Wicked Games

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by A. D. Justice

  With that thought, she let out an exaggerated and exasperated sigh. She would have to think this through carefully. There were things she had to see herself and plans she had to carefully lay out, until this fiasco was over, one way or another. She had never felt completely safe in trusting Marshal Stevens. Something about the man just didn’t seem right from the beginning, and his lack of surprise over the recent turn of events solidified her resolve.

  She heard the airline attendant announce over the intercom that her flight was beginning to board. Brianna collected her purse, stood with her boarding pass in hand, and waited for her zone to be called. As she walked down the jet way, she wasn’t sure if she was walking to or from hell, but she had a sneaking suspicion this would be the hardest trip to Miami she would ever make.

  Brianna settled into her seat, buckled her seatbelt, and listened as the flight attendant reviewed the safety information on the TV screen in front of her. As the plane began to move, she leaned her head back against the seat, closed her eyes, and let her mind rest. She’d been running on an adrenalin-high for several hours now and was starting to crash. She knew she was safe, for at least the next four hours.

  Even if the Leslie Solomon alias had been compromised, no one would try anything on a plane full of people. Once she landed in Miami, she would find a small hotel, pay with cash, and try to stay out of sight. If anyone recognized her, it wouldn’t matter what name she went by.


  Noah Steele stood looking at his friend, Richard, whom he had thought was dead. He couldn’t believe the man was standing before him now. He’d attended Richard’s memorial service, had grieved his friend’s passing, and visited his grave once a year to pay his respects. And all this time, an anti-American terrorist group with a known affiliation with the Islamic Jihadist Union had held his friend hostage.

  Smaller fractions of the union were located all through the Middle East and northern Africa. Noah knew Richard frequently traveled to those areas on business. Noah had never guessed that his friend was in trouble, needed his help, and was waiting for someone to rescue him.

  When Noah received news of the plane crash, he wanted to travel to the site himself, but the U.S. government stopped all civilian travel to the area, because of the terrorist threat. He had been living in the comfort and safety of home while his friend fought for his life every day. The guilt of leaving a brother behind was overwhelming. Noah’s thoughts kept circling back to one question. What about her?

  “Richard, I still can’t believe this. I should have pushed harder, I should have looked for you.”

  “No way, there was no way you could’ve known, and had you somehow made it out of the States, you would’ve been taken hostage, or even killed.” Richard was so convincing, he almost convinced himself it was true. Almost.

  Richard still felt Noah’s dark piercing eyes on him, thinking through the scenarios and cover story he had concocted to explain his sudden return. He knew Noah was very intelligent. They had been Airborne Rangers and later part of the elite Delta Force together, so he was also very skilled in terrorism and counter-terrorism measures.

  Richard knew that eventually Noah would find a hole in his story, but he planned to have obtained exactly what he needed and be gone again by then. And if Noah had to die, because he figured it all out too soon, so be it. He’s just another casualty of war - or of money. Take your pick, Richard thought to himself.

  Noah’s face became hard as he said, “We never leave a man behind. De oppresso liber.”

  What was that quick flicker in Richard’s eye? Guilt? It was gone as quickly as it came, so Noah didn’t push it. No telling what the man had been through.

  Richard responded, “Liberate the oppressed. And I am liberated, so let’s celebrate.”

  “I have to ask you something, Richard.” Noah hesitated for a moment, not sure if he wanted the answer or not, then pushed ahead. “Was Brianna taken hostage with you? Or was she on that plane?”

  Richard knew this question would come sooner or later. Letting out a deep breath, he replied, “No, Noah, she wasn’t with me. I’m sorry, man.”

  Noah nodded, never lowering his eyes from Richard’s. “At least you’re home safe.”

  They continued to chat about the business. Richard peppered Noah with questions about how their joint venture was going. Noah had started a private security firm after leaving the military, with financial help from Richard. After Richard left the military, he went to work for the Department of Defense in Washington, DC.

  With Noah’s extensive elite military training, he had built a successful private security firm over the past five years, providing close-contact security for visiting foreign dignitaries and world business leaders. He also worked with American politicians visiting foreign countries, and from time to time, America’s elite class would throw some extravagant party that needed extensive security to keep the paparazzi out.

  Noah didn’t need the financial help from Richard since, technically, his family was one of those that fit in the American elite class. But, his friend wanted to be a part of it and had frequently sent work his way. Richard was more of a silent partner. At first, Noah was concerned about Richard’s involvement being a conflict of interest. Every time Richard sent a security request to Steele Security, it was through the official channels, complete with contracts, official signatures, and notaries. Richard convinced Noah to stop worrying. After Noah received several commendations from various Senators and DoD leaders, he no longer questioned his friend. Richard could be very persuasive when he wanted something.

  For the last three years, the work continued to come in from all the usual sources. Noah and Richard easily engaged in a light banter, as Noah relayed some of the more memorable stories. Noah felt like a part of him had been restored in getting his friend back, but another part of his heart felt like it had been ripped in half again.

  When the news first broke of Richard, he had held onto some hope that Brianna would emerge alive, too. But when Richard confirmed she wasn’t with him, he knew she had been on that fateful flight, and he felt like he had lost her all over again.

  It was hard to keep his mind on the conversation at times, even though he was very happy to be with his old friend again. His mind kept going back to Brianna and how tense their relationship had become those last few weeks they were together. If only he had one more chance with her.

  The conversation lagged and Noah finally said, “I’m going to go now and let you get some rest. You probably have people coming out of the woodwork to talk to you. I’m just glad you’re home, man.” They each gave a manly hug and pat on the back and Noah left, trying to push down the thoughts and feelings he thought he had put to rest.

  Noah thought about his friend’s sudden return. They had been friends in high school and joined the Army at roughly the same time. Moving through the ranks and trainings, they both became Airborne Rangers. When Noah decided to go for the elite Delta Force group, Richard soon followed. They were brothers and worked well together.

  Noah felt guilty for the fleeting wish that Brianna had returned, instead of Richard…or even with Richard. He was glad for his friend, but something was off about the circumstances. There had been no report of any demands for his release. The US government doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, so that wasn’t an option, either. Something didn’t add up in the way that Richard suddenly appeared on the scene, in Miami, and seemingly unscathed.

  You’re sounding like a conspiracy theorist now. He shook off his suspicious thoughts and chalked it up to the fact the press hadn’t been given a lot of information, yet. More would come to light after all of the government officials debriefed Richard, and they decided what unclassified information could be released. His military career had taught him all too well how some top-secret information would never be declassified.

  Climbing in his truck, he pulled out his cell phone and punched in his friend’s number. He recounted his visit with Richard to Bull,
another of his long-term Army buddies, and one of his closest friends. Bull worked at Steele Security for Noah and had frequently been at his side during some of the worst skirmishes they’d ever encountered. They ended the call with Bull promising to relay the information to Rebel, too. They were all glad, and shocked, to hear of Richard’s return.

  Chapter 3

  “Noah, can we talk about what’s going on?” Her voice was quiet, and for the first time since he met Brianna, she seemed almost afraid to ask him a question. Her eyes moved around the room, not settling on any one thing for too long. He saw the sadness in her eyes and didn’t know how to respond.

  Yes, Brianna, what exactly is going on?

  There had definitely been a change in their relationship. It had never been…calm…by any stretch of the imagination. She was a headstrong investigative reporter, and he was newly discharged from the military when they got together. So, yeah, he was headstrong, too.

  He knew that she was ambitious. She didn’t get the good stories by sitting on the sidelines, or being afraid to ask the tough questions. She had never backed down from a good debate, especially with him. But for the last several weeks, there had been a different air between them.

  “I don’t think now’s the time, Bri.” He couldn’t look her in the eye, so he continued studying the paper in front of him. He didn’t really see one damn thing on the page. He chastised himself for being such a coward.

  Clearing her throat, she replied, “OK. I don’t mean to bother you at work. I know you’re busy.”

  “Yeah, lots to do. We can talk later, k?” He still couldn’t look her in the eye.

  In his head, he heard, “Pussy – man up and look at her!”

  She lingered in front of his desk for a few seconds longer and inhaled, as if she was about to say something else, but then turned and slowly walked away. He looked up then and watched her leave. He noticed how her toned, athletic body moved. She had the muscle-toned body of the true Yoga fanatic and long distance runner he knew she was. He noticed how her long, straight, blond hair glittered under the lights, even under the unforgiving fluorescent office lights.

  But one thing was definitely different in her stance. She had always held her head high, shoulders back, as if she were ready to take on anything and anyone. Now, as she left his office, he noticed she looked at the ground, and her shoulders almost slumped, as if she had the weight of the world on them.

  “If only I’d known that would be the last time I ever saw you.” Noah shook the memory from his mind as he drove on.

  He regretted how poorly he handled the last conversation he had with Brianna. He still didn’t know why things had changed between them those last few weeks. His feelings for her hadn’t changed, and he realized he should’ve fought harder for her, and for them. I realized too late, he thought.

  Brianna received a call about a major break on a big story she was working on, shortly after leaving his office. She had to leave immediately for the briefing and to board a flight to the Middle East on a military plane later that day. She had left him a voicemail to let him know. Though he regretted not answering the call at the time, he was glad he still had the voicemail to replay, and hear her voice from time to time.

  Noah drove to his office at Steele Security. It was Saturday afternoon, so he could’ve gone home instead of to work. His men were fully capable of planning and coordinating security for the foreign dignitary reception, at the Miami Premiere Banquet Hall later that night, but he really didn’t want to go home, yet.

  Noah didn’t date for a full year after Brianna’s death. He just couldn’t bring himself to even remotely care about another woman. He had occasional dates over the past two years, but nothing serious.

  The reception tonight was both a blessing and a curse. On the good side, his firm was hired to provide additional security for the major international event. His firm worked with the local Miami police department, and with various other federal organizations to coordinate coverage. His business was doing very well and had gained significant accolades from influential people in the world. Tonight would only further that, and then he could think about opening more security firms in other major cities, employing more ex-military men in a position that suited their training and discipline.

  The downside was he wouldn’t actually be working tonight. While he always considered himself to be on duty, his date for the evening didn’t. And he wasn’t looking forward to spending the evening with this particular….acquaintance. Alexa Bishop was part of the Miami elite club, and her wealthy family made significant contributions to political campaigns.

  The woman was absolutely ruthless when it came to business, but her elegant good looks and instant charm fooled many people in the boardroom. They would never guess she was the biggest shark in the water. She knew what she wanted, and she was accustomed to getting it.

  Alexa had made it clear, on more than one occasion, that what she wanted was a commitment and a ring from Noah. He had made it abundantly clear to her that scenario would never happen.

  He frequently encouraged her to find someone else and get married, because that was not in the stars for him. She always sidestepped the conversation and acted as though she hadn’t heard him. He wasn’t playing hard to get, and deep down he thought Alexa knew he was telling her the truth. But for now they would continue to use each other and take what they needed, whether that was an occasional escort to a high society function, or for sex.

  Alexa’s father, William Bishop, built his business in exporting and shipping goods to other countries. Through his business dealings, he became quite familiar with various foreign dignitaries, ambassadors, business leaders, and other officials at all levels of the U.S. government. William would be rubbing elbows with all the right people at the event tonight, who could grease the wheels at the shipping ports, speed up the customs’ red tape, and make him even wealthier than he already was.

  Noah opened his email to double check any last minute security changes that would be needed for the evening. He found an updated attendee list adding Richard Hollingsworth to the party.


  Richard closed the door after Noah left and smiled. So far, so good. Noah was so shocked to see him, he didn’t doubt his concocted story at all. Not yet, anyway. Now, Richard was intent on getting his side business back up and running.

  Richard picked up the phone and dialed. “Remember me, old friend? It’s time for me to come back to work. I will need your help in getting started, and I will make it worth your while.”

  The voice on the other end hesitated, then answered, “Richard. Saw your picture in the paper. What can I do for you?”

  “Meet me tomorrow night. We need to talk, live,” Richard demanded.

  “Let me know where and what time. I’ll be there,” the man replied.

  “One of my men will contact you tomorrow. Looking forward to it.”

  Richard fisted his hands and paced in the hotel suite. That stupid little bitch. She thought she could beat me. Three years I’ve had to lay low, and now I’m going to make her pay for it. Slowly and painfully.

  He had quite the business set up before Brianna somehow got ahold of incriminating information against him. She went into hiding and took that information with her. Until he got it back, his life was on the line. Technically, he had always been in danger, due to the type of people in which he conducted business, but he could handle them. As long as he obtained the goods they needed, there was nothing to worry about.

  But Brianna was on a mission to tell his story and nothing would sway her from that. Nothing but Noah. He thought he had made sure his tracks were covered, but somehow Brianna found out. He wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

  Richard had gotten word that there was a dirty CIA agent looking to make a small fortune. That agent turned out to be an old friend from his military days. He would use his friend to make his business lucrative again, and just as importantly, keep his customers from cutting his
head off. His CIA friend would have the right connections to get the specific weapons he needed for this shipment.

  Richard made a few more calls to old friends and business partners. Most of the men he used as his security team had less than stellar backgrounds, but he was fine with that. Someone less educated, less cunning, and with a criminal history makes a great fall guy, in the event something went wrong. Still, he would be very careful in how he set up business meetings.

  Chapter 4

  With her head resting on the back of the seat, Brianna closed her eyes as the plane lifted off. Living as someone else for the past three years had exhausted her to the bone. She figured if someone had been watching her townhouse, she had a few hours before he realized she was gone. It was still daylight and the rain should have started by now, so nothing would appear out of place, until later when the darkness inside her home would be obvious. Hopefully she would be settled in some out of the way motel in Miami before then.

  She was going back to Miami as Leslie Solomon, but wished like hell she could just be Brianna Tate and be done with all this mess. She had missed her three sisters and her parents, more than she could bear at times. She had missed so much of their lives. Were any of her sisters’ married yet? Was she an aunt?

  She thought of her mom and dad often. She worried about their health, and the strain losing her had put on them. Most of all, she missed laughing with her family, regaling stories of each other during family dinners, and just spending time with them.

  Her dad had been such an instrumental part of her getting her first big job after college. Her parents took a chance on real estate development at the most opportune moment. After making their first small fortune, they decided to expand into high-rise executive offices, and eventually moving into establishing their own luxury hotel chain across the Eastern U.S. Neither of her parents was thrilled with her career choice, since they both obviously wanted her to be interested in business and run their hotels. But being cooped up in an office every day was never in her plans.


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