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My Anti-Boyfriend

Page 3

by D. J. Jamison

  He lifted his head. “What do you want?”

  Riley was aware Brad had said he didn’t want to fuck, but all signs pointed to a greenlight now. Still, better to be sure.

  Brad panted, his eyes fogged with lust. “You,” he croaked. “Just want you.”

  Good enough.

  Riley took him right there on the couch. He slipped low, drawing Brad’s cock into his mouth and sucking him while circling a finger around his hole. He pushed his index finger in, chuckling against the cock in his mouth when Brad groaned long and low, thighs quivering. Oh yeah. He needed Riley’s cock.

  He withdrew and went to grab supplies, shucking the rest of his clothes on the way back. When he returned, he looked down at Brad. He was splayed out on the sofa, one leg propped on the back of the couch and the other braced against the coffee table. In between was a fucking tight ass that Riley knew would feel like heaven.

  “You are some kind of fallen angel, babe. So gorgeous.”

  Brad’s eyebrows lifted. “Bit sappy for you,” he snarked.

  Riley laughed. “Yeah, it is. But don’t worry. It was a momentary lapse. I’m gonna fuck you into next week, you slut.”

  Brad chuckled, but it sounded weak. Riley glanced at his face, but he couldn’t read his expression — except to say it was his sex face. His eyelids were heavy, his lips plump from all the kissing.

  “Do it,” he said simply, and so Riley did.

  He climbed between his legs, pushed Brad’s left leg further back and lined up his cock, now sheathed and lubed. He pushed into Brad’s heat and they both moaned.


  Riley fucked him slow and gentle at first, and that was almost worse than if he’d pounded him from the word go. Brad could almost imagine that Riley loved him too. The way he’d shown up here unannounced and then kissed Brad so sweetly. But that was a fantasy. Soon enough, Riley was fucking him hard and fast, calling him all sorts of names that used to turn him on but now made him just a little sad. Cockslut, greedy bottom and other variations on the theme. He wasn’t opposed to dirty talk, of course, but he’d like to just once hear Riley call him something loving.

  Like angel? Brad almost laughed at himself. Riley hadn’t called him angel. He’d called him a fallen angel, which was just a more fanciful way of saying slut, wasn’t it?

  Riley loved the sex at least. That much was clear as he moaned Brad’s name and kissed him deep and hard while shuddering through an orgasm. When he was done, he raised up and grabbed Brad’s dick, stroking him with a firm grip while they kissed until he shot his release hot and sticky between their bodies.

  When it was over, Brad felt broken open and on the verge of tears. He couldn’t let Riley see, so he mumbled something about a shower and escaped.

  The tears came, but the shower stream washed them away, so Brad pretended he didn’t know he was weeping over a hopeless cause. He cried his fill, and by the time he exited the shower, he was able to put on a smile for Riley.

  He maintained his composure while Riley took his turn cleaning up, then returned to the sofa to hang out and watch a movie. It was nice, but also torture, cuddling into Riley’s side while he offered snarky commentary on the bad action flick they’d found on cable.

  After the credits rolled, Riley called it a night and headed out.

  For the first time ever, Brad was relieved when he left. He didn’t know how much longer he could put on a happy face. But he knew he couldn’t sleep with Riley again. Not without doing some serious damage to himself.

  No more fuck-and-runs.

  Chapter 4

  Riley swung the sledgehammer through the wall with satisfaction. The force of the strike vibrated up his arms, but Riley was ready for that. He yanked the sledgehammer back, braced his feet and swung again, relishing the excuse to release some pent up energy.

  “Yo, Riles!”

  Riley followed through on the swing. He had too much momentum to pull it. The head crashed through another section of sheetrock that separated the existing bathroom from the laundry room. They were expanding into the second space to make room for a large tub and separate shower as part of the remodel job.

  “What?” he asked as he pulled the sledgehammer free from where it’d jammed in between bits of loosened sheetrock. Dust rose up as he tugged it — and a section of wall — free from the studs. His favorite guy on the crew, Manny, stepped in and used a pry bar to clear out the smaller bits that Riley missed.

  “Are we tearing out the cabinets or refacing them?” a newer crew member, Cole, asked.

  Riley wasn’t a fan of Cole. He wasn’t too bright, and he’d let more than one gay slur slip. Riley wasn’t out on the job because it would be a pain the ass. Not to mention, mixing homophobia and power tools was a no go for him. Bad enough he’d had to put up with that shit from his family.

  “The fuck? Do I look like your boss?” Riley snapped.

  He was in a shitty mood. He thought his surprise visit and the awesome sex that followed would break Brad out of his funk. Instead, he’d been just as elusive. All week, Riley had called and texted, only to get the brush-off. Forget about sex. Brad didn’t want to go to a movie. He didn’t want to grab a coffee. Nothing.

  “You usually do the kitchens,” Cole said.

  “Today, I’m doing the shitter. So unless you’re missing the smell of my shit, why don’t you go do your fucking job?”

  “Jesus Christ.” Cole scrunched up his nose. “Someone’s not getting enough pussy.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Dude, go get laid and ease the fuck up.”

  Manny stepped in before Riley lost his temper, but it was a close thing. He hated that bullshit macho posturing. Like having a bad day was tied directly to your dick. Of course, he hadn’t fucked anyone all week, so maybe the kid had a point. Maybe he did need to get laid.

  “Okay, Cole, get lost before you get an ass kicking,” Manny said, nudging the youngest crew member out the door.

  Riley threw down the sledgehammer in disgust. “I’m taking a break.”

  He yanked the sweat rag from his back pocket and mopped at his face, before heading outside to take advantage of a cool breeze. He got a couple of minutes alone before Manny joined him.

  “Running hot today,” he said.

  Riley lifted his jug of ice water and took a swig. “Kid pisses me off.”

  “Everyone does lately. What’s your problem, Riley?”

  “No problem.”

  He turned to walk away, but Manny grabbed his arm. “Seriously, dude. Who pissed in your Cheerios? You got boyfriend problems?”

  Manny was the only guy on the crew who knew Riley was gay. They’d built up a friendship over the years as they built houses.

  Riley snorted. “No. I got best friend problems.”

  Manny raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in his eye. “You fucking this friend?”

  Riley laughed. “Yup. That’s why he’s the best.”

  Manny’s brow wrinkled. “So, how’s that work then? If you’re friends and you’re fucking, doesn’t that kind of make you boyfriends?”

  “You’re thinking like a straight guy. If you’re fucking your female friend, maybe she expects a relationship. But with a lot of guys, we just want sex, you know? The friendship is just a bonus.”

  “So, you guys fuck around with other guys?”


  “And it doesn’t bother you that this friend of yours is dipping his wick other places?”

  Riley grinned. “Not much dipping going on.”


  “He’s more the inkwell, if you get my drift.” At Manny’s blank look, Riley rolled his eyes. “He’s a bottom, dude.”

  “Oh!” Manny turned bright red, which was quite the feat with his browned skin. “Oh. Right.” He cleared his throat. “But you get the point. You’re getting sloppy seconds or whatever.”

  Riley smirked. “No, I’m getting whatever serving I want. If I ask, Brad drops whatever guy he’s scoping and
fucks me instead.”

  “Must be nice.”

  “We have a good arrangement.”

  “Nah, I mean for you. Must be nice for you that Brad comes running when you call—”

  “Not lately,” Riley grumbled, mostly to himself because Manny wasn’t done talking.

  “—but what about for him? Do you come running whenever he wants?”

  Riley cocked his head, unsure where Manny was going with this. He and Brad were fuck buddies. It was casual and comfortable. But now that he gave it some thought, he couldn’t remember ever cutting loose a guy because Brad asked. Probably because Brad didn’t ask. Huh. If he wasn’t so sure Brad loved fucking him, he might be worried about that. But he generally led and Brad followed, so it wasn’t that strange Brad went with the flow. If he started asking Riley to cut bait and be with him, Riley would probably freak out. Brad most likely knew that too.

  He shrugged off Manny’s questions. He didn’t really get it because he came from a perspective of heteronormative relationships, and it was a completely different set of expectations.

  “He’d tell me if he was unhappy,” Riley said.

  Manny clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, it sounds like you have a good thing going. So, what’s the problem?”

  “I wish I knew,” Riley said. “He’s been blowing off my calls and texts. Avoiding me.”

  “That blows,” Manny said, as they headed back inside. “Maybe he met someone.”

  “What? Like a real boyfriend, you mean?” Riley nearly laughed out loud. “No way. Brad’s a total slut. He loves sleeping around.”

  They parted ways to head back to work, but no matter how much frustration Riley released by tearing down walls, he couldn’t shake the niggle of doubt that Manny had planted. What if Brad had met a guy? What would that mean for Riley?


  “You got your bounce back,” Wes said.

  Brad turned from digging in his gym bag for a drink and smiled wide to see his favorite student looking at him appreciatively. The man’s gaze jerked up and red flushed through his cheeks when Brad caught him looking at his ass.

  “Some parts of me have more bounce than others,” he said with a wink.

  Wes chuckled. “No more man troubles then?”

  That brought a few clouds to Brad’s sunnier outlook. He’d started today with new resolve. He was done hurting over Riley. He was going out and living his life. That started with this moment, actually. He’d decided it was time to take a test drive with a nice guy like Wes.

  “Oh, men are always trouble,” he said with a flirty smile, “but they’re usually worth it.”

  “You’d definitely be worth it.”

  Oh, yeah. Wes was flirting back, just like he always did.

  Brad took a step closer and ran a finger down the front of Wes’s shirt. “Yeah? Want to put that theory to the test?”

  Wes sucked air, floundering for a long moment. His eyes went wide with shock. Brad saved him the trouble of finding his words.

  “How about dinner? I like seafood. Meet at that new restaurant, Shells, at 7?”

  When Wes continued to gape, Brad put a finger under his chin and gently closed his mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes. See you there, Wes. I’ve got to get ready for my next class.”

  Brad snagged his gym bag and swung it over a shoulder, shooting one last smile at Wes as he left the room.

  “See you tonight!” Wes called out as he went, and Brad waved a hand to show he’d heard him.

  Dating a guy who was rendered speechless by the idea of it. What would that be like? Brad didn’t know, but he was ready to find out.


  The date started out pretty good. Brad was feeling some butterflies. He felt out of his element going on a dinner date. You wouldn’t think meeting for dinner and drinks should make him more nervous than grinding on a stranger at a club, but it did. He could trust his body. He was less confident about his brain. Wes seemed like a smart guy, and Brad had always been the “pretty” boy rather than the clever one.

  Not that he was dumb or anything. But books weren’t his forte. One more reason he and Riley had clicked. They were the two friends in their small circle who didn’t go to college and worked more physical jobs.

  Stop thinking about Riley.

  Wes walked in, saving Brad from himself. He was dressed in a polo and beige slacks, a bit bland but he filled them out well. Brad could see the work he’d been putting in at the gym was beginning to pay off. Wes didn’t have a hard body, but it was toned.

  “Hey, you look great,” Wes said with a nervous smile.

  It was good to know he wasn’t the only guy out of his element. It buoyed Brad’s confidence, and he grinned.

  “You too. I wasn’t sure what to expect outside of aerobics classes.”

  Wes was usually dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt. Brad usually wore spandex shorts and a tank. He didn’t like having extra fabric bunch between his legs or become sodden with the sweat he was working up. He favored clothes that wicked away that moisture as much as possible.

  Tonight, he’d tried for a respectable look. Most of his clothes tended toward the skimpy twink look, but he wanted this date to be about more than hooking up. So, he’d scrounged around his closet until he found a decent short-sleeved button-down to go with some dark jeans. He felt awkward and unsure of himself, but his hair was styled to perfection at least.

  The hostess seated them, and conversation flowed light and fluffy. Wes asked about his day, and Brad returned the favor. He learned more about Wes’s profession. He’d totally nailed it when he guessed Wes wasn’t a trial lawyer, but the details of precisely what kind of legal work Wes did was dry as toast and a little confusing. Brad might have zoned out at one point.

  Wes was polite enough to ask a bit more about Brad’s job, but he already knew more about it because he was in Brad’s classes.

  All in all, it was a bit mundane but friendly. By the time they’d wrapped up the meal, Brad was certain his initial impression of Wes had been right on the money. He was a nice guy who wouldn’t fuck and run. He’d be a steady boyfriend, if that’s what Brad wanted.

  And he did. Or at least, he thought he did? He had to admit the missing sparks were a bit concerning. But once they got into bed things would heat up, surely.

  Then the check came, and Wes snagged it.

  “Wait, I asked you out. I should pay,” Brad protested, reaching for the slip of paper.

  Wes held it out of his reach. “I insist. I don’t imagine the aerobics business pays all that well.”

  Brad’s smile tightened. “I get by just fine.”

  “Look, I didn’t mean any offense. You’re great at what you do. I love your classes. I just figure the pay’s not that great …”

  “Let’s split the bill at least,” Brad said.

  “It’s really no trouble—” Wes began.

  “I insist,” Brad ground out from between his teeth.

  Reluctantly, Wes relented and they each paid half of the bill. There was an awkward thread of tension between them as they walked outside. Brad tried to shake it off as Wes followed him to his car.

  He was just trying to be gentlemanly, not look down on you, Brad told himself. You’re being silly.

  It was the perfect opportunity for the little Riley devil in his head to speak up. Riley would never treat you as less because of your job.

  No, Riley didn’t care about things like that. He also didn’t go on dates, so it was pointless to hold up Wes to some kind of Riley standard. That wasn’t fair to either man.

  “Well, goodnight,” Wes said, an uncertain look in his eye. “Sorry about back there. I didn’t mean any offense.”

  Brad forced a smile. “I know.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you in class.”

  Wes dipped forward and pecked a kiss to Brad’s lips.

  The earth didn’t move. It didn’t even tremble. But Wes’s lips were warm and soft. That was something.

; Wes turned on his heel, and Brad laid a hand on his arm. “Wait. Don’t you want to come back to my place? Or I don’t know, get a coffee at least?”

  Wes turned back, a pained look on his face. “Brad, don’t take this the wrong way.”

  Uh-oh. He’d definitely take it the wrong way now.

  “I don’t think we should take this any further,” he said. “You’re super cute, and you’re so much fun in class—”

  “Just not out in the real world, huh?”

  “No, no, no,” Wes rushed out, looking contrite. “I didn’t mean that at all. I like you, Brad. Tonight was fun. But just a couple of days ago you were bummed about some guy, and I joked about being good for a rebound, but I’m not really a one-night kind of guy. I probably should have said no to this date, but I was so surprised a guy like you would ever ask me out.”

  Ouch. Wes had a fair point. Brad was nowhere near over Riley, not when he’d been comparing Wes to him all night. He hadn’t intended for Wes to be a one-night stand, but maybe he should date someone more casual. He didn’t want to hurt anyone, and he wasn’t sure he and Wes were so compatible after that little exchange about the size of his paycheck.

  “I understand,” he said. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked. I just wanted to try something different.”

  “Like pudgy and boring?” Wes asked with a self-deprecating laugh.

  Brad swatted him on the arm. “Don’t do that. You’re looking good.”

  “Thanks to your classes.”

  Brad shrugged. “You have to show up and put in the work. I don’t do that for you.”

  “I guess.”

  “By different, I meant someone more serious about dating and relationships.”

  “Ah, so the man giving you trouble has commitment issues.”

  That was an understatement, but it was close enough, so Brad nodded.

  “Well, I’m flattered, Brad. Really, you made my day. Part of me is very tempted to go home with you and get the full experience.” His eyes scanned Brad top to bottom and back again. He licked his lips. “You’re gorgeous, you know? But I think it’s your happiness that really appealed to me all those times in class, and that was missing tonight.”


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