The Mermaid's Journey_A Reverse Harem

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The Mermaid's Journey_A Reverse Harem Page 18

by Kellie McAllen

  Happiness bursts out, curling my lips in a smile that’s duplicated on Gio. “That would be nice.”

  “So, are you going to buy that boat, Gio? When do you think I could move in?” Bella asks a few minutes later, and Gio jerks the wheel in surprise.

  His body floods with pleasure, and his face lights up like the sun breaking over the horizon. But a dark cloud of worry still keeps me in the shadows. How are we going to keep Bella from finding out the truth about me and my relationship with the guys?

  Chapter 22

  “All we need is one last dive, and then you can go on with the rest of your lives.”

  Gio’s words simultaneously thrill me and fill me with fear and longing. One more dive means all of us together again, sailing the sea on Gio’s new boat and breaking through the rippling, crystal barrier that separates our worlds.

  I love my new life with the guys, living as a human here in their world, even though I’m not very good at it yet. But I also miss the sea. I crave the feel of the ocean on my skin, my tail desperate to reassert itself. I don’t know how I’ll feel when I make that first plunge, diving deep into the briny water I called home for the first 20 cycles of my life.

  The guys all have plans for their lives, goals and dreams that will occupy their time and attention and take them away from me. I’m happy for them, excited even, that the treasure I found for them has given them the chance to pursue their desires, and I can’t deny their request to help them search for more. But their exciting pursuits have left me feeling lost and useless. What am I going to do with the rest of my human life? Perhaps raising a merling would give me a sense of purpose, but none of the guys have expressed interest in that. I wonder if they ever will.

  My time so far has been spent trying to learn their ways and develop my relationship with them, but compared with ruling the shoal, it seems insignificant. Not that I’m unhappy, but I still long for more. I thought life on land would be an amazing adventure, but so far, it’s mostly just been hard.

  Plus, the threat of losing one of them looms larger every time they take another step towards their goals. What if I devote myself to them and they eventually leave me? From what I’ve learned of human custom, mating isn’t always for life.

  I try to ignore these worries; they’re too heavy to carry all at once. Instead, I focus all my thoughts on the here and now, anticipating our upcoming adventure and the pleasure I expect it to bring.

  Bella isn’t coming with us on this trip. School has just started, and Gio doesn’t have custody yet. Despite the social worker’s warning that treasure hunting would not be considered a viable income, Gio is convinced that our next dive will reap such a large haul that there will be no question about his ability to provide for his sister.

  This frees my mind temporarily from worries about her discovering my mermaid nature and the complicated relationship between me and the guys. Instead, we can enjoy each other in the privacy of Gio’s ship, with no one but the sea creatures to bear witness.

  I know when we return all the same concerns will come floating back to the surface, but for now, I’m going to revel in this moment and hope that it’s not the last.

  We board the ship early in the morning, while the sun is slowly waking, and sail toward the flames rising from the water. The air is cool, crisp, with a breeze that sprays me with salty dampness as I stand on the deck and watch the harbor get smaller and less distinct until it disappears into the horizon.

  The guys each claim a room, and for the first time since I left the shoal, I have a room of my own, as well. Gio carries my bag to the room for me, even though it’s not heavy, and sets it on the bed. “Is this room okay?”

  It’s the one he offered Bella, the best one, he said. I nod even though I don’t really want to sleep alone.

  “Are you in the big room?” I ask, hoping that he’ll offer for me to join him if I get too lonely.

  We still haven’t had any significant time alone, and I wonder if our relationship will ever go any further. I guess he’s content to play the role of big brother to me, even though I want more than that.

  “Yeah, one of the perks of being the captain, not that I’ll spend much time there. Too much to do.”

  Gio has been nervous about this trip, worrying incessantly that something will go wrong like last time. He’s double and triple-checked every detail until even Liam is aggravated with his obsessing. Once he settles me in my room, he heads back to the helm where he and Liam stay busy navigating the rest of the day.

  I stand on the deck and watch the water for a while with Jude and Avery, basking in the simple pleasures of warm sun, cool breeze, and sparkling water. That’s another thing I miss — the simplicity of life under the sea and on the island. Life in the city is confusing and scary sometimes, and I always feel like I’m floundering, never quite sure of the proper thing to say or do.

  After a few hours, Jude heads to the galley to prepare some food, and I’m left alone with Avery. I move closer, pressing myself into his side. He wraps an arm around me.

  “It sure is peaceful out here, isn’t it?” His melodic voice floats past my ear as I nuzzle my head against his chest. I want to suggest that we stay here forever, but I know that’s selfish of me. The guys want more than just sand and sea.

  “Being with you is peaceful,” I say, more to remind me than to compliment him. While Gio is intensely protective, Liam is fascinatingly smart, and Jude is hilariously entertaining, Avery’s charms lie in his quiet compassion, and being with him makes me feel cocooned with love. With Gio still keeping me at arm’s length, I crave as much closeness as I can get with the others.

  Avery leans down, and I look up at him, lifting my lips to his. He tickles me with soft kisses that awaken my insides, stirring up desire like the wind churns the water, making it swell up into waves. The hand around my waist strokes up and down my side, leaving a trail of warmth against my chilled skin, while the other one cups the side of my face, letting me know that Avery wants me, even though his kisses are so tender they seem hesitant.

  I press myself tighter against him, the need to be closer to him suddenly intensifying. My heart pounds louder than the thrum of the engines and the crash of our wake. My breath comes in hot gasps. I can feel it warming the air between us. Avery’s body blazes beneath the cool fabric of his clothes, and I have a sudden urge to run my hands along the golden skin emitting heat like a flame.

  “Avery, everyone else is busy,” I murmur against his lips, realizing that we’re alone for the first time in days. “Do you want to go to my room?”

  Avery pulls away enough to look in my eyes, his sky blue orbs swirling with clouds as he tries to interpret what I’ve said. My own eyes must be clear because, after a few seconds, he nods.

  He drops his hands and releases me so I can lead the way, but his body stays close enough I can still feel the heat radiating off him. When we get to my room, he follows me in but doesn’t shut the door, so I push it closed, the tiny click of the latch loud in the otherwise silent room.

  I run my fingers down the smooth planes of his chest, the cotton polo shirt a soft layer over his firm muscles. His own hands curl possessively around my waist. I pull his head down to mine, burrowing my fingers into his blond locks, claiming his lips again.

  This time, his kiss is stronger, more confident, and he groans into my mouth with need. In here, away from the scent of the sea, Avery’s warm, spiced honey scent tantalizes me to press my nose to the curve of his neck, breathing in as deep as I can.

  He lets his hands explore the dips and curves of my body, feather soft fingers creating a path of tingles, arousing every inch of me. I let my own hands do the same, and soon we’re both quivering. When my hand reaches his, I latch onto it and tug him towards the bed, pulling him down beside me.

  He resumes his kisses, leaning into me until I’m flat on the bed with him hovering over me. He settles his body between my legs and props himself up on his bent arms to keep some of his weight off
me as he makes love to my mouth with his lips and tongue.

  I pull his shirt out of his shorts then slide my fingers up his abdomen, reveling in the feel of his bare skin. I expect him to get the hint and take his shirt off, but he doesn’t, so I let my fingers trail down to tease against his waistband. There’s not enough room between us for me to unbutton his shorts, so instead I slide my hands down his back and press down, lifting my hips, trying to increase the friction between us. He moans and turns his head away from mine for a moment, breathing heavily.

  “We better slow down, Coral.” His soft voice sounds pained.

  “Why? Don’t you want to mate?”

  His brow pinches, and conflicting thoughts flit through his head.

  “I thought we’d wait till I got my own place so we’d have somewhere nice to go and all the time we wanted.”

  “Being with you makes any place nice.” I don’t mention the issue of time. He’s right — I don’t like the idea of feeling rushed our first time — but I’m tired of waiting for the perfect moment.

  Avery’s face softens at my words, and he strokes a line down my cheek with the back of his hand. But before we have a chance to go any farther, Jude’s voice echoes down the hall.

  “Coral? Avery? Food’s ready.”

  I give Avery a petulant look, and he returns a wry smile. “Be patient, Princess. Our time will come.”

  Avery climbs off of me then pulls me to my feet, and we head to the kitchen. Jude gives us a curious look, but he doesn’t say anything.

  We hang out together the rest of the afternoon and evening. Jude leaves us alone again at dinner time, but Avery just snuggles up next to me on the deck and doesn’t try to take advantage of the few minutes of solitude.

  The sun is setting behind us as we near the island, the giant ball of fire extinguishing itself in the cool water, wispy clouds swirling around it like steam. The trip back to the island takes most of the day, but thankfully, Liam was levelheaded enough to make note of our coordinates when we commandeered the boat from James and his crew, so at least we know where to go. The guys don’t know the location of the shipwreck where I found the gold, but I’m confident I can find it again once we get to the island.

  Following me will be more of a challenge since Gio says that his tracking device can’t reach the depth of the wreck, but he’s going to do his best to keep up with me as I swim.

  Once we arrive, I squint out at the shadowy land mass in front of us. It’s hard to recognize it in the dark. “I can’t see anything. Can we go ashore?” I ask Liam.

  “This is the right place, Coral. Trust me.” He gives me a confident look.

  “I do, it’s just… I’d like to see it again.” I gaze wistfully at the shore, remembering all the nights we spent together there.

  “We won’t be able to see much now; it’s too dark. We’ll check it out in the morning,” Liam says, but we spent so many nights there, I’m sure I’d recognize it even in the moonlight.

  “Thank God we have our own beds and don’t have to sleep squished together on that God-awful raft anymore.” Gio rubs his face and yawns then heads for his cabin. Liam does, too. Jude is busy in the kitchen, and Avery is asleep in his bunk already. I guess no one else misses the island like I do.

  I head to my own cabin and curl up on the bed, feeling lonely even though all four of the guys are just a few steps away. I think about going to one of them and asking if I can sleep with them, but which one? The beds are small, anyway. Even sharing with Liam, the smallest of the guys, would probably be uncomfortable for him.

  Instead, I lie by myself, feeling nostalgic and wishing I knew how to recreate the magic of those days we spent together on the island. I thought coming back here would allow me to experience it again, but the guys don’t seem interested in reliving it.

  In the morning, I wake to Jude’s voice alerting us that breakfast is ready. I can see the island much better in the daylight, and I recognize the large rocks on one section of the shore. I can even make out the shelter we built on the edge of the tree line. I’m hoping that we can go ashore, but the guys seem eager to start searching for the shipwreck. Maybe once we find it they’ll be able to relax and enjoy our time here.

  I don’t eat much of Jude’s eggs, toast, and sausage because I’m looking forward to catching some breakfast once I get back in the water. Human food can be delicious, and I enjoy the variety, but I miss some of my old favorites. Plus, picking things off the shelf in the grocery store isn’t quite as rewarding as catching your favorite fish.

  “Okay, are you ready, Coral?” Gio jumps up as soon as his plate is empty, his body thrumming with excitement. We make our way to the back of the deck.

  Gio straps a small, black device to my wrist and explains the different information displayed on the screen. “I’d like to send one of us with you, but I know we could never keep up with you, and I don’t want to slow you down. This tracking device will tell us your location, but it doesn’t have a very long range, less than a mile and no more than 250 feet deep, so we’re going to follow you with sonar. Try to keep an eye on the display to make sure you’re in range, okay?”

  I nod, and he hands me a duffel bag that looks the same as the one we had on the island. I smile at the familiar sight. “Once you find the wreck, you might as well grab a few things while you’re down there, if you don’t mind,” he says, grinning.

  I smile and shake my head. Doesn’t he know I’d do anything he wanted, anything I thought would make him happy?

  “Okay, well, I guess that’s it, then. You good to go?”

  I glance around at the guys, all smiling and eager to see what I can find. Then I look at the water, the dark, churning surface calling to me, luring me back in with the promise of a freedom only the ocean can provide.

  “I’ll be back soon,” I say, reaffirming my commitment to them, and to myself, then dive in.

  Chapter 23

  My tail emerges instantly, flexible scales enveloping my legs and a wide fin blooming from my feet, propelling me deep into the water. I revel in the feel of the sea for a moment, taking in deep gulps that seem to rehydrate my entire body and flexing and dipping, exercising muscles I haven’t used in weeks. I didn’t realize how stiff and dry I felt, how heavy and sluggish. Here in the water I’m like a feather fluttering in the air, curling and twisting as I float aimlessly through the currents. Even my hair unfurls around me like flower petals in the sunshine.

  I see a small fish and grab it, quickly devouring it before its tail stops swishing. I close my eyes and groan at the delicious freshness. It fills me up, but I eat a few more, just because I can.

  My eyes light up at the sight of coral, and I race towards it, diving fast and deep before I remember that the guys are trying to follow me. They must wonder what I’m doing; my movements so far have been an erratic, celebratory dance. I swim closer to the surface and try to move in a straight line instead as I propel myself past the mounds of coral and the rainbow of swaying anemones.

  An orange and white striped fish darts by, bringing a smile to my face as I recall the animated movie we watched about the clownfish searching for his lost son. I don’t stop to explore the reef, even though I want to. I can do that later, after I’ve located the shipwreck.

  I’ve been swimming for a while before I remember to check the tracking device on my wrist to make sure I’m still in range. It tells me I’m almost a mile away from the boat, so I force myself to slow down. The display shows that they’re gaining on me, so I wait a bit longer for them to catch up, hoping they can still see me in their computer. Liam showed me how their sonar device projects a rough image of what’s underneath the water. Once I believe I’m close enough for them to follow, I start swimming again, resisting the urge to flex my fins and swim as fast as I want to.

  When I reach a coral grove I recognize, I forget myself again and start swimming faster, eager to reach the shipwreck I know is not far away. My heart races in tandem as I flick my fin faster and f
aster, propelling myself forward. I’m so intent on my quest, I don’t notice I’ve gotten too close to the coral until I feel a sharp streak of pain along the length of my arm. I yelp and grab my arm as blood gushes from the wound, blossoming around me, coloring the water red.

  I halt my progress and swim in place while I examine the gash. It’s long and jagged, but I don’t think it’s very deep. It’s not a real threat, just a painful annoyance. I’m sure the guys will want to treat it once I resurface, but I don’t think I need to cut my trek short to care for it. A sea grass wrapping ought to be enough for now.

  I’m so busy examining it that I’m not paying attention to what’s happening around me. It’s only when a shadow darkens the sea above me that I look up to see a large shark, only a few fin lengths away from me, heading my way.

  I gasp as soon as I see him, my heart instantly revving like the engine in Jude’s truck when he’s peeling around a corner. I flap my tail, and my arms stretch to pull myself through the water as I swim away from him as fast as I can. The water sluices against me so hard I can barely see where I’m going. I dip and twist, swimming erratically, even darting right through the middle of a giant school of fish in my efforts to lose him. But he follows me with no problem, the scent of my blood like a bright, red trail.

  Sharks don’t typically prey on mermaids, but that’s mainly because we stay in the safety of the shoal and don’t tempt them by gallivanting recklessly through their territory like I’ve been. He might not like the taste of me if he takes a bite, but the cloud of blood blooming from my arm with each stroke is too enticing for him to ignore. My only hope is to find a hiding spot where he can’t reach me.

  I reorient myself and race for the shipwreck. I know the shark is too large to fit through the small doors. I’m sure I’ve lost the guys’ boat by now. I’ve been swimming in every direction and at top speed for miles. But I won’t be able to help them at all if I lose an arm to a great white.


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