The Scottish Governess: Regency Romance

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The Scottish Governess: Regency Romance Page 16

by Arietta Richmond

  “Your Grace! How could you suggest…” Alex laughed, bitter edged, and bid the man farewell.


  Lady Selina Brancourt woke with a start when Lisbet, her maid, opened the curtains, letting in the brightness of the morning sun. She had been in the middle of a very pleasant dream – the kind that left her feeling warm and all flustered, with little quivery sensations in her belly. She lay there, reviewing it in her mind, loath to move and start the day.

  The dream had been full of kisses, and more, of being touched in ways that made her ache for more. She did not entirely know what more might involve, beyond vague ideas, but she wanted to find out. In her dreams, the man who held her was never clear, she had a vague sense of someone classically tall, dark, and handsome, but little more. So far, none of the eligible gentlemen that she had met had inspired her to add their faces to her dream man. And, most certain of all, the dream man would never wear the face of Gideon Yardley, the Earl of Hockingmoor, the man that her parents wanted her to marry.

  The thought of the Earl soured her pleasure in the morning, and drove away the last vestiges of the warmth that came with the dreams. She sighed, and sat up in bed, pulling the covers up around her, watching as Lisbet built up the fire to warm the room. An hour later, dressed, and ready for the day, she went down to the breakfast room.

  Her mother looked up as Selina entered the room, and waved the card that she held in her hand in Selina’s direction.

  “We’ve received a most flattering invitation, Selina. To a Christmas house party at the Duke of Southolton’s estate, Fortescue Grange. The Earl is invited too. In fact, everyone who is anyone is invited. This is an excellent opportunity for you to further your social connections, and to spend some time with the Earl.”

  Selina’s heart sank. A house party – with the Earl present, meant being trapped in his company, with little chance to escape. The potential for utter boredom loomed before her. It was not her idea of a pleasant way to spend a week or more.

  But her mother was implacable when it came to these things. She plastered a compliant smile on her face.

  “Lovely, Mother. I am sure that we will enjoy it.”

  “Of course we will. But before that, we have the Chaterwood Soiree to attend tonight. This late in the year, there are not so many events on, and we must take advantage of them all – you must be seen, and develop your importance in society, ready for the day that you marry the Earl.”

  “Mother… you know that I really do not find the Earl appealing…”

  “Fustian! He has a title worthy of respect, excellent estates, and a sizeable fortune. He is a polite and personable man – what more could you want?”

  “Someone who isn’t so completely dull?”

  “Now, now, Selina, what kind of attitude is that? You are not still dreaming about love and excitement, are you?”

  Selina sighed, and shook her head, going to the sideboard to choose what she wanted on her breakfast plate. Her mother simply did not understand. She knew that her parents had not married for love. They liked each other well enough, but their relationship was, quite simply, dull. She did not wish to follow their example, no matter what her mother thought she should do.

  As she ate her food, she considered the Chaterwood soiree – perhaps there would be someone new there, someone she had not met before. At the least, Mariel might be there, and they might slip off and talk of improper things.

  Lady Mariel Angleton was Selina’s closest friend, and had been, so far in her life, rather more adventurous than Selina – although her parents were not aware of that fact. Mariel had described to Selina the sensation of being kissed, and somewhat more, with a relish that fed into Selina’s dreams extensively. Selina rather envied her, and enjoyed her company.

  The thought of possibly seeing Mariel cheered her up, and she went through the day happily enough, indulging in reading books about distant countries to fill her time. She was rather partial to the idea of Italy, and fancied visiting there one day – another reason to avoid marrying the Earl, for he had clearly said that he had no interest in ever leaving England. She had learned Italian, as well as French, and was quite sure that she would enjoy seeing the places that were pictured in the books she had collected.

  By the time that she was dressed and ready to depart for the evening, her mood was even better. She had chosen, much to her mother’s dismay, to wear a fairly daring gown for the evening – a rich dark gold colour, rather than the pastels usually regarded as suitable for a girl of her age – and cut quite dramatically low – well, not so low as to be perilous, but almost… Her necklace and hair pins were amber, which glowed amongst her rich gold hair, and she knew that she looked at her best – if she had to make an effort with social events, she might as well make an impression!


  The Chaterwood soiree was crowded, for an event on the edge of winter, and the rooms beautifully decorated.

  Selina felt the eyes on her, as soon as they had been received, and moved into the crush of people in the main parlour. It was flattering to be admired, but none of the admirers were particularly appealing. She ignored them, and looked for Mariel. She discovered her near the refreshment table, sitting in a little alcove behind some potted palms. Excusing herself from her mother’s side, Selina went to join Mariel. Her mother, informed of where Mariel was, and assured by Selina that they would stay together, allowed her to go.

  “Mariel! I am so glad that you are here. I was worried that I might die of ennui if you weren’t.”

  “Selina – my, you do look wonderful in that colour – and the cut of that gown… I am sure that you’ll have a coterie of men following you, and ogling you. Perhaps you should get to know one of them better…”

  Mariel’s expression was wide eyed and innocent, but her voice tone made it quite clear what she was thinking about.

  “But… they are all rather dull.”

  “Selina, kisses do not require good conversation. They are, rather, better than conversation.”

  Mariel closed her eyes a moment, as if savouring a memory – perhaps she was.

  Selina gave a little snort of laughter.

  “Perhaps I would like both? But – which of the gentlemen would you suggest…”

  “Oh, I don’t know – you might like Lord Egremont, he’s rather handsome, and has a… reputation…”

  “I see, then perhaps you should contrive an opportunity to introduce me to him, as I don’t believe that I’ve met the man.”

  “Then… I feel the need for some crisp fresh air – don’t you agree that it’s getting stuffy in here? A walk on the terrace should be just the thing.”

  “Won’t your mother notice if we disappear?”

  “Unlikely – she is gossiping over there – your mother is too, I see, and father is in the card room with your father.”

  Mariel rose, slipped her arm through Selina’s, and led her to the terrace doors. As they walked, Selina watched with some admiration as Mariel effortlessly caught the eye of a stylish young man, inclining her head towards the doors, and receiving a nod in response.

  On the terrace, they found themselves alone, others having been put off by the crispness of the wintry air. But not for long. Soon, two young gentlemen slipped out through the doors, and came to them, where they stood against the railing, to one side half in the shadow of the tangled ivy that draped the walls. Mariel smiled in greeting, and performed the introductions.

  “Lady Selina Brancourt, may I present Lord Egremont, and Lord Charles Woodley.”

  “Charmed, I’m sure.”

  Lord Egremont took Selina’s hand, bowing, and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand – the warmth of his lips was palpable through the thin silk of her glove, and a shiver ran through her at the sensation. Lord Charles had taken Mariel’s hand, and drawn her towards him. She went into his embrace with a willingness that shocked Selina a little.

  But she was soon distracted from Mariel’s situation by Lord Egremo
nt, who had not released her hand, but instead had drawn close. His eyes met hers, full of an intense warmth, and some small amusement which she did not understand, then they fell, tracing a path past her lips, which she found herself licking nervously, and onwards, until his gaze rested on the well displayed mounds of her breasts, where the rather daring gown dipped low over them. As she watched, he licked his lips – an intentional movement that heated her to the core.

  He pulled her against him, and lifted his other hand to cup her chin.

  “And are you, Lady Selina, as… adventurous… as Lady Mariel?”

  What should she say? Mariel had spoken with her, of stolen moments like this, and she had dreamed… perhaps it was time to be courageous, and discover more in real life.

  “Perhaps… my Lord should find out…”

  He chuckled, as if pleased with her flirtatious words and, ever so slowly, lowered his head to hers, tilting her face up with the hand that cupped her chin, until his lips met hers, softly at first, then harder, his tongue slipping out to trace her lips, to push gently until she gasped, and granted him entry. It was intoxicating, exciting… yet, not what she had expected.

  His kiss was demanding, powerful, yet almost crude – as if he simply took for his pleasure, with little thought of hers. He had released her hand, and slipped that arm around her, holding her to him. Then, slowly, his fingers explored her back, her side, and softly, the edge of her gown where it sat across her breasts.

  An odd fear joined the excitement, a certainty that she was, here, quite out of her depth. Her heart beat harder, and her breathing shuddered. His finger grazed the tip of her breast through the thin silken fabric of her gown, and a jolt of sensation ran through her. It was too much, too soon. Startled, she wrenched herself from his grasp, and spun away.

  “I see, not quite so adventurous as it seemed. How disappointing. Still, my thanks for a most pleasant kiss, Lady Selina. Perhaps another time?”

  She turned back at his words, rather astounded by his calm arrogance. He bowed to her, a hard edged, almost sarcastic smile on his lips, and then stepped back. As he did, Mariel moved, somewhat regretfully it seemed to Selina, out of Lord Charles’ grasp. Lord Egremont nodded to Lord Charles.

  “Come, old man, let us find other entertainment – I do believe that the ladies fear discovery by their mothers.”

  Lord Charles laughed at his words, bowed to them both, and the men turned, slipping back in through the doors.

  Mariel looked at Selina, bright eyed and flushed.

  “Well – what did you think? Do you like him? Did you like…?”

  Mariel gave a gesture which seemed to include everything. Selina considered carefully – what could she say?

  “I… err… it was, I think, a revelation. I will need to consider this, in detail, later.”

  Mariel laughed, and took her arm, leading her back inside.

  I hope that you have enjoyed this preview of ‘

  The Gift of a Christmas Scandal’

  Read the rest!

  Go to Arietta’s website to find all of her books!

  Books in the Nettlefold Chronicles

  Books in the

  His Majesty’s Hounds Series

  Claiming the Heart of a Duke

  Intriguing the Viscount

  Giving a Heart of Lace

  Being Lady Harriet’s Hero

  Enchanting the Duke

  Redeeming the Marquess

  Finding the Duke’s Heir

  Winning the Merchant Earl

  Healing Lord Barton

  Kissing the Duke of Hearts

  Loving the Bitter Baron

  Falling for the Earl

  Rescuing the Countess

  Betting on a Lady’s Heart

  Attracting the Spymaster

  Courting a Spinster for Christmas

  Restoring the Earl’s Honour

  From Soldier Spy to Lord (Books 1 to 3 as a set)

  To Love a Determined Lady (Books 4 to 6 as a set)

  Love Heals a Lord (Books 7 to 9 as a set)

  Books in The Derbyshire Set

  The Earl’s Unexpected Bride

  The Captain’s Compromised Heiress

  The Viscount’s Unsuitable Affair

  The Count’s Impetuous Seduction

  The Rake’s Unlikely Redemption

  The Marquess’ Scandalous Mistress

  The Marchioness’ Second Chance

  A Viscount’s Reluctant Passion

  Lady Theodora’s Christmas Wish

  The Derbyshire Set Omnibus Edition Vol. 1 (the first three books all in one)

  The Derbyshire Set Omnibus Edition Vol. 2 (the second three books all in one)

  Regency Collections with Other Authors

  Books in the A Duke’s Daughters – the Elbury Bouquet Series

  A Minx for a Merchant (Primrose) (coming soon)

  An Enchantress for an Earl (Violet) (coming soon)

  A Maiden for a Marquess (Iris) (coming soon)

  A Heart for an Heir (Thorne) (coming soon)

  Books in the Regency Scandals Series

  Book 3 – Christmas with THAT Duke (Coming Soon)

  Other Books from Arietta

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