The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4) Page 2

by Philip John Bruch

  Zoria was a strange city where at night the outlaws and criminals had free rein to commit any crime that they chose to undertake. Murder, rape, and any other illegal act were allowed and no punishment or charge would follow. They just couldn’t vandalize or break into any private residence or business. Normal citizens stayed off of the streets at night.

  He wondered how Loran was doing. She was his friend and she used to be a waitress and cook at the Refuge, a quiet tavern and eatery. She was somewhat pretty in a plain sort of way. She always dressed modestly in a short sleeve blouse with a matching skirt that went to her knees. Her long brown hair was usually tied back into a ponytail. She always looked prim and proper and quite wholesome. She was a super nice person and they had become very good friends.

  He also had become good friends with Alton, a short fat middle aged man with short grey hair who owned an inn across the street from the Refuge. Alton liked to be called Slim.

  Then Bruk thought of Tarn the master thief who had also become his friend. Tarn was as short as Alton was but he was very thin. He usually dressed in all black. He has short grey hair and a neatly trimmed short grey beard. His walk is graceful and he is constantly looking around at his surroundings with interest and out of habit.

  With Tarn’s help he had been able to retrieve the Book of Undying Death. That book was a very old and ancient book that was incredibly powerful. It would eliminate any magic of any kind that was exposed to it.

  Bruk had used that book to transform a hideous monster into the sweet beautiful woman named Selene. Adronis the High Lord of the Gods of Light now has the book in his safe keeping.

  Bruk wondered if Kurtlon was still king of Zoria. He was an evil man and he was a partner and friend to the criminal element of the city.

  Rand the richest man in the city was thinking about getting rid of Kurtlon and putting a good and honest man in his place. Bruk wondered if that had ever been accomplished yet. Rand was the brother to Rondo.

  Rondo was a middle aged man who Bruk had saved from some filthy outlaws. Rondo had a very beautiful daughter that had a huge crush on him. Rachial was an incredibly beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She wore dresses that couldn’t hide her curves and tight body. She was sexy as hell and she made Bruk feel very uncomfortable by her brazen flaunting of her beauty trying to seduce him.

  Bruk smiled and rode on, maybe on the way back he would stop and visit Zoria and say hello to everyone and see how they were all doing.

  Three days later off in the distance and towards the east he saw two horses with riders traveling northwards like he was. Not too far behind them he could see six other horses with riders following them. He thought for a minute and then he decided that they appeared to be together because the front two horses didn’t look like they were trying to flee from the ones in the back. They were just running straight ahead and not splitting up or turning to the right or to the left. They were way too far away to see clearly but one thing for sure was that they were probably all outlaws.

  Bruk hated outlaws! He was very tempted to go and say hello with his sword but he reluctantly decided against it when they all turned away from him and headed straight east.

  Bruk spit and swore watching them leave. He really hated outlaws. He watched them go for a minute and then he decided to set up camp where he was because it would be dark in a little while.

  Bruk quickly took care of his mounts and then he set up camp. He finally finished and sat down to a cold meal just as it got dark. He chewed on the meat jerky thinking of the eight riders. He knew for sure that they must have been outlaws. He knew that in this area and all the way past Tharn the prairie was loaded with them. He would kill any of them that got too close, he hated outlaws and with good reason.

  He remembered how Skon and his filthy band of outlaws had captured him and Olnan using a magic spell to make them sleep. He hated magic. He also remembered waking up and seeing the outlaw’s ugly face. He thought with a smile how he had killed the man with his own dagger and then made his escape. He would never be taken captive again by anyone and any outlaw that crossed his path would die a quick death.

  About another four or five days and he would see Tharn. He planned on stopping there and replenishing his supplies before continuing on towards the north and the unknown. Tharn was the last city that he knew of before the land changed and the weather turned cold.

  Cold and snow didn’t bother him at all because he came from the snowy north and even as a youngster he used to play out in the snow and freezing cold.

  Bruk then thought of Taran like he always did before he went to sleep. He smiled thinking of how lucky he was to have such a good woman. She was not only extremely beautiful but she was also a fearless warrior.

  He looked at the star filled sky thinking of how his life had change since he had left his homeland to seek adventure. He soon fell asleep thinking about all of his friends and of adventures yet to come.

  Hours later Bruk opened his eyes. He listened closely to what had awakened him. Three or four people were running through the high grass and they were running straight towards him. One of them was about twenty yards ahead of the other ones.

  Bruk stood up with his sword in his right hand and his dagger in his left hand. He was ready for anything and he waited patiently looking straight ahead towards where the where the noise was coming from.

  A female burst through the trees and the high grass and into his campsite and almost ran right into him.

  Bruk saw her coming and he quickly moved to the side. He noticed that her dress was torn and she was dirty as hell and her dark hair was wild and unkempt. He took all that in in just a few seconds as he shoved her behind him and said, “Stay behind me!”

  Bruk moved like lightening just as the three outlaws got closer. The one in front lost his head as he ran and the body stumbled forwards a step or two watering the grass with its blood before it fell to its final resting place hidden by the high grass.

  Bruk was instantly at the other two outlaws before they even had a chance to draw their weapons and they soon joined their comrade in death.

  Bruk put his dagger away and then he wiped his sword clean on the shirt of one of the outlaws.

  “I have never seen someone move so fast before,” the female said as she walked up.

  Bruk finished wiping his blade and then he put the sword away and looked at her. “Are you all right now?” he asked.

  She started to cry and said, “They still have my brother!”

  “How many are there and could you find your way back to where they are?” Bruk said.

  She nodded her head and said in between sobs, “Yes, I will be able to lead you there. There are five more of them left. That is way too many to fight just for one man. I thank you for saving my life and I can never repay you but please don’t throw your life away trying to help me. I couldn’t ever forgive myself if something happened to you too.” Then she fell to her knees and started to cry.

  Bruk looked at her with pity. He just couldn’t leave her brother to the mercy of the outlaws; he knew that they didn’t have any mercy.

  Bruk smiled. There were only five of them. It shouldn’t be too much trouble. They were just outlaws and not true warriors. He looked at the weeping female and said, “Stop your crying and lead me to where your brother is being held.”

  She wiped her eyes and looked up. She couldn’t believe it. This stranger was going to risk his life to help her. She looked at the way that he stood and she looked at his massive muscular arms and his wide shoulders and deep chest. Then she looked into those fierce piercing blue eyes and she saw death. She shuddered and stood up. “I will lead you,” she said and walked forward.

  Bruk followed her and said, “Make as little noise as possible and do as I tell you to and I promise you that your brother will be returned to you.”

  She said thanks in between her soft crying and she kept walking towards the east as silently as she could.

  After about forty-five minutes or so Bruk could see a campfire up ahead. He smiled and told the woman what his plan was and she said that she would do as he had instructed her. They then proceeded to walk towards the fire in the distance.

  Bruk went right behind her as they neared the campsite and the beckoning fire. He could see her brother staked out on the ground before the crackling flames. An outlaw was warming his dagger blade in the flames and four other outlaws were on the far side of the camp eating and drinking.

  Bruk whispered, “Remember what I said.”

  She nodded her head and walked forward into the light crying and looking very frightened.

  The outlaw by the fire laughed when he saw her and said, “I knew that you couldn’t have gotten very far. I will teach you a lesson when I am finished with your brother.” He then laughed again and resumed heating up his blade.

  She took a few steps forward and Bruk said, “Now!”

  She leaped to her left and Bruk ran straight at the man by the fire. His sword swung through the air at the rising man and drank deeply as it slashed through the man’s neck. The body tumbled over into the hungry flames just as Bruk rushed by and ran straight at the remaining four startled outlaws.

  The four outlaws stood up and drew their swords as fast as they could but two of them couldn’t react fast enough and they soon were lying in the grass with their chests ripped open and dark red blood puddling in the dirt.

  The other two outlaws held their swords in shaking hands as they watched the barbarian advance on them just as two of their comrades fell to the ground with fatal bloody gaping slashes in their chests.

  The second that Bruk had finished off the two outlaws with one mighty stroke from his blue star metal blade he advanced at the other two outlaws with his sword already moving.

  His sword and dagger were both forged from star metal and each blade was engraved with strange runes the full length of the razor sharp blue metal. They both had excellent weight and balance. The tips and edges were deadly sharp and would never dull or break. They could shear through stone and any other blade except for the Sword of Light. They would also protect whoever held one from most spells and magic. The runes would light up if the blades sensed any magic nearby. Bruk loved his weapons.

  The outlaw to Bruk’s right tried to block the deadly blue blade but it sheared right through his inferior blade causing it to shatter. The last thing that he saw was his blade crack and shatter in a loud boom and then he saw the blue blade flash as it bit into his neck. He felt instant pain and then he felt no more as his lifeless body collapsed into the grass.

  The other outlaw took off screaming in fear.

  Bruk didn’t waste time by chasing after him. He raised his dagger and took aim.

  The outlaw was running as fast as he could and he didn’t see the deadly blue blade of the dagger hurtling through the air and then slam into the back of his head knocking him to the ground. He twitched once and then he lay still while the back of his head emptied his lifeblood into the dirt.

  Bruk walked forward through the grass to retrieve his dagger after he had cleaned the blade of his sword. He reached down and pulled the dagger free and then he wiped the blade clean on the outlaw’s dirty shirt.

  Bruk then calmly walked back to where the man and his sister were. She was struggling trying to untie the ropes.

  Bruk reached down with his dagger and easily cut all of the ropes and freed the man.

  The man looked up at Bruk as he sat up. His sister was hugging him and crying. He couldn’t believe that he was now free.

  Bruk put his dagger away and looked down at the man and his sister. He said, “All of the outlaw’s possessions are now yours. Take anything of value off of the dead bodies including any money and weapons. Their horses and all of their equipment are now yours. You should be safe here for tonight. Eat something and drink something and then try and get some sleep. When you put the fire out make sure that it is truly out. Pour water on it and then cover it with dirt.”

  Bruk then turned and started to walk back towards his campsite. He was in a good mood. He had the opportunity to eliminate eight outlaws and he had gotten a little exercise, he was happy. He looked up at the star filled sky. He knew that he could still get a few hours of sleep before he rode out again. He smiled.

  Chapter 3

  Selene was sitting at a small table in her room at the library. It was early in the evening and she was resting after a full day of working. She loved to work and keep busy. All day long she worked for Jaken at the Wet Glass. She kept the kitchen clean and well stocked. She did dishes and even when it got real busy she helped Jaken prepare and cook the meals. She loved working for Jaken. He always treated her with respect and with kindness. All of the waitresses also love him and respect him.

  Jaken is the owner of the Wet Glass. He is a large and bulky looking man. He isn’t fat or very muscular, he is just big. His long black hair usually is tied back into a ponytail and he is constantly wiping his massive hands on an apron that is tied around his large waist. He always seems to have a smile on his happy face.

  The waitresses at the Wet Glass are made up of cat-women, dog-women, tree-women, and a few human women. One thing that they all have in common though, whatever the race was, is that they are all very good looking and have very athletic bodies with generous curves. The tree-women are bald like the males are but their coloring is much lighter. They all are a different shade of light brown. All of the women that served at the Wet Glass were treated with the utmost respect. Jaken the owner wouldn’t tolerate any trouble of any kind in his place. He wanted a nice family type atmosphere where anyone could come and relax and enjoy themselves and have a nice time. A lot of families also frequented the Wet Glass.

  Selene also worked for Gunvil after she was done at the Wet Glass. He was in charge of the library. Gunvil was an old middle age bald man. He always was cleanly dressed and he usually sat at a large desk that was in front of the shelving and in the center of the room on the first floor. He often wore thin white gloves when he was examining old books, scrolls, and parchments.

  Selene liked Gunvil and she had learned much from him over the past couple of years. He was always kind to her and he treated her with respect and fatherly love.

  She smiled thinking of all of her new friends. She was sitting at a small table in her room. She was busy whittling a figure for Taran as a surprise gift. It was supposed to be a unicorn. She was using a dagger with a dark blue star metal blade that had runes carved on the whole length of the mysterious metal. Bruk had given it to her and he had told her to handle it with care because it was deadly sharp.

  She had just started the figure a week ago and it would take her at least another two weeks or more to finish it. The rough unfinished shape did indeed look like a unicorn. Selene was very talented and enjoyed carving figures out of blocks of wood.

  She was tired and didn’t know how much longer that she could stay awake. She wasn’t in any hurry to go to bed though because she hated the nightmares that she was having lately. She didn’t have one every night but she had one at least once or twice a week.

  Her nightmares were always the same. She dreamt about a muscular man dressed in all black. The man had long black hair and a thin neatly trimmed mustache above his upper lip. He was trying to tell her something but she could never make out what he was saying. For some reason his voice was muted and she couldn’t hear anything. He would always get very angry when he realized that she couldn’t hear what he was saying. He would glare at her and then he would disappear in a bright red flash of light.

  At first the dreams were shadowy and his image was fog-like but lately his image had become very clear and frightening. She didn’t know him or what he wanted but she hated him and she didn’t even know why. She just wanted to be left alone.

  She was hoping that Sardgesha and Zardgesha would return so that she could seek their help. She didn’t know if they could do anything but if anyone could help he
r it would be them. They both were very powerful in magic and she had seen them do miracles before.

  Selene kept diligently working on the wooden figure. The dagger was indeed very sharp and she cut the tough wood like it was a warm loaf of bread. Her eyes were getting more and more tired and she knew that she would have to get some sleep soon. She had to get up early in the morning and go and open up the Wet Glass and get everything ready. She had to clean the whole eating area and all of the tables and chairs. Then she had to clean the bar and all of the stools. By that time Jaken and the waitresses would be arriving and then she would start on the kitchen. She would have to make sure that everything was clean and well stocked.

  She just wanted to finish the area where the horn was and then she would call it a night. She carefully and slowly pressed the edge of the blade into the wood and then she turned the blade and pressed it forward peeling off a thin layer of wood that curled as she moved the blade.

  A figure suddenly appeared in front of her on the other side of the table in a flash of light red light and a sound of blowing wind even though the air was still and calm.

  She screamed in surprise and fear and jerked backwards cutting her hand with the dagger. She screamed again at the intense pain. She held the glowing dagger out before her with the blade aiming at the smiling man dressed in all black. The runes on the blade were glowing with a soft light blue hue. Her hand was shaking but she held the dagger tightly and stared at the hated man that wouldn’t leave her alone.

  She then realized that the man wasn’t really there in front of her. It was some kind of an apparition or projection. She got angry and glared at the hated man. He was trying to tell her something but she couldn’t hear what he was saying and she didn’t care.

  She just wanted to be left alone and she didn’t want to be bothered anymore. She was getting angrier and angrier every second.

  She didn’t know what was happening but she was feeling stronger and stronger every second too and her whole body was tingling with power.


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