Duchess by Chance

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Duchess by Chance Page 20

by Wendy Vella

  “Of course, Miss.”

  “You must hurry. The matter is urgent.”

  She watched him disappear into the crowd of men before her and then she waited and watched. Daniel would be furious that she had left the house alone but she had had no choice. She had needed to reach him as soon as she could and calling a carriage and finding Molly would have taken up precious time.

  It was only a matter of minutes before she saw Daniel striding toward her. Uncaring of who was watching, Eva picked up her skirts and ran to meet him, launching herself at him when close enough. Strong arms caught and held her.

  “I told you not to leave the house, wife.” His cheek rested briefly on top of her head.

  “I had to. Please, Daniel, we must talk now.”

  Sensing the urgency in her words, he lowered her to the ground, then placed an arm around her waist as they made their way along the row of carriages until they reached his. Opening the door, he urged her inside and then followed. Taking the seat across from her, he placed his hat beside him and then stripped off his gloves.

  “Did you bring servants with you? Where is your carriage?”

  “I called a hackney and no, I did not bring Molly. Daniel, I need-“

  “What!” His roar bounced off the walls. “You were injured and shot at and you left the house unprotected?”

  “Daniel, you must listen to me!” Eva grabbed his hands and he stilled, his grey eyes now intent as they focused on hers.

  “Are you finally about to tell me the truth, Duchess?”

  Oh God, now the moment was upon her, Eva felt her courage waver. Fierce pain lanced through her. Would she lose this wonderful man now? Could he forgive her?

  “Talk to me, Eva.”

  “Yes, I must.” The words were as much for herself as him. “I have been dishonest, Daniel. Betrayed you and abused your generosity. And I will understand if you wish to send me back to Stratton, but I beg of you, no matter what you think of me, you must help Reggie.”

  Leaning forward until their knees brushed, he lifted her chin so their eyes met. “I can do nothing until you tell me everything, Eva.”

  She did, starting with her father’s blackmail notes and the jewels she had given him. She told him of Huxley’s visit to Stratton and how he had spoken to her at the theatre and his threat to fight Daniel. She felt purged as she spoke. Finally, the burden was gone. However, she wondered at what price.

  “I understand you did not trust me when your father first approached you, Eva, but after the theatre, you should have told me about Huxley.”

  “I wanted to but I was injured and there never seemed to be the right moment, and I had betrayed you and given my father your ring and the pendant, Daniel.” The words tumbled out one on top of the other as she tried to make him understand. “Plus, I was afraid you would challenge Lord Huxley and he never loses a sword fight, so my father told me. He has killed and maimed many.”

  “You think I care about jewels or money? You think those baubles can hold the same place as you in my life? Christ, woman, I love you! Them I can replace; you, I cannot.”

  Eva felt the air squeeze from her lungs as she looked at him. “You love me?”

  “Of course I do.” His anger made the words harsh, yet Eva didn’t care. Was it possible he would forgive her for what she had done?

  “But the threat from Huxley and my father, Daniel - surely you can see I could not ignore that. Especially after the carriage was shot at. My fears multiplied after that.”

  “And this is why you have come to me now?”

  Shaking her head, Eva pulled the note from her reticule and handed it to him. “I had decided to tell you, Daniel - you must believe that - but this note made it imperative I do so immediately.”

  “That was what you wanted to tell me this morning?”

  Eva nodded and watched as he read the note before handing it back to her.

  “And you know where they are?”

  “Yes, I dropped the pendant there.”

  His mouth tightened but he said nothing further, instead reaching above him to open the hatch.


  “What?” He returned to his seat after barking instructions at his driver.

  “I love you, too.”

  “I know.”

  “You do?” Eva slumped back on the seat, suddenly exhausted. Her body still ached and her shoulder throbbed but telling Daniel everything had taken the last of her energy.

  “You told me the night of the accident.”

  “I did?”

  Opening his legs, he reached for her, pulling her to the edge of the seat until she was trapped between his thighs, his face now inches from hers.

  “If you truly love me, Duchess, you will never lie to me again. Do you understand?”

  Eva nodded.

  “I don’t care if someone threatens me or Reggie or our bloody dog, you will never again keep anything this serious from me. Do you understand?”

  Eva nodded again.

  His kiss was hard and fast.

  “I knew you were hiding something and that whatever it was put shadows in your eyes when you thought I wasn’t looking. I was caught between shaking you and hugging you because you were carrying these burdens alone.”

  Her fingers shook as she touched his cheek. The love inside her was so strong it hurt. “The only worthy thing he ever did for me was give me to you.”

  “I would say the same thing.” Daniel’s words brushed her lips. “Our fathers in their greed actually did right by us.”

  “I’m sorry about the ring and my pendant, Daniel.”

  He cupped her cheeks as his eyes roamed her face. “I will get them back if they mean that much to you, my love, and just for the record, I’m Huxley’s equal with a sword.”

  “You are?”

  “I am,” he said, opening the door after someone knocked on it.

  “What the hell is going on? I was talking to that insipid creature Rockwell and when I turned around you were storming away.” Simon’s eyes went from Simon to Eva. “Hello, Eva.”

  “Get in here, Kelkirk, and close the door. I need your help.”

  “I’ve never known a duke and duchess get into so much trouble,” Simon grumbled as he seated himself.

  “Show him the note, Duchess.”

  Eva handed it to Simon at Daniel’s prompting and then, much to her shame, he relayed everything she had just told him. However, Simon simply squeezed her hand when he had finished.

  “It’s all right, Eva. We’ll get Reggie back safe.”

  “That’s the house.” Eva pointed to a brick building thirty minutes later.

  “And am I wasting my breath asking you to stay in the carriage and let Simon and I deal with this?”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Where the hell is your sling?” Daniel then demanded, obviously just noticing it was missing.

  “I left it at home.”

  He sighed but soon they were standing outside the front door.

  Pounding on the wood, Daniel tried the handle and when it failed to yield, they had to wait several tense seconds before a servant finally opened it.

  “I want to speak with Spencer Winchcomb,” Daniel demanded.

  “He’s busy.” The man then tried to shut the door but Daniel placed one boot in the doorway and pushed it open. The force sent the servant stumbling backwards.

  “If you value your health, sir, stay out of this.” Daniel added, walking past him. Then he heard it - the sound a fist makes when connecting with flesh. Followed by Eva and Simon, he ran to the stairs. Taking them two at a time, he reached the top in seconds. Everyone stopped as Daniel held up one hand. They could hear voices coming from the room located at the end of the hallway.

  “You will pay for defending that worthless little bitch over us!”

  “I care nothing about what you do to me, father, and will laugh in delight when her large husband realizes what you have done to her.”

  “She will p
ay next for turning her back on her family.”

  Daniel grabbed the back of Eva’s jacket as she tried to run past him.

  “I can’t worry about you and Reggie, Eva, do you understand?”

  She didn’t want to but she nodded and then allowed him to push her behind him.

  It was unlucky for the Winchcombs that the first sight Daniel had, when he opened the door, was of Reggie taking a fist to the stomach from Bartholomew Winchomb.

  “Release him now!”

  Montgomery Winchcomb, who’d been holding his brother, lifted his hands straight up in the air and took a step backwards, leaving Reggie all alone. He then looked at the large, angry beast that was his brother-in-law and started sweating profusely. Quickly, he stepped sideways until he stood beside his father and brother.


  Eva’s cry was from the heart as she took in the battered and bruised sight of her brother, and even though Daniel knew it cost her a great deal, she did not take a step toward him. She understood the situation was volatile and one wrong move could harm Reggie further.

  Daniel felt Simon move to stand to his left.

  Reggie still stood, but Daniel guessed by the way he weaved, only just. One eye was partially closed, one cheek swollen and his lips were split and never had Daniel wanted to punish anyone more than he did Spencer Winchcomb. The boy had arrived in London a thin, beaten young man and left for Edinburgh confident and smiling. Looking into Reggie’s eyes, Daniel now saw a mixture of both. His father had not quite managed to reduce the boy to what he once was and Daniel would make sure he did not finish the job.

  “Come here, Reggie.”

  “Stay, Reginald!” Spencer roared.

  Reggie didn’t hesitate. Giving his father one last look, he then walked on unsteady legs to meet his brother-in-law. They were, perhaps, the hardest steps he had ever taken and when he finally stood before Daniel, he offered a small smile and then fell forward, his legs giving way.

  Daniel heard the sigh as he held the boy briefly, his battered face resting on Daniel’s chest.

  “You are safe now.” Daniel felt a lump form in his throat as Reggie looked at him.

  “I knew you would come.”

  Daniel gave him a gentle squeeze and then pushed him into his sister’s arms.

  “You are dead to me, Reginald Ransom Hibernians Cyrus Winchcomb,” Spencer declared.

  Daniel couldn’t be sure but thought he heard the words, ‘Thank God’ coming from both Reggie and Eva.

  “Hardly surprising he didn’t leave years ago with a name like that,” Simon drawled, intent on taunting Spencer.

  “Stratton, what is the meaning of this?” Spencer Winchomb bluffed, his face flushed with color. “How dare you enter my house uninvited.”

  “I came to discuss the matter of blackmail and attempted murder, Winchcomb.”

  Daniel watched fear chase across Winchcomb’s face.

  “She lies!” His eyes were wide as they swung from Daniel to Eva.

  “I have a note with your handwriting, Winchomb. Do you deny that also?”

  “My father does not answer to you, Stratton. So go home with your pathetic little wife,” Bartholomew Winchcomb said. The man had always been the dumbest of the pack.

  Daniel took the two strides necessary across the room and punched him in the face. The man’s head snapped backward and when it righted itself, blood was streaming from his now larger than usual nose.


  “Do it again, Daniel!”

  Glaring his bloodthirsty wife into silence, Daniel said. “You will never speak my wife’s name in such an insulting manner again.”

  “How dare you come into my home and abuse my son!” Spencer howled, handing Bartholomew a handkerchief.

  “How dare I abuse your son?” Daniel hissed. “You weak-kneed bastard, you have tormented and abused your daughter since her birth and allowed your sons to do the same and you ask me how I dare mete out some retribution.” Daniel sucked in a much needed breath. “You could have killed my wife, your own daughter, when you had someone shoot at my carriage.”

  “That was Huxley, not me!”

  Daniel believed that. Winchcomb was an idiot and capable of blackmail, but he could see Huxley committing murder.

  “I have no wish for my wife’s name to be dragged through the courts. Therefore you will leave England with your sons quietly and never return. Only then will I not see you hung.”

  “I only took what was rightfully mine. She owed me.”

  Disgusted, Daniel wondered how something so sweet could have come from such a man. “How my wife has remained such a beautiful person whilst living in your household is beyond me, Winchcomb. She is everything that is good in this world and I will protect her with my life from scum like you.”

  Daniel heard Eva sniff and Reggie murmur something. “Know that she belongs to me and what is mine I treasure,” he continued, once again in control. “You are a bully, Winchcomb, but in me you have met your match.”

  “Nicely put, your Grace,” Simon said.

  “You’ll not abuse me and walk away without a fight!” Winchcomb declared as he and his sons stood together, forming a wall.

  “I hoped you’d say that.” Daniel knew his smile was feral. “Eva, take Reggie from the room.”

  “Not a bloody chance,” was his wife’s reply.

  If anyone deserved to see their family thrashed, it was the two youngest Winchcomb siblings.

  “Your father was a man of few moral standards, Stratton, weak to his soul. It was I who saved your inheritance.” Spencer played what he believed to be his trump card.

  The silence in the room hung heavy as only the harsh sounds of Reggie’s breathing could be heard. Then Daniel spoke.

  “My father’s actions were his alone, Winchcomb. Do not think to visit his sins upon me.”

  “Damn you, Stratton!”

  Daniel met Spencer as he ran at him. He jabbed him in the nose, then landed a blow to the stomach. The man crumpled to the floor at his feet. Simon bent over as Bartholomew Winchcomb ran at him. Catching him in the stomach, he flipped him over his shoulder and sent him sailing through the air to land in a heap against the wall. Montague closed his eyes and did the same. Daniel stuck out his foot and sent him toward his brother. They lay together, a whimpering mass of tangled limbs.

  Daniel stood before them, watching as they moaned and writhed on the floor at his feet. It wasn’t the fight he had wanted and yet he was conscious of the fact that Eva was in the room and had no wish for her to experience any further bloodshed.

  “Now I am going to state some conditions and it would be advisable for you all to listen carefully and heed my every word.” He looked at each of the Winchcomb men as he spoke. “Never speak my wife’s name again in anything other than reverence. If any of you approach her in any way or upset her, then this -” he swept his arm around the room “ - will be heaven compared to the hell I will bring down upon your heads. Do you understand?

  The brothers nodded. Their father said nothing.

  “Huxley will be dealt with as soon as I catch him. Therefore, if you know his location, it would pay you to tell me now.”

  Spencer Winchcomb remained mute.

  “Do not mistake me, Winchcomb.” Daniel leveled him a look that would have wrought fear into a more sensible man. “I will not hesitate to rid the earth of vermin like you and Huxley, if the need should arise.”

  “Y-you cannot th-threaten me,” Spencer blustered. “And Lord Huxley will see you pay for your actions.”

  Daniel took a step forward, landing directly on his father-in-law’s hand. “Heed me, Winchcomb.” He held the man’s pain-filled gaze. “This is one fight your particular brand of thuggery will not win and as I told your daughter earlier, I, too, can use a sword with some skill.”

  Lifting his foot, Daniel turned and saw Reggie held upright by Simon and Eva. Replacing it, he added, “Your youngest son is now under my protection also. The
refore, what I have said relates to him, too.”

  “Bastard! I’ll see you in hell for this day!” Spencer roared, spitting out several vile curses.

  Before Daniel could react to his father-in-law’s words, his wife rushed past him and kicked Spencer hard in the leg. “Never speak to him like that again!”

  Daniel didn’t stop her, just stood waiting to step in if she should need him. Her hands were clenched at her sides and her body rigid with fury. He could imagine the fire that filled her eyes. It humbled him that it had taken an insult to him before her anger overcame her.

  “Bitch!” Spencer howled.

  “Stand up, father, and it will be my pleasure to plant you a facer,” Eva growled, her fists at the ready. Spencer stayed down.

  “You are still hurting, love, and I’m sure he yields.” Daniel wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her out of his way before delivering a few final words to her family.

  “I have a rather esteemed list of ancestors that would suggest I am, indeed not a bastard, sir. My advice to you is to leave London and take a long break in the country. However, if you choose not to follow my advice, then make very certain that where your daughter and son go, you and your other offspring do not.”

  Simon led Reggie while Daniel collected his wife and together, they then left the room.

  Daniel kept Reggie upright as the carriage took them home. Overcome, tears slipped silently down the boy’s cheeks. “I…I would l-like to thank you…Daniel.”

  “For what?” Daniel questioned as his eyes begin to itch.

  “F-for rescuing us.”

  Eva started crying silent tears that rained silently down her cheeks. She reached for her brother, pulling him close and the two siblings wept softly while Daniel put his arms around them both. He murmured words to the tops of their heads - small words telling them both that they were safe. Simon swallowed several times and cast his gaze firmly out the window.

  Wernham sprang into action as they entered the house, sending someone for the doctor.

  Daniel watched as his wife looked her brother over, checking his face, then prodding his stomach, her face pale with worry. “Careful, love, he is hurting.” He placed an arm around her waist as she leaned toward him.


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