Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack)

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Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack) Page 28

by N. J. Walters

  And Sage was right behind her, sailing over downed logs, his long legs eating up the miles they ran. She heard water and instinctively turned toward it. She was almost to the stream when she caught the scent of another wolf. She stumbled to a stop and waited, quivering with both fear and anticipation.

  Reece stepped out from behind a large oak tree. Oh, how it hurt her to look at him. This is what Sage would look like if he was able to shift. He was strong and proud, his fur several shades of brown like his hair. And his eyes. They were so familiar to her.

  Reece hesitated, but Sage greeted him warmly. “Hey, bro. I didn’t know you were out running. Are you patrolling?”

  He shook his head. Rina sidled closer to Sage but stopped when she realized what she was doing. It could be construed as an insult to Reece, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt Sage’s twin.

  “Want to run with us?” Sage asked.

  Reece looked at her, seeking her agreement. This was another turning point in her life and would set the tone for her and Reece’s relationship for the rest of their lives. She trotted over to him and tentatively reached out until their muzzles touched. Reece remained still, sensing her hesitation.

  When their noses met, he flicked out his tongue and licked her. She jumped back and inwardly laughed. Reece grinned at her, the devil.

  Sage rubbed the top of her head. “I should have warned you about him.” He turned to his brother. “That’s your one and only kiss of the bride.”

  Bride? She tilted her head upward and gave Sage a quizzical look. He shrugged. “I’d like us to get married, if that’s okay with you?”

  His brother groaned and put a paw over his face. Sage sighed and dropped his head forward. “Yeah, I know. Not the best timing in the world.”

  But it was. It was the perfect time. Sage would always be joined to his twin in a way Rina might never understand. And that was okay. She jumped up until her paws were resting on Sage’s shoulders and licked his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

  She wanted to shift back to her human form so she could kiss him, but that wasn’t happening with his brother standing right beside them. She’d never been as blasé as some werewolves were about walking around naked. She wouldn’t mind it so much around the women, but around Sage’s brother? Yeah, not happening.

  She jumped back down and took off running. This time, Reece was on her right and Sage on her left. The three of them raced toward home to beat the coming dawn. She noted that Reece let her and Sage set the pace. She had a feeling he could run a whole lot faster.

  Rina trotted into the yard and came to an abrupt halt. Jacque was waiting there along with the rest of the pack. Only the children were missing. They stood in pairs—Jacque and Gwen, Anny and Armand, Cole and Cherise, Louis and Gray, Gator and Sylvie, Corrine and Joseph, and Elias and Sue. Only Miss Elise stood by herself.

  A few weeks ago, she hadn’t known any of them existed. Now they were an integral part of her life. She liked them all and was on her way to becoming good friends with most of the women.

  How had they known? It wasn’t too hard to imagine that one or more of them had heard Sage claiming her last night. They hadn’t exactly been quiet and the windows were all open.

  Sage stopped beside her and rested his hand on her neck. Reece stood on her other side, a silent sentinel.

  “You’ve mated.” Jacque settled his gaze on Rina. She tried not to squirm beneath the alpha’s intense scrutiny.

  It wasn’t a question, but Sage answered the alpha. “Yes.”

  Jacque’s gaze darted to someone behind her. Rina didn’t need to turn to know it was her brother. She’d have to deal with him after they finished with Jacque. He was alpha, and by rights, they should have asked his permission before mating.

  He nodded. “Good.” Then he went down on one knee.

  Rina hesitated, but Sage gave her a little push and she trotted forward. She lowered her head and Jacque brushed his hand over her fur. “You’re safe here, little one,” he told her.

  Tears pricked her eyes. She had everything she’d ever dreamed of and more. This was a night she’d remember forever.

  “Welcome to the pack.”

  Once she’d been officially welcomed by the alpha, the others swarmed forward. Rina was lost in a sea of hugs and well wishes. When Sage finally worked his way to her side, he was laughing and smiling. “Let me take Rina inside so she can get changed.”

  “Breakfast at our place,” Gator announced. “What would you like?”

  Sage looked at Rina and shrugged. “You can never go wrong with pancakes.”

  “Pancakes it is. I’ll make a couple different kinds. Come on, woman.” He put his arm around his mate. “We’ve got cooking to do.”

  Sylvie smacked him lightly on the stomach. “What is this we business? You’re the one who volunteered.”

  “So I did, mon ange. You can sit and look pretty and watch me while I cook.”

  Rina watched them go, loving the way all the couples interacted.

  “Come on.” Sage urged her toward the house. “Time to get changed and have breakfast.”

  She glanced back at Reece, but he’d already ducked into the house. That’s when she saw Mikhail waiting on the porch for her and Sage. She needed to get dressed and talk with her brother.

  Sage opened the patio door for her. “Go on,” he told her when she hesitated. “I’ll talk with Mikhail while you’re getting changed.”

  She knew she had no other choice. She left her mate and her brother alone and hurried inside.

  Sage waited until Rina was in the bathroom before he closed the door and faced her brother. “I claimed your sister.”

  “So you did.” Mikhail perched on the railing and studied Sage. “Obviously, she didn’t object.”

  Irritation filled him. “Of course not.”

  His new brother-in-law held up his hands in mock protest. “I never meant to imply anything. I’m surprised she gave in so quickly.”

  “I am too, but I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I’m just grateful.”

  “The mating mark stuck.”

  Sage knew Mikhail had seen it. The mark was there even when Rina was in her wolf form. “Yeah, it stuck.”

  Mikhail sighed. “You want to call off your guard dog. I’m not as upset about this as you seem to think.”

  Sage glanced over his shoulder, and sure enough, his brother was standing there, arms crossed over his chest, his expression fierce. Love welled up inside Sage. He had his brother and family, his pack, and now Rina. Life didn’t get any better than this.

  “It’s okay,” he told his twin.

  “You sure?” Reece asked.

  They stared at one another until Reece finally nodded. “Okay. I’ll be heading out right after breakfast. If you need me for anything, I’ll come home.”

  Sage knew his brother would do anything for him. “Thanks, man.” As they’d done many times before, they each wrapped a hand around the other’s neck and touched their foreheads together.

  Mikhail was silent, watching the brothers part. “Rina will be safe here.”

  “Happy too,” Sage assured him. “I want her to be happy.”

  “That’s all I can ask for.”

  “What about you?” he asked.

  Mikhail shrugged. “Not sure yet. Jacque has extended an invitation for me to stay on for a while and see how things go.”

  It wasn’t an official invitation into the pack, but it was a start. “Are you going to take it?” He knew it would mean a lot to Rina to have her brother here with her.

  Mikhail nodded just as Rina joined them. “I think I might.”

  “Might what?” she asked.

  “Stay on for a bit. See how things go.”

  Rina smiled and jumped into her brother’s arms. “That’s wonderf
ul.” She turned to Sage. “Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “It is.” He waited until she released her brother and then put his arm around her. “Come on. Let’s go get breakfast.”


  Rina reached in the back of the truck to retrieve another basket of flowers. Sage was right. The bouquets really did sell well at the Saturday market.

  “Let me have that.” He reached around her, hefted the basket from the truck, and placed it on the makeshift table he’d set up in front of the tailgate. “You’re supposed to be resting.” He pointed at the lawn chair he’d set up for her.

  “I want to help.” The market was vibrant and full of people buying and selling. She’d wandered around earlier and bought a jar of local honey. She couldn’t wait to try it.

  “I know you do, baby.” He touched the top of her head and allowed his hand to skate down her spine. “But you were severely injured less than a week ago.” It was a reminder that she wasn’t already supposed to be healed.

  “Right.” She sat back down in the chair and waved at him. “Back to work. I’ll just enjoy the view.”

  And it was a great view. Sage was wearing faded blue jeans that clung to his butt and thighs and a crisp white T-shirt that emphasized his broad shoulders and tight abs. Oh, yeah. The view was just fine.

  Sue was working the other end of the table doing a brisk business with her sachets and soaps. Sylvie had given them two quilts and some table runners to try to sell as well. Cole’s mama had sent along several dozen bottles of jam that were almost already gone. Rina closed her eyes and enjoyed the sunshine on her face.

  “You’re looking better.”

  Rina opened her eyes to find Sheriff Dohner standing on the opposite side of their table. “I am doing better.” She glanced at Sage, who was watching the exchange as he served a customer. “Sage is taking good care of me.”

  “I imagine he is. You just don’t try to do too much too soon.”

  She held her empty hands out in front of me. “I have orders to sit here and not lift anything heavier than an ice cold drink.”

  Sheriff Dohner chuckled. “Yeah, that sounds about right to me.”

  Sage handed a customer back her change and then ambled over. “Everything okay here?”

  The sheriff nodded. “Just checking on Miss Matheson.”

  Sage dropped his hand on her shoulder. “She’ll soon be Mrs. Gallagher.”

  “That so? Well, congratulations to you both.” He leaned in closer. “Thought you’d like to know Johnny Bellamy was transferred out of here this morning. He’s headed to a psychiatric hospital for testing and evaluation. That will decide what happens to him.”

  Rina felt a weight tumble from her shoulders. “That’s wonderful news.”

  “Thanks for letting us know.” Sage held out his hand and the sheriff shook it.

  “Glad to be able to give you some good news.” He tipped his hat. “I’ll be seeing you.”

  The rest of the morning passed in a blur. Rina was itching to help but knew she couldn’t be seen doing too much. There were too many people watching. She comforted herself with the promise that within a few weeks she’d be able to do pretty much anything without having anyone question her health.

  During a short lull, Sage crouched by her chair and took one of her hands in his. “I know this is tough on you.”

  She shook her head. “No, this is heaven. Yes, I want to help, but I’m so happy just to be here.”

  He leaned in and rubbed noses with her before dropping a quick kiss on her lips.

  “Do you think Reece will be back soon?” She knew he was already missing his twin.

  Sage shrugged. “I’m really not sure. Maybe.” He absently rubbed his chest. “I have a feeling maybe sooner than expected.” Then he frowned at what he’d said.

  “What do you feel?” The connection between the two men fascinated her.

  “I’m not sure. Just a sense of anticipation.” He patted her arm. “I’ve got to get back to work. We’ll start shutting things down in an hour. Maybe sooner.”

  “Go on. I’m fine.” And she was. For the first time in her life, she had a place that would never be taken from her. She and Sage belonged together.

  She closed her eyes and wished that Reece and her brother would be as lucky as she was in this very moment.

  * * * * *

  Reece stood at his apartment window and stared out at the city. He lived in an older building, not quite derelict, but it hadn’t yet been reclaimed and made trendy. It suited him. He didn’t really live here. It was simply a place to sleep and had been for years.

  He was getting restless.

  The urge to pack it all in and head back to Salvation was overwhelming. The endless grind and noise of the traffic hurt his sensitive ears. And the stench. Some days it was enough to turn his stomach, especially given his job. He spent a lot of time in the back alleys wading through blood, guts, and vomit.

  But he was meant to be here.

  He’d had a dream when he was a teenager. It hadn’t been long or filled with details. All he remembered was that he’d been living in this city and was here for a purpose. He didn’t really believe in prophetic dreams, but he hadn’t been able to shake that one. When he’d decided to leave the pack for a few years and strike out on his own, he’d ended up training to be a police officer and finally moving here.

  He sighed and turned away. He was off duty today, but he was restless. He hated downtime. It gave him too much time to think.

  Swearing, he stalked into the bedroom and pulled on his weapon harness. He checked his gun and grabbed his badge. He was better off at work than just sitting around here staring at the walls and going stir crazy. He slipped a light summer jacket on to cover his weapon and headed out.

  As he locked his front door, he paused and cocked his head to one side. He listened but heard nothing. He reached out for his twin but felt only contentment there.

  Something was coming. He didn’t know what it was, but it was his reason for being here. He knew it in his gut. His wolf was restless, pacing inside him.

  Reece just wanted whatever it was to happen so he could deal with it and move home. He was tired of the city. Jaded and worn out. He needed the sunshine and clean air of Salvation to heal his wounded soul.

  He ignored the peeling paint on the walls and the stench of fried onions that permeated the hallway and silently stalked down the stairs. Yeah, he needed to be at work. Anything to keep busy.

  About the Author

  Once upon a time, N.J. had the idea that she would like to quit her job at the bookstore, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the bookstore and her hometown and settled in for another seven years.

  She gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel and life would never be the same.

  N.J. has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.

  N.J. enjoys hearing from readers, and she can be reached at [email protected]. You can check out her web site at www.njwalters.com.

  Look for these titles by N.J. Walters

  Now Available:

  Jamesville Series

  Discovering Dani

  The Way Home

  The Return of Patrick O’Rourke

  The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke

  A Legal Affair

  By the Book

  Past Promises

  Legacy Series

  Alexandra’s Legacy

Isaiah’s Haven

  Legacy Found

  Quinn’s Quest

  Finding Chrissten

  Damek’s Redemption

  Craig’s Heart

  Spells, Secrets and Seduction Series

  A Touch of Magick

  Dreams of Seduction

  Love in Flames

  Hades’ Carnival Series

  Night of the Tiger

  Mark of the Bear

  Pride of the Lion

  Howl of the Wolf

  Heart of the Serpent

  Flame of the Phoenix

  Lure of the Jaguar

  Salvation Pack Series

  Wolf at the Door

  Wolf in her Bed

  Wolf on the Run

  Wolf from the Past

  Wolf on the Hunt

  Wolf on a Mission

  Coming Soon:

  Salvation Pack Series

  Wolf in her Soul

  Wolf of her Own

  Don’t miss the other titles in N.J. Walters’ Salvation Pack Series!

  When love runs wild, there are no limits.

  Salvation Pack, Book 6

  Full-blooded werewolf Elias Gallagher, sole guardian of his half-breed teenage nephews, is all too aware that the world is not a safe place for a werewolf on his own. Doubly so for half-breeds.

  He brings his nephews to North Carolina to check out the Salvation Pack’s openness to half-breeds. He never expected to find a mate—the fully human mother of a young boy—while there.

  After enduring one tragedy after another over the past two years, Sue Walsh is focused solely on earning a living and raising her five-year-old son. With her ex suddenly demanding custody, the last complication she wants or needs is an attraction to a ruggedly handsome stranger.

  But the sexual pull between them is too strong to be denied. And when there’s trouble with the local hunters, Elias will do whatever it takes to protect the people he loves. Even if it means revealing his biggest secret.

  Warning: This book will make your heart pound with excitement, your body sizzle with anticipation and your toes curl with satisfaction. The power of love will make you believe anything is possible.


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