Covert Cravings

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Covert Cravings Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  Meeting her climax with his own he unleashed his volcanic lava, shuddering with the violent discharge of his cream, holding himself inside her, grinding his teeth as his cock spasmed, until, in the fading moments, he listened to her wails wane and become soft whimpering moans.

  His flaccid member slipped from her depths. He felt slightly dizzy, and kneeling down he grabbed her, pulling her on to the carpet with him, then cradled her against his shoulder.

  “Bunny,” he said breathlessly.

  She clung to him, unable to speak, almost in tears from the power of her orgasm.

  “Scotty,” she breathed. “That was a first.”

  “What?” he asked, confused.

  “Coming like that – without playing with myself.”

  He squeezed her, not quite sure how to respond. Finally he said –

  “I think we’re going to be having a lot of those.”

  “Orgasms like that?”

  “Oh, yes, I’m sure. But I meant firsts.”

  Chapter Seven

  It was morning. Early morning. Emily heard the shower and frowned.

  Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s not early. But it feels like I need more sleep...

  Forcing herself to blink her eyes open she glanced at the clock. 7:09. Why was he out of bed? Why hadn’t he pressed urgently against her as he had done before?

  Closing her eyes she waited, knowing he would come and kiss her goodbye. It was all so very interesting this change in their lives. She wanted to blog about it but couldn’t because her blog was about things that weren’t actually happening to her. Though – wow – last night. She had screamed for him to smack her ass and he had. It wasn’t the same thing as being spanked over his lap, but it was something. The swat in the drugstore, that was something as well.

  So lost was she in her thoughts she missed the fact that the shower had stopped running, and she didn’t hear his footfalls as he approached her side of the bed.

  “Hey Bunny,” he leaning in to kiss her.

  His voice startled her, but when she opened her eyes and saw him so close to her face, she pulled her arms from under the covers and wrapped them around his neck.

  “Come back to bed,” she whispered. “Please?”

  “No, I have to hit the waves and get to the shop. You know that.”

  “The waves will be there tomorrow. Can’t you skip just one morning? Please?”

  “My little love bug. Since when have you wanted me in the morning? It’s only – what – 7:15? You’ve got a whole 30 minutes left.”

  “But I don’t want to sleep. I want you!”

  “You’re whining.”

  “I know, but I still want you.”

  “I’ll call you later.”

  His lips brushed hers and he was gone.

  She stared at the wall and her eyes fell upon the painting she bought that he hated. Well, didn’t hate exactly. Scott didn’t hate anything. He just thought it was hokey; she thought it was really nice: the sun sinking into the ocean and big billowy clouds. Looking at it more closely she realized he was right. It was hokey.


  Closing her eyes she dozed, wondering why she had wanted him so badly. She never really wanted sex in the morning; at least not until now.

  * * *

  Sitting on his board in the cool waters, Scott closed his eyes and lifted his face to the sun. The warm rays felt good and he let out a long sigh. It hadn’t been easy, softly moving from the bed. He had been as hard as a rock and would have loved to have slithered inside her warm, wet receptacle, but several things he had read were sticking with him. One of those was that she could not take his cock for granted. He had to teach her to truly want him. Want him as he wanted her, but even more so. He couldn’t remember the last time she had begged him as she just had. Though he had taken care of himself in the shower, just the thought caused him to stir anew.

  After he had surfed a few waves, showered and opened his doors, and his two sales girls were in the front of the shop capably taking care of things, he returned to his computer. He had something in mind for their evening and wanted to do more research. Pouring over the information was not just titillating and fun, but a whole new world was opening before his eyes, just as it had opened for her. The fact that they were doing this independently bothered him but that would soon be over. He just needed a little more time.

  * * *

  For once in her life Emily had arrived at the store before 9am. And she was in a good mood, which wasn’t unusual, but Suzanne had noticed a change in her over the last few days.

  When Emily came in she was generally rushing and had to finish applying her make up with the store samples. That had stopped and she was calmer. Even the difficult customers weren’t making her roll her eyes. Now Suzanne was watching her charm a wealthy young divorcee. She wished she had Emily’s ability with people, and lately it had been even more impressive.

  The phone interrupted her thoughts, and picking it up she smiled when she heard Scott’s voice. Placing him on hold she caught Emily’s eye. Emily told the customer she’d be right back and hurried to the counter.

  “It’s your, hunk,” Suzanne informed her, her envy evident.

  “Thanks, I’ll take it in the back,” Emily replied. “She needs a size 9 in the black dress with the rhinestone neck.”

  Suzanne walked quickly to take over the sale and Emily breezed through to the backroom. Scott didn’t call her often, he was too busy with his own business and she knew he didn’t like to interrupt her day, so she always took his call when he did. It would be important.

  “Hey Bunny,” he said sweetly. “You know those black satin panties and matching bra?”

  Emily quickly sat down on the edge of the desk, feeling her pulse accelerate to an alarming degree… He was calling her about her lingerie? Another first.

  “Uh huh,” she replied

  “Tonight when you get home, put them on and wait for me in the armchair. The big one by the fireplace.”

  “Scotty,” she breathed. “What––?”

  “No questions,” he said firmly, interrupting her. “I’ll be home around 7:00”, and the line went dead.

  Nadia Comaneci sprang up from the floor and started to back flip around her stomach. She realized she was still gripping the receiver and placed it back on its cradle. There was a warm growing moistness between her legs. It was going to be a very long day.

  At 5:30 when Scott closed the doors of the Surf Shop and climbed into his truck, he was a man with a mission. He had some shopping to do, which he believed would take about an hour, but there was one more thing he wanted to research a little bit more before he left: the issue of a discipline spanking.

  It was all well and good to smack her butt during sex. Clearly she loved it, as did he. But spanking for punishment? He wasn’t sure if it was something he was prepared to do, or even wanted to. He needed clarification – a better handle on it – before returning home.

  There was a great deal of information available but the more he read the more confused he became, until he decided to end his late afternoon foray into the world of BDSM by reading a ‘confession’ story. It was as if it had been written just for him. Penned by a submissive, it talked about her need for regular discipline. Though she might dread the hairbrush or the crop or the paddle, each corrective punishment made her feel whole and relieved, and her Dominant had broken her of most of her bad habits. It was a simple tale. A sincere one. All the articles and features went out the window. A submissive and her truth, it spoke to him.

  Emily and her foibles: the dishes left ‘soaking’, the clothes she would leave strewn about, and of course her tardiness. He couldn’t remember the last time she had not kept him waiting.

  It was a turning point for Scott. He would have no trouble spanking her cute little ass for every one of those misdemeanors. Not only would he not have any problem – he was really looking forward to it.

  Locking up the shop he felt invigorated and motivat
ed. He wasn’t intending to spank her soundly that evening, but it would happen, and he was determined it would happen sooner, rather than later.

  At 6:15 Emily was scurrying around their house. She didn’t know why, but she wanted everything spic and span. Domestic duties were not her strong point, not by a long shot, but she vacuumed and put away her clothes, tidied up his surfing magazines and her fashion ones as well. She wiped down the counters in the kitchen and changed the sheets on the bed. She was a nervous Nellie to be sure, and when she finally finished it was 6:45. She only had 10 minutes to shower, change and apply fresh make up.

  Oh my gosh, she yelled to no one as she dashed into the bathroom. I’ll never make it!

  At precisely 6:55, Scott climbed from his truck carrying a paper sack and entered from the garage into the kitchen. He stopped, glancing around. Something was different. It took a minute before he realized the kitchen had been completely cleaned up.

  That’s interesting, he thought as he meandered into the living area. Emily was sitting in the armchair in the requested bra and panties. She smiled at him and he walked forward, dropping the package on the sofa. Looking across the room he saw it too had been straightened up, and vacuumed.

  “Hey Bunny. Place looks great. You’ve been busy.” he said, leaning down and kissing her on the lips.

  “Thanks,” she whispered. She was out of breath, having sat down just seconds before he walked in.

  “I have something for you,” he said sweetly. “Something I think you’ll like.”

  “Cool,” she replied, and lifted her arms to place them around his neck, but he grabbed her wrists and gently lowered them down.

  “Uh uh – nope. Not yet,” he said, placing them back on the arms of the chair.

  Oh my God. Scotty, I love this!

  She watched as he sat on the couch and reached into the bag, then paused, looking across at her.

  “Close your eyes, Bunny. Don’t want to ruin the surprise!”

  Emily’s heart was racing as she did as he said. She could hear the rustling of the paper, then more rustling. It sounded like cellophane being ripped open. He was walking to her now, and something was being placed...

  ... OH MY GOD... A Blindfold. Aaaarrgghhh.... I can’t believe it!

  “How does that feel?” he asked, kissing the top of her shoulder.

  “Scotty,” she stammered. “It’s very – uh exciting. I love it. I really do love it.”

  Scott was pleased. He wasn’t sure if she was going to be coy with him and protest, or pretend she didn’t want it as badly as he knew she did.

  “There’s more,” he promised. “And if you accept it I think you’ll be very happy you did. You can consider this a very big thank you for cleaning up the place,” he said, moving back to his bag of tricks.

  Emily was beside herself. Whether he really had found out about her secret blog or he had picked up on her vibe and come to this all by himself she didn’t care. She was just thrilled to bits that it was finally happening. At least some of it anyway.

  “I have some soft cotton rope.”

  As confident as he was that she truly wanted to experience all this, never having ventured into the realm before, he didn’t want to scare her. Some of the articles he had read warned about reality not living up to fantasy and had advised moving slowly.

  “Oh Scott, how wonderful,” she breathed.

  Scott smiled. No worries there!

  Wrapping each wrist separately he secured the ends of the rope to the back legs of the chair, forcing her arms straight down, well out of the way of her body. He tied her ankles around the front legs, assuring her thighs would be kept well apart.

  “There now. Comfortable?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she squeaked.

  I can’t believe this is actually happening. He’s tied me to this chair. Oh my God! What’s he going to do next? He can’t fuck me like this!

  She could hear the rustling of the bag again. Then more sounds she couldn’t quite discern and he was moving around.

  “Ok baby,” he crooned, his lips kissing her neck, then the top of her breasts, held up so beautifully by the bra. “I’m going to take a shower now. You just stay here and relax for a few minutes.”

  Whaaat? He’s leaving me?

  “While I’m gone I want you to think about my cock. You really wanted me to crawl back into bed and make love to you his morning. What I need you to think about is this. You have never wanted me to make love to you first thing in the morning. What was so different? When I come back you can tell me.”

  “But Scotty…”

  ‘Shush. I’ll be back shortly. And I’ll want the answer,” he finished, firmly, and she heard him move away.

  Ok, so this is – amazing. This is absolutely incredible. Oh my gosh. I can’t wait to talk to Sam. Aaarrggh... it feels even better than I thought it would feel…

  ... and Emily, blindfolded and tied up, her mind spinning, attempted to concentrate on the question he posed.

  * * *

  The hot water sprayed across Scott’s body. He was so turned on he was ready to jerk himself off right there and then, but he had other plans for his climax.

  He’d had no idea he would love the game as much as he did. To see her tied up and blindfolded, completely at his mercy, was like riding a giant wave all the way to shore. And it was obvious she loved it every bit as much as he was. Perhaps even more.

  Toweling off quickly he donned a bathrobe and hurried down the stairs. When he walked back into the living room his cock wanted to burst just at the sight of her. He moved over to where she sat and traced his forefinger down her arm.

  “So – do you have an answer for me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I do. I think it was because you usually want me, and this morning you didn’t, and it made me feel kind of – I don’t know – lonely?” she stammered.

  “Thank you, Emily,” he said, giving nothing away. There would be more, much more, about the subject later.

  She had no idea that sitting innocently on the seat of the chair, just a few inches from the gusset of her panties and her inner thighs, sat a Magic Wand. The Magic Wand was a large vibrator with several speeds. Without warning he picked it up, placed it on low and nestled it against her pussy.

  She let out a gasp and he saw the muscles of her thighs constrict, her first impulse to close her legs. Reaching across he grabbed a small cushion from the sofa and positioned around the vibrator to help hold it in place.

  “SCOTT!” she cried.

  “Shhhh... no yelling. I’d rather not have to gag you,” he warned.

  “Gag me? Oh my gosh!”

  “Doesn’t it feel good?” he asked calmly, standing back, watching her pull at her binds.

  “Oh, yes. Amazing, I just didn’t…”

  “Didn’t expect it? I’m sure. Another first. I told you there’d be more of them. Now be a good girl and let the wand to do what it does. When you feel that you might want to climax you tell me. Otherwise, no more talking. Just ride the wave baby... ride the wave.”

  Emily could already feel the vague shadows of a climax. But she also suspected the vibration may not be enough to take her all the way. It was stunning to feel so helpless, to be totally at his mercy, and to feel the – oooohhhhh – heady sensations rippling through her sex

  Sitting on the couch, robe open, Scott idly stroked his cock. Watching Emily tied up and blindfolded, losing herself to the machinations of the vibrator was incredible. Absolutely incredible. Her head was back and she was moaning softly. He believed the slow speed he had chosen would mean a long, languid build-up. She would be painfully aware of that fact. But such was not his plan. He had something else in mind. He checked his watch. Two minutes to go.

  Standing up he moved behind the chair and reached down, sliding his hands into the cups of her bra. Her moans grew louder as he tweaked and pinched her nipples.

  “Mmmm, you look divine, Emily,” he said, leaning in and kissing her ear

  “Scotty,” she whimpered, “I’m so, so...”

  “I’m sure,” he replied, cutting her off, and pulled his hands from her breasts.

  “Oh please don’t take your hands away,” she begged.

  “Tsk tsk. Not up to you baby,” he answered, checking his watch. Time was up.

  Moving to the front of the chair he pulled the wand from between her legs and switched it off. He expected groans of dismay and he was not disappointed. His hand trailed up her inner thigh, whispered across the damp area of her panties, then down the other side.

  “Scotty,” she moaned, “please – I really need…”

  “Shush,” he said firmly, moving back to the couch.

  After checking his watch he leaned back and stroked his cock. It felt so good to control her, to watch her whine and beg, but it came to him that he shouldn’t have been so surprised.

  He had always been a natural leader. Teaching people how to surf, young and old alike, had been as easy as breathing. Running the surf shop was the same. He had no problems praising when appropriate and reprimanding when needed. He didn’t even think about it. Now it was spilling over into his personal life and it felt the same. It was effortless. More than effortless. It felt natural. As if it should have been this way all along.

  A groan stirred him from his trance like state and he glanced down at the time. It had been three long minutes. He had only intended it to be two. Moving back to her, he picked up the vibrator and put it on medium speed.

  She moaned loudly the instant she heard the gentle buzz. Nestling it against her, stabilizing it once again with the cushion, he stood back and watched. The medium speed was having a profound affect. She was arching her back and squirming deliciously. He watched for several minutes as her writhing grew in intensity. His cock was demanding his attention and he suddenly decided to allow her to release. He was bursting and didn’t want to wait.

  “Ohhhh Scotty,” she cried. “I – I – ohhhhh –––– I’m going to explode,” she cried, thrusting her chest out and jerking her head from side-to-side.


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