Leather and Grace

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Leather and Grace Page 18

by Maggie Ryan

  “Right. Okay, if you’re sure you don’t mind knowing the topic of what I need to discuss, then I don’t mind you going with me.”

  “I don’t mind. I wish I could help in some way.”

  “I think you might have already. Come on. I’ll see if what I think could help, and after we visit, we’ll grab some lunch. We’ll be back in plenty of time for class.”

  She didn’t hesitate as he helped her to her feet. She didn’t totally understand what he was talking about but she had been truthful. If they could bring the person who’d killed Beth to justice, she knew it would go a long way towards healing the hurt that had sent him away from the people who loved him. She also knew that she needed to be extremely careful because she was frightened… not of Quentin, but of the fact that she knew she was falling in love with him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Brody said when they entered his room.

  “Hi, Brody, how are you feeling?” Grace said, moving to his bedside and bending to give him a kiss.

  “Better now,” he said, reaching out to palm her cheek. “I must say, I’m very glad to see you smiling. Laurie told me what Brooks said in his article.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said, giving his hand a squeeze. “Life is too short to worry about things you have no control over.” She stepped back and when Quentin offered her the only chair, she shook her head. “No, I know you need to sit close to discuss the investigation. I’ll be fine over there.” He nodded and bent to kiss her before she moved to sit on the window seat.

  “Well, well,” Brody said softly, “Laurie did not see fit to mention that you two seem to be getting along rather smashingly.”

  “Probably too scared I’d smash a paddle against her ass,” Quentin quipped as he took the chair.

  “Yeah, I’m sure that’s it,” Brody said. When Quentin tapped the pad of paper that Brody had been writing on, he turned serious. “Okay, what’s really up?”

  “Grace said something that jarred my memory. I remember something that has always bugged me. Something has always seemed off but it took her mentioning images before it clicked into place.”

  “Okay, what image?”

  “I called Detective Stewart before we came over. He said that though it wasn’t really proper, seeing as how the case was considered a cold one, he didn’t particularly give a damn. Anyway, can you log on to your email from here?”

  “I’m not sure if the hospital has Wi-Fi,” Brody said. “Since we’ve been working off flash drives, I haven’t needed it.”

  “Shit, Jason said he’d send you the file over. It won’t do any good if you can’t access it.”

  “You can always use a cell phone,” Grace offered. Both men turned to look towards her. “I mean, unless you have some antique phone plan? I have a smartphone and plenty of data so if you need, you can access my hotspot.”

  “Learn something every day,” Brody said, moving the mouse to click on his search engine, pulling up his email account. When he shook his head after trying to open it, Quentin asked for Grace’s phone. She brought it to him and soon had the connection working.

  “Just keep the phone on the table next to the computer and the connection will be fine.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Quentin said. “Okay, pull up your email. You’re looking for a file of jpeg images.” Turning slightly, he said, “You might want to go back to the window.” He noticed her hesitation. “These aren’t going to be pretty.” With a nod, she returned to the window though kept her attention turned towards the men.

  “Shit, man, are you sure you want to see these again?” Brody said when the first photo appeared on the screen.

  “Hell no, I don’t want to but I need to. Just click through them until I tell you to stop, all right?”


  The clicking of the mouse was the only sound in the room for several minutes until Quentin said, “Right there.” With the photo frozen on the screen, he leaned forward and then sat back. “Goddamnit, how could I have missed that?”

  Brody’s eyes went from the photo to him and then back again. “Missed what?”

  “Look at her hand. She never wore a ring on her left hand. In fact, I remember her specifically telling me that the only ring she’d ever place on that finger would be a wedding band. The photo shows the club ring on the ring finger of her left hand.”

  “Holy shit, you’re right,” Brody said. “But that would mean…”

  “It would mean that she didn’t use her ring to gain entry into the club. She was left-handed and wore the ring on her other hand. It made it easier for her to press it into the depression and reach for the doorknob when she entered the building or the elevator by herself. Someone took that ring off her hand and put it back on the wrong finger.”

  “Fuck, that changes things,” Brody said, closing the image. “We’ve got to identify every single person who was there that night.”

  He clicked back to the flash drive. “Hey, would you mind getting me some more water?”

  “I’ll get it,” Grace said, standing and taking his mug off the table.

  “Thanks, there’s ice down the hall in a little room next to the nurses’ station.”

  “Can I bring you something, Quentin?”

  “I wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee if it hasn’t turned into sludge already. Black is fine.” He smiled, watching until she left the room. Turning back, he noticed that Brody’s eyes were on him and not the screen.

  “Welcome back,” he said softly. “She’s good for you.”

  Quentin didn’t bother to deny his words. “The question is, how good could I possibly be for her? You said Laurie told you about the article, did you read it?”

  “Yes, the nurse brings me the paper every morning. I gotta admit, I was worried. Laurie was spitting mad when she got here.”

  “I know, she was the same when I saw her.”

  Brody grinned and nodded. “Yeah, she even admitted she deserved a few smacks for her cussing.”

  Quentin wasn’t one to miss an opportunity. “Speaking of which, how would you feel if I gave her a session? Not for punishment but for pleasure. Grace wants to photograph her being flogged and, well, I won’t tell you everything as I don’t want to ruin the surprise.”

  Brody grinned. “I think I can guess but let’s try to keep it a secret from Laurie. She’d be absolutely thrilled if it’s what I think it might be. As for your request, yes. Not only would that clear my girl’s conscience, it’s been damn hard to give her all she needs with me in this bed. Though I don’t think she has any complaints about last night.”

  Quentin chuckled, and the two were bending over looking at the frames from the club when Grace returned. When they both looked up and took their respective beverages, she said, “Well, that might explain it.”

  “Explain what?” Quentin said, puzzled at her comment.

  “That photo,” she said, pointing to the screen. “If I’d known Brooks was a member of the club, I might not have freaked out yesterday when he seemed to know what went on upstairs.”

  “Brooks isn’t a member,” Brody said.

  “Then why is he in the club?” She bent forward and tapped a fingertip at the image of the man they’d attempted to identify.

  “You think that’s David? You can’t see his face.”

  “Yes, but look at the way he’s standing. He stands sort of like we are required to do. I mean, his feet are apart and his hands are behind his back. Can you make it any larger?”

  Brody made a few clicks of his mouse, enlarging the photo. Though it turned a bit grainier, she nodded. “That’s his watch. I remember thinking I hadn’t seen a man wear a watch with such a band before.”

  Brody leaned forward, almost bumping heads with Quentin as he did the same. “Shit, she’s right. I haven’t seen another band like it. Most men don’t even wear a watch anymore as they depend on their phones for the time. And, if they do, they are either solid gold or silver. When wa
s the last time you saw a brown band, and a cheap one at that? See how it’s frayed along the edges?”

  “Fuck that,” Quentin growled. “How the hell did he get into our club? We’ve never accepted an application from a reporter and, even if we had, I’d never have approved him. Even before Beth’s murder, I questioned his journalism, and I wasn’t the only one.”

  Brody nodded and sat back again. “All right. We’ve got to tell Stewart what we’ve discovered and get Peter started on digging deeper into Brooks’ background.”

  “You don’t think he killed Beth, do you?” Grace asked, her voice shaky.

  Quentin wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his chair. “We don’t know, but the very fact that he was there sets off warning bells. We need to find out who let him in as a guest. If no one did, then he definitely needs to answer how the hell he got in. Until then, if he calls you again, don’t answer the phone… no, forget that. If it won’t worry or frighten you, answer but record the call. However, if he actually approaches you, get away.” At her nod, he set his coffee down on the table tray and pulled her into his lap. “Fuck, babe, I’m sorry.”

  “For what? You didn’t do anything.”

  “Only brought you to his attention in a negative way,” Quentin said. “And just the thought that he might have anything to do with Beth’s death and the fact that she was in a relationship with me, I fear that Brooks might take out some sort of anger he had towards me on you. Hell, he’s already started with that review.”

  “I’m not afraid of him,” Grace said. “If he knows anything and pretended to know nothing all these years… if he had anything to do with hurting Beth, then, don’t worry about me. You get him, Quentin.”

  “We can’t jump to conclusions,” Brody warned. “I know we are tempted to do so but we need to be positive before this goes any further.”

  “I agree, but until this is settled, I want both Grace and Laurie to be extra careful. No more going anywhere alone. Laurie needs to tell either you or me when she is leaving for work, and call when she arrives,” he said to Brody.

  “I’ll tell her when she comes in. And, knowing her, she’ll agree and forget. The first time she does, she’ll need her ass blistered to drive home the importance of obedience on this matter.”

  Quentin could feel Grace squirm a bit but he agreed and said so wholeheartedly. “As for you, young lady, perhaps it would be safer if you left…”

  “Don’t ask me to leave, Quentin. I won’t go, no matter if you threaten to spank me, too. Besides, you just said we aren’t to be alone. If I go, Laurie will be in that apartment alone and I won’t abandon her. And don’t think about telling me I’m out of class. You can’t fail me just because of Brooks. That would let him win and I will be damned if I’ll allow that.”

  He hesitated but couldn’t deny he’d just voiced that concern. “Fine, but from now on, I’ll be escorting you to and from class. You aren’t to leave the apartment unless you go with Laurie or me. Is that understood?”

  “I need to go see Mr. Westing—”

  “We’ll go together.”

  “Okay, I understand, though I’m hoping you are overreacting.”

  “Be that as it may, I’d rather overreact than fail to protect you or Laurie.” Quentin had never spoken a more truthful statement. He’d failed one woman; he’d rather die than fail a woman he’d seen fulfill his best friend’s every dream, or the one on his lap… the one he’d been determined not to need and yet, she’d managed to wiggle her way into his heart.

  He kept her on his lap as he called Jason, putting the phone on speaker as he filled him in. He assured him that he had absolutely no doubt about either of the two things they’d discovered.

  “We’ve going to put Peter Zinger to work,” Brody provided.

  “I’ve heard of him,” Jason said. “Good man, but I’m not going to sit around and wait for his report. I’ll pull the ring from the evidence and have forensics go over it with a fine tooth comb. I’m not sure it was ever considered anything other than jewelry Beth wore. Perhaps there is something they can pull that can be analyzed.”

  “Isn’t it pretty small for a fingerprint?” Quentin asked. “I think it’s like a size six or something. Much smaller than the one I wear.”

  “I’m aware that it’s smaller, but I’m talking more along the lines of DNA.”

  “Oh,” Quentin said, “I didn’t think of that.”

  “That just shows that you don’t stay glued to the television,” Jason said. “You can’t even guess how many people think all they need to do is watch those series to become forensic scientists. And, unlike those shows, it is highly unlikely we’ll have any answers quickly. After all, we don’t have the luxury of solving the crime in a one-hour time frame. Hell, it’s been two years and we haven’t solved it.”

  “But we will,” Quentin said.

  “Yes, I believe we will. Every stone overturned gives us something. I’ll get started on the requests for the ring and, just so you know, I’ll be interviewing Brooks.”

  “You don’t think that might tip him off?” Brody interjected.

  “Why? Are you worried he might pull something?”

  “I admit, neither of us would put it past him, but we can’t let our concerns keep us from finding out what we need to know. But I need you to promise you won’t let him know that it was Grace who recognized him from the film,” Quentin said.

  “That I can do. Hell, I don’t have to even give him any explanation. It’s my job to investigate, and until the case is solved, he and anyone else will just have to put up with being inconvenienced.”

  “All right, thanks, Jason. We’ve already told the ladies they aren’t to go out alone.”

  “Well, if they are anything like my Anna, it might take a trip over a knee to drive that request home.”

  “No worries, they’ll both understand that they won’t like the consequences if they forget.” He thanked the detective again and then disconnected the call.

  “Wow, does everyone you know use spanking as a deterrent?” Grace asked, her head swiveling between the two men.

  Brody chuckled and Quentin answered, “Come to think of it, I’d have to say yes. Even Hannah knows that her butt isn’t truly safe when she mouths off once too often.”

  “Oh, my,” Grace said, her squirm definitely more pronounced. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to look Sammy in the eyes again. He is just so…”

  “Big?” Brody offered.

  “No, I mean, yes, he’s big, but both of you are as well. No, it just seems that Hannah has him wrapped around her finger.”

  The men’s laughter had her crossing her arms over her chest, looking a bit wounded.

  “We’re not laughing at you, babe,” Quentin said. “But you’ve gotta admit, the image of a huge linebacker wrapped around a little finger is amusing. Besides, I promise that while Sammy has loved Hannah practically since infancy, he will tell anyone who bothers to ask that the secret to their long marriage and the reason why they are both so ridiculously happy is that he knows when to step up to the plate and take control.”

  “I thought he played football?” Grace said with a grin, and then gave a squeal when Quentin easily turned her towards him and popped his palm across her rear.


  “That’s just a little example of what happens to sassy little girls,” Quentin said, and then bent to kiss her.

  A few minutes later, Quentin and Grace left, running into Laurie at the elevator. She stepped off and they let the elevator go so Quentin could talk to her.

  “Brody will fill you in on what’s going on, but I wanted to ask when you’ve got a few hours free.”

  “I’m pulling a double shift today, and come back in tomorrow. How long are you talking about?”

  “More than an hour or two.”

  “Hmm, may I ask why?”

  Quentin lowered his voice. “I do believe that if you’ll give that just a bit of thought, young lady, yo
u’ll be able to answer your own question.”

  He saw the acknowledgement bloom in her eyes. “Oh, um…” He watched as she gave a pointed look to where his and Grace’s fingers were entwined and saw the smile appear on her lips.

  “So not going to matter,” he said, effectively cutting off any thought of leniency simply because she might have been right about her belief the two would enjoy each other’s company.

  “That’s not really fair,” she said, despite his assurance.

  “Oh, honey, when have you known a Dom to be concerned about fairness, especially when it comes to reminding naughty girls that ugly words have no place coming out of their mouths?” He let her stew a moment longer, very aware of Grace’s slight shifting of her feet, as if remembering she’d spewed a few of those words herself.

  “However, since I can understand the reasoning for your lapse in judgment, perhaps I can be enticed to deliver the required strokes with an implement of your choice,” he added.

  Her eyes lit up and she practically bounced on her toes. “The flogger? Oh, Quentin, thank you!”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “God help me. How am I supposed to deliver a proper lesson if you are so thrilled to be receiving it?”

  She shrugged, her smile never dimming. “How should I know, sir, I’m just a good little submissive.”

  Grace giggled and he grinned. “In that case, I guess it will be up to a Dom to answer that question, now won’t it?”

  He pushed the button and Laurie took the chance to escape. Once in the elevator, he looked down at Grace. “You, however, have no time constraints that I’m aware of.”

  “Oh, um…”

  “Watch it, babe. Subs who fib find the amount of strokes increased.”

  “In that case, sir, I’m ready whenever you are.”


  Quentin was obviously in no hurry, or believed that having to stew over the upcoming event would serve to keep a naughty sub’s mind focused. He was right. It took until she was seated in a booth at a hole in the wall restaurant for her to change the course of her thoughts.


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