Duchess by Chance

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Duchess by Chance Page 12

by Wendy Vella

  Daniel sipped his coffee. “How old are you?”

  “Seventeen, your Grace.”

  Lord, he’d thought the boy no older than fifteen. His height was no greater than Eva’s and he would not weight much more.

  “Why Edinburgh?”

  Reggie lowered his fork, then wiped his mouth before speaking, both actions giving him time to think. “Edinburgh is open to anyone and I have no wish to attend a school where I will not fit, your Grace. Now I know Eva is safe in your hands, I have no need to stay near her and Edinburgh is far enough away from them.”

  “Why do you believe your sister is safe with me, Reggie?” Daniel was curious. This boy, like his sister, had suffered at the hands of their family, yet unlike Eva, he seemed willing to trust Daniel on short acquaintance.

  “My sister said I could trust you, Daniel, and I can see in your eyes that it is true.”

  Clearing his throat, Daniel nodded. “If you want to stay here with your sister, Reggie, you can trust me to keep you safe also.”

  His smile was tired and should have been on the face of an older man. “I would rather you put all your efforts into protecting my sister, your Grace, as it is she who has suffered at their hands the most and it is she who deserves happiness.”

  Daniel kept his eyes level as Reggie stared at him. “Your family will never touch your sister again. You have my word on that.”

  Reggie looked at him a few seconds longer and then nodded, which made Daniel release the breath he hadn’t known he was holding. “But I will have your word, Reggie, that if at any time you have concerns or are in trouble, you will come to me instantly.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good. Now finish your breakfast and I shall have my man look into Edinburgh. I’m guessing you wish to leave soon?”

  “Yes. A fresh start and new city is what I crave, although Eva will not be happy at the prospect.”

  “Only because she worries for you, Reggie. I believe that is what sisters are meant to do,” Daniel said. He’d always wanted a sibling and now it seemed he had one in the form of a brother in law.

  When Eva walked in ten minutes later, Daniel and Reggie were still planning his trip.

  “Good morning, Eva.” Daniel rose to greet her. “Reggie, your sister is in the room. Please rise.”

  Surprise flashed across her pretty face as he spoke but she said nothing, instead moving to hug her brother. Then she found her chair. Daniel felt the foolish urge to request a hug, too.

  “Eva, Daniel is going to help me go to Edinburgh University.” The boy didn’t say it loudly or sound overly excited but Daniel knew by the gleam in his eyes that he was. His sister, however, did not appear to be.

  “Why do you want to go away to school when you have only just arrived?”

  “You know it has always been my fondest wish, Eva.”

  “But I had thought you would stay here with me.”

  Me, not we, Daniel noticed. The ease with which they had shared each other’s company on the journey seemed to have dissipated with their arrival in London and that of Eva’s brother.

  “I want this, Eva, and if Daniel is happy to help me achieve it, then it is something I must do.”

  “But we cannot ask it of the duke, Reggie, when he has already given me so much.”

  What had he given her? A marriage, shelter and food on her table, but had any of those things made her truly happy?

  “I am happy to do this, Eva, if you agree.” Daniel said nothing further as he continued with his meal, content to watch the siblings. They were not demonstrative, neither raising their voice to the other, both talking calmly as if they were discussing the weather.

  Eva’s hair was darker than her brother’s but their eyes were identical. Her cheeks were fuller now and her skin had a healthy glow that Reggie’s lacked. She wore a simple white dress this morning with a modest neckline and short sleeves, yet because of its simplicity, the lush body beneath was enhanced. He wanted her in his bed again - underneath him, on top of him. He wanted to explore and taste every inch of her.

  “It would be selfish of me to stop you if it is your wish, brother. It is just that I will miss you so much.” Eva felt as if her heart was being ripped in two. Reggie was here with her finally and now he wanted to leave.

  “I cannot live with you forever, Eva. It is past time I did something useful.”

  “Suddenly you want to be useful? Is this a new development?”

  Reggie’s chuckle made her laugh. They had not done much of that over the past few years and it felt good to do so now.

  “I will have my man look into Edinburgh,” Daniel broke in, “but you will need new clothes and other items before you leave.”

  “Do not concern yourself further, your Grace. I shall look after my brother.” Eva realized as soon as the words left her mouth how ungrateful they sounded.

  “In that case, I shall leave you to your breakfast together.”

  The duke rose and bowed to her, then shook the hand Reggie held out to him.

  “That was neither fair nor necessary, Eva.” Reggie said as the door closed. “The duke has been kind enough to assist me in finding a place at Edinburgh University. Without his support, sister, none of this would be possible. I would beg you to remember that fact.”

  A wave of shame washed over her. She had spoken without thought, something she rarely did, yet Reggie’s welfare had always been her concern and everything seemed to be happening so fast. “I know. I’m sorry.”

  “Tis not me you should apologize to, sister.” His fingers clamped around hers where they lay clenched on the table. “Whatever is between you is your business, Eva, but remember that were it not for that man, you would still be living with our father and I would have had no where to run.”

  “Our destiny’s were determined over a hand of cards, Reggie. How can either of us hope to find a future together after such a beginning?” There were moments when Eva hoped they could overcome what their fathers had done, and then others when she would despair that their past would always dictate their future.

  Reggie sighed, loud and long. “I should have known the reason would involve gambling. But the thing is, Eva, you trust him, and therefore, so do I. And now I want you to go and apologize to him in case he changes his mind and won’t help me get to Edinburgh.”

  “He would never break his word to you, Reggie.”

  Her brother gave her a steady look. “You know this about him, yet still you doubt him?”

  Pulling her hand free, Eva fiddled with her cup. “The doubts are mine, not his.”

  Reggie nodded but said nothing further on the matter. They finished their meal in silence; Reggie was the first to rise.

  “I’m going into the library and you should find your husband and apologize, sister.”

  “Dear Lord, must I?” Eva did not look forward to the prospect.

  “One thing neither of us has ever been, sister, is a coward.”

  She watched her brother leave and then followed. He was right. She did owe Daniel an apology and she needed to get it over with before she lost the courage to do so.

  Tapping on her husband’s study door minutes later, Eva entered. He was not seated as she had expected but standing before a shelf of books, his fingers skimming the spines.

  “If I may have a few minutes of your time, your Grace.”

  “My name is Daniel, Eva. Your brother has no problem using it and neither did you until recently. Therefore I’m sure you can do so again.”

  She didn’t have to like his rebuke but knew she deserved it. “I would like to apologize to you for my words at the breakfast table, Daniel. They were uncalled for, considering what you are doing for my brother. My only excuse is that he has been my sole responsibility for many years.”

  “And you resent accepting anything from me.”

  “No - “

  “Yes, but I am a duke with a great deal of money, Eva. Your brother has a dream and it is within my power to see he ac
hieves it.”

  He made her sound petty.

  “I would ask you to try and accept both me and London, Eva, or our marriage will test both of us. I’m not asking for undying devotion, only that we rub along together.”

  “I shall try.”

  He nodded and turned back to the books before him, selecting one. “Do you think Reggie will want to read this? He told me he has an interest in old literature and this is very old.”

  Eva walked to where he stood and looked at the book. Ignoring the tingle as his fingers brushed hers, she opened the cover.

  “They are letters written nearly two hundred years ago. He may not be able to read them, as most are written in French, but it will be interesting for him to look at.”

  Eva read the first few lines. “We both speak and read French.”


  “Are you sure you wish him to touch it? These look very old.”

  “He is seventeen, Eva, not ten. I trust him not to damage them.”

  Handing him back the book, Eva offered Daniel a tentative smile. “It is sometimes hard to remember that fact and yes, he would very much love to look at this. Thank you again.”

  Eva watched him replace the book, his big hands sure and steady. “I will get a tailor to come to the house to have Reggie fitted for clothes, and if between you a list can be made for the rest of his needs, I will see it filled.”

  His face was inches from hers now, but she could read nothing in his grey eyes. “I will say again that I’m sorry for the way I spoke and I realize now that if I had not come to London then I would not have been here when Reggie arrived. It will take time for me to adjust to this city, yet I promise to make every effort to do so.”

  “If that was your attempt at an apology, you will need to try harder, Duchess.”

  Eva flicked a glance at him, then away again. His eyes had changed. They were no longer cool and unemotional. “I think my apology is more than adequate, Daniel. I…I assure you it was delivered sincerely.”

  She watched him step to the right and Eva had to turn to face him and it was then she realized he had maneuvered her back against the bookshelf. Rather than feel fear, she instead felt anticipation.

  He moved forward slowly, bracing his hands on the shelves on either side of her and kept coming until his breath brushed her lips. “I want you to promise me something, Duchess.”

  “What?” Eva shivered as his warm breath brushed her lips.

  “That you endeavor to remain open-minded about London.”

  Eyes open, he held hers as he took her bottom lip between his teeth and bit softly into the flesh.

  “I…I will try,” Eva whispered when he released her.

  He moved in again, this time to place a slow, sultry kiss on her mouth and Eva felt any resistance flee. She melted, her insides turning to liquid as he tormented her. Only his lips touched her, yet in seconds she was the puppet and he, the master. When one kiss ended, another started until she was arching toward him, wanting more.

  “Daniel.” She sighed as he moved to her neck, his breath warm on her skin. Running her fingers through his hair, Eva gripped the curls as he nipped her.

  “I want you, sweet Duchess, very badly.”

  “Then take me.” Eva could hardly believe she had said the words out loud.

  He lifted his head to look down at her, his eyes burning with a need that mirrored her own.

  “Soon, Eva, but for now we must satisfy ourselves with kisses. I would not want Reggie to walk in on us in a compromising position.”

  “Reggie!” Dear Lord, how could she have forgotten her brother was in the house? “I had not thought about him.”

  His smile was smug as he ran one hand up her arm and she shivered.

  “I…I will go to him now.”

  “Not yet.”

  Eva tried to push him away, but he kissed her again and she did not put up much of a fight.

  “I think that is everything, Eva.”

  Eva looked at her brother’s excited face and swallowed her tears. The siblings were in his room finishing his packing before he left for Edinburgh. Daniel had secured a place for Reggie at the university and he could take it up as soon as he got there. This news for Eva was a double- edged sword, as on one hand, her brother would get what he wished for - heaven knew he deserved it after the life he had lived - and on the other, she would lose him again.

  The past two weeks had been wonderful. Daniel had taken the siblings to see many sights and they had shopped for Reggie, but more importantly, they had spent time together talking. Eva had seen another side to both her brother and her husband. She’d watched Reggie blossom without the threat of his father and brothers looming over him constantly. He laughed freely, talked constantly and asked Daniel endless questions, to which he had patiently answered. The duke had a wicked humor that often made them laugh and Eva felt comfortable around him now - comfortable and unsettled at once. Her skin tingled whenever he was near and she had a constant longing for him that was almost painful.

  “I have everything packed in two trunks, Eva, and they are being loaded into the carriage as we speak.”

  “You have the books for the trip and the itinerary, plus Jacob, the duke’s man, is accompanying you and will stay until you are settled.” Eva ticked off the points on her fingers.

  “Yes, and Daniel has secured a contact for me once I get there. He is Scottish and will be on hand, should I need anything at anytime.”

  Reggie was pulling on his new coat. He looked healthy after two weeks of good meals and plenty of sleep. She could feel his excitement and knew Daniel was the one to thank for that.

  Daniel. Lord, she blushed just thinking of what they had shared last night in his bed. He had told her that in there, they were just Eva and Daniel. All the problems that awaited them outside the bedroom door were left there when they entered at night.

  “Are you all right, Eva?”

  “Of course.” She forced herself to smile. “I’m so excited for you.”

  They made their way outside to where Daniel awaited them beside the carriage.

  “Jaccob is inside and he has instructions on where you will stop and my letter to help smooth your way.”

  “Thank you, Daniel, for everything.” Eva watched Reggie step forward and embrace the duke, which surprised him at first but he soon wrapped his big arms around the boy and squeezed him hard.

  “Remember we are brothers now, Reggie. I will come if you need me.”

  “I will remember.”

  Eva bit her lip as Reggie turned to hug her. She would not cry; he did not want that. “Please write to me regularly, brother.”

  “I promise.”

  She cupped his cheeks and looked into his eyes. He was healing and this journey would finish that process. “You know I love you?”

  Color stole into his cheeks as she held him still.

  “I know it and you know your love is returned, sister.”

  She released him and smoothed his lapels. “Go now while I let you.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Thank you for being my sister. Without you, everything would have been so much harder.”

  Eva sniffed as he released her and climbed inside. Daniel closed the door and then he was gone. She watched the carriage until she could see it no more and then the tears began to fall. Arms came around her and she fell on the warm, hard chest and sobbed.


  “The Dowager Duchess of Stratton,” Wernham said in his deep baritone.

  Startled, Eva looked up from the letter she was writing as Daniel’s grandmother walked in. The room instantly seemed smaller – just as it often did when her husband was near. Eva had met the Duchess once before; however, she had not known then that she was to become related to such a formidable woman. Rising to her feet, she knew her morning of letter writing had drawn to an abrupt halt. Shooting a quick look at the clock above the door, she was relieved to realize Daniel would be returning soon from his business ap
pointment. He had not wanted to leave her, no matter how briefly, yet she had urged him to do so, she was safe here with their servants behind closed doors.

  “Well, girl, it is long past time you showed your face in society,” the duchess boomed as she took the seat opposite Eva’s.

  “Tea, please, Wernham.” Eva smiled at the butler, who hovered in the doorway looking anxious. She then sat on the edge of her seat. Something told her that with Daniel’s grandmother in the room, she needed to be ready for any eventuality.

  “Although looking at that rag you have on, it is just as well you have not been seen in public.”

  “Good morning, your Grace, I am most pleased to meet with you again. This time it appears you are playing the part of your true self.” Eva’s cheeks were beginning to ache with the effort of smiling.

  “Backbone. Excellent,” the duchess said, her thin lips curling slightly at the corners.

  Eva wondered if this constituted a snarl or a smile.

  “We won’t have time for tea now – there’s much to be done!” she suddenly announced, regaining her feet.

  She was very agile for an elderly woman, Eva thought, standing, too. It was all very strange. The woman had insulted her and then complimented her (she thought) and now she appeared to be leaving. Or did she have something else in mind?

  “Come, girl, collect your things and I will wait in my carriage! Ten minutes, mind, and no more,” the duchess added, giving Eva a gimlet-eyed stare which was disconcertingly like her grandson’s. She then stomped toward the door she had only minutes ago entered.

  “Uh, I seem to have missed something,” Eva said. Dear Lord! Did Daniel’s grandmother expect Eva to accompany her somewhere? Just the thought of the two of them spending time together sent chills down her spine.

  “Shopping, girl! For pity’s sake, have I not just explained it all to you? Not hard of hearing, are you?”

  “I soon will be,” Eva muttered, touching her ears as she watched the old woman leave the room.

  “May I be of assistance?” Wernham appeared as if by magic before her.

  “I appear to be going shopping.” Eva knew she sounded dazed.

  “I will inform the duke upon his return, your Grace.” The butler looked grave.


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