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Historia 16, Madrid.
Historia Internacional, Madrid.
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La Vanguardia Española, Barcelona.
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Nueva Historia, Madrid.
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Revista de Geografía (January-December 1974), Barcelona University.
Solidaridad Obrera, Barcelona.
Tiempo de Historia, Madrid.
Treball, Barcelona.
Name Index
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
* — pseudonym
[M] — Militancies
Professional occupations are those at the start of the war; political and trade union memberships are those before and during the war.
JSU–S, JSU–C indicates membership of the JSU (unified socialist youth) with prior membership respectively of the socialist youth and communist youth.
PSUC–S indicates prior membership of either the Unió Socialista de Catalunya (USC) or the Catalan Federation of the PSOE; PSUC–C prior membership of either the Partit Català Proletari or Partit Comunista de Catalunya.
A colon between party memberships indicates a change of party in the course of the war. Thus JSU–S: PCE indicates a unified socialist youth member, previously of the socialist youth, who later joins the communist party.
Place names indicate the regions in which the people concerned appear in the book.
Abad, Francisco, soldier (PCE), Madrid/Catalonia, 117, 323, 332, 483, 569–70, 571, 572n.
Adarraga,* Ana Maria, merchant navy purser’s daughter, Vizcaya, 402
Aguirre, Koni, blacksmith’s daughter, Vizcaya, 400, 437–8
Aguirre, Manolita, blacksmith’s daughter, Vizcaya, 399, 400, 437, 438
Aguirre,* Paulino, student, Madrid/Old
Castile, 80, 118–19, 283, 312, 471
Ajanguiz,* Father Dionisio, Vizcaya, 398, 399, 400
Ajanguiz,* Father José Antonio, Vizcaya, 398
Ajuriaguerra, Juan, engineer (PNV), Vizcaya, 56–7, 403, 407n., 409, 410–12, 417n.
Alfaro,* José, day labourer, Old Castile, 282
Alier, Juana, mill-owner’s wife, Catalonia, 110, 147, 445–7, 482
Alquézar, Mariano, large-holding peasant, Aragon, 359
Alvarez,* Jesús, chemist, Old Castile, 167–8, 169n.
Alvarez, José, grocer’s lad (UGT), Asturias, 248, 249–50, 251
Alvarez, Ramón, baker (CNT–FAI), Asturias, 244, 246, 549, 551, 556
Andrade, Juan, civil servant and journalist (POUM) [M], Madrid/Catalonia, 42, 107, 117, 183, 185, 340, 341, 342, 378, 382, 383n., 384 and n., 387–9, 559–60
Andreu Abelló, Josep, Generalitat deputy (Esquerra), Catalonia, 448, 481, 535
Antuña,* Isidro, chemist (radical-socialist), Andalusia, 312
Aragon,* Fernando, day labourer (CNT), Aragon, 135, 367–9
Aragon,* Francisca de, housewife, Aragon, 367–8
Ardiaca, Pere, newspaper editor (PSUC–C), Catalonia, 107, 182, 183, 331, 378
Arquer, Jordi, commercial employee (POUM), Catalonia, 110, 120, 135, 344n., 389
Arrazola,* Concha (Emakume-PNV), Vizcaya, 193
Avila,* Jaime, medium-holding peasant, Aragon, 355–6
Avila,* José, large tenant farmer (labrador), Andalusia, 94, 280–81 and n.
Balaguer,* Margarita, seamstress, Catalonia, 287 and n.
Baleztena, Dolores (Carlist), Navarre, 64, 104, 169, 310, 311
Bardasano, José, painter and poster-designer (PSOE), Madrid, 265
Basabilotra,* Father José María, Vizcaya, 396, 401, 411, 417 and n., 528
Basabilotra,* Pedro, chief clerk (PNV), Vizcaya, 191, 192, 405, 411, 412, 539
Besaibar,* José, mechanic, Old Castile, 84
Borras, Jacinto, journalist (CNT), Catalonia, 107, 151, 371n.
Bravo,* Lt Carlos, guardia civil, Andalusia, 155, 566, 567, 568n.
Bueso, Adolfo, printworker (POUM), Catalonia, 341n., 386, 481
Bulnes, Tomás, lawyer (FE–JONS), Old Castile, 55, 86, 87n., 312
Caamaño, Carmen, archivist (PCE), Madrid, 267, 503
Cabrera,* Francisco, sharecropper’s son (JSU–C), Andalusia, 51
Calopa, Ramón, teacher (CNT–FIJL), Catalonia, 294n.
Calvo, Eugenio, miner (PCE), Vizcaya, 411, 465–7
Calvo, Saturnino, miner (JSU–C), Vizcaya, 194, 401, 404, 539
Cañal, Ignacio, lawyer (FE), Andalusia, 52
Cancer,* Alfredo, teacher, Aragon, 361–2
Canet,* Marcel, textile manufacturer (Esquerra), Catalonia, 447–8
Capdevila, Andreu, textile worker (CNT), [M], Catalonia, 71, 72, 83, 212, 213–16 passim, 336, 377, 546
Carabaño, Manuel, student (FIJL), Madrid, 77, 78, 266, 269, 338–9
Caravaca,* Miguel, day labourer, Andalusia, 129, 131
Caro,* Asunción, naval captain’s daughter, Vizcaya, 537
Carod, Saturnino, CNT propaganda delegate [M], Aragon, 120–21, 132–4, 135, 337, 348–9, 363–6, 371n., 393–4, 440–41, 503, 504, 506, 508
Carrasquer, Félix, teacher (CNT–FAI), Catalonia/Aragon, 107, 111, 112, 138, 366, 393
Casariego, Jesús-Evaristo, student (Carlist), Asturias, 249, 252, 254, 523–4
Casas,* Petra, garment worker (PCE), Madrid, 290
Castaño, Ernesto, parliamentary deputy (CEDA) [M], Salamanca, 85–6, 408, 414–16, 517, 530
Castilla del Pino, Carlos, student, Andalusia, 65, 155
Castro,* Manuel, baker’s son, Andalusia, 130–31
Cebrián, Florentín, day labourer, Aragon, 356
Cercos, Josep, metalworker (CNT–FIJL), Catalonia/Aragon, 63, 68–9, 71, 119, 120, 134, 511
Clara, Sebastià, civil servant (CNT), Catalonia, 180, 233, 534, 545, 547
Clavijo, Pedro, student (JSU–C), Andalusia, 98
Codón, José María, student (Carlist), Old Castile, 55
Coll,* Miquel, textile worker (POUM), Catalonia, 66, 376–7, 385
Costa, Josep, textile foreman (CNT), Catalonia, 228–9, 230n., 380, 447, 454, 532–3, 544n., 546
Crespo, Juan, student (monarchist) [M], Salamanca, 41, 99, 116, 171–4, 205–7 passim, 317–18, 472–3, 512
Cruells, Manuel, student (Estat Català), Catalonia, 67–8, 107, 150, 379
Delgado, Alvaro, errand boy and art student, Madrid, 117, 177, 262, 263, 455, 456, 457, 459, 487, 488, 493, 502
Díaz,* María, student (left republican: PCE), Madrid, 261–2, 502
Díez Pastor, Fulgencio, parliamentary deputy (Unión Republicana), Madrid, 57 and n., 185n., 518
Domènech, Joan, secretary glassworkers’ union (CNT), Catalonia, 140–41, 143–5, 186–7, 375 and n.
Echebarría,* Father Luis, Vizcaya, 417 and n., 528–9
Epalza, Juan Manuel, industrial engineer (PNV) [M], Vizcaya, 191–2, 397, 400, 401, 405–9 passim, 410, 411, 414, 530, 536, 538
Escudero, Mariano, lawyer (CEDA), Old Castile, 85
Etarte,* Trifón, student (Jagi–Jagi), Vizcaya, 192–3, 536–7
Fanjul, Eladio, steelworker (CNT–FAI), Asturias, 242, 243, 554
Fernández, Alberto, baker (UGT–PSOE), Asturias, 100, 245, 554, 556
Fernández,* Father José, Old Castile, 417–18
Fernández, Nicolás, youth, Asturias, 433, 435
Fernández, Progreso, sieve-maker (CNT–FAI), Valencia, 548
Fernández, Ramón, carpenter (POUM), Catalonia, 63, 69, 386, 571, 572n.
Fernández de Castillejo, Federico, parliamentary deputy (Right Liberal Republican party), Andalusia, 98
Ferrer, Joan, secretary commercial employees’ union (CNT), Catalonia, 139, 212, 220, 221, 576, 577
Franco, Mariano, small-holding peasant (CNT), Aragon, 358–62 passim
García,* Paulino, student (PCE), Madrid, 328–9, 346
García, Pedro, vet’s son, Toledo, 92
García, Salvador, advertising agent, Asturias, 250, 252
García, Trinidad, labourer (PCE), Toledo, 93, 582–3
García-Falces, Carmen, bakery worker (Carlist),
Navarre, 70, 169–70, 311
García Serrano, Rafael, student (FE), Navarre, 70, 104, 122, 165, 318–19
Giner,* Antonio, large-holding peasant, Old Castile, 84, 281, 282
Gómez,* Pedro, turner (UGT), Madrid, 260–261, 296, 486–9, 492
Gómez, Socrates, journalist (JSU–S), Madrid, 58, 297, 333, 490, 491, 493–4 and n., 498n., 499, 508–9, 552, 563
González,* Rafael, student, Andalusia, 284
González Inestal, Miguel, union official (CNT–FAI), Guipúzcoa/Madrid, 50–51, 189–90, 259, 337, 549
Grijalbo, Joan, bank clerk (UGT), Catalonia, 180, 233–4, 449, 577
Gutiérrez del Castillo, Francisco, student (FE), Old Castile, 116
Guzmán, Eduardo de, journalist (CNT), Madrid, 186, 269, 335–6, 384, 490, 492n., 500, 583
Guzmán,* Mario, furnaceman (POUM–CNT), Asturias, 242
Hernández,* Ignacio, student, Old Castile, 285, 472n., 481
Hernández, Rafael, railwayman (UGT–PSOE) [M], Asturias/Catalonia, 239, 241, 245–6, 453
Hoyo, Arturo del, student (FUE), Madrid, 265
Iglesias, Ignacio, student (POUM), Asturias/Catalonia, 184, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 384 and n., 562
Iglesias, Juan, shop assistant (JSU–S), Vizcaya, 555
Iñigo, Lorenzo, secretary CNT metalworkers’ union (FAI–FIJL), Madrid, 260, 264, 295–8, 336, 486n.
Izu, Antonio, peasant (Carlist) [M], Navarre, 53, 54, 65, 70, 122, 123–5, 126, 164, 165, 319, 511, 541
Jato, David, student (SEU–FE), Madrid, 59, 103, 300–301, 487, 526
Júarez,* Pedro, civil servant (FE), Old Castile, 167
Julián, Narciso, railwayman (PCE), Madrid/Catalonia, 59–60, 134, 137, 260, 268, 324, 492n., 505, 507–8, 569n.
Keller, Laura, army officer’s wife, Madrid, 572
León, Francisca de, glassworker (JSU–C), Andalusia, 271–2
López,* Salvador, civil servant (UGT), Madrid, 267
López,* Pepa, parliamentary deputy’s wife, Andalusia, 302–4
López Rey, José, art historian (PSOE), Madrid/Catalonia, 334, 483
Lortán, Eugenio, student (FE), Madrid, 75, 76, 77, 78
Lozas,* César, student, Salamanca, 284
Luna,* Alfredo, newspaper editor (Unión Republicana), Madrid, 49, 103
Málzaga,* Juan, industrialist, Vizcaya, 194–5, 467–8
Manent, Joan, bleach-maker (CNT), Catalonia, 336, 344, 380, 449–53 passim, 454
Marchelina, Marquess de, retired army officer (Carlist), Andalusia, 158, 319, 565
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