colored fireworks went off and streamers floated up and down, despite the air currents.

  Selena raised one hand and slowly the crowd quietened. “The Lenars have been pardoned and I have brought a law into place that protects them. These are the last of the Lenars! It is every citizen’s responsibility to protect and help them survive the coming years.”

  The roars from the crowd showed the people’s approval and after a few more words, Selena turned and entered the waiting transport, her friends and team-mates following behind in other vehicles.


  The next two years were peaceful and passed quickly. For once there was little piracy, and no wars or conflicts of any kind. Much to Selena’s surprise only one world left the A.O.W., and that re-joined at their next change of government. Peace ruled mankind’s empire, and it grew once again. But neither the Manta nor the Sken made themselves known.

  Could it be, Selena often wondered as she sat in the royal gardens gazing up at Romeo and Juliette, as they forever chased each other through the heavens, that we’ve finally achieved the peace we craved? Yes, the Federation of Man has fallen and the ForeRunners destroyed. Even the Manta no longer stalk the stars as they once had. The citizens of Capulet no longer feared their government. What else was there left to do?

  Selena’s words echoed strongly in the council of the Alliance of World. Its motto became “To ensure peace, prepare for war.” For they knew that somewhere, out in the deep depths of space, there was a good chance that the Manta remained, and who knew what other dark denizens might lurk out there?

  Two years after claiming the throne, Selena abdicated and handed the crown over to her uncle, Admiral Van Pluy. That night, she strode up the steps of the Magellan for the final time. While millions watched her, the crowds remained strangely silent, even as she turned to wave before disappearing into the depths of the ship.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Mother, I’ve got something to tell you.”

  “Don’t bother,” Selena replied, leaning back in her chair on the patio. “I know. You got thrown out of college again, didn’t you Jas?”

  “It wasn’t my fault!”

  “It never is. Let me guess, they didn’t like your eyes.” Selena’s now bright blue eyes looked upon her daughter’s completely black ones in despair. “I told you that getting them done like mine used to be wasn’t a good idea.”

  Jas stiffened. “I’m seventeen now. I’m not a child, I can make my own decisions. Besides, someone has to look after you, and that person is me. I won’t have anyone bad mouth you, and I won’t take any crap either. We’re alone now, you and I. Apart from a few, your old unit is back on Capulet until the end of their service.”

  “They have to finish their sentences, no matter what they’ve done for mankind,” Selena said.

  “We have few friends here, only Franks and Amanda and they’ve become distant because of Hope’s disappearance. You said it would be easier on Loreen, but it’s not. People here hate me.”

  Exasperated, Selena said carefully, “The people here don’t hate you, Jas. They’re scared of you, of me. It is easier here, and much safer than … out there. Give these people a chance, they’ll learn to like you and will soon realise that you’re not the person you make yourself out to be. But above all, behave. Remember, the people of Loreen built this house for us, out of the wood from this forest. It was a labour of love, of thanks for what we did and for our loss. As for friends, Kes and Jessica will be here before long. Their house is already built, as you know and in six months their sentences will be over. The wedding will be talked about for years. You, a bridesmaid. Who’d believe it?”

  “It wasn’t built for us,” Jas snapped, her hair now in dreadlocks down to her shoulders. “It was built for you and Bryn. For what you did in crushing those rebels all those years ago.”

  “It was made for us to become a family, and that’s what you and I are. I’ve adopted you, remember?” Selena could still feel the excitement of telling her. She could hear Jas’s squeals of delight, feel how she’d flung herself into her arms. “I may not be your real mother, Jas, but I wish I was. Remember, I love you, and so would Bryn have. Come here.” She enfolded Jas into her arms, and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

  Selena held Jas a long time, comforting her. Finally she said, “Both of our childhoods were torn apart, and we both lost our mothers. Aunt May looked after me, and I’ll look after you. As for college, don’t worry. I’ve already spoken to the principle, she rang me. They understand how hard it is. That we are what we are. I’d like you to get your eyes reverted, become a normal child and have friends.”

  “But I have to protect you!” Jas said.

  “Oh, I don’t think you do. I can look after myself.”

  Jas’s coal-like eyes glittered. “Oh, I know that. But there might still be Forerunner spies out there, somewhere, and they’ll want you dead.”

  Despite herself, Selena grinned. “We both know that the ForeRunners are gone. All of them. The Sken told us so; they destroyed entire worlds to eradicate the last of them.”

  A low rumble rose from the darkness and a dark shape entered the veranda and stood beside them.

  “Shadow,” Selena said softly. Both she and Jas both leant down to run their fingers through his fur, as they sat together looking out over their fish farm and the glittering stars. “I already have guardians, as you can see.”

  “One Lenar isn’t enough,” Ja
s responded. “The world’s a dangerous place and even they can be overcome. This is a log cabin, not a fortress.”

  “There’s a small pride of Lenars here on Loreen now, as you well know. Now, get yourself off to bed. Enough arguing, Jas. Back to college for you tomorrow. They daren’t refuse you, there’d be an uprising.”

  “There’s one more thing,” Jas said timidly. “I know you said not to, but I showed those troublemakers my knives. I told them that if they bothered me again I’d carve my name into their foreheads.”

  “You’re too like me, Jas. But relax, there’s no threat. We’re safe. If you carry knives, others will too and you’ll make yourself a target. Leave them here in future or you’ll end up in the Penal Corps too. Now get to bed.”

  Grumbling, Jas disappeared into the building and Selena turned to face the lake that perfectly reflected the glittering starlight. She sat back in her rocking chair and sighed in relief at being able to relax at last. Shadow laid down beside her and she stroked his short fur lazily. She listened to her daughter stropping noisily to her room across the polished wooden floor, and hid a smile. Her eyes roamed, watching the treetops and branches swaying gently against the backdrop of the heavens. The wind whispered its dark secrets amidst the boles and she waited for a few minutes more, until she was sure that Jas had turned out the light.

  “You can come out now,” she said at length. “I know you’re there.”


  “It’s no good hiding, I can feel your presence through Shadow.”

  A light burst into life and fluttered across to sit on the arm of the chair, its many tentacles with black-tipped eyes writhing like snakes. The transparent seahorse-like creature swivelled its many eyes towards her, and she could almost sense its displeasure at being discovered.

  “When you said you were leaving, I knew that a few of you would remain,” Selena said. “So, what happens now?”


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