Summer Fling

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Summer Fling Page 3

by Jill Sanders

  She was everything he’d ever wanted. Everything he’d ever needed. She tasted like heaven and when he arched to get a better hold on her, he felt her tense. It was like a bucket of cold water fell over his head. His arms dropped to his sides as she stepped back from him.

  Her hand went to cover her mouth, and her eyes widened as they scanned his. The pain in them was heartbreaking, as was the shocked look she gave him.

  “How could you?” she asked, shaking her head as she backed up even further.

  “Sassy.” He reached for her, to explain, to tell her something, but she turned and darted through the darkness, leaving him wondering just what in hell he’d done to cause her so much pain.

  Why couldn’t she talk to him? Each time he’d asked her, she’d told him that he had to figure it out on his own. But the truth was, he honestly didn’t know what he could have done to cause her so much pain.

  Walking back to the main building, he dried himself off and then jumped into his old Jeep and drove home.

  The fact that he lived less than ten minutes from the camp was one of the main reasons he’d taken the job. That, and Scarlett.

  His Gran had needed a little more help in the past few years, which meant going away to college had not been one of his options.

  The woman had given up everything for her only grandchild after her daughter had fallen into addiction and died shortly after Levi’s seventh birthday. His mother had taken the secret of who Levi’s father was to the grave, and this haunted him daily. It was like a part of him was missing, a part that he would never find.

  He felt the same about Scarlett.

  He parked next to his Gran’s sedan and dashed through the rain to the front porch. He stomped the mud off his boots and hung them on the hooks to dry. He pulled off his soaking camp clothes just inside the mud room and pulled on an extra pair of sweats he kept in the room for such occasions.

  “Gran,” he called out, hearing the television running in the TV room in the back of the older house.

  “Back here,” she called out. “I have dinner ready for you.”

  He sometimes helped out at the camp in the evening with the elaborate dinners in the huge dining hall but, a while back, they had hired enough help that he was only needed on special occasions. Tonight, wasn’t one of those nights, which meant he was going to enjoy dinner with his grandmother. The woman’s meals could easily go head to head with Isaac’s best meals. It was one of the reasons he’d been a chubby child, and the main reason he worked with the old weights in the garage at least twice a week.

  “What’d you cook up for me?” he asked, moving over and planting a kiss on the paper-thin skin of her cheek.

  “Meatloaf.” She smiled up at him, then waved her hands. “Help me up.”

  He pulled her easily from the recliner and wrapped his arms around her, holding onto her for a moment. “How was your day, beautiful?” he asked, feeling saddened by the way she was shrinking before his very eyes.

  His entire life, the woman had been bigger than life. Now, she was so frail and thin he was concerned he’d break her every time he wrapped his arms around her.

  “The same.” She sighed and patted him on the back. “You?”

  “I kissed Scarlett,” he blurted out. He’d never kept anything from his Gran.

  “It’s about time,” she said, chuckling as he let her go. “Come on, you can tell me everything over dinner. I bet you’re starving.”

  “I am,” he agreed and followed her back into the kitchen.

  She chuckled and he felt part of his heart settle at the sound. “When aren’t you hungry?”

  It was like a reboot. Sitting at the old table, talking with his grandmother about his day. About kissing Scarlett, the woman he’d been infatuated with since the first time he’d laid eyes on her so many summers ago.

  Still, he couldn’t bring himself to tell his Gran about Scarlett’s disdain for him. He hadn’t been lying. He really didn’t know what he’d done to her to cause all the animosity. Still, he had a clue.

  After all, when she’d left to go home after their magical summer together, he hadn’t called, texted, or written to her like he’d promised he would. Not that he hadn’t tried initially.

  Four months after promising his heart to her, he’d gone to the school dance with Emma Willis. A year later, he’d dated Robin Stephens, only breaking things off with her when she’d moved away with her family half a year later.

  He’d been a rake. It hadn’t been until he’d heard the five friends had moved back into the camp full time almost two years ago that he’d remembered how he’d felt for her.

  Then he’d seen her strolling across the grounds in short cutoffs and a tight red tank top, her long dark hair flowing around her face as she laughed at something her sister had said.

  When her hazel eyes had found him, he’d recognized the instant return of attraction and had felt like he’d been knocked over the head. Then her smile had faded, and he’d sworn to himself that he would happily spend the rest of his life trying to get it back.

  He’d had plenty of practice, as class clown, at getting girls to laugh at him. It wasn’t hard. Normally. He purposely bumped into them, spilled things on himself, or cracked a few well-timed jokes.

  But with Scarlett, things had gotten… muddled.

  Instead, he’d usually caused the drinks to land on her. Bumping into her was almost a given, since he had practically followed her around that year before the camp had officially opened.

  Then, when guests were running around the place, he’d only seemed to irritate her. Still, he’d caught her almost cracking a smile a few times.

  Remembering how he’d found her alone with Carl earlier that evening had him reassessing his plans. He knew it wasn’t the first time she’d been hit on. Hell, several of the camp employees talked about who was going to crack her tough outer shell first. There was even a pool going on who was going to be the conqueror of Scarlett.

  After he’d eaten his fill of his grandmother’s food and had helped to clean up the mess in the kitchen, his gran returned to watching her evening shows. He headed out to the garage to lift weights, since he was going stir crazy thinking about that kiss.

  At the end of his workout, he was still restless. The rain had continued as the wind picked up, sending the tall pine trees that surrounded their house swaying and creaking in the dark night.

  He showered and decided a quick drive would help clear his mind. When he parked at the camp and saw the lights surrounding the dining room, he realized the only thing that could soothe his mind was talking to her again.

  Stepping into the loud dining room, he glanced around until he spotted her standing at the bar near the back of the room.

  He was halfway across the room when he realized the theme for the evening must be neon, since most of the guests were dressed in brightly colored clothes.

  Guests frequently went out of their way for the themed dinners at the camp. Over the last year, they’d had everything from masquerade balls to fifties parties. Their website was updated often and allowed guests to coordinate for parties during their visits. Most guests totally got into the nights, but some just came dressed in normal summer attire.

  Tonight, it seemed, the entire room was flooded with bright colors, accented by the black lights placed around the massive room.

  Scarlett was no exception. Her tight bright-pink dress clung to her body and glowed in the black light that hug over the bar. When he stepped closer to her, he realized even her lip and eye makeup glowed pink.

  When she spotted him, her eyebrows shot up.

  “I didn’t think you were working tonight,” she said smoothly. The smile that had been there moments before slipped.

  “I’m not.” He leaned against the bar and watched her sip from the drink she had.

  “Then?” She waited, her head tilting slightly. She’d tied her long hair back in an intricate braid that wrapped around her head. Bright glowing ribbons intertwin
ed with the braids. Large hooped earrings dangled from her ears, catching the light every time she moved her head. She was a magnet to his desire.

  His eyes traveled down her, over the impressive cleavage exposed by her skintight dress.

  “You went all out tonight.” He motioned to her dress.

  She glanced down and shrugged as she leaned back against the bar. “It’s Elle’s.” She shifted as if suddenly uncomfortable. “It’s too small.”

  He smiled. “Yes, it is.”

  Her eyes narrowed and he watched annoyance cross her face. “What are you doing here?”

  Instead of answering, he waved Britt, the head bartender, over. “Rum and Coke.” She glanced over at Scarlett.

  “He’s off the clock,” she answered with a shrug. “I’ll have another.” She motioned to her own drink.

  “What are you drinking?” he asked, moving a little closer to her.

  “Ginger ale.” She glanced around, as if looking for something to interrupt the conversation. Then, upon finding nothing, she turned back to him. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I came to see you,” he answered, “and I’m thankful I did.” His eyes ran over her dress again.

  “Listen.” She straightened suddenly, but Britt moved back over and set the drink in front of him.

  “You’re underdressed,” Britt joked.

  He glanced down at his white T-shirt and jeans. “I hadn’t planned to stop by.” He shrugged.

  She started to respond, but Scarlett glanced at her and the woman disappeared instead.

  “You scared her.” He shook his head. “I didn’t think anything could scare Britt.”

  He’d meant it as a joke, but Scarlett frowned and took up her new drink. “Go away.” She started across the room, and he grabbed his drink and followed her.

  “Why?” he asked, falling in step with her.

  She glanced over at him, then stopped in the middle of the dance floor.

  “Because I’m working.”

  “When aren’t you working?” he asked, taking her drink and setting it down with his on an empty table. Then he surprised her and himself by taking her hand and moving around the dance floor.

  “Purple Rain” was playing and, even though the dance floor was filled with couples grinding against one another, he pulled her into his arms and started moving slowly.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, moving in his arms.

  “I would think it was obvious.” He smiled down at her. “We’re doing it together, after all.”

  She shook her head. “Why do you keep persisting?”

  “I would think that was obvious too,” he said smoothly.

  Her eyes moved to his lips, and he couldn’t stop the smile as he glanced down at her own pink glossed lips.

  “Your lips are glowing,” he said.

  She frowned. “It’s the gloss Elle gave me. It glows under the black light.”

  “Makes me want to kiss you again,” he said smoothly. She stiffened instantly.

  “Don’t,” she warned.

  “Why not?” He nudged her a little closer. His hand spanned her narrow lower back. The softness of her body was causing his own to harden uncomfortably.

  “I don’t want you to,” she responded, her eyes once again going to his lips.

  “Something tells me that’s not the truth.” He moved across the floor. Her hand bunched against his shoulder, yet he felt her relax slightly.

  “It is.” She bit her bottom lip, a sure sign she was lying.

  “How long have we known each other?” he asked, suddenly.

  “Too long,” she admitted.

  He chuckled. “Then you should know by now, you can’t fool me.”

  She was silent as the music changed to a slower tune. “Forever Young” filled the room as the bodies around them slowed and started swaying to the melody.

  “What would you do if I kissed you?” His eyes moved back to her lips, then up to her hazel eyes. He could see the change, the desire that flashed there. “What would you do if I took you, made love to you?”

  He felt his heart skip at the thought of being with her.

  “No,” she said under her breath. He could see the fear, then the anger started to build in her eyes. Taking a step away, he dropped his hands from her, instantly missing the softness of her body next to his.

  “Soon,” he promised. “Soon you’ll want… me again.” Then without giving her time to respond to him, he turned and left.

  He’d thought it had been hard to get his mind off of her before he’d driven to the camp that evening, but lying in bed thinking of her in the tight pink dress was pure hell.

  Why did he continue to torture himself with Scarlett? It was obvious she hated him. But he had seen sparks of interest in her and there was no faking the desire that had radiated from her when she’d kissed him.

  No, passion had never been a problem between them before.

  Chapter Three

  Scarlett’s week was filled with so much fun and activities that she didn’t have time to stop and think about what Levi had told her or about that kiss. Or so she told herself over and over again. But the truth was, every time she found herself alone, she thought of him. Of that amazing kiss. The kiss that made all others she’d experienced pale in comparison.

  Since the five friends had reopened River Camps, they’d strictly abided by certain rules. One of those rules was that each of them had two days off a week. She’d agreed to the rules mainly because she knew Elle wouldn’t ever take time off if they all didn’t consent.

  She normally spent her two days in town, where Elle’s grandfather’s house was their home away from camp.

  So much had changed since they’d first decided to reopen the camp after Elle’s grandfather had passed away, leaving the property to the five friends. That first few months, they’d lived in the big house in town together. Then, after Aiden Smith, Elle’s cousin of sorts, had had the electric and plumbing inspected and had signed off on the apartment Elle’s grandfather had lived in on the campgrounds, they had all moved over there instead. Being close had made it easier for them to work daily on turning the camp into what it was now.

  Things had changed when Zoey and Dylan had moved into one of the newly built cabins together. It was just a temporary move while they built a house on the outskirts of the grounds.

  Elle and Liam were living in the old treehouse, which had been freshly remodeled with new additions, doubling the space. They had all worked on upgrading the small place shortly after Elle had fallen ill with meningitis, and now it was more like a home instead of a child’s hideaway.

  Since Owen still had his work in Destin at their family’s business, Pelican Investments, he and Hannah spent their time split between the camp and his place across the bay in the larger town. He had recently purchased an older house in town, even thought it was currently being remodeled.

  It was strange. The three-bedroom apartment had never felt crowded, even when all the friends had been living in it.

  Now, however, with only Scarlett and Aubrey left in the space on a daily basis, the apartment felt empty.

  Just like the big house in Pelican Point always felt empty when she spent her days off there.

  The small town of Pelican Point was a delight to stay in, but she couldn’t help but be lonely without her friends. She tried to fill her time by checking books out at the local library, making shopping runs, or spending time at the beach.

  With her next days off quickly approaching, she wasn’t surprised that she wanted to delay her loneliness. After all, it meant that she would have more time to think about Levi, who was already filling her mind and driving her crazy.

  The man kept bumping into her. Everywhere she went around the grounds, he seemed to be there. Sometimes, like that night, he even tagged along on her evening group horse rides.

  The more he joked with the two couples along for the sunset ride, the more she thought that spending two days away from
seeing his sexy butt in tight jeans as he rode smoothly in the saddle would be helpful. How had she never noticed what a perfect horse rider he was before this? His smooth motions were almost hypnotic to watch.

  God, she needed time away from him, if only to forget how perfect his muscular arms looked in a tight T-shirt and how wonderful they’d felt wrapped around her as they’d danced together. Not to mention how his smile melted her knees and made her insides quiver.

  In all the years since Levi had first kissed her, no one had ever made her feel like he had. Trust her, she’d tried to find someone, anyone, who could make her knees feel like Jell-O and turn her insides into the vibrating mess it was now as she tried to focus on the evening ride.

  “Carol, honey, look! Manatees,” one of the guests said and pointed to the small inlet they were riding by.

  Sure enough, the manatees that often hung out in the clear water were grazing on the fresh grass near the edge of the inlet.

  “Why don’t we stop here?” she suggested to the group as she pulled her horse, Lady, to a stop. “It’s a perfect spot to watch the sunset before we head back for the night.”

  When the group all agreed, she helped Carol and her husband, Bob, dismount from their horses.

  Levi made sure all the horses were secured while the guests made their way to the edge of the water to take photos of the gentle grazing water giants.

  “I bet you’re glad you came along tonight,” she said sarcastically to Levi when he stopped beside her.

  When he chuckled, she felt her body betray her once more as a warm shiver washed over her at the sexy sound.

  “It’s a perfect night for a ride.” He glanced sideways at her. “I think this is one of my favorite jobs on the grounds.”

  “Oh?” She turned slightly towards him. “I don’t know, you seemed to be enjoying refereeing the water volleyball game the other day.”

  She’d seen several of the guests paw him during the game, no doubt trying to score in other ways.

  It had become clear to the friends, shortly after they had opened the gates of the camp, that a certain… voyeuristic clientele mixed in with the happily married couples.


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