The Greenstone Grail

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The Greenstone Grail Page 31

by Jan Siegel

  ‘Does he – does he get violent, when he’s angry?’

  ‘No.’ She looked faintly surprised at the suggestion. ‘He’s never violent. He wouldn’t harm me in any way. But his anger is – terrible. I feel it inside me, clouding me, darkening everything … He sets me at a distance, isolates me. I can’t bear that. I need him to love me.’ There was something oddly childish in that plea, even to Nathan’s ear. He decided it would be a mistake to tell her that the Grandir already knew of him, spied on him, through a star that wasn’t a star. He didn’t know if the Grandir was a good man, but he was ruthless, and powerful – too powerful for Nathan – and to ask his help would mean him taking over. Nathan knew this was a task for him. Besides, the Grandir had an unknown purpose, a Plan – perhaps he was bending the Great Pattern of all the worlds around himself even now. Nathan, though he was only the tiniest particle in that Pattern, had no intention of being bent.

  ‘You don’t have to tell him about me,’ he suggested tentatively, ‘if you don’t want to.’

  ‘He’d find out,’ Halmé said. ‘He reads minds.’

  ‘Not yours,’ Nathan said, suddenly positive, remembering how the Grandir had refrained from touching her at the gnomons’ cage, though he told her to draw back. ‘Not if he wasn’t suspicious. He wouldn’t intrude. You know he wouldn’t.’

  ‘Ye-es,’ she said slowly. ‘That is true. But …’

  ‘I need your help. Please. There’s something I have to do here, and you can help me – only you. I know that’s why I found myself here. Like you said, it was meant.’

  She sat down on the curve of the sofa, and motioned to him to sit beside her. She looked almost resolute, almost hesitant, like someone trying against their nature to be brave. ‘Tell me everything,’ she said.

  He didn’t, of course. But he told her about the Sangreal being in his world, and how it was there for safekeeping, because neo-salvationists and suchlike might steal it if it was here, and do the Great Spell, and get it wrong. (‘A Great Spell,’ she said. ‘Oh yes. A Great Spell to change the Great Pattern. I know.’) He explained how a thief in his world had taken it, and sent it back, and his friend was wrongly arrested by the authorities, and he had to restore the Grail to save her, as well as for the sake of the Grail itself. He kept it simple, and hoped it was true. He felt it was true, with some deep unexplained vein of instinct. Kwanji Ley was a good person, he was sure, but perhaps she had been misguided, or the organization had used her. Anyway, he didn’t believe the spell could be botched together, or performed by people who didn’t know what it really was. That would be like some madman trying to build an atom bomb in his own garage. He held on to that thought, and watched Halmé’s face, which managed somehow to be expressive and at the same time unreadable, maybe because he didn’t know what it was supposed to express. Possibly it was an effect of that exquisite disproportion, the alien quality of her features. He was dimly aware that she was struggling to overcome some flaw in her own nature, weakness or inertia, fighting to become someone she had never been.

  At last she said: ‘I can help you, I know I can. I will. But it is a big task for a small person. Do children in your world usually perform such tasks?’

  Nathan thought of all the books he had ever read, of the Pevensies, Colin and Susan, Harry Potter, Lyra Belacqua and a hundred others. ‘All the time,’ he said.

  Annie spent an uneasy, restless evening. Thoughts of Michael and the kiss frequently intruded, usually at the most inappropriate moments, leaving her confused and vaguely guilty because she had more important things to worry about. She telephoned Bartlemy, who was kind and unruffled and calmed her fears a little. ‘The evidence against the children is purely circumstantial, and without a confession or further proof it would be difficult for the police to proceed. Besides, the eyewitness statements refer categorically to a dwarf, and both children are too tall. If the cup can be returned, I think they’d drop the case. Trust Nathan. He has courage and determination – and he’s very intelligent, which always helps. Where is he?’

  ‘In bed,’ Annie said baldly.

  ‘I see.’

  She looked in on him around eight, to find him sleeping on his side, fully clothed even to his shoes. She thought of taking them off, then remembered that whatever he was wearing he would wear in his dreams, and presumably he didn’t want to be prowling around the other world with bare feet. So she contented herself with putting a blanket over him, closing the curtains, and leaving him to wherever sleep would take him. She didn’t call the police, and they didn’t call her, but she was sure Pobjoy would be on the line in the morning. Around nine thirty, Lily Bagot phoned to tell her they had finally been allowed to return home. Hazel hadn’t been charged, and the lawyer seemed to be saying the same thing as Bartlemy, but rather more aggressively. However, Lily sounded strained to exhaustion, alternately tearful and furious, and Annie offered to go over there. Lily said no thanks, it was lovely of her, but Hazel wanted a word. And then Hazel’s voice took over, asking nervously if Nathan was there.

  ‘He’s here,’ Annie said, ‘but he can’t come to the phone right now. He’s – he’s gone to get the Grail back.’

  There was a short pause. ‘Gone where?’ Hazel demanded.

  ‘The other world. He’s … sleeping. Don’t be afraid. He won’t fail you.’

  ‘Good,’ Hazel said, and rang off.

  Annie thought of calling Michael, but she didn’t know what to say and what to leave out, and suddenly she was very tired. She went to bed without disturbing Nathan, but for all her weariness sleep was a long time coming, and her thoughts turned to Rianna, for a little variety in her worries. She wondered where the real Rianna was, in Georgia or under some strange enchantment, and she slipped into a dream where Rianna lay on a bed in a ruined castle, locked in a sorcerous sleep for time uncounted, while roses grew over her couch, enclosing her in a cage of thorns.

  Nathan was flying through the air on the back of his own xaurian, while the warm desert night poured over him. He was wearing protective clothing which Halmé had procured for him; a scanner in her chambers had read his measurements and the garments had appeared to order in the space of about an hour. They were seamless, made of some fabric that felt like metal but moved like silk, blue with a grey sheen or grey with a blue sheen. There was also a pair of goggles whose tint varied according to the light like Polaroid lenses. ‘You will need a guide,’ Halmé said. ‘Someone I can trust’ – and somehow he wasn’t surprised when the man she summoned was Raymor, though he knew of no previous connection between them. ‘He was my bodyguard,’ she explained, ‘when I was very young and my father thought I had need of guarding. My father was rigid in his ideas, but Ray was kind. Sometimes we laughed together.’ She concluded: ‘He would die for me,’ not in wonder, nor vanity, but as a minor detail, a mere commonplace. Raymor remembered Nathan as the ghost who had sat behind him once before, and seemed in some awe of him. His mission, Halmé declared, was totally secret. ‘Since it is important the Grandir has authorized me to take charge,’ she said. Even though his face was hidden, Nathan could sense Raymor’s doubt. So did Halmé. ‘He trusts me as he trusts no other,’ she said, and Raymor appeared to relax a little.

  Then they were soaring over the city, cutting up the slower skimmers, skirting the curving flanks of giant buildings, diving under arches and lifting over crested roofs. The teeming lights – from screened window and high door, from eyelamp and hanging globe – looped and dipped and streamed behind them, until at last the city fell away, and the remaining traffic swerved north or west, and they headed south-east into a night with no lights at all.

  Despite his worries Nathan couldn’t help enjoying himself. He had felt insecure at first, straddling the reptile’s narrow back, knowing that his solidity was no longer borderline and if he came off there was nothing to hit but the ground. Also he had little confidence in his ability to steer the xaurian (he had once ridden a horse, which ignored everything he did with the reins).
But the beast appeared content to follow its stablemate, the pommel of the saddle was high enough to hold on to, and he soon grew accustomed to the dipping and wheeling of the flight. Below he thought he could see the regular outlines of fields, and long tubular buildings like greenhouses, gleaming in the double moonrise (the third moon of Eos always lagged behind). He asked Raymor about them, using the communicator inside his hood. ‘We grow most vegetables under the filter-screens,’ Raymor answered. ‘Very few crops are hardy enough now to survive the sun. The fields are mostly left to the weeds and spittlegrass. What planet are you from, where they still grow crops outside?’

  ‘You wouldn’t know it,’ Nathan said.

  The signs of cultivation ceased, and there was only the desert, with the dunes rolling like great waves, pathless and shapeless, changeful as the sea. They flew for what seemed like hours, barely speaking. The night drew on and the moons followed their diverse paths across the sky. The third moon rose over the horizon, late and last, its face bisected with an arc of darkness. It was redder than the other two, blood-bright, and its light showed the landscape hardening into rock, weather-rounded ridges thrusting upwards through the ocean of sand. Ancient watercourses made deep creases in the slopes, snaring the shadows. Stars clustered thickly at the zenith of the sky, but their pale glimmer did not touch the earth: this belonged to the third moon alone. ‘It is called Astrond,’ said Raymor, ‘the Red Moon of Madness. Long ago, when pollution first began to change its colour, people said it was unlucky to be out under such a moon.’

  ‘Do you believe that?’ Nathan asked.

  ‘Superstition is not encouraged here.’

  ‘But you use magic,’ Nathan objected, thinking the two things went hand in hand.

  ‘We use power. Magic of the kind you mean, wild magic, out of control – that was over in the remote past. We harnessed it and tamed it.’

  ‘Then what is the contamination?’

  Raymor didn’t answer for some time. The xaurian’s wings tilted, making a slight change of direction, and a single beat swept them southwards. ‘Men made that,’ he said eventually. ‘They misused the power, warping it to evil. I suppose you could say that what followed was the magic fighting back. That would be one way of looking at it. We thought we could rule the universe, mould it in our own image. We might have succeeded if it hadn’t been for war, and the desire to kill.’

  ‘Must there always be war?’ Nathan said. ‘Surely, if you’re civilized enough, you can live without it.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ said Raymor. ‘That was a level of civilization we never attained.’

  They flew on. A faint greyness above the eastern horizon showed a ragged line of mountains. Raymor had estimated they would reach the cave around dawn, and Nathan tried to convince himself the mountain range looked familiar. The recollection of the monster had taken over his thoughts, but he hoped it might be easier to pass it in the dark. ‘Are we nearly there?’

  ‘Maybe half an hour.’

  ‘How will we dodge the lizard thing? Will it be asleep?’

  ‘The Grokkul hears and feels even in its sleep.’ Raymor’s tone was even.

  ‘Will it see us, if we try to slip past?’ Nathan asked.

  ‘It sees heat. To the Grokkul, your body glows in the dark. Or in the light. I will distract it. You must go in the cave alone.’

  ‘That sounds awfully dangerous for you,’ Nathan said unhappily. He knew, even if Raymor didn’t, that the entrance would be too narrow for an adult male.

  ‘It’s more dangerous for you,’ Raymor responded. ‘The Grokkul’s main object is to guard the cave.’

  There was silence for a while. Nathan struggled to feel brave, conscious that he was failing. Hazel in a police cell seemed impossibly far away, and the monster was very near. At last he said: ‘Thank you. I mean, thank you for helping me, for risking your life. Whatever happens. And good luck.’

  ‘May the luck be yours,’ said Raymor, and somehow Nathan knew it was a traditional rejoinder, but it made him even more uncomfortable.

  The light was growing now, reaching out across the sky, paling the desert to grey. Astrond, caught above the western horizon, still showed dimly red. And now far ahead Nathan thought he could discern the cliff-face which hid the cave, and the irregular slope with its double row of triangular boulders. His internal organs gave an unwelcome jolt; he wished they weren’t approaching so fast, but the light was faster. The sun inched above the mountains, washing the sandscape with colour and shadow. The slope was nearly under them now. Nathan tried to distinguish the outline of the monster, the broad flat head and splayed feet, but though there were humps which he guessed might be the eyes its camouflage was so perfect he could almost fool himself it wasn’t there. He could see no sign of the wild xaurians. Raymor called: ‘Hold back!’ and swooped low towards the rocks.

  Nathan tugged on the reins, probably too hard, and his xaurian swerved awkwardly, circling away to the left. As he swung round he saw Raymor make a low pass, close to the ground, double back, and return lower still. ‘Next time,’ he said over the communicator, ‘you come from the other side. Fly swift and low, jump off, and run for the cave. Don’t worry about your mount: it can take care of itself. Ready?’

  No, Nathan thought. Raymor quickened his xaurian and plummeted. Nathan hesitated – nudged his steed just too late – saw the ground moving, rising, sand streaming from the forty-foot muzzle – saw the monster give itself a shake like an earth tremor, so the dust whirled into clouds. Raymor’s mount would surely be blinded, though the extra lid might protect its eyes from hurt. Nathan looped back, uncertain what to do, and a swish of the giant tail took him unawares, catching his xaurian a glancing blow. They were knocked sideways – Nathan almost fell, clutching at the saddle, hanging on somehow. The xaurian, more intelligent than its rider, drove its wings down, gaining height, clearing the flying sand and sweeping tail. Nathan pulled himself upright and looked apprehensively for Raymor.

  His guide had managed to sheer off and was hovering just out of range. The blue tongue shot out, but it wasn’t long enough. The great head swayed to and fro, eying first Raymor, then Nathan, waiting for its prey to come within reach. Somehow, it knew better than to move away from the cave mouth. ‘Sorry,’ Nathan said. ‘I was too slow. Scared …’ Oddly, his close shave had wiped out some of his fear; he felt sharper now, ready to act.

  ‘It’s natural,’ said Raymor. ‘I too …’

  ‘What do we do now?’

  ‘Try again. This time, I’ll give you the word. Don’t move till I say – then move fast.’

  Nathan said: ‘Na’ ka,’ the Eosian equivalent of okay. He watched Raymor retreating, putting more height and distance between him and the Grokkul. The monster followed him with its right eye, keeping the left – the one injured in an earlier encounter – on Nathan; then, satisfied Ray was leaving, it swung round to seek the other meal, jaws parting to reveal the three-tiered teeth and coiled-spring tongue. It took all Nathan’s courage not to kick the xaurian into flight, but he waited, hoping he was far enough away, determined not to mess up again. Far beyond the Grokkul, Raymor turned his mount, poised – and plunged.

  The dive was so swift there was a tearing noise as the wings sliced through the air. With a speed unnatural to its size, the monster’s head jerked back. ‘Now!’ cried Raymor, but Nathan !had already moved. He aimed straight for the slot of the cave mouth – the ground zoomed towards him – he was aware of horrible things happening above, of pinions thrashing helplessly, of the crunch of jaw meeting jaw. But he daren’t look – he was rolling out of the saddle, tumbling over and over on the sand – scrambling to his feet and running, running for the cave. Behind him, there was a thud that loosened stone-chips from the cliff, and a scream. Not human. He flung himself into the dark, wriggled between the rock walls, staggered a couple of yards – then checked, and turned back.

  He knew what he would see. Peering out of the cave, the broad head was too close for comfort, pa
rt of a wing and a tail, still twitching, protruding from the jaws. Raymor had vanished. The monster was masticating an obstinate morsel: suddenly it made a deep coughing noise, spitting out a hunk of metallized cloth and a spray of blood. A few droplets penetrated the cave entrance, spattering Nathan’s coverall. He didn’t move. He felt sick with disgust and horror, but the guilt was worse. Raymor had died for him. The thought flickered through his mind that Halmé had expected it, had still given the order, but it didn’t make any difference. His own xaurian was crushed under a huge foot, stabbed through the body with a claw a yard long. One limb jerked abruptly and then was still. The Grokkul chewed, swallowed, and then lowered its head, swinging it this way and that, attempting to see into the cave. Nathan wished he had a weapon, preferably something nuclear, but he was unarmed. ‘I’ll get you one day,’ he muttered, knowing it was futile. He retreated back into the dark, raised his goggles, pulled the torch Halmé had provided from an inner pocket and switched it on.

  It wasn’t like an ordinary torch since instead of producing a single beam it had a tiny sphere at one end which gave an all-round light, like a candle only far brighter. He held it up in front of him, seeing the shadows move across the ribbed walls and veins of colour patterning the rock like watermarks. After a few turns the passage opened out into the main chamber: the torch-glow showed him three recesses in the far wall, crude but plainly man-made, each shielded by a metal grille. They were all empty. But there was something on the ground beside them, leaning against the rock-face. Someone. He recognized her only because there was no one else she could be.

  What skin remained to her was red and split: blood leaked from the cracks. The burning had gone beyond mere blisters; much of her body seemed to be covered with pus, some of it drying into scabs. He drew closer to her, and saw her eyes were open and aware. He couldn’t see her properly, and realized he was crying. He groped inside the front of his suit for the water-bottle which was stored there, hearing himself murmuring he knew not what. ‘Oh God, dear God … so sorry … I tried to come back, I tried to come straight away, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to leave you. I told you, I can’t control it, I just seem to go where I’m sent – Here, drink this.’ He dribbled some of the water between what was left of her lips. It was difficult while holding the torch, and he wondered if she could hold it for him, but her hands were clasped around something else, so he put it on the ground. He managed to give her some more water, and presently he saw her throat flex and swallow. ‘You need medical help,’ he said, stating the obvious, feeling foolish and ineffectual. ‘I have to get you out of here.’ But his xaurian was dead, and the Grokkul was waiting, and the killer sun blazed down on the shelterless desert. He could adjust his communicator to reach Halmé, but she had warned him any long distance call would inevitably be overheard – and Kwanji Ley was an escaped prisoner. Still, surely prison was better than death …


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