At First Sight

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At First Sight Page 7

by Mya O'Malley

  “Oh. I see.” She should can this guy now, forget about the fancy dinner. Samantha’s face came to her mind, she could even picture her friend wagging her finger.

  “Yeah, congratulations! You are the lucky winner of a date with me!” He laughed.

  Would Samantha honestly expect her to go through with this? She was beginning to think that her friend would understand. Prepared to tell him that maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, she spoke up.

  “Listen, Eric. You seem…”

  “Annie! Relax, I was just kidding!”

  “Oh.” Was he actually kidding? And if so, was it even a funny joke?

  “Okay, I can be a bit of a goofball at times, I admit. Can we start over?” She was about to speak when he continued without waiting for a response.

  “My name is Eric. How are you, Annie?”


  “Please don’t tell me that I offended you. I meant no harm, honestly. I’m looking forward to meeting you on Thursday night.”

  “Yes, sure. Thursday night.”

  “Still a date, right?”

  Annie and Eric made small talk for a few minutes and finalized the time for their date on Thursday. She was going to meet him at seven o’clock. He would be waiting for her at the bar, wearing a grey sweater and black slacks. She informed Eric that she hadn’t yet picked out her outfit for Thursday night. How could she have? They just made plans. She swore that she heard an exasperated sigh from her cell.

  Determined to uphold her end of the bargain, she wondered if it would be okay to switch the suitor. The promise was to go on exactly five dates, so why couldn’t date number five be with bachelor number six? Apparently it was a good idea to talk on the phone before a date. Something told Annie Eric wasn’t joking and he was a real tool. She logged on to the website and started searching through other messages. Where did these guys come from? One guy was more pathetic than the next! But wait a minute. Who was this? The photo was vaguely familiar. Who was that? Peering closer to the screen, Annie gasped out loud. Oh my. Was this for real? Yes, it was him. It was Shane, the guy from the mall, the pizzeria, the bar and the vet. Boy, he was handsome, all right. There was a private message from him. Annie’s heart gave a flutter as she read his words..


  I’ve been searching for a way to reach you. I’ve tried several different screen names based on your favorite movies. I also enjoy those movies, believe it or not. I didn’t post a picture because I thought you’d run in the other direction. Fast. It seems that whenever we have crossed paths, I’ve been with another woman. I’m not a player, I repeat, I am not a player. That woman from the mall, she was my big sister, Jen. The woman from the pizzeria, that was a date, a first date that didn’t go anywhere. So what I’m saying is that I would love to have the chance to take you on a date. No strings attached. Please, just give me one night, and if by the end of the night you don’t ever want to see me again, so be it. Just give me a chance. Are you up for the challenge? I am.

  Yours, Shane.

  P.S. I think you’re beautiful.

  Annie had no idea what to think of this. At first, her heart raced with the thought that she had been all wrong about him. She knew they had physical chemistry, she could feel the electricity between them each time they met. He had been clever trying to reel her in with his witty screen names, as well. However, upon looking closely into the facts, Annie realized this letter had been written before the encounter at the vet, which meant that he had a girlfriend when he wrote this letter. And he didn’t realize she had spotted him that night at the bar when the hockey game was playing. Sorry, handsome, she thought to herself, you are a player. I repeat, you are a player. Not interested in the drama. Shaking her head, Annie deleted his message and decided she would just stick with Eric and the spectacular restaurant overlooking the Hudson River.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lori had finally stopped calling him, which was great news. He had learned a valuable lesson from this experience; you can’t be too nice. When it was over, it was over. It seemed by allowing Lori to believe they were friends, he had given her reason to take advantage of the situation and cause trouble. Yes, he was beginning to think that women were trouble, trouble with a capital T. Any chances he thought he had with Annie were ruined because of Lori. What did she think was going to happen? That she would pretend she was his long-time girlfriend in front of a woman who he was obviously interested in, and then he would have a sudden change of heart and fall in love with her? She was out of her mind.

  Logging on to his e-mail, he received a message from the dating website telling him that if he renewed before his next expiration date, that he would be eligible to keep his current sale rate. Yeah, right. The sooner he was finished with this nonsense, the better. As a matter of fact, he would close out his account right now and hide his profile. Silly as it sounded, the finality of closing out his account would bring a sense of peace to him. He wouldn’t feel compelled to check for messages that were never going to come. Typing in his password, he was about to go to account settings when the message indicator sounded and he noticed that a new message was waiting for him. Wondering who it was from, he couldn’t resist finding out.

  Shane clicked on the message icon and gazed at a stunning brunette. Claiming that her name was Cynthia, her message stated that she thought he was attractive, she was tired of games and was ultimately looking to date one man exclusively. Sounded good to him so far. He was ready to think about the possibility of a lasting relationship with the right woman. She left her number and the best time to call. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was about four o’clock in the afternoon. Cynthia said that early evening was the best time to contact her. Reading on to find out more about this intriguing woman, he saw that she was twenty-five years old, never married and worked locally at an insurance company.

  “You know what? I would be a fool to pass up this opportunity.” Tiny cocked his head at his owner, no doubt wondering what he was talking about.

  “Sorry, dude. Just talking to myself.”

  Cynthia had provided several photos. In each one she was attractive, her green eyes peering at him through the computer screen, and he decided to throw caution to the wind and give her a call within an hour or so.

  Shane threw himself into some light housework he had been putting off. He was a bit nervous about making this call, knowing that it would be his last shot at finding love online. Would it work out? He would find out sooner or later. Nipping at his heels, Tiny followed him around while he was vacuuming.

  “It’s a good thing you’re so cute, you know.” Playfully, he pretended to vacuum up Tiny’s feet while the dog barked in retaliation.

  * * * *

  Five-thirty seemed as good a time to call as any. Nervously, his fingers punched in the number that he had written down earlier from the computer. Her number rang a few times before she picked up.

  “Hello?” It sounded like a question.

  “Uh. Cynthia?”

  “Speaking.” Cynthia sounded smart and professional. She had a nice voice.

  “It’s Shane. From the dating. ...”

  “I know who you are. How are you?”

  “Good, good. And you?”

  They rambled on for a few minutes, making polite small talk before deciding to get together for drinks that evening. Cynthia suggested that nice place overlooking the Hudson River in Mystic. The place was a bit upscale, but he could handle going there for drinks, he supposed. Checking his watch, he noted that he didn’t have a lot of time to get ready. Jeans and a nice button down dress shirt would work, he figured.

  Tiny whined at the door, so he let him out back for a quick bathroom trip before locking up the house and heading out. Mystic was just a few towns over, not a far ride. He had always enjoyed heading into the small town with its scenic river views and charming architecture. Shane headed down by the river and secured a spot in the parking lot right near the entrance.

  The hostess gr
eeted him at the door. “Do you have a reservation for tonight, sir?” Sir? The last time he checked, he wasn’t an old man. This woman appeared to be in her early twenties, so he wouldn’t take it too hard.

  “No, I’m just meeting someone for drinks at the bar.”

  Plastering a smile on her face, she led him to the bar. It was crowded, just like the dining area. He quickly scanned the bar and did not see a pretty brunette. He ordered a glass of merlot and waited patiently, if not nervously for his date to arrive. Ten minutes later, his date for the evening walked in the door and headed straight towards the bar area, looking positively stunning in a long, black skirt, knee-high boots and a bright crimson blouse. Cynthia recognized him right away and came closer, extending her hand.

  Rising from his seat, Shane met her with a smile. “Cynthia, nice to meet you.”

  “Ditto.” She winked at him and leaned in to hug him.

  “Please, sit. What would you like to drink?”

  “Oh. What are you having?”

  “Merlot. It’s pretty good if you like red wine.”

  “I do, but I think I’ll have a vodka and club soda tonight,” she offered as the young man behind the bar took her order.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Cynthia. You’re just as beautiful as your pictures, you really are.”

  “Oh, please! You, on the other hand, are even more handsome than your photo.” She glanced up at him coyly as she fingered her blouse. It was cute the way Cynthia seemed so humble and down to earth.

  A half an hour or so later, Shane’s eyes were drawn to a beautiful blond woman walking through the door alone. It was Annie, again! Trying to shrink down in his seat, he watched as Annie was led to a table in the dining room section of the restaurant. Unfortunately, you had to pass the bar in order to get to the dining room. She saw him and her jaw almost hit the floor as she took in Cynthia sitting next to him. A look of indignation came over her face and she went off to her table in a huff.

  What did it even matter anymore? Whatever strange notions he had about meeting Annie were gone the minute he saw her with that man in the parking lot of the vet’s office. He tried to stop the pounding in his chest and told himself it was just irritation when he glanced over to see who she was sitting with. Was this woman kidding? She was on a date all right, but not with the guy from the parking lot. No, this guy was definitely not the same guy who picked Annie up from work. Well, look at the pot calling the kettle black! He was sure she thought he was quite the player; if anyone was the player, it was Annie. Taking one last look at her table, it appeared she was putting on quite the show, leaning over and greeting her date with a kiss while looking straight at him. He had learned long ago that two could play the same game.

  “Come here.” He grabbed Cynthia and planted a kiss right on her lips. Her eyes went wide, but she didn’t seem offended in the least.

  Annie appeared furious as she reached across the table, taking her date’s hand in hers. Her date appeared confused but certainly game. One-upping her, Shane took his hands and cupped Cynthia’s face, fingering her hair and touching her face before leaning in for a long, wet kiss.

  Annie stood up and marched off towards the restroom. Throwing down his drink on the bar he excused himself as an open-mouthed Cynthia sat dumbfounded, staring after Shane.

  It wasn’t difficult to find her. She was in the restroom, so he would just wait. What could she possibly be doing in there? Losing patience, he knocked on the door. “Hey, get out here.” Moments later, the door opened slightly, just enough for Annie to see who was calling for her. Seeing it was Shane, she closed the door abruptly.

  “Oh no you don’t.” He pushed on the door, walking right into the lounge of the ladies room. Annie’s mouth formed an angry O.

  “You…you can’t come in here!” Stomping her feet, Annie was furious.

  “Try me!” Equally furious, Shane let her have it. “You’ve been ignoring my messages, you act like you like me, like you’re pissed whenever you see me, what gives?”

  “Me? Are you kidding? Every time I see you, you’re with another woman! The pizzeria, the bar, the vet, what are you, one of those serial daters or something?”

  “Serial dater?“ She must have seen him at Ronnie’s that night with Kendra. He could only imagine what that must have looked like. “Look at yourself, first your boyfriend picks you up at work, now this. ”

  “Boyfriend? You’ve been spying on me at work? What is this?”

  She made him so unbelievably mad, he saw red. Without thinking, he pounced forward and grabbed her. Their mouths came together in a crushing, furious kiss. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. Images of Annie filled his head, her smell consumed him. She was flowers and freshness. The kiss would have lasted forever if the door hadn’t opened. Neither one would have noticed if not for the sudden screech.

  “What is going on? Shane?” A fuming Cynthia stood before them. She walked right over to Shane and promptly kicked him in the shins.

  “Ow! Why did you do that?” He hopped on one leg and watched Cynthia storm out of the bathroom.

  Annie glared at Shane and composed herself. Her hair and make-up were a mess.

  “That…was a mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking. Now, get out.”

  She pointed her finger at the door.

  “Nope. I will not.” He stubbornly crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Then I’ll go.” Annie marched out of the bathroom, her hair a wild mess, with a string of toilet paper attached to her heel.

  “Oh man!” Shane laughed and shook his head.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “You What?” Samantha screamed from her cell. “You kissed him in the bathroom! While out on a date with bachelor number five?”

  “Well, yes, but if you’d just listen…”

  “Haven’t I taught you anything?” Samantha was still screeching.

  “No, I mean, yes you have. But listen…what are you doing right now?”

  “Now? It’s eight thirty on a work night, I’m getting ready for bed. That’s what I’m doing.”

  “Meet me for coffee at that little café in Mystic, the one on the corner. Please.”

  An exasperated sigh could be heard coming from Sam. “Why did I ever even talk you into online dating? I should have known…”

  “Will you be there?”

  “Of course. Give me fifteen minutes, you fool.”

  “Got it.” Annie relaxed, knowing her friend wouldn’t let her down.

  * * * *

  “What’ll it be?” The young man with multiple piercings lifted his head up, inquiring with tired eyes.

  “Decaf latte with skim milk.” Annie waited for her beverage and then went to add artificial sweetener by the coffee station. The bell on the door sounded and a grumpy looking Sam entered the café. If Sam wasn’t so pissed off, Annie would have laughed out loud. She was dressed in pink- checkered sweats and a baby blue and pink t-shirt; obviously her pajamas.

  Annie couldn’t resist. “Did I get you out of bed or something?” Annie smirked.

  Sam reached out and smacked her friend’s head playfully, biting back a smirk. “Don’t, Annie. I’ll leave.”

  Annie found a seat in the nearly deserted café and watched while Sam ordered her beverage. Good friends were hard to find, and Annie counted her blessings all the time that she had found such a loyal friend. Sam and Annie had met in third grade and had been inseparable ever since. The girls had become women, holding their friendship close through good times and bad. Annie remembered helping her friend through her parents’ divorce. Sam had been there for Annie when her first boyfriend, Andrew, had broken her heart.

  “Okay, miss drama queen, let’s hear it.” Sam sipped at her decaf coffee, smiling at her friend.

  “Drama queen? I’m not a drama queen…”

  “Well, you’re slowly becoming one. Let’s hear all about Shane and why he ruined your date.”

  Shaking her head in protest, Annie cleared t
he air. “First of all, let’s set this straight. Eric was an obnoxious idiot! He was testing me. He tested me when I first called him, seeing if I would wait through the phone ringing before hanging up. Do you know what that jerk did at the restaurant? He called me, with his hands under the table. I didn’t know who it was, so I picked up. He told me that it was extremely rude to pick up the phone while on a date and that I failed test number two! Failed! Can you believe it?” Annie felt her temper rising, just thinking about Eric.

  Sam was caught up in a fit of laughter, unable to believe that anyone could be so obnoxious. “I…I wonder what test number three was?” She barely managed through fits of laughter.

  “Oh, who cares? Are you happy now? My online dating life is officially over!” Annie made a dramatic sweep of her arms in the air.

  “Oh, come on. It hasn’t been all bad. You met Aaron because of that horrible online dating site, remember?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Well, it’s over. This girl is finished with the online scene.”

  “If that’s what you say. Anyway, how on earth did you end up kissing Shane in the women’s bathroom?”

  Annie filled her friend in on every little detail, including the part where Shane’s date for the evening barged in on them and kicked him in the shin.

  Sam held her stomach, she was doubled over. “I’m sorry…it’s just…”

  “I know, it is pretty funny, I suppose.” Cracking a smile, Annie joined Sam in her laughter.

  When the laughter settled down, Annie wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed. “The thing is…that kiss was amazing. I felt a connection with him I’ve never felt before. Not even with Greg when we first met.”

  “That’s because Greg is an idiot.”

  “That’s true, but there was so much attraction between us.” Annie gazed up at the ceiling, lost in thought.


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