The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4) Page 6

by Philip John Bruch

  Bruk eyed the man with contempt and softly said, “I meant no harm. I just stopped your foolish brother from falling into me. I could have done much worse than simply pushing him. I am not looking for trouble. All I want to do is eat my meal and finish a pitcher of ale and then I will leave. Do not make more of what happened and everything will be over.”

  The man looked around and saw that everyone was watching him. The room was deathly quiet with everyone waiting to see what would happen next. They didn’t know the young barbarian but they did know the two brothers. They knew that there was only one way for the confrontation to end. They felt sorry for the young barbarian, well maybe just a little bit.

  The man looked at Bruk and grabbed the well worn leather pommel of his sword. His brother had arisen and was standing next to him with his sword already out.

  Bruk sighed. He had tried to be nice and spare their lives but now it looked like he might have to get rough. They weren’t dangerous enough for him to draw a blade and he wouldn’t really need one against two drunks. He waited patiently for the sign of them making the first move. He watched them closely and was ready to spring into action and end this misfortunate affair. He was hungry and he wanted to eat his meal. His mouth was watering and his throat was dry. He needed a drink. He hoped that they would hurry up before his meal got cold.

  The man knew that his brother was ready like he always was. He quickly looked around the room again. It was quiet and everyone was watching him waiting for him to attack the young barbarian. He couldn’t back down now and not do anything or he could never show his face in the tavern again. He looked back at the barbarian and drew his sword!

  Bruk moved like lightning. He crossed the distance to where the two brothers were standing in an instant swinging his right arm. His meaty right fist slammed into the jaw of the older brother sending him flying to his left right into his younger brother knocking them both down.

  The older brother was knocked out and before the younger one could react he was sent into sleep land with a short jab from Bruk’s left fist.

  Bruk looked down at the two men. They wouldn’t be bothering anyone for a while. He then looked around the room and saw that everyone was staring at him. He also noticed that the middle aged man by the bar was looking right at him as he talked to a very large man with a shaggy dark beard.

  Bruk ignored everyone and sat back down at the table just as two large individuals that worked for the bar came running up to grab the two brothers. It was their duty to drag out all of the bodies out of the bar and throw them onto the street. If they were dead then sooner or later the city guard would find them and take them away. If they were alive then whenever they woke up they knew that they couldn’t go back into the bar until the next day. Everyone knew the rules and they had to abide by them or they were banned from the bar for life.

  Bruk watched the two brothers being dragged away and then he returned to his meal. He picked up his mug of ale and took a very long drink. Then he set the mug down and reached for the fork. He raised it to his lips just as the large man with the dark shaggy beard walked up to the table.

  The large man looked at the barbarian and then he looked at Marcy. He reached for her and said, “Dance with me baby!”

  Marcy tried to pull away and she said, “Get your dirty hands off of me!”

  Bruk dropped the fork again and stood up. He looked at the large man and didn’t waste any time because his food was getting cold. He swung his right fist and knocked the man out stone cold. The poor man fell backwards and slammed the back of his head onto the dirty floor as he landed upon his back.

  Bruk looked at the middle aged man at the bar and snarled, “Enough is enough!” He immediately started to walk towards the bar area.

  Forerger saw what had happened to his friend and he also couldn’t help but notice that the young barbarian was now walking straight towards him and he didn’t look very happy. He decided that it was time to leave.

  Forerger was a small man that was dressed in old worn out but clean clothes. He was bald and had a thin grey beard that was neatly trimmed. He had seen how the young barbarian had moved. He was as fast as Nightfall was or maybe even a little faster.

  Before Forerger could get out of the door Bruk had grabbed him and swung him around so that he could look at him. Bruk said, “Why have you been watching me and why did you send that fool to my table?”

  Forerger got scared when he looked at the angry look on Bruk’s face. He didn’t know what to say but he had to say something quickly before Bruk decided to kill him.

  Forerger swallowed and meekly said, “I meant no harm. It was just that you reminded me of Nightfall. I am very sorry and I will never bother you again. Please show me mercy and I will leave.”

  Bruk looked at the feeble man and his anger cooled. Then he thought of his food and ale and he let go of the old man. He said, “I will indeed show you mercy, now leave!”

  Forerger immediately left the bar and never looked back. That young barbarian was as dangerous as Nightfall was or maybe more so.

  Bruk walked back to his meal and sat down. Marcy and Leena had watched how everything had played out and they couldn’t believe how fast and dangerous that the young barbarian was.

  Bruk reached for the fork again and looked around the room. It didn’t look like he would have any more trouble for a while.

  Chapter 8

  The body of the large man with the dark shaggy beard was dragged out of the bar and left on the street.

  Bruk finally finished his meal and drank over half of his pitcher of ale before one of the women finally spoke. Marcy said, “I have never seen anyone move so fast before except for Nightfall. Who are you and why are you here?”

  “My name is Bruk and I am just passing through. I will be leaving early tomorrow morning and you will probably never see me again. I wasn’t looking for any trouble. All I wanted to do was get something to eat and something to drink. What happened wasn’t my fault and I did take it easy on them,” Bruk said with a smile.

  The room finally came alive again seeing that the entertainment was now over at least for a time. Soon the room was full of loud talking and laughing amidst much drinking and swearing. Everyone all now knew not to bother the young barbarian now. He was as dangerous as Nightfall was.

  Leena couldn’t take her eyes off of Bruk. He was a man like no other man that she had ever met before. Marcy was thinking the very same thing.

  Bruk couldn’t help but notice the attention that he was now getting from Marcy and Leena and he knew that he better leave soon or Taran would never forgive him.

  Bruk finished his pitcher of ale and wondered if he should order another one. Looking at his two companions at the table he decided against it.

  Leena and Marcy were both staring at Bruk with intense interest and apparent lust. They were flushed and smiling.

  Bruk stood up and said, “I have to leave now. It was a pleasure meeting both of you but I have to go. I have a long ride ahead of me tomorrow morning and I will be leaving at first light.”

  Leena said, “It was a pleasure to meet you too. I wish that you didn’t have to leave but I will never forget you. It would be better for you if you never came in here again though because I couldn’t bear to see you hurt if Nightfall should happen to show up.

  Bruk just smiled and walked away.

  Marcy looked at Leena and said, “Did you have to say something so stupid. I would love to see him again and now you scared him off!”

  Leena said, “I don’t think that anything would scare him off.”

  Marcy didn’t say anything because she was too busy watching Bruk walk away. Everyone stepped aside and let Bruk pass through. No one wanted any trouble. When Bruk walked out of the door Marcy sighed and then she took a long drink of the cold ale and glared at her friend.

  Bruk left Tharn early in the morning the following day. Rollan had taken very good care of his unicorns and he had even taken care of all of the provisions that
Bruk had asked for. He had everything ready for Bruk when he got there. Bruk was impressed.

  Bruk handed Rollan a few extra silver kworts for his trouble and for how well that he had taken care of his unicorns.

  Rollan accepted the extra money but he said that it wasn’t necessary. He said, “It was a pleasure taking care of your animals. I could see that you feed them well and take very good care of them.”

  “My life depends upon them so the healthier they are the better,” Bruk said.

  Rollan asked, “Where are you headed? The only reason that I am asking is because there has been a lot of outlaw activity lately on the grasslands.”

  Bruk said, “I am heading far up north past the cold lands and beyond.”

  Rollan said, “The outlaws have been very active about a day’s ride to the east of here and a couple of day’s ride to the north or to the south. There are at least ten or more small groups of between five and fifteen men and at least one or two larger groups of between thirty and fifty men. They all have been attacking anyone they come across so be very careful and keep your eyes open and don’t light a fire at night. Eat your meals cold and sleep lightly.”

  “I will take your advice and stay vigilant. Thank you for the information and thank you for taking care of my unicorns,” Bruk said as he mounted up.

  Rollan watched Bruk ride away and hoped that he had a safe journey. He felt sorry for any outlaws that happened to get in his way. Then he had to resume his duties and he turned away.

  Bruk rode slowly down the street because people where already out and about. Some merchants were setting up tables to display their wares and others were opening up their shops and ale houses. There were still some beautiful ladies of the night leaning against a wall watching the city come to life again. Quite a few of these watched Bruk as he passed and smiled at him and offered their unique services. Bruk just smiled and rode on.

  Forerger standing in the shadows of a dark narrow alleyway watched the barbarian pass. He wondered if that was the same person that had saved the world by fighting Cobran the High Lord of Darkness. He wasn’t sure if he believed the tales but after seeing the young barbarian in action maybe it was really true. He just shook his head and stepped out of the shadows.

  Forerger planned on going to the Red Cup and talking to Leena and Marcy and finding out whatever they knew about the young barbarian. He just had to find out just to satisfy his curiosity.

  Bruk rode through the open gate and headed north and a little to the east. He let the unicorns to find a comfortable pace that they both could maintain all daylong if necessary. It was a bright and sunny morning and the sky was clear and the air was a little warm but a cool breeze was blowing in from the south.

  The unicorns ate up the miles as the day progressed. Bruk often thought of Taran as he kept a vigilant eye on the grasslands. He didn’t want any unexpected company. He wondered how she was doing. He really missed her. He also thought of Selene and wondered if she was all right. She was like a sweet and innocent child. He didn’t know if she would ever get any of her memories back and maybe it would be better for her if she never did. She was happy now with her life.

  Bruk was happy that he was able to help her. It was hard to believe that such a beauty was encased in the foul flesh of a monster. With the Book of Undying Death he had released her from the magic that had cursed her.

  Near the time when darkness would fall Bruk stopped for the night. He quickly took care of his unicorns and then he dug into the provisions and sat down to a cold meal of urth jerky and spicy cheese. He washed it all down with warm but refreshing water.

  He was lucky and he didn’t see any outlaws yet and he hoped that he never would. He absolutely hated outlaws and with good reason but a band of thirty or more men would be too much for even him to handle before he was finally overcome by the sure weight in numbers. He was sure though that they would pay a heavy price before they finally took him, a heavy and deadly price indeed.

  The next morning Bruk rode out after looking at his map again. He decided to go a little more to the east as he headed up north. As he rode he was constantly looking out for any signs of outlaws.

  The sky was clear again and the temperature was a little warm but comfortable. Near the middle of the afternoon Bruk saw a group of about twenty riders or more heading westward and to the south. They were far off in the distance and riding fast.

  He headed towards a small copse of leafy trees off to his left about fifty yards away hoping that the riders didn’t see him yet.

  Once concealed somewhat by the cover of the trees he looked back to where he had seen the riders. They hadn’t changed their direction and were still riding fast towards the west and to the south, away from him. After a short time it became apparent that they hadn’t seen him. He breathed a sigh of relief and then he decided to stay where he was for the night. It was going to be dark in a few hours anyway.

  Bruk quickly took care of his unicorns and then he grabbed some meat jerky and a pouch of water. He sat in the grass and ate the tough but tasty meat and drank his fill of the warm water.

  Bruk figured that it would take him about another twenty days or so to leave the grass lands and enter the cold lands. He also knew that at any time he could run into outlaw bands while he was still on the grass lands.

  When he was on the cold lands besides the snow and cold there would surely be packs of wolves that he would have to watch out for. The wolves were even more dangerous than the outlaws were. They hunted out of hunger and not just for fun and profit like the outlaws did.

  He didn’t hate the wolves but he did respect them and knew that he would have to be ready for anything. His deadly sharp star metal blades would give him the advantage in any attack whether by wolves or humans but if possible he rather avoid any confrontations.

  The next week of travel he still didn’t see any outlaws yet and he thought that he might get lucky and reach the cold lands and leave the outlaws behind. Fate had other ideas though and on the eighth day he saw a small group of only about five or six men heading in his direction.

  He quickly looked around but there wasn’t any place to hide so he just decided to await their arrival and see what would happen. If they were outlaws then there would surely be trouble. They might just be travelers though but he would still have to be careful. Whatever they were or whatever they wanted they would find that he was not to be messed with. He would be ready for anything.

  As the riders got closer and closer Bruk could make out what they were. They didn’t look like outlaws but they could be. It was five men and one woman. The woman was riding in the front.

  The riders noticed Bruk and they slowed down and looked all around thinking that maybe more men were hiding someplace and the lone man was just a sentry or bait for the unwary.

  Bruk waited patiently with his right hand resting lightly upon the pommel of his sword. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to use it but he was ready if need be.

  The six riders stopped when they were about twenty feet away from Bruk. The five males were all well armed and looked like warriors. The female had long fire red hair blowing wildly as she rode. She was incredibly beautiful and she had a tight athletic looking body. She too was well armed and by the way that she had her hand resting on the hilt of her sword it was apparent that she knew full well how to use it.

  She looked at Bruk and couldn’t help but notice the thick and muscular arms and his wide shoulders and deep chest. She also noticed how he waited patiently without any signs of fear with his right hand upon the hilt of his sword. She smiled and said, “Are you truly alone and why are you here in the middle of nowhere?”

  Bruk shifted his weight just slightly ready to spring into action if the female’s five friends decided to make a move in his direction. He said, “Aye I am all alone. The reason that I am here is my business though and no one else’s.”

  The man on the right side of her swore and started to move forward but was stopped instantly by a wor
d from the female. She looked at the young barbarian and said, “You don’t have to be so rude. We won’t harm you. I was merely saying hello. I was just asking out of curiosity why you were out here all alone. We don’t see many lone riders so far away from any city and I was just wondering and thinking that you might need some help. I apologize for being so forth right with you.”

  Bruk liked how she answered and it seemed to him that she was in charge of the five men. There was much more to her than meets the eye he thought. He said, “My name is Bruk and I am heading north and into the cold lands. I also apologize for upsetting one of your men.”

  She laughed and said, “I am called the Red Reaper among other things but you can call me Red. Some of my men are easily upset sometimes and I have to remind them from time to time just to calm down and follow my lead.”

  Bruk smiled. He liked her attitude and her presence and the way that she controlled those under her. He said, “No harm done.”

  Red said, “I think that we will stop here for the night and set up camp. If you aren’t in too much of a hurry I invite you to stay with us for the night and then you can leave first thing in the morning. We just came from the cold lands and we know the snowy land well because that is where our home is. If you have any questions about what you are heading into I would be happy to answer all of your questions.”

  Bruk smiled and thought that it was lucky to have met this group of warriors. He could learn exactly what he was riding into. They might even know where lost city might be located at but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell them about that.

  Chapter 9

  Salvor watched Lara and her brother ride back into Carmel. They not only rode back into the small village on their own horses they also led another eight stallions behind loaded with equipment and many packs filled with unknown treasures. It was a surprise to see them alive. No one who ever left the village before had ever returned.

  Lara had a big smile on her face and her brother was trying to act like someone important. The brother and sister were the center of attention as they dismounted and looked around.


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