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Just Friends

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

His friend smiled. Mitch looked at Chase, wondering what he was thinking.

  “You could have taken her then and there,” Chase said. “In the park, you could have told her the truth.”

  Mitch rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve never been an underhand player, Chase. We agreed to this.”

  “But you know who Marvin’s father is.” Chase swallowed more beer.

  Mitch knew that his son was in Leah’s arms. That Friday night all those months ago played in his mind all the time. When they’d found out about Leah being pregnant Chase had told Mitch he was unable to have children. The baby Leah was carrying had to be his.

  Years ago Chase had gotten mumps when he was a child, and he’d been bed-bound for weeks. Mitch hadn’t known that the illness had taken Chase’s ability to father children.

  The fight they’d had over their love for Leah when they were teenagers came to him. Chase had always been in love with Leah.

  “You’re right. I could have taken Leah. I knew I was the father of Marvin, but my son is going to be the luckiest boy in the world because he’s going to have two fathers who love him.” Mitch pulled his friend close and hugged him. “I don’t care about all that shit, Chase. We agreed to share her, and Leah is so happy. How could we deny her everything she ever wanted?”

  Chase rubbed his eyes, wiping the tears from them. “I can’t believe you’d do this for me.”

  “You’ll get to be a father to children, Chase. They may come from me, but they’ll be ours.” When Mitch found out about Chase’s inability to father children, he’d demanded he get tested to make sure. The results had taken a few weeks to come, but the evidence was in black and white. At least it had been until Mitch burnt the papers. “Leah never needs to know. She loves us both, Chase. I won’t tell her, and neither will you.”

  “Tell me what?” Leah asked. Marvin was asleep in her arms, looking absolutely perfect.

  “You’ve got baby sick on your shoulder,” Chase said.

  “Shoot. Here, have your son while I go and change.” Leah handed Marvin to Chase then disappeared into the house.

  “Remember, we’re in this together. You can never abandon us,” Mitch said.


  Chase looked at the boy in his arms. Tears welled in his eyes at the love he felt for this little man. When she’d given birth a part of him had thought Mitch would tell Leah to claim her as his own. His own insecurity had been getting to him in the heat of the moment. He looked at Mitch seeing his best friend smile.

  “We’re just friends, but we’re a family.”

  Nodding his head, Chase rocked Marvin in his arms. The boy was asleep, but Chase liked the action. It soothed him.

  Mitch ate his burger, and then Leah took the baby. Chase watched his two friends and the people he loved. They’d given him far more than friendship. They’d given him a chance to have a family.

  He left to go to the bathroom. His father followed him. They stared at each other before his father patted him on the back.

  “I know that grandbaby isn’t mine, Chase.”

  “I don’t care what you think, Dad. That baby is mine, and if you want to treat him any differently then I’ll cut you out of his life. I can’t help what happened to me. Either accept him, or back off.”

  “Mitch knows, doesn’t he?” his father asked.

  “He knows and is more than happy with it. We’re a family, and I’ll never have you tell me otherwise.”

  He walked into the bathroom and stared at his reflection. Chase stared down at the ring on his finger, and the love her felt for both people wearing the exact same rings hit him in the chest.

  Finally, he was getting everything he ever wanted.

  Chase smiled as he made his way down the stairs. The love he felt showed on his face and in the way he walked over to his family.


  Five years later

  Leah hung the washing on the line as Marvin and Tracy ran around her feet. The breeze was a welcoming relief from the heat the summer months had provided. It had been a long year, and she was thankful for her time spent hanging out the washing. The last five years had been surreal, even more surreal than the revelation of loving two men.

  Mitch and Chase had finally begun to turn their business into a more stable endeavour. They made it home every night for dinner and had weekends off. In the early days after Marvin’s birth they had almost lost their business and everything they owned with the economic downturn. They had refused to admit defeat and continued on until they were a success.

  She patted her stomach. That morning she’d been to the doctor and gotten the news she was expecting baby number three. Leah smiled as she watched Marvin climb the small slide. His laughter always delighted her.

  “Baby, food’s ready.”

  Leah walked up the garden to the patio where the barbeque was currently grilling their food. Once their business had turned around, they’d bought her this house out of the city with a garden and plenty of rooms to keep her occupied. She’d even started taking contract work where she worked at home. Marvin was in school, and she’d never been a kept woman.

  Mitch sat at the table reading the paper. She chuckled as he pulled her into his lap.

  “I’ve missed you today,” he said.

  “Ew, mommy and daddy are kissing.” Mitch laughed as Marvin’s voice disappeared down the slide.

  “You went to the doctor today.”

  “I did.”

  Chase stood next to her at the table. “What’s the matter, baby? You’ve not been very well these past few days. I don’t want you working and getting yourself ill,” Chase said.

  She took their hands giving them both a squeeze. “I imagine I’m going to continue being sick for a little while. I may lose my appetite and become grouchy. Oh, and I’ll balloon to the size of a mini elephant.”

  “Again?Seriously?” Chase took her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. Mitch chuckled, running his fingers through his hair. “I love you,” he said, breaking away from the kiss.

  She smiled, stroking his cheek. “You better feed me. I’m starving.”

  Mitch turned her to face him. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m tired but happy. Another baby will be perfect.” She looked at the men she loved feeling overwhelming happiness.

  “Do you want me to tell our folks, or do you want to do it?” Chase asked.

  “My mom already knows. She was the one who told me to go to the doctor. I think she has a sixth sense for this kind of thing.”

  Chase passed her a plate of food. Marvin ran to the table followed by Tracy. They sat around the table eating their food. Leah listened to Chase and Mitch talk about work. When they were done, she took their children into bed.

  It was a Friday night, and they were waiting for her downstairs. She quickly changed into some baggy pants and shirt and joined them in the middle of the sofa. Chase was putting in the movie as Mitch pulled her into his lap. “This takes the decision out of your hands.”

  “What decision?” she asked.

  “Mitch picked a horror movie to start off with. I think he’s hoping to get off on you. I, however, would never do that,” Chase said.

  “You wouldn’t do that?” she asked. “Is that why your jeans have thickened near your groin?”

  “What can I say? The thought of seeing my two best friends fuck is a turn-on to me.”

  Leah smiled, settling down on Mitch’s lap as Chase took her feet.

  She loved this, when the children were in bed and they were alone. They were no longer friends but lovers. Chase handed her the pillow, and she stared behind waiting for the horror to grip her. Being in Mitch’s lap meant she had plenty of manly flesh to keep her mind occupied. Mitch rubbed her back, his touch setting off a fire like it had many times before. She couldn’t wait for the movie to end, and none of them liked horrors to begin with.

  Reaching down between them, she cupped his cock in her hand. She was rather in the mood for playing sp
in the bottle, naked.

  The End

  Other Books by

  Sam Crescent


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