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Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series)

Page 12

by Botefuhr, Bec

  I laugh. “That’s Reagan.”

  “Your mother also called, I told her you were in the bath but perfectly alive.”

  I snort. “Maybe you strung me up and fucked me to death?”

  “Maybe.” He chuckles.

  “Speaking of which…” I say, shoving my bottom against him.


  “Travis, have you turned gay? You can tell me? We can be friends.”

  He bites my shoulder. “No.”

  “Then why have I been deprived for two weeks?”

  He stills. “It’s been a hard time.”

  “My mom is ok, she is safe. I am ok…I am doing ok.”

  “It’s still been a hard time.”

  “So we can’t make love? Can’t fuck against walls?”

  “Of course we can…”

  “Trav…are you unattracted to me?”

  He groans. “No, god, no.”

  “Then please…” I plead, pressing against him. “I need you.”

  “Oh yeah?” He whispers, nipping my ear.


  I stand and enjoy the hiss of his breath; I turn slowly and look down at him.

  “I need you to fuck me every which way you can, and I need you to do it now.”

  He grips my legs and turns me in a swift movement so I am perched on the side of the bath. He spreads my legs and growls with satisfaction. He leans in and swipes his tongue through my flesh. I moan and let my head fall back, it slams against the tiled wall. I don’t care. He sucks my clit into his mouth, bitting and licking it until it is swollen and aching. He slowly inserts one finger, then another until I writhing and calling his name, begging for more.

  “Patience, my beautiful girl.”

  “Travis, I need you now.”


  He pulls away, and I mewl in protest as he lifts me and carries me out.



  “I don’t want it on the bed. I want you to fuck me against the wall, hard and fast.”

  He stills and looks down at me.

  “I am fairly sure I just about blew my load.”

  I grin and pull him in for a deep kiss. He puts me on the ground and backs me against a wall. He reaches over to the bedside table to get a condom and slowly rolls it on, then he has my legs around his waist. He grips my bottom and squeezes, causing a yelp to come out of my mouth.

  “Trav, one more thing?”

  “God, you are killing me as it is.”

  “Spank me; I want you to spank me.”

  His eyes widen, and he makes a rough sound with his throat. He nips my ear and then my neck before releasing one of my legs and keeping hold of the other. He bends his knees just a touch and drives upwards. I moan when he slips into me, and I scream when his hand comes down on my ass. I bite down onto his shoulder as he repeats the process, thrust, slap, thrust, slap.

  “Travis, fuck, Trav…”

  “Come around me, let me feel that pussy come.”

  I do, erupting around him with an intense scream. He thrusts harder, faster, bringing me to the edge once more. I am hoarse by the time my second orgasm erupts.

  “Going to come so fucking hard.” He pants.

  He lets out a strangled groan and slaps my ass once more as he releases. My head falls onto his shoulder; I have nothing left. He picks me up and carries me to the bed, then lays me down and crawls in next to me. I lean up on my elbow and stroke the tattoo on his lower abdomen, the one that says ‘Eternity.’

  “What is this for?”

  He looks down. “Oh…just a saying.”

  “And the rest?”

  “Just ink.”

  “Tell me something about yourself Trav, something I didn’t know.”

  He thinks a moment. “I love kids.”

  Wow, that one came out of nowhere. “You do?”

  “Yeah, always have.”

  “Me too.”

  “I always wanted to learn how to play the violin.”

  I still and stare at him, waiting for him to say ‘Just kidding.’

  “You did?”

  “I love the way it sounds, I think it is one of the most beautiful sounds on this earth.”

  “You know what I think is one of the most beautiful sounds? Your voice.”

  He smiles. “Oh yeah?”

  “Hmmmm and hearing you sing to me is even better.”

  He strokes my cheek. “Your turn.”

  I think for a moment. “Did you really think of me when you were away?”

  He strokes my hair. “Every damned minute.”

  “Why Trav?”

  “That’s four questions.”

  “Please?” I plead.

  “Why? Because you were my heart.”

  I stare at him. “I…was?”

  “Yes, I loved you from the minute we sang in the rain when you were twelve, and I was eighteen. I was a boy; I should have been out grinding against girls, but all I wanted to do was hang out with the twelve year old and her dark pigtails.”

  “I remember that day, so clearly. The rain was extra heavy, back before I was afraid of storms. We lay on that grass, giggling and playing like we always did. It was the first day I noticed you Trav, the first day I truly saw you. I remember realizing you had grown muscles, your body was thicker, bigger, and you were so handsome.”

  “And then when you were sixteen, and you begged me to kiss you.”

  I close my eyes and take myself back to that memory.

  The moon is shining down on his face; I can see his grey eyes so clearly under it. He is smiling at me; he has these beautiful dimples. I can see Annabelle in the corner, staring at him. She wants him; she likes him…but he doesn’t want her. He never wanted her. He moves with the music, his arms are wrapped around me tightly, and I am breathing in his scent.

  “I am going to kiss you now Mischief because if I don’t I may just die.”

  I look up at him and his grey eyes narrow. He strokes my hair, moving it from my face. His arms are still around me; the music is still playing. He leans closer, and I can hardly breathe, I have wanted this for so long, wanted him for so long. He grazes a kiss over my cheeks, then over my chin until finally he touches my mouth. Oh. His lips move softly, they are wet and plump; they feel so perfect against mine.

  I reach up to tangle my hands through his hair; I want to feel it, I want to feel all of him. I open my mouth and let his tongue slide into it, I let it graze across mine. I can taste him now, and oh he tastes sensational. Like beer, and Travis, and all the beautiful things a man can taste like wrapped up in one. I can smell the ocean on his skin, I could get lost in him and never…ever be afraid…


  I open my eyes.

  “Do you remember it Trav?”

  “Every damned minute of it.”

  “I never had a kiss like that again, never felt for anyone what I felt for you in that moment.”

  “I remember the day you left Trav, it haunts me. You know that day; I was bringing you a card I made for your birthday. I had this bracelet; I spent hours on it and when I got to my dad’s house you were…gone.”

  I wonder if he will love this bracelet. God what if he hates it? What if he runs? We are friends; he would be nice even if he hated it right? I walk up the stairs to Chief’s house, knowing Travis will be here. He wasn’t at his house, so I figure this would be the only other place he is. My father doesn’t know of Travis and my relationship, he has no clue at all. We hide everything…

  “Mischief, baby girl what you doin here?” Chief asks from the front porch.

  “I was just bringing Trav his birthday present.”

  Chief’s face falls. “Trav ain’t here baby girl.”

  “Oh, where is he then?”

  “He is gone.”


  “He left a note, said he has left and not to follow him. New York. Stupid idiot just went and left, not an explanation, nothing.”

  My h
eart breaks, then and there, it just tears in half. My lips tremble, but I force a smile on my face.

  “Oh I will just go on and post it then.”

  “I don’t have his address darlin.”

  “Oh, well when he returns I will give it to him.”

  “Alright baby. Where you headed?”

  I have turned on the path and am walking down the steps.

  “I have to meet up with a friend, I was just dropping this off on my way past.” I say, forcing a smile.

  “Come and visit your old dad tomorrow?”

  “Ok daddy.”

  I turn and walk down the street, when I am far enough away, I fall to my knees and I scream…

  “Hey, baby, I am so sorry.”

  “You just left me Trav, you never even said goodbye.”

  “I had no choice.”

  “You couldn’t have given me a note, a hug, anything?”

  “I couldn’t because you would have wanted me to stay, and seeing you beg would have broken me. I wasn’t giving you a chance to be yourself, to move on and find love…”

  “I never did anyway.” I whisper.

  “If I could change it…”

  “Well you can’t.” I say, standing.

  I walk out into his kitchen and glance down at my phone. I had better check in with Mom.

  Hey Mom, how are you feeling today?

  Sore honey, but I am getting on. How are you?

  I am ok, with Trav.

  Are you safe?

  As safe as can be.

  And has Caden gotten closer to finding those…monsters.

  I don’t know, I am swinging by this afternoon to see him.

  Please don’t stay long, and take Travis.

  I am ok Mom. How’s Gran?

  She is well, she misses you like crazy.

  Me too. I should go, I love you ok?

  Ok angel. Love you too.

  Trav walks into the room, and he is giving me a pained look.

  “I am going to visit Chief.”

  “Alright, let me get dressed.”

  “I can go alone.”

  “That ain’t going to happen and you know it.”

  I sigh. “Ok.”

  “Mischief, don’t hate me forever. I can’t take back what I did to you, but I can give you all I have now. Don’t go being mad at me…”

  I take his face in my hands. “I am not mad at you Trav, it just hurts.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I know. Come on, I will wait for you to get dressed.”

  He nods and walks out. He is dressed and ready in minutes, and we are on his bike and zooming down the freeway. We pull up at Chief’s house and see the club members have settled in for the night. They are all drinking on the porch, laughing and chatting. I get off the bike and smile at them all as I walk in.

  “Well hi there Mischief.” Ken says.

  “Hi Ken, is Chief around?”

  “Inside banging that no good woman.”

  I shudder. “God, I need to do something about that.”

  “Right there with you.” He winks.

  “How’s your Ma?” Bill asks.

  “Good Bill, thanks.”

  “Good to hear girl.”

  “I am going to slam a few doors and interrupt Chief’s fuck fest.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you girl, he is going at it right on the lounge.”

  “God, he is so gross. CHIEF, CHIEF!” I scream.

  “Mischief, what the fuck?” I hear him yell from inside.

  “Get on out here!”

  He walks out a moment later with only jeans on; he is panting and his chest is covered in sweat.

  “Dad, gross…”

  “What you doin here?”

  “Oh so I’m not welcome now?”

  He runs his hands through his hair as Jaq walks out. She steps beside him and glares down at me.

  “Oh, ruining a good moment just like her mother did…getting raped and bashed while we were having a good time. What is with your girls Chief?”

  I have my gun out of my purse in a split second, and I am holding it up towards her.

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  “Whoa there, baby settle down.” Travis says, he has stayed quiet until now.

  “What the fuck did you say about my mother you no good piece of shit?”

  “Mischief, put the gun down baby.” Chief says, putting his hands out.

  “She is bad mouthing Momma,” I scream. “You will never be good enough for him, you will always be second best, you will never compare to her, and you know it you trash heap.”

  “And yet he is fucking me you snot nosed little…”

  I pull the leaver and the gun loads.

  “Mischief, baby…”

  “She won’t do it Chief.” Jaq snaps.

  “Don’t put it past her, I taught the girl to shoot myself, and she is a damned good aim with that thing.”

  “Take it back you filthy piece of shit.” I snarl.

  “I ain’t done nothing wrong.”

  “Fucking take it back Jaq, NOW!” Chief roars.

  “I take it back, Jesus.”

  “Put it down baby.”

  “She didn’t mean it.” I whisper, my hand trembles.

  “Hey,” Trav has his arms around my waist, I didn’t even notice. “Come on, give it to me.”

  His hand slides out over my arm and he grips the gun, he twists it, and it is out of my hands in a second. Everyone seems to breathe a sigh of relief.

  “You ever speak about my Momma again, I will not hesitate, I assure you.” I hiss.

  “Jaq, go home.” Chief orders.

  “I didn’t do nothing.”

  “You disrespected her Momma; you stepped over the fucking line now get the fuck out of my house, and if you ever insult my daughter or her mother again I will personally plug a bullet in your brain!”

  “Fuck you asshole; I have done good by you, fucking you all these years.”

  “I would have rather licked the fucking toilet seat you stupid bitch now get out.”

  “You piece of shit!” She bellows, slapping him.

  He slaps her back, and I stand watching the two of them go at it. Shocked.

  “Why did you go and keep me around all these years then?”

  “Too lazy to fucking wank myself.”


  “Get out, and if you come near my baby again, I will personally make sure you pay.”

  She storms down the stairs and as she goes past me, she shoves me hard. I spin around, but Travis has her by the throat.

  “Touch her again, and I will rip your fucking arms out of their sockets…”

  She gapes as he tosses her on the ground. She stands and throws rocks and sticks at us while letting off a string of curses. Then she gets in her car and is gone…


  “Mischief, come on and open up.”

  I am curled in the bathroom, my legs up to my chest. I locked them all out; I couldn’t control my intense emotions.

  “Mischief, baby, come on.”

  It is Chief and Trav, begging me to open the door. I pull my knees tighter, feeling the hot tears burn my cheeks. I don’t cry a lot, but that hag of a woman took me right over the edge.

  “Call Mandy.”

  “No Chief, that won’t go down well.”

  “Well I don’t fucking know what to do.”

  “It was your woman who started this…”

  “So now it’s my fault, watch it Travis, I will…”

  I stand and swing the door open. Two eyes meet mine and both look shocked at my expression.

  “Will you two shut up! Chief, go away and leave Trav here.”

  “Excuse me missy, but this is my house.”

  I give him a look, and he sighs.

  “Fine, bossy little shit. I am going.”

  He walks off, and I grip Trav’s shirt and pull him in. He lets me wrap myself around him, and he holds me there for
long moments.

  “You’re alright baby, I got you.”

  “Trav, I need you…”

  “We can’t here Mischief.”

  “We don’t have to; I said I want you…”

  He looks down at me and watches as I lower my body slowly down his. I grip his jeans and unbuckle his belt. I undo the button and slowly lower his pants. He is commando, and I love it. I look up at him, and his gaze is lusty. He grips my hair and strokes a thumb over my cheek.

  “Lean on the vanity.” I growl huskily.

  He steps back and supports his weight on the vanity, moving his hands around to grip the porcelain. I grip his cock in my hands, rubbing my thumb over the silky smooth skin. He clenches his teeth and his lids droop. He leans back and I lean forward, taking him into my mouth. I slide my tongue around the head, then sink him in as deep as I can. He groans and his fingers tighten on the vanity.

  “God, you feel so good.” He rasps.

  I suck slowly at first, dragging him in and out until he is panting and thrusting his hips forward for more, then I take him deep and fast, using my free hand to stroke the base while I work the head with my mouth. His breathing becomes frenzied, and his eyes roll slightly. His mouth is open, and I watch as he pulls his bottom lip into his teeth to keep from yelling out. I feel him getting harder and harder and then I hear his strangled cry as he pumps his seed into my mouth.


  I take it all and only pull back when he has begun to soften. He takes my arms and pulls me to me feet; he gives me a lopsided smile and his expression is hooded.

  “You have a beautiful mouth.” He murmurs, stroking his thumb over my bottom lip which is full and swollen.

  “You have a beautiful cock.”

  “God, say that again…” He growls, fisting my hair and bringing me close.

  “Beautiful cock…”

  “You make me crazy, crazy…”

  “Oi, what are you two doin in there?” Chief bellows through the door. “Better not be fucking my baby in my house you little…”

  Travis does up his pants, and I swing open the door to reveal two fully clothed people.

  “Talking father…”

  Chief narrows his eyes at me. “Calling me father, you wound me girl.”

  “You wound me by assuming I am banging Travis in your bathroom.”

  He gives me a look, then stares over at Travis.

  “Boy’s got rosy cheeks.”


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