and Popular Front, 540
in Navarre, 541
confederal structure of, 57n.
in Alava, 57n.
in military rising, 57–8
and militias, 189
in Vizcaya, 190
and war, 189
a ‘Spanish problem’, 191
‘neutrality’, 191, 406
arms, 189, 192 and n.
and assassinations, 190, 407 and n.
surrender of San Sebastián, 190
law and order, 191
‘real enemy the left’, 191–3, 406
and Carlists, 191
assassination of militants by insurgents, 191
seizes gold, 192n.
‘civilian mentality’ of, 409
independent Basque republic, 410
‘war ended with Bilbao’s fall’, 410
pact with Italians, 410–12; and justification of, 412
non-members’ views: ‘hostility to social change’, 190; ‘feared victory would advance socialism’, 194; ‘middle class, religious and conservative’, 194; ‘alliance with left created a drama’, 194; treatment of prisoners, 414; ‘too concerned with Spanish polities’, 536; ‘conservative, confessional and racialist’, 539; ‘maketo’, 539
Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM):
and revolution, 45
democratic-socialist content of, 561 and n.
formation of, 559n.
and pre-war petty bourgeoisie, 561
anti-fascist struggle, 101, 561
PCE tries to exclude from Popular Front pact, 560
signs pact, 560
candidates refused, 560
reasons for signing pact, 561–2
‘mistake to consolidate Popular Front’, 562
in military rising, 107
relations with CNT, 110, 340, 342
strength of, 182n., 340–41
unions join UGT, 182, 341
in Reus, 227
and power, 183, 340, 344
calls for constituent assembly, 183–4
‘mistake of wanting total revolution in Catalonia’, 243
‘fixated on revolution,’ 340
differences in Valencia, 340, 384n.; and Madrid, 384n.
in CENU, 294n.
proposes ‘red army’, 340
maintains separate militia, 340
FOUS, 340, 341n.
political mistakes of, 341–4
joins Generalitat, 341, 343; and evicted from, 342, 376;
and Popular Front government, 341
‘demagogy’ of, 342–3
dictatorship of proletariat, 343
critical of anarchist collectives, 344
Moscow show trials, 344, 384
position on petty bourgeoisie in revolution, 345
and socializations, 345
calls again for workers’ government, 376
and May events, 378–82
non-trotskyist, 383 and n.
outlawed, 386
leaders’ trial, 389
non-members’ views: ‘not trotskyist’, 346; ‘responsibility for May events’, 378; ‘fascists’, 383; and disbelief, 389; ‘most militant marxists’, 389; ‘traitors’, 390; ‘sincere revolutionaries’, 390; and repression of, 390
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), 40
veers left in 1933, 43, 552
and October 1934 rising, 554
‘fails its historic mission’, 58
refuses to join government, May 1936, 45, 58, 100; and consequences of, 58–9, 100
supports republican government, 53
Madrid group calls for dictatorship of proletariat, 91
party paralysed, 100
remains within Popular Front policy, 100
no mass recruitment, 182, 333
‘sectarianism of fractions’, 461
splits in ‘responsible for permitting rising’, 463
as working class party, 495; and decline, 496
‘better Vienna than Berlin’, 553
strength of, 557
‘anti-clericalism’ of, 539
in Vizcaya, 193
and Basque nationalism, 539
in defence of Asturian petty bourgeoisie, 244 and n.
non-members’ views: mistake of October 1934 rising, 75; ‘error of turning workers from republic’, 80; ‘breaks republican legality’, 85; leaders ‘frightened of revolutionary triumph’, 327; fosters ‘anti-religious sentiment’, 419; ‘bent on suicide’, 560
Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (PSUC), 340
creation of, 181–2, 559n.
and revolution, 136
forced to leave Generalitat, 179n.
gains strength, 181
membership of, 182 and n.
affiliates to Comintern, 182
and anti-fascist bourgeoisie, 182
proletarian hegemony, 182
GEPCI, 183, 233
and collectivization, 215, 234, 578
proposes transformation into cooperatives, 578
in Reus, 227
and CENU, 294n.
‘influenced by Comintern’, 346
isolates party, 389
relations with POUM and CNT, 346, 376, 390
‘cardinal sin’ of, 346
and May events, 377–82
Nin’s assassination, 290
non-members’ views: growth of, 182, 183; and petty bourgeoisie, 183, 335; ‘sabotages’ collectives, 215; and filming, 224; ‘blocks rationalization of collectives’, 230; and ‘take over’ of, 378–9; aims ‘to destroy libertarians’, 231; and ‘communism’ of, 376–7; ‘saboteurs of revolution’, 380
Payne, S., 283n., 412n., 464n., 559n., 531n., 564n., 566n., 567n., 568n., 570n., 572n.
Peasantry, 92
and republic, 83–4
left’s failure to organize, 84
and religious question, 84
anti-republicanism of, 86
and ‘revolutionary action’, 94n.
1934 strike, 555 and n.
role of in nationalist camp, 283–5, 466
Peirats, J., 181n., 232, 369n., 515n., 519n., 576n.
Peiró, Joan, 450, 544n., 576n.
and assassinations, 149
Pemán, José María, 154, 168, 204, 206
Pérez-Baró, A., 151n., 210, 211, 212 and n., 221n., 236 and n., 578n.
Pérez Salas, J., 572n.
Pérez Solis, O., 253n.
Pestaña, Angel, 547, 548n.
Petty bourgeoisie:
size of, 522
as base for fascism, 525n.
provincial: importance of law, order and religion, 97, 525; social conditions of, 98; life style, 523, 524; in insurgent zone, 106; and dominance, 109; as employer, 149n.; ‘negative’ political weight, 522–3; supports CEDA, 523; ‘republican out of convenience’, 523; withdraws support from republic, 524; and Azaña, 524; ‘fear of anarchists’, 524; a ‘state of being’, 524; and religion, 525; base of nationalist regime, 525, 561
urban: in Popular Front zone, 106; in Catalonia, 149; ‘anti-fascism’ of, 149, 447; threatened by revolution, 149, 444, 445; as employer, 149n.; fears non-Catalan anarchists, 151; joke, 443; unable to identify with either side, 443; ‘withdraws’, 443, 444; base of Catalan nationalism, 444; hopes disappointed, 444; and Franco, 444–5; political ideals of, 536; relief at end of war, 484; heir to 19th-century liberals, 525
Plá y Deniel, Dr Enrique, Bishop of Salamanca, 206
proposes concept of crusade, 417
Pola de Lena (Asturias), 431
Poland, Anglo-French guarantees, 499
Política (Left republican), 462
Political commissariat:
creation of, 461
commissars a ‘liability’, 461
communist appointments, 462
and press, 462
role of commissars, 497
Popular Army, 257n., 337, 348
formation of, 259n.
in defence of Madrid, 266
ning tank crews, 268
and PCE, 325, 331
promotions in, 331 and n., 333
structures of, 330
strategy, 330
number of temporary officers in, 464n.
morale in, 454, 457
comparative size of, 464n.
Battle of the Ebro, 472, 475
and traditional warfare, 480
classification in, 473
diversionary landing at Motril, 475
crosses defeated into France, 482
‘combined with nationalist army’, 493 and n.
guerrilla corps, 330n.
and libertarians, 338, 339
and POUM, 340
criticisms of: use of ‘traditional military strategy’, 328; posed war ‘in enemy’s terms’, 339; lack of manoeuvrability, 464; lack of strategists and commanders, 464
Popular Front pact, 101
formation of, 44, 559
and programme, 44, 560
signatories to, 44
electoral victory, 44, 83, 89; and atmosphere after, 44, 58: in Catalonia, 62, 83; and Basque country, 83; in Madrid, 75, 76, 79, 80, 99–100; in Old Castile, 84–6, 88; in Toledo, 92; in latifundist region, 92, 93, 98–9, 161; in Salamanca, 99; in Asturias, 100
working class transcends programme, 45, 92
bourgeoisie’s fear, 89
disorder, 89
PCE’s view of its tasks, 93
‘possibility of peaceful development’, 561
its ‘conservative’ programme, 98
threatens ‘ruling class privileges’, 98
‘correct anti-fascist policy’, 100
PCE support of, 100
POUM position, 101, 562
liberal republicans’ dominance in, 562n.
and Soviet foreign policy, 563
and socialist youth, 563
in Basque country, 540
impact on provincial bourgeoisie, 109
Popular Front zone (see also Republic, second, during war):
sexual equality, 286, 288
women as combatants, 286
women’s liberation, 287
abortion, 287
birth control, 287
‘marriage by usage’, 287
traditional sexual roles, 287–8
and female emancipation, 288
repression: in Barcelona, 146, 148, 149–50;’ 152; and woodworkers’ union, 473y’ causes of assassinations, 151; clerg’s assassinated, 152; and petty bourgeoisie shock, 152, 443; in hiding from, 474; escape, 474; Badalona monks, 451; CNT statement, 146; government condemns assassinations, 170n.; comparison with nationalist zone, 276; in Baena, 132; in Espejo, 280; in Mas de las Matas, 353; in Luanco, 419; in Gijón prison, 420; and prison ship, 420, 423; treatment of priest, 420–21; in Pola de Lena, 431; in Málaga, reprisals for air raids, 303; and mob, 303; religious objects, 303; in Valencia, execution, 476–8; in Madrid, 177–9 passim, 195–7; Bellas Artes checa, 298; and control of, 177; ‘uncontrolled rampage’, 274; assassination of prisoners being evacuated, 263; refugees in embassies, 299–301; ‘tunnel of death’, 300; worst periods of, 301; effect of controlling, 301; assassination of priest, 419; house searches, 456
Popular Olympiad, 59, 134
Popular Tribunals, 170n.
creation of, 176
functioning of, 176, 177–8
emergency tribunals, 178–9
Portugal, 127, 279
Pozas, Gen. Sebastián, 175, 176, 378n.
Prat de la Riba, Enric, 532n.
Preston, P., 109n., 553n.
Prieto, Dr Casto (republican mayor of Salamanca), 171, 205
Prieto, Horacio (CNT leader), 209
Prieto, Indalecio (socialist minister), 48, 296, 390
says disorder creating ground for fascism, 91, 99
prevented from forming government, 92n.
desire to re-establish republican-socialist coalition, 100
warns government of threat of rising, 100
broadcast on republic’s resources, 114
and Miaja, 296–7
ammunition production, 297
and guerrillas, 429, 430 and n.
Teruel, 440, 441, 460, 463
and war aims, 460 and n., 464
hatred of commissariat, 461
reappoints only approved commissars, 462, 463
effect of, 497
Soviet aid, 462
‘practical politician’, 463
‘pessimism demoralizing’, 463
and bishop of Teruel, 464, 465n.
October 1934, 553, 556
Primo de Rivera, José Antonio, 89, 104, 161, 174, 315
execution of, 269 and n., 316
myth that alive, 316 and n.
his political thinking, 313
warning of danger from right, 319
suspicious of military conspirators, 573
as a fascist leader, 313
critical of Italian, German fascism, 313
financed by Mussolini, 314n.
Primo de Rivera, Gen. Miguel, 39, 40, 45, 92n., 564 and n.
Primo de Rivera, Pilar, 309, 318
growth of, 38
awaits counter-revolutionary coup, 46
on defensive after 1936 elections, 100, 101
in Popular Front zone, 106
Puente, Dr Isaac, 543 and n.
Puigcerdá (Barcelona), 377
Pyrenean regiment, 448
Queipo de Llano, Gen. Gonzalo, 50, 154, 158, 203–4, 274, 275, 276, 278, 308, 568
africanista, 566n.
leads rising in Seville, 50, 51, 52
first broadcast, 52
further broadcasts, 119, 128
and Moroccan troops, 108
executions in Córdoba, 161; and in Seville, 164
on failure to capture Madrid, 271
sisters exchanged, 272
viceroyalty of, 277
‘Capital and labour’, 277
and strikes, 279
draining marshlands, 278
and cheap housing, 273, 279
farming, 279–80
and Málaga repression, 304–5
and Major Ibáñez, 306, 308
Quintanilla, Eleuterio, 179, 239, 550 and n.
Redondo, Onésimo, 86, 87n., 115, 316
killed, 171
widow starts Auxilio Social, 310
Republic, first (1873–4), 36
Republic, second (1931–9):
proclamation of, 40
political tasks of, 41–2
failure to achieve basic reforms, 42
religious policy, 42, 526
attempt to ‘wipe out’ religion, 529
‘sectarian, anti-religious’ position, 530
religious education, 527
‘political errors’ in, 42, 529
separation of church and state, 529 and n.
and military rising, 83
precautions of, 573
bourgeois ‘boycott’, 42, 79, 85, 98
and CNT, 542
violence, 80
and Castilian peasantry, 83–4
‘social justice’ in banks, 449
private property guaranteed by law, 515n.
little change in villages, 518
caciques, 518
during war: government calls for calm, 53; government refuses to arm the people, 53; Casares Quiroga appeals to France for aid, 127; government resigns, 54; Martínez Barrio government resigns, 57–58; Giral appointed premier, 58; arms the people, 58; demobilizes insurgent troops, 60; collapse of state power, 151; error of demobilizing soldiers, 142; gold reserves, 181n., 259n.; and sent to Soviet Union, 259n., 331n.; government dependent on Popular Front committee, 185 and n.; government leaves Madrid, 259; ammunition production, 227n.; and Catalonia, 227n.; and Madrid, 297; government ‘represents capitalist interests’, 327; ‘democratic republic’, 331; proposed workers’ government, 331n.; ‘popular republic – thirteen points’, 461; government leaves Spain, 491–2
nbsp; Requetés, 53n., 104, 117, 119, 122, 126, 164, 204–5, 311
Reus (Tarragona) (see also Collectivization, urban), 216, 227
situation after military rising, 227–8 and n.
Popular Tribunals in, 228n. 5
and Popular Front government, 228
Revolution (see also specific localities, and Revolution and War):
pre-war situation, 102
‘people’s revolutionary instinct’, 120
localism of, 245, 247
failures of, 258, 501
and women, 286–9
dress, 445
and culture, 292–3
education, 294
and Popular Front policies, 330
proletarian hegemony, 331 and n.
libertarian views on, 120, 137, 210, 211, 214, 216, 229, 230, 288, 336, 352, 379; socialist youth, 137, 291; socialists, 240; POUMists, 141, 242; PCE-PSUC members, 183, 324–5, 327, 328, 329, 330, 583; Esquerra members, 141–2, 143, 145, 447–8, 449; other Catalan nationalists, 147, 150, 154
Right Liberal Republican party (DLR), 98
Rivas Gómez, Lt F., 131n.
Roatta, Gen. Mario, 410, 411, 412
Robinson, R., 92n.
Rodríguez, Melchor:
and communist prisons in Madrid, 178n. 297
Rojo, Major (later Gen.) Vicente, 464
in defence of Madrid, 270
and officers’ training schools, 464n.
bishop of Teruel, 464
refusal to return to republican zone, 489
Rous, Jean, 388
Ruiz, David, 88n.
Sabadell (Barcelona), 135 and n.
Salamanca, 116, 171, 178n., 203, 205–8, 206n.
May day demonstration 1936, 99
military rising, 106 and n.
Franco’s HQ, 205
Salamanca Agrarian Bloc, 85, 414
aims of, 517
Salas Larrazábal, R., 564n.
Salcedo, E., 207n.
Sama de Langreo (Asturias), 425–6
Popular Front committee, 238, 240, 243
Sanjurjo, Gen. José, 567
africanista, 566n.
refuses to support king, 40
compromise between Mola and Carlists, 104, 573
rising’s national leader, 108, 573
political plans, 109
death, 109, 203
leads 1932 rising, 109n., 306, 514, 533, 553, 567–8 condemned to death, 568
aims ot stop Catalan autonomy statute, 568
expresses right-wing officers’ attitude to republic, 568
effects of rising in Seville, 568
San Roque (Cádiz), 65
in military rising, 65, 72
attack on, 155–7
San Sebastián, 189 and n., 259, 337
military rising, 50–51, 106, 194
and surrender, 189, 190
San Sebastián revolutionary committee (1930), 40, 40–41n.
Santa Cruz (Córdoba), 280
Blood of Spain_An Oral History of the Spanish Civil War Page 99