Duchess by Chance

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Duchess by Chance Page 9

by Wendy Vella

  Daniel pulled several leaves off trees as they walked. Crunching them in his hand, he released the fresh scent into the air. “I have done that and she has acknowledged that she will go, but her last words tell me she wants to prolong it as long as possible.”

  “Well, just don’t bully her,” Simon supplied.

  “I don’t bully women!”

  “No, because they are usually only to willing to drop their drawers at your feet without a word of protest.”

  “Surely not all?” Daniel drawled.

  Rolling his eyes, Simon said. “All I’m saying, Daniel, is give her time. Eva has lived with men who have mistreated her since birth. According to Betsy Mullholland, she has only survived because of her strength and humor.”

  “Who the hell is Betsy Mullholland?”

  “The maid you had brought here from Winchcomb’s household, you idiot.”

  Daniel vaguely remembered the name. “Why are you speaking to my maid?”

  “She was in the kitchen when I went to see Mrs. Stimpel.”

  Shaking his head and muttering about Simon’s appetite, Daniel entered the stables seconds later. He would talk again with Eva later, reassure her about London. He hoped Simon was right and that given time she would change her mind, but in all honesty he had his doubts.


  Daniel looked across the table to where Eva sat. She chatted with Simon, laughing as he said something amusing. She was comfortable at Stratton and he knew change would not be easy on her, yet he also knew she was stronger now – stronger, perhaps, than even she realized.

  Candlelight played over her hair and face. The gentle curve of her nose and pout of her lower lip drew his eye. Tonight’s dress was blue, simple in design, yet it caressed every sweet curve of her body and the need inside him that had been building would tonight be assuaged.

  “I understand you play the piano, Eva?”

  “Yes, Lord Kelkirk.”

  “Will you play for us tonight?”

  Her instinct was to say no - Daniel saw it coming - but this time he thwarted her. “An excellent idea, Simon. Luton, please light the candles in the music room and we shall follow shortly.”

  “I am out of practice.”

  “Believe me when I tell you, Duchess, that Simon is tone deaf and will not know the difference.”

  “Sad but true,” Simon sighed.

  “I shall just go up then and warm up my fingers.” She stood so quickly, the chair rocked back on its legs, and she hurried from the room

  “Promise me one thing, my friend.”

  Daniel looked across the table as Simon spoke. “What?”

  “Be gentle with her. She would be easy to break.”

  “I am not now nor will I ever be my father, Kelkirk. I would never willingly hurt a woman and most especially not my duchess.”

  “So you finally believe that, do you?”

  “Believe what?” Daniel snapped.

  “That you will never be a brute like your sire.”

  “I am trying, Simon, but I fear it will take me some time to believe fully.”

  Standing, Simon refilled their glasses. “Having known both you and your father, I can say in all honesty, my friend, there were never two more different men. Unlike he, you have honor in your bones.”

  Like most men, Daniel did not feel comfortable with sentiment, but he thanked his friend for the words and felt lighter in his heart as they headed toward the music room. Maybe - just maybe - he was different.

  Luton had lit two branches and they sat at Eva’s back so she could read the music before her. She was playing a ballad as they walked in and took the two seats set out for them.

  “Even my untrained ear can hear she’s good.”

  Daniel nodded but remained silent, content to watch her.

  Some people played music because it was expected of them but he could feel Eva played because it was a passion, as it had once been for Daniel and his mother. She was engrossed in the music as her fingers flowed over the keys. It was not a chore or something she did because it was expected of her. A small smile played around her lips and he wondered if she was even aware they had entered the room.

  Had this been her escape? To play so well meant practice, and many hours of it. Had her family left her alone to do just that?

  “You play well, Duchess.” Daniel said when she stopped several songs later.

  “Thank you. It is something I have always enjoyed.”

  “And on that note, I am ready for my bed. I shall say goodnight, Duchess, Daniel.”

  “Goodnight, Lord Kelkirk,” the duchess said, rising. “I, too, shall retire, your Grace.”

  “Daniel,” he said, watching as she headed for the door. “And thank you for playing for Simon and I, Eva.”

  She didn’t turn, just nodded and left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts, most of which consumed her.

  Yes, she was beautiful, but there was more to her allure. She intrigued him. The woman she had been was still there, yet she was changing, growing stronger every day and he wanted to continue to see her grow. He wanted her to laugh freely and talk without restraint.

  So you finally believe that, do you?

  Daniel replayed Simon’s words in his head. Had he also changed? Was he, too, starting to believe he was not now nor ever could be his father? Shaking his head, he made his way to bed, however it was not his he would seek tonight.

  Too restless to sleep, Eva sat on the windowseat and pulled her knees to her chest. Her head was filled with so many thoughts. The life she always believed she would live was now so very different. She was a duchess with so much and with that came responsibility. She knew that she couldn’t prolong going to London indefinitely no matter how much she wished to. Here at Stratton, she knew what awaited her at dawn each day. No surprises greeted her, no one wanted more than she could give and no one would force her to do their bidding. Surely in London all that would change.

  The sound of her door opening drew Eva’s gaze. Her husband walked through, dressed in his robe. He looked to the bed and then swung to where she sat. His legs were bare, which told Eva that he wore little beneath that robe, if anything. He had come to consummate the marriage and to start her quest for a baby. She now knew he would not hurt her, and that the man she had come to know over the past few days would not take her in anger either, of that she was certain.

  Rising on unsteady legs, Eva walked toward the bed. “I…I know what I must do, your Grace.”

  His intercepted her in two long strides, one large hand wrapping around her wrist and stopping her before him. “And what is that, Eva?”

  She felt a fiery blush heat her cheeks as she looked up at him. “I am to lie still on the bed until you are...um, finished, your Grace.”

  The hand that held her wrist moved up her arm to cup her cheek. “Did your brothers tell you that?”

  Nodding, she watched his features soften into a gentle smile.

  “I would ask you to forget anything they ever told you, Eva. Can you do that for me?”

  His thumb traced her lower lip and Eva felt something stir inside her. “I can try.”

  His hand slipped around her waist and she was slowly pulled closer until her chest touched his.

  “You are a very beautiful woman, Duchess, and this, what we are about to do, will not be a chore for either of us, I can promise you.”

  “Oh,” was all Eva managed before he lowered his head and claimed her lips.

  The stiffness in her body slowly eased as he teased them. Soft and coaxing, he drew a response from her until she reached for him, one hand clutching the material of his robe in a fist as she arched toward him. Where one kiss ended another started. The pressure that slowly built inside her as he took her mouth on a sensual exploration was beyond anything in Eva’s experience.

  “Do you like my kisses, Duchess?’ His breath brushed her swollen lips.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t lie, not when her body was pressed against hi
s, need filling her eyes, she was sure.

  His lips moved to her neck and then lower. She felt his fingers on the buttons of her nightdress and then cool air as he released the last one.

  “You smell of roses. The scent has tormented me for days.”

  Eva felt his mouth move lower to touch the swell of one breast, and she felt it grow fuller as he placed a hot kiss on the sensitive flesh. How could anything so wicked feel so wonderful? Heat pooled in her belly and her nipple ached as he kissed the other breast. His hand moved to her back, stroking her heated flesh through the nightdress, caressing the swell of her buttocks.

  Lifting the hem, he moved it up her body.

  “Eva, will you let me remove your nightdress?”


  “Then lift your arms,” Daniel ordered softly.

  In a daze, she complied and he pulled it over her head.

  “Christ, you’re beautiful,” he rasped, and Eva saw in his eyes that he meant every word.

  “No, don’t hide from me.”

  He took her hands as she tried to cover herself, and held them at her side. She had always been slight, yet believed her breasts were almost too full for her body, his eyes told her a different story. She read the desire and need that she was sure was matched in her own. His hands moved to her hair releasing it from its restraints and then he tangled his fingers through the strands as they fell, the ends brushing her buttocks.

  He kissed her again, took the lip she was worrying between her teeth and nibbled it slowly. Pulling her into his chest he ran his hands slowly over her body until Eva once again slumped against him. Only then did he lift her into his arms and carry her to the bed.

  Eva lay where he left her, watching as he removed his robe. Light from the candle cast a golden glow over his muscled flesh. She should have been frightened, yet his touch had been the sweetest caress, his lips and hands creating a need that burned steadily inside her. No one had ever touched her in anything but anger, and now to have him, her husband, create such a wealth of feeling inside her, well, she wanted to weep with the joy of it.

  “I won’t hurt you, Eva.”

  “I know.”

  She saw the surprise in his grey eyes as he lowered his body down beside hers.

  His fingers traced her jaw and wandered slowly, touching and teasing every piece of skin in their path and when he kissed her again, Eva felt herself melt. Her body was not her own but his to command. She moaned and pressed into his hand as he touched her breasts, his fingers stroking her nipples. He kissed her as his hands made her writhe and then he touched her there, the place only she had ever touched and she shattered as he stroked the sensitive bud and pushed a finger deep inside her.

  “I promised not to hurt you, Eva, yet in truth this first time might.”

  She heard the anxiety in his words, laced heavily with need.

  “Please don’t stop, Daniel.”

  His lips brushed hers. “Nothing could make me.”

  She felt him at her entrance and then push slowly inside. Stretching the silken tissues, he eased into her until he reached her maidenhead and then he pushed through. There was pain, sharp and swift, and then he was buried deep inside her, almost as if they were one.

  “Eva, are you all right?”

  She heard the desperation in his words as he held himself tense above her. “The pain eases, Daniel.” Arching off the bed, she placed a kiss on his lips. He followed her back down and deepened the kiss as he withdrew and reentered her. He did it again and Eva felt something build inside her, something that needed release.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Eva.”

  She followed the rasped command and the change in position deepened his next thrust. The pain became pleasure as pressure built until it grew almost unbearable, and then Eva knew only ecstasy as she flew to sensual heights with Daniel following, seconds later.

  Eva felt him lower himself onto the bed beside her, his breathing as rapid as hers.

  “Are you all right?” he asked again.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  She felt him look at her after her polite response.

  “Should I leave you now, your Grace?”

  He leaned on one elbow moving closer to look down at her. “Where would you go? This is your bed.”

  “Of course. It is just that I know you have no wish to share my bed, therefore I thought-”

  “What?” His tone was curt and she sensed he was angry with her.

  “I had believed…I was told you would want to leave after -”

  “I thought I told you to forget everything those idiots you call brothers ever said to you, Duchess.”

  “It will take some time for me to do so, your Grace, they were part of my life for many years.”

  “My name is Daniel, Eva, and I would ask you to try. They are fools and not worth a minute more of your time.”

  A yawn surprised her.

  “Sleep now, Duchess. The morning is soon enough for you to don your worries once more.”

  Eva didn’t fight him as he pulled up the blankets and then wrapped an arm around her easing her into his warm body and in minutes she felt the blissful tug of sleep.

  Eva woke alone. Looking to the curtains, she noticed the sun had already risen. What time had he left her?

  Stretching, she felt several unused muscles twinge. Remembering how she had incurred the aches made her feel warm inside. Last night had been one of the most wonderful of her life. Being held in Daniel’s arms was something Eva was sure she could get used to. He had been so gentle and caring with her. Touching her lips, she felt them tingle. They were still sensitive from his kisses. Had he felt what she had last night?

  “His lordship said you may need a bath, your Grace,” Molly said, bustling into her room.

  Realizing she was still naked, Eva pulled the covers to her chin as the maid opened the curtains.

  “Tis a beautiful day, your Grace, and the duke said you would be leaving for church in an hour. I will bring your tray directly.”

  When Molly left, Eva found her discarded nightdress and slipped it on and was sitting up in bed when she returned.

  “Molly, the sheets will need changing.” Eva studied the teacup as she spoke. Evidence of her innocence was on the linen and she knew Molly would realize instantly what it was.

  “I shall see to it once you are gone, your Grace.”

  “Thank you.”

  While she bathed, Eva reminded herself that for the duke, last night had probably been no different from many other nights. According to her brothers, he had shared his bed with plenty of women and would have a mistress in London. Eva needed to understand that even though to her the night had been special, to him it was not. Still, she loathed the idea of a mistress, the idea that Daniel would keep a woman just for his pleasure. Dressing with care, she made her way downstairs and outside to where the duke and Simon awaited her.

  “Good morning, your Grace.”

  “Lord Kelkirk.” Eva nodded as Daniel opened the carriage and held out his hand to help her inside. Once they were all settled, the carriage started down the driveway.

  “Why must I go to church when it is you that Mrs. Potter wants to see, Daniel?”

  Eva watched Simon scowl across the carriage at the duke who was seated opposite her, his long legs and large feet taking up most of the space. She couldn’t look at him directly, as memories of last night filled her head, so instead she chose to study the scenery.

  “Because if I must attend, then so must you,” Daniel said.

  “We are not children, Stratton. That rule no longer applies.”

  “Is this a new rule? Because correct me if I’m wrong, but a few months ago you had to visit your Uncle Horatio and you made me go with you because - and I quote - he terrifies me spitless,” Daniel drawled.

  Eva could feel his eyes on her but hers remained out the window. She had never had to deal with anything like this before. The man seated across from her had seen her naked, he had d
one things to her that Eva had never imagined and she was struggling to not blush fiery red at the thought. She could see his hands – fingers splayed - resting on his beige breeches, and remembered how they had felt upon her body.

  “For some unfathomable reason, that mean-spirited old reprobate - excuse me, Eva - ” Simon nodded to her “- likes you. Something to do with similar personality traits, I believe.”

  “I’m fairly certain that was a compliment, Kelkirk, and if not, I will take it as such.”

  Daniel watched the flush slowly bloom in Eva’s checks as she caught his eye before once again looking out the window. She knew he was thinking about last night, and damn him for a randy fool, but he had thought about nothing else since leaving her at dawn.

  She looked mouthwatering today, the darker blue pelisse caressing her beautiful breasts and fastened to the neck, the small buttons begging to be undone. Her bonnet was ruched velvet with a small brim, and several curls peeked from beneath. Daniel mentally shook his head, wondering how he had ever thought her plain. He had entered her room last night knowing she was an innocent and believing he would leave having done his duty. Instead, he had left shaken to his soul. His wife had responded to him like no other. Her innocence had caught him, her touch ensnared him, and when he had taken her, he had never wanted a woman more

  Should a man lust after his wife?

  He could never have imagined she would respond so eagerly to his touch. How could he, when each day she walked around carrying the burden of fear and pain that were the remnants of life with her family?

  “I could simply wait in the carriage for you to return, Daniel, or there is a nice little pub -”

  Daniel reached for the door as they stopped. “Think of it as cleansing your black soul, Kelkirk.” He took Eva’s hand while helping her down, then placed it on his arm.

  “Yours is blacker than mine, Stratton, and in need of a thorough sluicing, if you ask me. Forgive me, Eva,” Simon added.

  “Lord Kelkirk, Simon.”

  “Yes, Eva?”

  Daniel watched as Eva thought about her words. She rarely just rattled out whatever came into head, possibly because the consequences had not always been pleasant.


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