Obsession: Seven Vices Series

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Obsession: Seven Vices Series Page 13

by Blythe, Emily

  When I walked into the diner, I spotted Lola and a neat, forty-something woman sitting across from her in the booth. That must have been her, Meredith Taylor.

  I walked over. “I’m Julian. It’s nice to meet you.”

  We shook hands, and I took a seat next to Lola, who simply nodded and smiled.

  “Ms. Taylor was just telling me she remembers Hannah.” Lola’s voice wavered.

  Shit. She remembered her. The nerves gave way to a gnawing feeling. A feeling of dread. Did I want to hear this?

  “Yes, I do.” Meredith pursed her lips.” And I remember you, Mr. Lewin.”

  “I don’t think we’ve met…” I said.

  “No, no. We’ve never met, but Cole had it out to get you. I never really understood why, because you were just some eighteen-year-old kid back then. But with Hannah, he was completely unreasonable. He couldn’t bear the thought of anyone coming between them.”

  “Coming between them?” I swallowed. “Cole was just Hannah’s client. She was an escort, and he was stalking her. She told me all about it.”

  Meredith snickered. “Is that what she told you?” She shook her head. “That couldn’t be further from the truth. Cole and Hannah were serious. They were together, Cole wasn’t a client. In fact, she stopped working as an escort when things got serious with him. They were in love. Even if Cole’s love is the possessive kind. Don’t get me wrong, I believe she loved you too. But, I know for a fact that while she was with you, in the lead up to your trial and even while you were inside, she was still seeing Cole… They were often intimate in his office… I overheard phone calls, emails, I saw his texts. They were together. But she couldn’t let you go, and that infuriated Cole.”

  “What?” I whispered. “No, no, no. That can’t be…” I stared into the depths of her soul to see if she was sincere.

  Hannah was with him? She was with Cole while she was with me? She was with him while she was sending me letters talking about how we would spend the rest of our lives together?

  Lola looked downcast. I could see the pity in her eyes.

  I straightened up. There was obviously more to the story than I knew. Whether or not Hannah was really cheating on me, it didn’t change the fact that someone still got away with her murder.

  “What happened when she disappeared? It was two months into my sentence. I stopped getting letters, and I heard rumors that she was dead.”

  “That was the word on the street. She was murdered,” Meredith said. “I don’t have any proof. But Cole and Hannah were together that night. Cole acted suspiciously the whole week after she disappeared. He was in a horrid mood.”

  “Is he capable?” Lola asked.

  “I believe he is.” Meredith looked at her watch. “I’m sorry, but my lunch break is over, I need to leave.” She got up.

  “You have to go to the police with this. You know more than anyone. Tell them what you know.” I insisted.

  Meredith swallowed. “I can’t. If he could do that to Hannah, imagine what he could do to me if I said anything against him. I have a family.”

  I sighed. I couldn’t blame her for being scared.

  “Thank you for your time. We appreciate it.”

  Meredith walked away, leaving Lola and me to comprehend the bombshell she’d just left on the table.

  I stared straight ahead. I thought back to all the moments I’d shared with Hannah, wondering if there were signs. The first time we made love… did she warm his bed that night too? The thought was sickening.

  “Julian…” Lola touched my hand in an attempt to comfort me. But I couldn’t stand any contact. “Don’t”. I took my hand back.

  I didn’t want to be still. I needed to get out of that diner. I needed to beat the shit out of someone. Or something.

  I was going to tell her I had to go, but when I saw the concern in her eyes, I felt guilty about taking my frustration out on her. She didn’t deserve it.

  “You know, Cole’s even more of a piece of shit than I thought.” I could barely get the words out because my jaw was so tight. “You know what… It’s about time you learned to defend yourself. If he messes with you again, you need to fight back.”

  “I mean, you’re right. But— “

  “Come on.” I didn’t even wait for her to finish her sentence. I took her hand and dragged her out of the diner and onto the street. She struggled to keep up with my stride as I headed to the curb and hailed a taxi.

  “Do you have sneakers and workout clothes?” I asked as we slid into the back of the taxi.

  “Yeah, at home.”

  I gave the driver Lola’s address and told him we needed to get something, then he was to take us straight to the boxing gym.

  * * *

  “Boxing is a mental game.” I paced back and forth, watching Lola practice the basic moves I’d just taught her. “If you throw a punch, know what’s coming next, and how to counter every move. You need to be at least five steps ahead.”

  Lola jabbed the punching bag, trying to keep a steady pace.

  I crossed my arms and stood back, evaluating her stance. “You don’t have to be the fastest or the strongest to win against a bigger opponent if you use the element of surprise. You don’t want them to see your move coming. It’s all about timing. That’s why practicing your jabs, is just as important as practicing your power punches.”

  “And so is your footwork.” I stood behind Lola, straightening her hips. She went rigid at my touch. “The front leg needs to be facing forward. The back leg can be at a slight angle and it should have a little bit of give in it. Don’t lock your leg up.”

  I released her hips and nodded for her to try again. She jabbed with her left fist repeatedly like I had shown her. “That’s better. Now, these are just beginner moves. We’ll have to build on your knowledge, and it will take practice. This is good enough for now, just to get you started.”

  Lola hit the punching bag, alternating left and right hits in quick succession.

  “Faster, Lola,” I shouted. “One, Two, One, Two, One Two.”

  She pushed harder and faster.

  “Good.” I smiled. “Stop.”

  “Fuck.” Lola bent down, resting her arms on her knees for a moment to catch her breath. When she straightened up, she placed her hands on her hips. “Was that okay?”

  “That was good. For a newbie.”

  She shook her head in amazement. “The adrenaline. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  I smirked. “It’s addictive.”

  Lola took off her gloves and shoved them under her arm as we walked back towards the locker room.

  “Any time you want to train, just let me know. I’m here all the time.” I grabbed a towel and threw it to her.

  “This place is pretty…” She looked around at the dank surroundings. “Rustic?”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, it’s a dive, but it’s quiet. Oh, and don’t come here without me. The owner, Carl, is a real sleaze.”

  “Julian!” A familiar voice came from behind us.

  I turned around. “Kash! I didn’t know you were back. I haven’t seen you in ages.” I slapped him on the back as he stood next to Lola and me.

  “Yeah, I’ve been on the West Coast in the studio. So glad to be back home.” He darted his eyes to Lola. “And who is this?” His voice became warmer, his eyes lighting up.

  “Oh, no,” I said to Kash. “Lola is off-limits.”

  “What do you think of me?” Kash stepped forward and shook Lola’s hand. “I’m Kash, nice to meet you, Lola.”

  “Nice to meet you too.” Lola looked at me, quizzically.

  “Kash and I normally train together. He’s in some shitty band.”

  Kash laughed before pretending to jab me in the stomach. “Julian here is a real funny guy.” He said sarcastically. “What are you guys up to?”

  “I was just showing Lola a few basic moves.”

  “Boxing, huh?” Kash seemed impressed. “How did it go?”

  “I think
I’m hooked.” Lola wiped the sweat from her brow and then she picked up her phone to check the time. “Dammit. I need to get back to class.”

  “Of course.” I gestured toward the exit.

  I walked her up the stairs and out through the alleyway.

  Her face became solemn as we stopped to say goodbye. “Hey, Julian… today was rough. Are you going to be okay? I mean, all that stuff about Hannah…”

  I didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want Lola feeling sorry for me.

  “I’ll be fine.” I tried to change the topic. “Are you free tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah.” She tried to hide a smile. “I should be.”

  “I’ve been staking out Cole’s place. You up for it?”

  She raised her eyebrow. “Are you serious? A real stakeout, like in the movies?”

  I chuckled. “I guess. I mean, it’s boring, but…”

  She bounced on her heels. “No, no, I really want to do it. I’m up for it.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Good. I’ll text you. See you tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow.” When she backed away, I couldn’t help but notice a glow about her.

  And just like that… I was looking forward to tomorrow night.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “God, Cole is a boring human being.” I yawned.

  “I told you,” Julian responded dryly. “That’s why I brought you along.”

  “Oh, so I’m just the entertainment, huh?”

  Julian kept his eyes on the front of Cole’s brownstone. “Exactly.”

  I sunk into the passenger seat of Julian’s car, watching him. We were parked across the road from Cole’s house. I was supposed to be watching the front door, but it was impossible when all I wanted to do was stare at Julian—something that would never bore me.

  Julian caught me staring at him and grimaced. “You’re not very good at stakeouts, you know.”

  “I’m not some super sleuth like you are.”

  Julian snatched my packet of chips from my grip and shoved a handful into his mouth.

  I rolled my eyes. At least he was in better spirits than when I left him the day before. The news that Hannah had been unfaithful to him, and that her relationship with Cole was far more complicated than we had imagined, was a hard pill to swallow.

  I’d barely been able to sleep the night before. I couldn’t help but imagine the proud man that sat next to me now, rotting away in some jail cell while his girl was out there sleeping with the enemy. I felt a twinge of pain in my chest at the thought. It was a feeling that I hadn’t been able to shift ever since our meeting with Meredith Taylor.

  “Julian.” My voice was weak, wondering if what I was about to ask was off-limits.

  “Yeah?” he responded, still watching Cole’s place.

  “What was prison like?”

  Julian glanced at me, his gaze was unreadable. He considered my question for a moment before he answered.

  “It was what you expect. Crowded, loud, dangerous.” He leaned back against the headrest, letting his head roll to the side. “Most of all, it was lonely. I mean, you’re locked away with hundreds of other people, but the feeling of sheer loneliness and isolation was unbearable… and knowing that your life is going on outside without you.” He looked into his palms. “That was the worst part.”

  I tucked my knees up to my chest. “Did you ever get in any fights?”

  “I tried to keep to myself, but there were a few brawls. Especially once I found out about Hannah. After that, everything felt pointless.” He took in a deep breath to center himself. “Getting a few tattoos helped.” He smirked. “Made me look a little tougher.”

  “Is that where you got your tattoos? In jail?”

  “Some of them.” Julian rolled up the sleeves on his business shirt, revealing his inked forearms. “Most of these I got afterward. When I got out, I was addicted to it, I guess.

  “They’re beautiful.” I reached out and ran my finger over an elaborate black-and-white Dragon. He watched as I traced the shape with my fingertip. “Will you ever get more?”

  Julian swallowed. When he spoke, his voice was gravelly. He couldn’t take his eyes off the movement of my finger. “Yeah. Most likely. Every time I get a new one, I tell myself I’m not going to get another… But, inevitably… I crave more.”

  “Not everyone can pull off the look.”

  “Do you have any?” he asked.

  “I don’t. But I like them on you. I like your tattoos a lot.”

  Julian was pleasantly surprised. He opened his mouth to say something, but just as he did, I noticed activity around Cole’s front door.

  “Look!” I pointed to the house, and Julian reverted his attention back to the task.

  We watched as Cole walked down the front steps with what looked like an overnight bag. He hopped into his town car, which was waiting for him at the curb.

  “He’s going away again. He’s been doing that lot lately. Somethings going on… I just don’t know what.”

  Cole’s car pulled onto the street, passing right in front of us.

  “Duck!” Julian whispered. He used his body to shield me, as we hid below the window sill so that Cole wouldn’t see us when he drove past.

  During the excitement, I smacked my forehead against the gear shift. “Ouch! Fuck.”

  “Are you okay?” Julian tried to look at me, while keeping one eye on Cole’s car. “He’s gone.”

  As we sat up, Julian rubbed his thumb over where I’d hit my head. “You sure you’re okay?” His face was barely an inch from my own.

  I swallowed. “It hurt like a bitch, but I’m fine.”

  Julian continued to stare into my eyes. We stayed like that for a moment, hovering just within a breath of each other’s lips. Our proximity drew us together as if an invisible force was at play.

  But as I could have predicted, Julian came to his senses. His hand dropped away from my face. Something had caught his attention. A black leather-bound book jammed between the seat and the center console.

  He pulled it out, and it fell open in his hands.

  “That’s my design sketchbook. It must have fallen out of my bag.” Embarrassed, I tried to grab it off him before he could see inside.

  He flicked my hand away. “No, no, no.” His eyes eagerly took in the contents as he flicked through the pages. Then he looked up at me, astonished. “These are fantastic.”

  I cringed. “No. They’re not.” I tried to take the book from him again, but he refused to hand it over.

  “This…” he pointed to a monochromatic, avant-garde design. “It’s beautiful… I mean it’s stark and masculine, but that’s what makes it unique.”

  He liked it? Encouraged by his words, I leaned over and flicked the page to show him what I’d been working on.

  “That design led me to this. This is my baby.” I pointed to the page of sketches, showing a variety of different ready-to-wear looks, inspired by the original avant-garde design he liked.

  He tilted his head, taking in every detail. He looked back up at me, his eyes studying my face as if he was seeing me for the first time. “You’re incredibly talented, Lola.”

  I felt my cheeks blush as I sat back in my seat again. “Thank you.”

  Julian stared at me for a moment, as if he wanted to say something. He flicked his eyes back to the road, thinking better of it. “I should drop you home.”

  After Julian pulled up outside my building, I got out and turned back to him, holding the door open. “So, I guess I’ll see you next Friday?” I said.


  “The Reunion… I was speaking with Gia the other day and she asked me if you were planning on taking me again. It’s next Friday.”

  “Oh, I see.” Julian gripped the steering wheel. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea…”

  “Cole’s going, though,” I added. “I squeezed that out of her. We should be there if he is.”

  He sighed.
“Okay. Next Friday.”

  I smiled as I began shutting the door. Julian put his arm out, signaling for me to wait. I opened it again.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  He looked at me sideways. “Just try not to wear something that makes you look so damn fuck able this time, okay?”

  I bit my lip. “I can’t make any guarantees.”

  Julian shook his head as if I was driving him crazy.

  I offered a sly smile as I shut the door and stepped back, watching him pull away.

  * * *

  When I entered my room that night, Aspen was waiting for me. She laid on my bed, listening to music through her headphones.

  “Boo!” I shouted as I walked up behind her.

  Startled, she clutched her chest. “Oh my God. You almost gave me a heart attack.” She removed her headphones and glared at me.

  “Well, you know, this is my room,” I said as I put down my backpack.

  “So, you been out tonight?” she asked, curiosity lacing her tone.

  “Yeah.” I laid down next to her.

  “With Julian?” A mischievous smile appeared on her face.

  “We were staking out Cole’s place.”

  I’d been keeping Aspen up to date on the entire story as it unfolded. She knew about Cole and about The Reunion, and that Julian had kissed me.

  “So… Did you guys do it yet?” She raised her eyebrows seductively.

  I threw a pillow at her head. “No!”

  She threw it back, but I ducked out of the way. “Why haven’t you jumped that yet.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Are you saying you don’t want to?”

  “I’m not saying that…”

  She wrinkled her forehead. “Then what’s stopping you?”

  “Well, Julian, for one. He’s really…” I tried to think of the right word.

  “Prudish?” Aspen suggested.

  “No, I don’t think it’s that. He’s just stubborn and annoyingly principled. First it was refreshing. Now it’s just frustrating. I feel like he’s hiding so much of himself from the world, and from me. No matter what I do, he won’t let me in.”


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