Football Daddy

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Football Daddy Page 95

by Ava Walsh

  I wanted to keep her here with me. I didn’t necessarily want to talk about sex or her body. But there was nothing work-related to discuss. I wanted to keep hearing her voice nonetheless.

  She looked up at me and met my gaze.

  “I wore it because I knew you’d feel that way,” she murmured softly and I almost laughed at her shyness. I hadn’t expected her to be like that and it took me by delighted surprise.

  I walked around the desk closer to her.

  “When is my first meeting of the day?” I asked her and she looked at the printed schedule in her hand.

  “In an hour,” she said and looked back at me, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. She was enjoying the idea. We had never done this here before, and I was glad to see that she was warming to the idea.

  “Then we should get started immediately, shouldn’t we?” I said and she turned on her heels again.

  My heart was beating out of my chest. That was the last thing I wanted, to scare her away. I regretted having suggested it. Had I mistaken the look in her eyes? Was she disgusted with me?

  Kayla reached the door, turned the lock and then faced me again.

  “Not a minute to waste,” she said and bit down on her lip. I reached for my tie and loosened it in one quick motion. I couldn’t wait to see her naked again.

  Chapter Nine


  I had always wondered what he would feel like in the mornings. His clothes were freshly dry cleaned and ironed. His hair was neatly styled back, a few curls straying over his forehead. He smelt new and clean and masculine. I had daydreamed about him, only a few times, while he sat at meetings or called out notes to me. His jaw was set in a tight square line, his eyes were intense, professional. I had wondered what he would be like, naked, in my arms.

  And there he was now, undressing. His clothes fell in a heap around him as he strode towards me. I had stood motionless, quiet, watching him.

  He reached me and with a thud, pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. He was holding me up so my shoes slipped off my feet of their own accord. He pinned my arms to the wall and continued to kiss me, pushed his tongue through my parted lips and into my mouth. His hands clenched the bun behind my head and he undid my hair.

  He was completely naked and I was fully dressed, and the feeling was overwhelming. I could feel his hard dick throbbing against my hip as he pressed himself against me.

  While we were kissing, he started undoing the buttons on my jacket and then my blouse. Our lips were still fused when he pulled my clothes off me. Within seconds, I was only in my lace underwear.

  He pulled me off the wall in one swift motion while I held on to his arms. His muscles were ripped, I could see his chiseled torso as he swung me off the wall and then placed me on his desk.

  I could feel my back against the papers, files and other things on the desk, but neither of us cared. Our lips had pulled apart now as he towered over my body. He was looking at me, at my breasts, at the growing wetness between my thighs. I pressed my legs together but he instantly pulled them apart again.

  “Let me see,” he said, in a low grunting voice and he continued to stare. I could feel my cheeks get warm. I felt exposed, shy of myself and my body, but Oscar was enjoying himself. He was examining all the parts of my body that he had already touched and which he now had access to again.

  I tried to wrap my legs around his waist and pull him towards me, but he struggled against it. Instead, I felt his fingers starting to stroke the hot throbbing core of me. He had pushed my panties aside and was slowly stroking me.

  My back arched involuntarily with the touch. His eyes were focused on me, as I bit down on my lip. He pushed two of his fingers into me, and they slowly slid in and slid out. I muffled a moan with my hand and whipped my face away from him.

  Oscar Connell was enjoying watching me writhe and my face squirm as he pleasured me. I was helpless against him, against what he was doing to me.

  With his other hand, he flicked my nipples, pressed them hard while he increased the pace with which he was stroking me. I muffled another moan and arched my back upwards.

  His motion was quick, and he was reaching me deep inside. I could feel him reaching me in a place nobody had gone to before. I looked at him, standing between my open legs at the end of the table. His face was intense, he was staring at me like he was on a mission. He wanted to watch me orgasm.

  I was getting there quickly. I could feel the juices leak out of me as he repeatedly shoved in his fingers. He was taking me there, I could see it coming. My mind was reeling, the smell of him had invaded my nostrils…I was about to tip over the edge when he stopped.

  I gasped and rose up to meet his face. I was so close, I was throbbing, yearning for him to finish me.

  “Not so fast. Wait for me,” he said and then climbed on top of me. We were both on the desk. My legs dangled from the end while he enveloped me in his limbs. His arms held me tightly to his chest and I could feel the roughness of his thighs, his calves around me.

  He thrust himself inside me as quickly as he had stopped. I gasped again. Our bodies were pressed against each other. My bare breasts were now against his chest. He had lifted me off the desk while he pumped into me repeatedly. I could see the muscles on his arms strain, his neck redden as he fucked me with a new force.

  I hadn’t been expecting it. He was sliding in and out of me and I could hear the desk squeak. He didn’t seem to care. I moaned and he placed his hand on my mouth as I squeezed my eyes shut. I could feel my body soaring as I felt the weight of him on top of me.

  Our bodies were like one entity, and in that moment I knew I was my mother’s daughter. I loved this man. I might not know him, but I had fallen for my boss. The boss to whom I was just part of a deal.

  I could feel tears pricking the back of my eyelids. He was sliding in and out of me, holding me tightly as both our bodies screamed for more.

  I opened my eyes and found him looking at me. That look of intensity had been replaced by calmness. He was staring at me in peace, while the rest of his body pleasured me. He wanted to watch, out of curiosity, like he was trying to figure me out.

  “Kayla,” he suddenly whispered and I licked my lips.

  “Oscar,” I whispered back and his body jolted. He was coming inside me and I decided to let go as well. Both our bodies jerked, his eyes rolled back in his head and his face reddened. I could feel my toes curl as my body contracted against him. I had never felt this good before, even with him.

  There was a knock on the door and my head whipped around to him. I could see the panic in his eyes too.

  “Who is it?” he called out loudly, pulling himself out of me. I felt empty inside as he jumped off the desk. The door was being pushed open, but thankfully I had remembered to lock it before we began.

  “Why is the door locked, Oscar?” Jonathan Connell’s voice streamed through the room and I watched Oscar rush to pick up his clothes. He picked mine up off the floor and threw them to me.

  “I’m a little busy at the moment, Jonathan. Can we talk in about half an hour?” He asked, stepping into his pants. I tried to rush into my clothes, missing a few buttons and then having to start all over.

  I felt embarrassed and dirty again. I couldn’t believe I had agreed to this. We had been so careful all this time.

  “Busy with what?” Jonathan called out again while Oscar was buttoning up his shirt.

  “Let's just talk later,” Oscar replied, and threw me a worried look.

  I was trying to tie up my hair just as Jonathan pushed the door again, but it didn’t give way.

  “What is going on in there, Oscar? Do you have Kayla there with you?” he asked again and this time, he laughed. Oscar threw me a look and I felt my heart drop. Had the two brothers been discussing me? Was I a part of some sort of joke? Oscar had made me swear to secrecy, was he talking about me to his brother behind my back?

  I turned away from Oscar and walked back to the desk. My folder of pap
ers was scattered now and I started collecting them again.

  “Jonathan. Please leave.” I heard Oscar say again, but his brother was not ready to take no for an answer.

  “Hi, Kayla! I know you’re in there. Oh c’mon Oscar, open up,” Jonathan said. This time, I looked at Oscar and he might have seen the tear in my eye.

  “How is she going to get out if you don’t open the door?” Jonathan asked and Oscar watched as I walked over to the door and unlocked it. It swung open and Jonathan was standing there, with a smirk on his face.

  “Hello, Kayla. How lovely to see you,” he said as I hung my head and walked past him. I didn’t know what else I could do.

  “Hey, Kayla!” Jonathan called out to me as I hurried down the hallway. He had called out to me so loudly that several people turned to look. I stopped in my tracks but didn’t turn to look at him. I kept my head hung low.

  “You might have missed a few buttons there,” he said with a loud laugh and I started running.

  I still had the folder under my arm when I ran out of the building. In broad daylight, this time, I ran to my house. I was done. I could never go back there. I couldn’t possibly work in an environment where I had lost the respect of everyone. After years of dedicating my time to it.

  I entered my apartment and slammed the door shut behind me. I decided to call my mother. I needed to, I had to hear her voice of reassurance.

  “Hi, mama,” I said into the phone when she answered.

  “Shouldn’t you be at work?” she asked and I nearly broke down.

  “I’m quitting my job mama,” I said, and this time, I did break down. I was howling into the phone, while my mother quietly listened to me cry.

  “What happened baby?” she asked, after several minutes of hearing me sniffle and howl.

  “I was having an affair with my boss,” I said. I couldn’t think of any made up excuse. Besides, I couldn’t lie to her. She would know I was lying anyway.

  “Kayla…” she said, in a low empathetic voice. She knew exactly what I was going through.

  “Are you pregnant?” was her first question and I snapped at her.


  “I was just asking baby. Is it over now? Did he end it?” she asked and I sniffed as I wiped my cheeks.

  “I’m ending it because I can’t do it anymore,” I said and I heard mama sigh.

  “Why are you crying then, baby?” she asked and I gulped. I remained silent.

  “Why are you so sad if you’re ending it with him? You should be happy that it’s in your power and control to be able to walk away. I didn’t have a choice, I was shoved away. Left with nothing.” Mama’s voice was kind and understanding, much like Janet Connell’s voice. She was making sense, but I couldn’t explain to her or me why I was this sad.

  “I’m just embarrassed and upset that I have to quit my job,” I managed to say and heard mama take a deep breath.

  “Baby, you barely ever cry. Something more is going on. Something to do with your heart.”

  I bit down on my lip. I didn’t want to tell her that I was in love with Oscar Connell. That I had ended up doing the only thing I promised myself I wouldn’t let happen, falling for him. I couldn’t tell her all those things because then she would know that her daughter was going through exactly the same thing she had gone through herself. But something told me that I didn’t have to spell it out for her because she already knew.

  Chapter Ten


  My knuckles hurt from the punch. It caught Jonathan right on the nose and I watched him grab his face, his eyes widened and a loud shriek escaping his lips. He buckled to the floor and when I saw the blood dripping down his nose, I was glad Kayla was gone. I couldn’t imagine that she would have been impressed to see me punch my own brother. Even though he deserved it, even though I did it for her.

  I jerked my hand up and down to try and numb the pain in my knuckles, then stepped over Jonathan and started walking down the office floor.

  “Call my brother an ambulance,” I said to a man at his desk who had caught my eye. Everyone else was trying to avoid my gaze. Not that I cared. I didn’t care what anyone else thought, whether they liked Jonathan more than me, or any of that. All I cared about was finding Kayla.

  But she was gone. She had vanished into thin air by the time I reached the ground floor. I had no idea where she lived. I could very easily find out from HR, that is if they were willing to give me that information. But I didn’t want to add to any office gossip that might hurt her. Plus, she probably needed some time away from me. Me, who had just destroyed her career.

  Instead, I got into my car and drove to my parents’ home.

  When the housekeeper led me to the parlor I found mother sitting on a couch, her hands clutching the pearls at her neck when she saw me enter.

  “Oscar! What did you do?” she asked, her eyes wide and voice shrill. I walked towards the bar instead of her.

  “It’s barely twelve, Oscar. You can’t start drinking now.” She turned in her seat to look at me.

  “I need a drink mother, let me be,” I said, pouring myself a stiff bourbon.

  “Oscar, you hit your brother. What is going on?” she asked. I looked at her and shook my head.

  “Jonathan is an asshole and you know it,” I said and knocked back the bourbon in one go, the liquid burning my throat as it coursed through.

  “I don’t believe that. He’s my son. You can’t talk about your own brother like that.” Mother had stood up now and was walking towards me. I clenched my jaw and looked away from her. She had always only seen the best in both of us.

  “He has been jeopardizing me constantly. And he insulted me, and my PA, this morning.” I said, without looking at her.

  “You mean Kayla Edwards?” she asked coming closer to me.

  “Yes, mother.”

  “You shouldn’t be fighting with your brother over a girl, son,” she said, placing a hand on my arm. I looked at her and ran my fingers through my hair. She was right. What was happening to me? This had never happened before, even with Sandra…I had never punched Jonathan.

  “I’m not fighting over a girl, mother. She’s my PA and he insulted her.”

  “But there must be a civil way to talk about it.” Mother pressed her hand on my arm and I looked into her eyes. Could she see how I felt about Kayla?

  “I’ve tried. He treats me like a child and I’ve had enough. I came here to talk to father. I can’t work with Jonathan and I’ve decided to quit.” I tugged my arm away from her and walked back to the bar.

  “That’s enough Oscar, no more alcohol at this hour,” I heard father’s voice boom and whipped around to find him standing at the door of the parlor.

  “Richard, your son needs to talk to you,” mother said to her husband, despair in her voice. She couldn’t bear the thought of her sons not getting along.

  “I heard what he said. Janet, it’s his life, he is free to do as he chooses.” Father walked towards me, and I straightened my back. I desperately needed another drink but I held back, I wouldn’t dare disobey father.

  “Thank you, father. I’m sure Jonathan will be able to handle the company,” I said. There was a small faint smile on my father’s face.

  “No, he won’t. But he wants to be here, and you don’t,” he replied, locking his hands behind his back.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to be here, father. I just can’t work with Jonathan.” I heard my mother starting to cry.

  “But why not? I’m sure whatever the trouble is, you’ll be able to sort it out. You shouldn’t quit over such a small matter,” my mother said, coming up to me and holding my arm.

  “Janet, this is obviously important to him. If he says he can’t work with Jonathan, he can’t. We can’t force it on them,” father said and mother turned away from me, upset with us both.

  “Besides, he has to find himself first. If he can’t do that, he can’t run a company like ours,” father said and walked over to moth
er. I had never seen a couple so in love, even after thirty-five years of marriage. Mother’s eyes softened as he walked towards her.

  “I don’t know what you mean by that father,” I said, genuinely curious to know what he meant by finding myself. What other self-discovery did I have remaining?

  “I mean, that you need to come to terms with your feelings for Kayla Edwards. You’re too distracted now to concentrate on your work,” he said and I hung my head, embarrassed.

  “She’s my PA, nothing more.”

  “Stop lying to your family, and yourself,” he snapped and I looked up at him.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want you to say it to yourself, the truth. If she is nothing more than your PA, a play thing, then admit it to yourself. If she is more than that, admit that to yourself. Whichever one she is, choose. I will not have my son flitting around like a bird who can’t make up his mind.” Father had worked himself up to a frenzy as he spoke to me, and only mother’s gentle patting on his arm seemed to calm him.

  “How does this have anything to do with my work here?” I asked, annoyed that he would bring my personal life into this.

  “I won’t accept your resignation till you’ve thought things over with a cool head. You are free to leave, it’s your life. But I want your decision to be based on the right reasons. So sort out your personal problems, and then get back to me,” he said.

  I sighed. Maybe he was right. All I wanted right now is to get to my car and drive away. I started crossing the floor of the room.

  “Oscar, take care of that hand darling,” mother called out to me and I nodded.

  “And son,” father stopped me in my tracks again. “Nobody can bring us out of this financial crisis, except you. No matter what Jonathan tells you. I know you’re not experienced, but you’re smart and you have an unparalleled instinct for doing business. You’ve got what it takes, more than any of us. I brought you back for a reason.” We looked at each other. He needed me, he believed in me, but he loved both his sons. I could see it in both my parents’ eyes. I said nothing, turned on my heels and walked out of the house.


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