Titan Rising 2 (Syalantian 2)

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Titan Rising 2 (Syalantian 2) Page 3

by Bobbi Ross

  He stepped close enough for me to feel the heat of his body. He wiped a few of the now cooling wet strands of hair from my forehead, then leaned in and touched his nose to mine. From there he spoke, "Emery, we've been together for months now. Our nightly dances may have only been dreams to you, but they were most real to me. I can't describe you the sweet agony of waking up in the morning with the taste of you on my lips… not being able to hold you, caress you and share these feelings with you. I thought I would explode." His husky voice serenading my soul while his sweet breath aroused steaming rivulets from my core, cascading and infusing every cell in my body with a happy, bubbly warmth.

  The truth is I felt the same way. My every waking moment the last couple of months has been plagued with a disturbing need to be with the alien man of my dreams. Images from my dreams with him filled my mind bringing me unspeakable joy. And torment because I knew he wasn’t there when I woke up. More often than not, I was sure the men with the big butterfly net were on their way to catch me. I was losing my mind. But just knowing he'd be waiting for me when I closed my eyes had made my days easier. Made them better.

  Using two fingers under my chin, he gently tilted my head back to reacquire my gaze. “My body and my heart have known you since our first shared dream dance,” he uttered.

  At his last statement I arched a questioning brow , “Um, what’s a dream dance?”

  A wide smile brightened his face but his voice remained serious. “It is what you and I have been experiencing every night the last couple of months, my Asanti,” he remarked as a heated look flitted behind his emerald eyes.

  “Actually, dream dancing is what my grandmother had called it. Syalantian royals call it the Aska-louw. After the age of maturity, when one of the royal bloodlines quests for their perfect mate, our unique physiology allows us to make first contact in the dream realm. Most often it happens with another Syalantian. In which case, both parties are fully aware during their waking dream and they can explore each other in ways that circumstance and distance may not have otherwise allowed.”

  “But I am not a Syalantian,” I reminded.

  “You are correct,” he admitted. “In our case, the dream dancing was less discerning in the beginning and slow to flourish. Also, due to your different physiology you had less control over the dreamscape than a Syalantian would. But I ensure you my Asanti, the strength of our bond is second to none,” he noted with a smile.

  “You keep calling me Asanti. What on earth does it mean?” I demanded.

  He pondered the answer for a minute and then he explained, “The word Asanti does not have a direct translation to your language. The closest word you have is soul-mate.”

  I raised another questioning eyebrow as my pragmatic side did not exactly jump on board with that one.

  “I guess I have to appeal to your sensible mind, as well my sweet Emery,” he chuckled, amused by my reaction. “Ok. Here it goes. As you may already know all physical mater, our bodies, the water, the earth even the air we breathe is made of energy. All of these energies have frequencies. Each person has a unique energy frequency or signature.” Holding my hand he pulled it into his and placed it on his main heart. “People who experience the dream dance together have almost identical energy frequencies. Their energies vibrate in a synchronous rhythm or dance, hence the term ‘dream dancing,’” he winked.

  “The attraction between those with synchronous energies is as strong if not stronger than the gravitational pull of a sun. The first time two such people make love in the physical world, an unbreakable bond will be forged. A joining of bodies. A blissful surging of energies. A complete union of souls. Forever...,” he whispered, leaning in as he began to brush his lips against the side of my face as gentle as a feather, burning my nerve endings with every touch.

  “I have been admiring your strength and your restraint since we first met. The need for true physical contact between two dream dancers is very powerful. Overwhelming and all-consuming. And yet, you’ve managed to elude me 3 times already, my beautiful Asanti,” he beamed with what seemed like satisfaction and pride in his ravenous eyes.

  I found the strength to pull back and gave him a puzzled look before speaking, "Then what do I call you?"

  His look of pure bliss reflected in his words. "From a female to her male the name, or term of endearment is Santi," he cooed placing soft kisses on the bridge of my nose, sliding sideways on the smooth upper folds of my eyes, moving lower to my flushed cheeks...

  The annulment. The thought struck me anew. His kisses now tracing the curves of my neck. I gasped, "Won't this mean you'll lose the Crown?"

  "Yes," he murmured, "I will. But the position is mostly ceremonial. The ruling body of Syalantia has been a democratically elected senate for the past 600 years. You were young but you should remember when my father came to Earth all those years ago? The sovereign is now basically Syalantia's greatest ambassador."

  I whimpered at his ministrations, barely able to stand from the quivering in my legs. "What about what Anula said...uh..., what about your uncle?"

  He pulled back. No! Don't stop. The core of my being cried out to him. His look grew stoic for a brief instant, then relaxed. "I cannot control the law, but neither can he. My uncle has always been openly xenophobic, but he's also old. I believe the Syalantian people will outlive him and his narrow views on alien species."

  "That sucks, but that's not so bad. I mean, that's it, right?" I questioned with intense scrutiny.

  For the first time in any encounter we've had, the prince dropped his eyes. His hands reached for mine and our fingers intertwined. Guiding my arms behind my back he held me firmly in his arms. He pressed his body up against mine and held me quietly for a few heartbeats. I felt his posture stiffen. He dragged in a deep breath and laid soft lips on my forehead before he spoke again.

  "My branch of the family, and that of the former Queen-to-be will also be excommunicated from the Empire and all its affiliated worlds," he stumbled.

  I stopped breathing. Anula, her family and his? Kicked out of their home, out of the Empire? Wait. Wasn't Earth now part of the Empire too?

  He must've caught the rapid loss of color on my face. "Do not worry my Emery. All except Anula have mated their Asanti or corresponding Santi. I know it may sound selfish of me, but they understand the happiness I seek. They would not deny us our union. Quite to the contrary, they will most likely applaud when they've learned we found each other, no matter what the consequences of such a union may bring to the family. Besides once the bonding starts between two people through the dream dancing it is imperative that it is completed through the physical joining.”

  I was intrigued “Why? What happens if they don’t?”

  “The unsatiated love and longing for each other has been known to lead to lifelong depression, insanity, even death,” he quavered.

  I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that my loving this man, would drive an innumerable number of people from their homes. From their way of life. Even more astounding was that I believed him when he said they would gladly choose their imminent fate for his happiness. They would all choose it, as they have all known the same joy and happiness. Plus, I did not want to see him or me end up in the loony bin or worse.

  I slipped a hand into his tunic, and felt both of his hearts quicken under my touch. This man truly believed every word he was saying to me. The longer I stood there with this crazy, beautiful man the more I believed it too.

  Sliding a heavily muscled arm around my waist, he lifted me off my feet, twirled me around laughing with wild abandon. "My beautiful Emery, we can be together. It doesn't matter where we are or what we do. I have earned several degrees and acquired many skills. Even if no employment is available in my respective fields, I will find work at a mining ore settlement on an outer planet. If we have to, we could be savages on any one of the numerous uninhabited planets on the edge of Syalantian space, or I could even get a job here as long as I'm with you," he confessed
, his feverish eyes piercing straight to my heart.

  He licked those voluptuous lips of his and leaned in, hungry to devour mine. Wait. My brain did a triple sow cow, followed by a samba role, two back flips and a somersault landing in a split. Did he say work here? Oh hell no.

  I peeled back. His face twisted and sank with a teensy bit of dejection. He was so cute. I flashed my Prince a perky grin and grabbed his hand.

  "Come on!" I beamed.


  I would like to say we had the decency to wait until we were safely within my pocket-sized apartment before we were all over each other.


  The skin on my neck crackled with pinpricks of wild delight as the heat from his lips ignited nerve endings that raced all over my body. His excitement thrummed through the thin fabric of our clothing against my backside as I worked furiously to fit my door key into the lock.

  When the door finally flung open, he spun me around and feverish emerald eyes gazed hungrily upon my face finally settling on my lips. His fierce need for me awakened a firestorm between my legs.

  My mouth parted in a gasp, and his tongue took advantage of the opportunity. It twisted and slid over mine, not too deep but just enough to claim my mouth as his. Cupping my face, his fingers traced small circles of ecstasy while his tongue continued to work its magic. It twined over mine, and then began to slowly work its way in and out as if foretelling of our very near future. I started teasing by tugging and biting at his bottom lip and he reciprocated by crashing his full lips into mine, determined to devour me.

  I managed to kick the door shut with a slam, but we ended up no closer to the bed. He pressed me against the wall, his body grinding into mine as his length pulsated against my stomach, desperate to get free. The way his body responded to mine was delicious and exhilarating. In our dreams we had great sex before, but never like this. Now he was real and he was mine. All mine!

  Elegant fingers drifted downward caressing the sides of my neck, the top of my shoulders, pausing part way down my arms while naughty thumbs brushed the curves of my breasts. I moaned with desire, and the girls responded by pushing themselves up into his muscular pecs, demanding more attention. Urging him on.

  Not missing a beat, his strong hands cupped my ample breasts over my work shirt. I gasped as hot tendrils of pleasure wound around every inch of my body spurring on new waves of desire. Every part of me craved for this man’s touch and I needed to explore all of him. My hand slid down his impressive abs. Found his enlarged arousal and embraced its length. A growl shook his brawny chest and his back stiffened.

  An unsettling thought crept in my mind that shook me with trepidation. What if this was only a dream? Would I soon wake up to find myself alone in the miserable little box I called my room? I closed my eyes and roared inwardly as I continued fondling his glorious erection. My fingers clasped the fabric of his pants and it struck me. Pants! We had clothes on. In the dreams we were naked. Always naked.

  Finally I had enough mind to push him away from me, his eyes wide with confusion. I returned the look, and was physically able only to form one word.

  "Clothes!" I muttered, angry that I'd ever worn them. Angrier still that they were ever invented but happy beyond measure they were there. It meant this was the real deal. The man of my dreams was really here and my whole being yearned for him, body and soul.

  We attacked each others’ offending garments. His shirt was easy, already open and it slid off with ease. He groaned when I tugged at his belt, his eyes pleading with me to hurry. The moment I freed the knot, I slid my hand in to grasp the length of him and I relished the hot, silky skin of his throbbing arousal under my fingers.

  His strapping body shuddered with the first touch, so I used both hands to stroke him into submission. Sure he was long, but it was the girth that made my own core begin to quake, San Andreas style. Sliding his pants down his hips, I began to follow.

  He reached out and caught my chin, with a gentle touch tilting my head back until my eyes were lined with his. He shook his head. "No, I need to taste you first, for real this time, my Asanti,” he grumbled, eyes smoldering with hunger.

  Who was I to argue? The thrill of anticipation of his beautifully sculpted lips kissing my heated entrance left me breathless. With a few hasty but dexterous moves he unbuttoned my shirt, pulled it off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. His face relaxed into a serene look of stunned satisfaction when my breasts fell free of their imprisonment. Yay for the front release bras.

  Moving down to my pants, he tilted his head until his forehead rested on mine. The heady smell of his green locks made it difficult to restrain myself. I wanted to tear the rest of my clothes off, but I couldn't deny him the same satisfaction he had given me, and I allowed him to continue. “Hurry Rohn,” I purred. “I want you inside me.”

  “Soon my Asanti, you will be mine. Mine forever! I have been longing for this moment, for you, for so long... I want to savor every part of you”, his husky voice warming my heart.

  He barked as he struggled to unfasten the strange three pronged clasp on my uniform pants, which gave me daily trouble, for the last five years working at this job. His eyes blazed with fire, but his face took on a hint of apologetic lilt.

  "Do it," I urged.

  Silver buttons and small hooks flung to the far corners of the room and the sound of cheap fabric ripping overrode our heavy breathing.

  My heart quickened as he pulled fiercely on my panties, revealing my bare sex and my core tightened as his gaze drunk in my naked form for the first time in the waking world. With one graceful move he lifted me in his heavily muscled arms and placed me gently on the squeaky bed, straddling my legs. The burning lust in his eyes erased any of my lingering bashfulness as he splayed my legs allowing him a full view of my lower lips. A deep aching surged through me, a deep craving for his touch. His kisses. His long fingers traced the lines of my swollen and moist entrance. And I craved more. Lots more. He was killing me. I rocked my hips in a slow sensual rhythm inviting more of his attention. In one easy motion he lowered his head affording me one wicked smile, licking his succulent lips before he delved in drinking me thirstily. Escalating waves of hot pleasure flooded my body as he lapped greedily at my juices. His arms reached up and squeezed my pebbled nipples sending me to a frenzy. My spine arched as sweet release exploded from my center inciting a cascade of quakes erupting all over me.

  “I need you to come inside me. Now!” I screamed.

  In one fluid motion he hoisted me up and pinned me to the wall. My legs wrapped tightly around his waist. His throbbing rod slid back and forth on my wet opening firing up sparks of white-hot electricity along every nerve, and hypnotizing my hips into slow rhythmic gyrations.

  His tip eased its way gently between my legs and the bones in my legs liquefied as my sheath stung and stretched to accommodate his girth. His mouth formed an exaggerated “O”, and I felt the need to bite it. So I did, just as he thrust his full-length into me. The magnificence of outer space once again took meaning for me as I momentarily saw stars. Then in a cruelty which I would eventually come to learn that he delighted in greatly, he dragged his bulging erection out of my sweet embrace in one slow agonizing pull. Almost completely out until he would thrust it back in again. One relentless thrust after another.

  I moaned loud and long, as if we were the only two people on the planet.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  "Keep it down in there!" came a hoarse voice from the other side of the wall.

  The look of anger that flashed on Rohn’s face would have scared me under normal circumstances, but the satisfaction his manhood was providing me at the time, kept me focused and mellow. He thrust into me again and I cooed.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  "Keep quiet you stupid girl," my neighbor yelled full of venom, unaware of the impending backlash.

  Rohn looked into my eyes, and kissed me gently as if to apologize before he roared.

  “Get out or di
e”, his thunderous voice reverberated off the room. With a single herculean strike of his open palm, he lashed out at the offending wall. The explosion was deafening. Part of the wall collapsed around us. A second later I heard the neighbor’s door open and slam shut.

  He took a couple of moments panting heavily to collect himself. I searched his face to take hold of his luscious lips trying to bring him back to our lascivious affairs. It didn’t take long. All signs of rage soon morphed into burning desire. He kissed me hard and deep restoking the fire between my legs while his arousal throbbed with rekindled fervor.

  He started thrusting deeper and faster. His movements jerky and demanding. His want, his desire, his craving, his possession of me explicit. The fast beating of my heart echoed in my ears and rivaled my screams. My core swelled with pleasure and my body writhed in ecstasy. Pulse after pulse of rippling heat suffused my entire being. Spasm after spasm milked his throbbing shaft, claiming him as mine.

  In one mighty thrust he pierced through me, growling, his muscles tightening. My heart pounded wildly in my chest ready to explode as he sent me soaring. Our physical bodies shattered as sweet bliss enveloped our every sense. Tied together in the perfect dance! Synced in one unifying, exhilarating vibration. The bond between us sealed, our love for each other complete.

  Eventually, the strain of my multiple joys caused me to collapse in his arms. Panting, sweating… I was barely conscious when he slid his fingers through my hair. Mmmm...

  “You are mine my beautiful Asanti”, he rasped as he possessively cocooned me in his powerful arms and carried me effortlessly to the bed. “I love you my Emery” he uttered solemnly. “Your presence brings comfort, joy and meaning to my life,” he continued passionately and squeezed me tightly in his loving embrace.

  With supreme effort, I managed to lift my head up from his chest, “I love you too my Santi”, I professed, a happy grin forming on my lips as I looked up at his gorgeous face. His smile was as wide as mine. His satisfaction only mirroring mine. The only difference was the naughty look in his emerald eyes, which echoed the words that next came out of his mouth.


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