Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Tierra (FNTT), 45, 92
criticizes agrarian reform decree, 372
accounts for half UGT strength, 552
dismantled after 1934 strike, 555
Federación Universitaria de Estudiantes (FUE):
street fights with falangists, 80
Fernández, Amador, 244n.
Fifth Regiment, 255–6, 257, 258
creation of, 257n.
and Popular Army, 340
Food supply, 106
wheat zones in nationalist hands, 348
in Barcelona, 374, 449, 483; ‘byzantine arguments’ about, 375–6
in Tarragona, 375–6
factor in Catalan war-weariness, 376
UGT complaints about, 376n.
in Badalona, 449, 452; and collectivized workers, 450; failure to secure equitable distribution, 453
in Vizcaya, 402
in Madrid, 458
at end of war, 488
and peasantry in Cuenca, 488n.
Foreign Legion, Spanish, 174, 175
air lift, 108
and deserters, 155, 465–6
on Talavera front, 257
composition of, 465 and n., 571
peasant recruits in, 466
used to put down Asturian rising, 556
France, 189, 327
aid to republic, 126, 127
and Non-Intervention, 127, 135, 216
Italian fears of, 127
fears isolation, 127
closes border with Spain, 127, 190
‘indifference of’, 449
seen as enemy by nationalists, 470n.
‘move only when attacked’, 483
‘cowardly’, 483
recognizes Franco regime, 489
‘another betrayal’, 503
PCE views on, 325, 327, 328, 329, 482–3
POUM views on, 340
Franco, Carmen Polo de, 205–6, 207
Franco, Gen. Francisco, 205, 208, 274, 275, 309, 318
head of Saragossa military academy, 565
promotions of, 566n.
refuses to join Sanjurjo rising, 568
and army purge, 568
and October 1934, 556, 569
urges state of siege, February 1936, 45, 570
posted to Canary Islands, 45, 100, 570
caution of, 570
indicated by Prieto as likely leader of rising, 99
letter to Casares Quiroga, 574
and participation in planned rising, 574
proclamation, 18 July 1936, 61
takes command of Army of Africa, 126
sends missions to Germany, Italy, 126
assured of German aid, 126
sends aid for Mola, 127
broadcast, 128, 201
and repression, 167, 168
appointed generalisimo and head of government, 201, 202–3
confusion about appointment, 203
broadcasts aims of new state, 203
obvious choice as leader, 203–4
dubious of conscripts, 283n.
conduct of war, 301, 471–2
faith in leadership, 312
believes Primo de Rivera in Russian hands, 316n.
reasons for Unification of Carlists and Falange, 317n.
removes civilian contenders for power, 317n.
crushes Falange populist elements, 317
‘regrets’ not shooting Hedilla, 317n.
head of only authorized political movement, 317
and class war, 320
use of crusade, 320n.
and air raids, 442–3n.
first cabinet, 469
prepared to renounce German aid ‘and fight guerrilla war’, 470
turns away from Catalonia, 471
battle of the Ebro, 475
Catalan offensive, 480
enemy surrender, 499, 500
victory communique, 507
Franco, Col. José (republican), 423, 424 and n.
Franco, Nicolás:
and brother’s appointment as Caudillo, 202–3
Franco, Ramón, 239
Franco Salgado-Araujo, Gen. Francisco, 443n.
Friends of Durruti, aims of, 381 and n.
Frente Rojo (PCE), 347, 372, 460n.
Fuensalida (Toledo), 92 and n.
of Navarre, 541 and n.
of Basque country, 398, 537
Galán, Capt. Fermín, 571
Galicia, military rising, 106
Gállego, Capt. José, 246
Gallo, M., 314n.
Gamero del Castillo, Pedro, 469
Gamír Ulibarri, Gen. Mariano, 405, 408, 422
Gandía (Valencia), 504, 505
García Atadell, Agapito, 178
García Lorca, Federico, 456
assassination of, 165 and n., 205, 208, 305
García Morato, Joaquín, 302n.
García-Nieto, C., 38, 558n.
García Oliver, Joan, 62, 66, 110, 138, 142, 190, 338, 380, 545n., 548n.
and imposition of libertarian communism, 112, 184
in Generalitat ‘manoeuvre’, 375n.
Generalitat, 138, 142, 153, 180, 189, 211 and n., 223, 230, 234, 336, 341
origin of, 533
decrees, 211
saves churches, 152
controls banks, 180
government September, 1936, 186, 212
crisis December, 1936, 375n.
dissolves local committees, 376
and war industry, 225, 226, 227n., 383n.
and Aragon, 350
and dissolution of workers’ patrols, 376
Germany, 127, 198, 279
aid to Franco, 108 and n., 126, 328, 329; value of, 279
and monarchist emissaries, 126
and Franco’s emissaries, 126
concern for repayment of aid, 470
Gerö, Erno (‘Pedro’), 377
Gibraltar, 65, 108 and n., 155, 274, 275
falangist claims on, 315n.
Gibson, I., 165n., 170n.
Gijón (Asturias), 69, 70, 244n., 253, 418
in military rising, 106, 238; Simancas barracks, 238, 241; and assault on, 241; effect of resistance, 241, 245
war committee, 239, 240, 241, 243, 245–6;
and military organization, 246; reinforced after October 1934, 247
Gil Robles, José María, 85, 86, 103, 517
as CEDA leader, 43
mistakes of, 84, 85, 421
accused of wanting a fascist regime, 85–6
advocates constitutional reform, 86n.
says country cannot live anarchy, 90
and CEDA’s ‘suicidal egoism’, 519
as war minister, 568
seeks army support for martial law, 570
asks premier to declare same after February 1936 elections, 570
wants to reinforce Azaña’s authority, 92n.
and government under Prieto, 92n.
position weakened, 92n.
in exile, 317n.
and October 1934, 553n., 554
Giménez Fernández, Manuel, 298
Giral, José, 58, 75, 270
and Popular Front committee, 185n.
Girón, J., 247n.
Goded, Gen. Manuel, 69
and surrender, 69, 71, 72
africanista, 566n.
posted to Balearic Islands, 570
Goicoechea, Antonia, 103, 126–7
Gomá, Cardinal Isidro, 169
Gómez Ossorio, José, 493
Goñi, M., 534n.
Gonzalez Casanova, J., 531n.
Grado (Asturias), 246n.
Granada, 129, 155, 165n., 305
in military rising, 106n.
air raids, 175n.
Grañén (Huesca), 134
Grossi, M., 554n., 555n.
Guadalajara, 117, 122
Guadalajara, battle of, 271, 286, 312, 469
Guadarrama mountains, 116–18
Guardia civil, 51, 6
0, 88, 89, 96, 155, 172
origins of, 567
strength of, 567; strength in 1936, 570n.
fires into peasant demonstration, 92 and n.
during military risings: in Barcelona, 63, 68, 69, 110; in Pamplona, 64; in Oviedo, 69, 247, 253; in Baena, 129–32 passim
after defeat of military in Barcelona, 71, 110
plan to bring into Barcelona, 142
with Popular Front forces, 120, 133
with insurgents, 122
in San Roque, 156
in Los Navalmorales de Pusa, 256
Guernica (Vizcaya):
blitz of, 398–401
and band, 438
and Franco, 443n.
in Asturias discredited as concept, 246
lack of, 328, 339
after fall of Asturias, 426–30
Guión (Córdoba), 273
Guipúzcoa, 119, 189, 190, 191
and militias, 189n.
Haya, Carlos de, 302n.
Hedilla, Manuel, 316, 318
sentenced to death, 317 and n.
Heiberg, M., 539n.
Hermet, G., 326n., 563n.
Hernández, Lt Garcia, 571
Hernández, Jesús (PCE leader), 193, 321, 331n., 492, 559, 560
Hernández, Miguel, 292, 456
Hills, G., 566n.
Hitler, Adolf, 327
aid for Franco, 108n., 126
marches into Rhineland, 127; into Austria, 441; into Prague, 499
recognizes nationalist regime, 270
and start of Second World War, 483
‘cowardly’, 483
Huelva, military rising, 106n.
Huesca, 119, 348
Ibáñez, Major Bruno, 160, 161, 162–3, 277, 490n.
promoted civil governor of Córdoba, 306
and sacked, 306
relieved of civil guard command, 307
Ibarruri, Dolores (La Pasionaria), 193, 292, 388, 456, 497n.
calls for defence of Madrid, 262, 265–6
and enemy tanks, 268
and women combatants, 286
Iglesias, Ignacio (POUM), 243, 345n.
Iglesias, Pablo, 176, 495
Insurgents (see also Nationalist zone):
lack political ideas, 109, 202
capture passes in Guadarrama, 126
defence junta, 201–2
annul agrarian reform, 202 and n., 280
outlaw political and union activity, 202
International Brigades, 202, 257n., 297
formation of, 259n.
arrival in Madrid, 263
in defence of Madrid, 266, 267
withdrawal of, 480n.
Irujo, Manuel de, 56, 189n., 192
and Nin, 386, 387, 389
Irún (Guipúzcoa), 189, 190, 252n.
Italy, 127, 198, 209, 279
aid to Franco, 108 and n., 127, 328, 329; value of, 279
and monarchist emissaries, 126
and Franco’s emissaries, 126
naval officers, 199–200
violations of Non-Intervention, 259n.
in capture of Málaga, 301, 304; and repression in Málaga, 304
Guadalajara defeat, 312
and Basque army surrender, 410–12
demands labour charter, 470
end of war in Alicante, 506
Iturralde, J. de, 417n.
Izquierda Comunista, 383n., 388
Jackson, G., 37n., 529n., 530n.
Jagi-Jagi, 192–3, 536
Jarama, battle of, 271
Jellinek, F., 242n.
Jiménez de Asúa, Luis, 176
Juan de Borbón, don, 202, 317n.
Junod, Dr Marcel, 401
Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista (JONS):
foundation of, 86
national-syndicalist revolution, 87
unification with Falange, 55, 86, 87
similarities with Falange, 87n.
Juventud de Acción Popular (JAP):
members join Falange, 45, 84, 85, 92
Juventudes Socialistas (JS):
declare for revolution, 552
and collaboration with bourgeoisie, 563
marxism of, 563
Juventudes Socialistas Unificades (JSU), 49
foundation of, 45, 559n.
and street violence, 45, 92
May Day 1936, slogans, 100
deprives socialist party of support, 496
socialist sector wants to split, 497
membership of, 497
socialists withdraw from, 498n.
in Asturias, 245n.
communist youth ‘better prepared’, 563
Kaminski, H. E., 286
Kaplan, T., 39n., 287n.
Koestler, Arthur, 302n.
Koltsov, Mikháil, 264, 270 and n.
Kropotkin, Prince, 364n., 547
La Acebeda (Madrid), 126
La Batalla (POUM), 185, 344, 345, 374
and Stalin, 373
suppression of, 385
La Fatarella (Tarragona), 373
La Felguera (Asturias), 242, 246, 542
La Linea (Cádiz), 274, 275
La Nación (monarchist), 81
La Noche (libertarian), 374
La Villa de don Fadrique (Toledo):
communist land seizure in, 93
Landworkers’ Federation, see Federación
Nacional de Trabajadores de la Tierra
Largo Caballero, Francisco, 40, 59, 102, 192, 259, 263
UGT secretary general, 39
refuses to join proposed national government, 45, 54
‘Spanish Lenin’, 75, 102n., 463
calls for revolution, 100
position contributes to PSOE paralysis, 100
and republican government, 185n.
forms Popular Front government, 185
‘war before revolution’, 185–6, 321
dissolves Madrid defence junta, 298
and fall of Málaga, 304
ousted as premier, 331, 383
and army of the north, 396n.
and Vizcaya, 403n.
‘disastrous’ leadership of, 463
‘living in past’, 496
‘socialist tasks impossible in bourgeois democracy’, 552 and n.
and October 1934, 555 and n.
and Popular Front pact, 559–60
Leal, J., 513n.
Left Republican party:
and religious problem, 528
dependent on working-class support, 92
no mass recruitment, 182
members tear up party cards, 54, 262
concern for cultural problems, 529
non-members’ views: ‘anti-clericalism’ of, 59, 526; ‘failure to satisfy people’s needs’, 80; and military rising, 83, 100; ‘tolerates no political competition’, 85; and repression, 456
Lenin, V. I., 39, 102n., 334, 335, 346, 456, 558
Lérida, 228
Leval, G., 358n., 364n., 367n., 369n., 370n.
19th-century, 35
land disentailment, 36–7
Liberal republicans:
political organization of, 41
Lister, Enrique, 456
in Aragon, 390, 391
in Levant, 393n.
and division’s arms, 393
Lizarza, A., 573n.
Lliga Catalana, 443
accepts 1936 electoral defeat, 83, 535
Lora del Río (Seville), 158n.
Lorenzo, C., 150n., 187, 236n., 250n., 543n.
Los Navalmorales de Pusa (Toledo), 256, 584
landownership in, 256
Machado, Antonio, 456
Macià, Francesc:
proclaims (1931) Catalan republic, 40 and n., 41n., 530–31 and n.
Madrid, 48–9, 53, 54, 92, 99–100, 100–102, 118n., 120, 122, 141, 155, 174–9, 180, 195–9, 202, 284, 286–8, 290–91, 312, 332, 337, 454–61, 485–8, 492–4, 499, 549
military rising, 72�
�3, 75–80, 106 and n.
building strike, 99
inter-union assassinations, 99
May Day demonstration 1936, 99–100
garrison, 117
soldiers sent to front, 117
water supply, 126
population of, 523
Model prison, 175–6, 274
air raids, 175 and n.
Porlier prison, 178n., 179, 196, 508
Bellas Artes checa, 195, 197, 298
Atocha station, 198, 295
unpreparedness of, 259
on eve of nationalist offensive, 259–62
union battalions, 260, 261
defence of, 255, 258, 259–71; Russian fighters, 262; nationalist operation plan discovered, 263; massacre of prisoners at Paracuellos and Torrejón, 263; and International Brigades, 263, 264, 266, 267; revolutionary spirit, 264; and civilians, 264, 266, 267, 270; communists raise population’s morale, 265; Durruti column, 266; Popular Army, 266; militias accept staff orders, 266; Soviet aid, 266; enemy reach University city, 267; Moorish troops, 267; blowing up armoured car, 267; and enemy tanks, 268; Antonio Coll, 268; popular initiative in training tank crews, 268; enemy held, 269; air raids, 269; effects of air raids, 269; Durruti fatally wounded, 269; peasant refugees, 270; stalemate, 270; fusion of armed forces and civilians, 270
prolonged war now certain, 300–301
education in, 294–5
revolution in, 295, 458
‘tunnel’, 295–7; and ammunition production, 296–7
exchange with Catalonia, 297
war-weariness in, 454
faith in victory, 458
‘neutrality’, 458
refugees, 455
shelling of, 455–6
evacuation of children, 456
‘anti-republicanism’, 459
right-wingers, 459
and ‘practical realities’, 459–60
draft-dodgers, 459
mobilization of rearguard, 460, 486
anti-communism in, 486
end of war, 486–502 passim
ideals ‘no longer clear’, 487
fifth column, 487, 502
bombed with bread, 488
fall of, 501–2
Madrid Defence junta, 260, 269
CNT change of posts, 295
creation of, 263
as government, 297
communist dominance in, 297
internal conflicts, 297
last meeting, 298
dissolved, 298
Madrid, National Defence Council (Casado junta):
creation of, 491
aims of, 491
communist forces attack, 492 and n.
supporters’ view of future, 492
casualties, 493
fighting ends, 493
reprisals, 493
and peace negotiations, 499
libertarian scorched earth threat, 500
‘rhetoric of’, 500
Maíz, B. F., 102n., 573n., 574n.
Blood of Spain_An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War Page 97