7 Miles High

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7 Miles High Page 11

by Pike, Leslie

  Oops! The word slipped out. There was no holding it back. It passed quietly and swiftly like a grain of sand would in a river of flowing water. I had little to do with the timing. As if the feeling picked its own spot to reveal itself to the world.

  Her expression says so much, without saying the one thing I want to hear. Lips are pressed together, eyes are a little wider. She’s staying perfectly still as if moving an inch would release hidden thoughts and secrets only she is privy to. I can’t tell if she’s happy or afraid. If this pleases her or gives her pause for thought.

  I know this though. It wouldn’t be right to say more. Not until she feels it too. I’ve done my part in putting the concept out there. Now it will be Natalie who confirms or denies if it’s true for us both. No pressure.

  Chapter 18


  Nicki and Bliss’ call took me by surprise, but now I’m feeling excited. This is a great connection and promising for future business. It’s something I can use to lure future clients.

  “I’m hoping you can help, Natalie. We have an international client looking for a property in Santa Barbara. Thus far we haven’t found what he’s looking for,” Bliss says.

  “Not in our own listings or any of the one’s other brokers have suggested. This is a real puzzle,” Nicki adds. We don’t come up empty often, but this time we are just not finding the property.”

  “How can I help?”

  “This man is about the pickiest buyer I’ve ever worked with. It isn’t because we fail to show him what he has requested. Actually, it’s because he changes his mind every other day. If he’d just stay with his last set of requirements it would work fine.”

  “He does this every time, and every time we eventually found him the property of his dreams.”

  “His dreams are fluid, though,” Bliss adds.

  “Sounds like the reward is worth the risk.”

  It is. He’s got the money to back up his eccentricities. And he’s led us to other luxury buyers. We’re reaching out beyond our usual circle of brokers. I think if we put our minds together we will be able to come up with something perfect. It has to be unique and in his mind superior to any other choices. He wants to be top dog.”

  “What haven’t you been able to find him through your contacts?”

  “The last instructions were for a home at least twenty thousand square feet.”

  I whistle my response.

  “That’s just the start. He’s requesting a long list. Let me send it to you. Let me know if you have anything that would be worthwhile for him to see. He’s not one for looking at digital tours, but we will weed out anything that doesn’t meet his standards.”

  “I will. Let me do some digging. And get back to you in a few days.”

  As I disconnect my mind is racing with a loop of property pictures. They scroll through, as I accept or reject each one. One pile is conspicuously taller. The choice of houses at that square footage are slim. This is a great opportunity for me. My vision of the future just expanded exponentially and I’m going to take it and run.

  Sometimes a person comes to a fork in the road and she’d better be good at identifying when it happens. Carpe diem.

  Without hesitation I call Parker. Just as I’m about to leave a message he answers.

  “Sorry. I was talking with Matt.”

  “Oh, go ahead. I can call back.”

  “No. We said all we needed to say. What’s up?”

  “Something exciting just happened.”

  “What, babe?”

  “I got a call from Bliss and Nicki. They asked me for help with one of their clients who’s looking in the Santa Barbara area.”

  “Wow. That’s great. You’re going to do it right?”

  “Hell yes I am. I’d love to be their go-to realtor in Santa Barbara.”

  “I’m not too familiar with their business, but just from comments Steven and Jack have said I know it’s impressive. Good for you. I’m happy.”

  “My sister GiGi is staying with me for a few days. She should be here soon.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting her. Too bad it can’t be this week. I’m not going to be available for much anything this week. We’re into night shots, and the days are spent sleeping.”

  “I understand. We’re going to be busy too. She’s six years younger than I am, so I’m thinking she’s going to want to beach it every day. She surfs.”


  The doorbell interrupts our conversation.

  “Oh, that’s her. I’ll call you later.”

  “Better let me call you in case we’re filming. I’ll call on our dinner break.”

  “Okay, baby. Talk then.”

  “Open up! Natalie! Open up!” Her voice carries through the door. No surprise.

  I swing it open and hold out my arms. “Gigi!”

  We hug each other and exchange kisses. She’s a mini me in her looks. Blonde hair, blue eyes. The only difference is the purple streaks. She loses her luggage and flip flops in the foyer. Her oversized purse gets tossed on my delicate entry table and it knocks over the soapstone figurine of my Chinese birth year animal. The rabbit takes a header off the table and onto the tiled floor. Gigi’s eyes follow the fall.

  “Oh good, it didn’t break!” She says it as she picks it up.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve finished my work for the day so we can go to the beach. Does that sound good?”

  She lifts her summer dress, showing the barely there bikini underneath.

  “I love how you think, sister! Let me grab my beach bag and a few necessities and I’ll be ready. Are you bringing sunblock? Do you have any beer we can bring? Let’s get blasted!”

  Obviously Gigi is still in her twenties, a wild child always ready to party. I kind of love that about her. The baby of the family always gets away with a little more because she reminds everyone of their own youth and how cool it was to be focused on fun. That’s the goal at that age. You can’t do it forever, but for that one decade it seems right. Because of a sunny personality and ability to talk to anyone, being the party girl looks good on her.

  “I’m so happy to be here!”

  We come together for round two of our greeting. She grabs me and holds on for dear life. Reminds me of when we were children.

  “Let me get my suit on and grab the cooler,” I say. “We’ll definitely Uber it. I’m not going to drink and drive.”

  “Good thinking. I want to hear all about your man and you need to finish telling me about Cancun. You were suspiciously quiet about the sex I know you had. He must be a keeper because you’re keeping the details to yourself.”

  My eyebrows wiggle and a wide smile is plastered on my face.

  “Ohhhhh! You whore! I want to hear everything!

  * * *

  Three hours and three beers later, we’re laughing our asses off. Toes buried in the sand, we sit in beach chairs catching up with both our lives. Gigi has the gift of making her dating life sound like a sitcom.

  “He made me laugh so much I actually peed my pants while I sat on his couch! Literally peed.”

  “God! What did you do?”

  “Ignored it of course. And when I got up I made sure he was looking somewhere else.”

  “How did you accomplish that?”

  “I flashed my boobs!”

  We dissolve in a fit of laughter so big Gigi falls over in her chair.

  “Watch it!”

  “I think I peed!”

  I stand and give her a hand up. “Come on, let’s go to the water.”

  Making our way to the shore with the sunshine and seabirds as company, we get to a more serious topic.

  “So tell me Natalie, what’s Parker like?”

  “He’s a good man. He treats me like a woman should be treated. Our relationship seems to grow every time we’re together.”

  “I like his resume so far. What about his history? Any wives?”

  “No,” I say, mak
ing the first steps into the cold water. “He’s really transparent about his prior girlfriends.”

  “Well that’s good. I know a man’s honesty and loyalty are critical considerations for you. They should be for all of us. But your marriage made you more aware of how we can be fooled.”

  We fall into the breaking waves and paddle past the foamy crests. Then we turn on our backs and float while we talk.

  “You’re right. I will never again be the stupid girl who ignores signs. The more I’ve analyzed Alex and my marriage the more signs I could suddenly see. I must have been crazy to look away from the things he let me see. It was ridiculous.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Sister. It’s not a sin to believe what your husband tells you.”

  “Not a sin, but blind belief can only hurt you. It’s smart to hold a man to his words.”

  “No red flags with Parker? I’ve heard the movie business is notorious for on set affairs.”

  I stand and let a small wave roll over me.

  “Well then it will be a good test. There’s lots of young, beautiful women around him. I’m going to see if our feelings for each other stand the test.”

  “I’m rooting for you, Natalie. You deserve a man who is as good a person as you.”

  “If only a woman’s goodness meant she was going to be treated right. I don’t want a man who hides from his sins. I want a man whose sins don’t cost me my happiness.”

  Chapter 19


  “Are you forgetting my mistake, brother? I moved too quickly and ended up minus fifty thousand and one fiancée.”

  His sigh travels through the phone.

  “Yeah but it was the right thing to do. You can’t compare Natalie to bridezilla. Two different women, James.”

  “You’re right, but I’m just urging caution. Don’t take any sudden trips to Vegas.”

  “I didn’t say I was going to ask her tomorrow. I just said I feel, no I know, that she’s the one. The one I want to marry. Eventually. There’s a distinction.”

  “Have you said you love her? Has she said it to you?”

  I pause for a few beats.

  “Not yet. But I’ve thought about it for weeks. And I know she feels the same way. It’s going to happen soon.”

  “Well, good luck, brother. May the force be with you.”


  “Don’t put up with any crap like I did and you’ll be alright. That was my fatal mistake. The first time she showed me her true nature I should have ended it. Our real selves always end up coming out.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind. But as far as Natalie goes James, what I’ve seen is her real self. I’m sure of it.”

  After our conversation I go over what James advised. Then I immediately reject it. You can stuff all other men’s suggestions about my love life. I’ve never needed help in that department. And especially not with Natalie.

  I’ll call, see if she’s got everything ready for the trip. The prospect of living together for three weeks has become all I can think about. Practice.

  I tap her name and she answers on the first ring.

  “Are you as happy as I am? Won’t be long now, babe,” I say.

  “Yes! Can you tell? My voice just rose two octaves with the question!”

  “What time is your flight?”

  “Twelve twenty. I’ll text you when we land and I’m on my way to the hotel.”

  “Great. I’ll check in and go to the Production office. I’ve got to sign my contract and pick up per-diem before the location scout.”

  She giggles. “I love that movie talk!”


  “Yes Parker?”

  “I just wanted to say your name.”

  I hear the intake of her breath, and I’m hoping there’s a smile accompanying it.

  * * *

  The first few steps outside the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport reminded me why people here stay indoors a lot. It’s fucking hot. Today’s high of ninety-nine will pass into tomorrow’s one hundred three. Every day for the next three weeks will hover around that.

  As I walk into the Dallas Hyatt I’m checking off my list of things I need to do before Natalie arrives. First things first. I grab my cell.

  “Mom. I landed. Call back and leave me a message when you’re arriving.”

  I disconnect without a goodbye, but my mom always does the same to me. Both of us hate leaving voice messages. We say the bare minimum. The thought of our similar personalities brings a smile. She’s going to like my girlfriend though. I know it. She likes anyone that treats her son right. It’s kind of funny that my mother has Natalie nervous. She denies it but I can tell. That’s kind of cute.

  “Are you checking in, sir?”

  The girl’s friendly face greets me as I walk up to the front desk.

  “Yes. Parker Dunn. I’m with the film production.”

  She looks at the screen and finds me quickly.

  “Yes. Room twelve thirty-two. One key or two?”

  “Two. Can you direct me to the Production offices?”

  “They’re on the second floor. Two fourteen and sixteen.”


  I take the keys and leave the map of the hotel grounds. I’m familiar with the layout. A few years back we filmed the John F. Kennedy movie here in Dallas. This was my hunting grounds for three months. Hunting grounds. That sounds weird now. I’m no longer going after women. There’s no hunting involved. I found the one I want with me. And there’s no capture or dominance. She captured me.

  When the elevator doors slide open I’m greeted by familiar faces.


  The two stuntmen have worked with me on countless TV shows and features. We exchange the expected greetings of manly hugs and pats on the back.

  “I didn’t know you were working this. Great.”

  “I saw your name on the call sheet and brought the pads I borrowed last show,” Aaron says.

  “Remind me not to loan you any of my other equipment.”

  “What happened was I met this girl.”

  “It’s always a girl,” Ben says.

  “Hey, there’s a couple of cocktail waitresses in the bar here. I was talking with them last night. Want to meet up for a drink later?”

  “No, bro. My girlfriend is coming in today.”

  “Girlfriend? Oh, are the masses weeping?” Ben adds.


  “You know Nia is here, right?”


  “No. I didn’t. But we’re cool.”

  “Alright, brother, but in my experience women like a good cat fight. Watch your back because she was drinking last night and talking. About you and your big dick.” Aaron chuckles as the two walk away toward the restaurant.


  Fuck me. Ridiculous! I’m going to have to have a talk with her. Don’t want her to get loaded and corner Natalie for a girl to girl conversation. The comparison between Natalie and Nia has never been so obvious. Nia peppers her conversations with fucks and dicks and whatever the hell comes into her mind. Like a guy. I don’t think that ever really appealed to me. It was more about the fact we connected on a friend level. But I misidentified it.

  I enter the elevator and press my floor. I’ll drop off my gear before heading for Production. The cell pings. Mom. They’re arriving at three. Checking my watch, I calculate how long I have to get my things done. And when I’m going to have the time to be with Natalie. That’s number one on my list.

  Thoughts of her make me want to stay twisted up in the sheets. These past few weeks without her have been hard. The time seemed like an eternity. Bottom line…I can’t get enough.

  Elevator doors slowly open and I make my way to the room. For once the key works on the first pass. I drop my luggage and scan the layout. Just like last time. Small living room, connected to a tinier kitchen. Bedroom adjacent. Bathroom acceptable. We might be able to both fit in the spa bath. There’s jets. I can see the scene.

  I go to the phone and call housekeeping. I’ve never asked for anything like this, but it won’t hurt to try. They answer on the fifth ring.


  “This is room twelve thirty-two. I have an unusual request. Is there some way I can get a little vase of flowers sent up here? Anything you can do would be appreciated. My girlfriend is coming in this afternoon and I want to impress her.” I chuckle when I say it, hoping for sympathy from the staff.

  “Umm, I don’t know if we have anything around here…”

  I interrupt with the Ace in my pocket. “There’s a twenty in it if you can find something for me.”

  There’s only a few beat pause before she responds. “I’ll see what I can find, sir.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Well thank you, Marianne. It’s very appreciated. The twenty will be on the dining table.”

  That should do it. My father taught me everything I know about tipping and treating the people providing you a service. It’s been something I’ve used consistently over the years.

  I leave the bill where I said, tucking the edge under the room service menu. Then I head for the elevators.

  * * *

  It always looks like a frat party. That’s the image I have whenever I’m in any Production office on location. There’s an air of expectation. That’s just what it is. The cast and crew are still in the honeymoon stage of the trip. Who’s going to flirt with who. Who’s going to be the pain in the ass. Which payroll person or associate director will be the best to deal with.

  We all know the game. Fortunately for me, the stunt people have a good place in the story. It’s because the other men like to hang with us, and the women like to bang us. That last thing doesn’t interest me in the least, but the first makes for a fun set. We always get invited to whatever party is happening that night. Or morning as the case may be.

  Sometimes after a long night shoot we gather in someone’s room, or out by the hotel pool, and unwind. Booze, weed, stories of the set and whoever’s being an asshole pass between us. It’s a hell of a good time usually, and it lasts the entire length of the shoot.


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