Complete Works of L. Frank Baum

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by L. Frank Baum

  The birds looked at him curiously, and one or two fluttered their wings in a timid and nervous way; but none of them, little or big, thought best to make any reply.

  “Well,” said Jim Crow, gruffly, “what’s the matter with you fellows? Haven’t you got tongues? You seemed to talk fast enough a minute ago.”

  “Excuse me,” replied a bullfinch, in a dignified voice; “we haven’t the honor of your acquaintance. You are a stranger.”

  “My name’s Jim Crow,” he answered, “and I won’t be a stranger long, because I’m going to live here.”

  They all looked grave at this speech, and a little thrush hopped from one branch to another, and remarked:

  “We haven’t any crows here at all. If you want to find your own folks you must go to some other place.”

  “What do I care about my own folks?” asked Jim, with a laugh that made the little thrush shudder. “I prefer to live alone.”

  “Haven’t you a mate?” asked a robin, speaking in a very polite tone.

  “No; and I don’t want any,” said Jim Crow. “I’m going to live all by myself. There’s plenty of room in this forest, I guess.”

  “Certainly,” replied the bullfinch. “There is plenty of room for you here if you behave yourself and obey the laws.”

  “Who’s going to make me?” he asked, angrily.

  “Any decent person, even if he’s a crow, is bound to respect the law,” answered the bullfinch, calmly.

  Jim Crow was a little ashamed, for he didn’t wish to acknowledge he wasn’t decent. So he said:

  “What are your laws?”

  “The same as those in all other forests. You must respect the nests and the property of all other birds, and not interfere with them when they’re hunting for food. And you must warn your fellow- birds whenever there is danger, and assist them to protect their young from prowling beasts. If you obey these laws, and do not steal from or interfere with your neighbors, you have a right to a nest in our forest.”

  “To be quite frank with you, though,” said the robin, “we prefer your room to your company.”

  “I’m going to stay,” said the crow. “I guess I’m as good as the rest of you; so you fellows just mind your own business and I’ll mind mine.”

  With these words he left them, and when he had mounted to a position above the trees he saw that one tall, slim pine was higher than all the rest, and that at its very top was a big deserted nest.

  Chapter IV. Jim Crow Becomes a Robber

  IT looked like a crow’s nest to Jim, so he flew toward the pine tree and lit upon a branch close by. One glance told him that at some time it really must have been the home of birds of his kind, who for some reason had abandoned it long ago. The nest was large and bulky, being made of strong sticks woven together with fine roots and grasses. It was rough outside, but smooth inside, and when Jim Crow had kicked out the dead leaves and twigs that had fallen into it, he decided it was nearly as good as new, and plenty good enough for a solitary crow like him to live in. So with his bill he made a mark on the nest, that every bird might know it belonged to him, and felt that at last he had found a home.

  During the next few days he made several attempts to get acquainted with the other birds, but they were cold and distant, though very polite to him; and none of them seemed to care for his society.

  No bird ever came near his nest, but he often flew down to the lower trees and perched upon one or another of them, so gradually the birds of the forest got used to seeing him around, and paid very little attention to his actions.

  One day Mrs. Wren missed two brown eggs from her nest, and her little heart was nearly broken with grief. It took the mocking bird and the bullfinch a whole afternoon to comfort her, while Mr. Wren hopped around in nearly as much distress as his wife. No animals had been seen in the forest who would do this evil thing, so no one could imagine who the thief might be.

  Such an outrage was almost unknown in this pleasant forest, and it made all the birds nervous and fearful. A few days later a still greater horror came upon them, for the helpless young children of Mrs. Linnet were seized one morning from their nest, while their parents were absent in search of food, and were carried away bodily. Mr. Linnet declared that on his way back to his nest he had seen a big black monster leaving it, but had been too frightened to notice just what the creature looked like. But the lark, who had been up very early that morning, stated that he had seen no one near that part of the forest except Jim Crow, who had flown swiftly to his nest in the tall pine- tree.

  This was enough to make all the birds look upon Jim Crow with grave suspicion, and Robin Redbreast called a secret meeting of all the birds to discuss the question and decide what must be done to preserve their nests from the robber. Jim Crow was so much bigger and fiercer than any of the others that none dared accuse him openly or venture to quarrel with him; but they had a good friend living not far away who was not afraid of Jim Crow or any one else, so they finally decided to send for him and ask his assistance.

  The starling undertook to be the messenger, and as soon as the meeting was over he flew away upon his errand.

  “What were all you folks talking about?” asked the crow, flying down and alighting upon a limb near to those who had not yet left the place of meeting.

  “We were talking about you,” said the thrush, boldly; “and you wouldn’t care at all to know what we said, Mister Jim Crow.”

  Jim looked a trifle guilty and ashamed at hearing this, but knowing they were all afraid of him he burst out into a rude laugh.

  “Caw! caw! caw!” he chuckled hoarsely; “what do I care what you say about me? But don’t you get saucy, my pretty thrush, or your friends will miss you some fine morning, and never see you again.”

  This awful threat made them all silent, for they remembered the fate of poor Mrs. Linnet’s children, and very few of the birds now had any doubt but that Jim Crow knew more about the death of those helpless little ones than he cared to tell.

  Finding they would not talk with him, the crow flew back to his tree, where he sat sullenly perched upon a branch near his nest. And they were very glad to get rid of him so easily.

  Chapter V. Jim Crow Meets Policeman Blue Jay

  NEXT morning Jim Crow woke up hungry, and as he sat lazily in his big nest, he remembered that he had seen four pretty brown eggs, speckled with white, in the nest of the oriole that lived at the edge of the forest.

  “Those eggs will taste very good for breakfast,” he thought. “I’ll go at once and get them; and if old Mammy Oriole makes a fuss, I’ll eat her, too.”

  He hopped out of his nest and on to a branch, and the first thing his sharp eye saw was a big and strange bird sitting upon the tree just opposite him and looking steadily in his direction.

  Never having lived among other birds until now, the crow did not know what kind of bird this was, but as he faced the new-comer he had a sort of shiver in his heart that warned him to beware an enemy. Indeed, it was none other than the Blue Jay that had appeared so suddenly, and he had arrived that morning because the starling had told him of the thefts that had taken place, and the Blue Jay is well known as the policeman of the forest and a terror to all evil-doers.

  In size he was nearly as big as Jim Crow himself, and he had a large crest of feathers on the top of his head that made him look even more fierce — especially when he ruffled them up. His body was purplish blue color on the back and purplish gray below, and there was a collar of black feathers running all around his neck. But his wings and tail were a beautiful rich blue, as delightful in color as the sky on a fine May morning; so in personal appearance Policeman Blue Jay was much handsomer than Jim Crow. But it was the sharp, stout beak that most alarmed the crow, and had Jim been wiser he would have known that before him was the most deadly foe of his race, and that the greatest pleasure a Blue Jay finds in life is to fight with and punish a crow.

  But Jim was not very wise; and so he imagined, after his first terror had passed a
way, that he could bully this bird as he had the others, and make it fear him.

  “Well, what are you doing here?” he called out, in his crossest voice, for he was anxious to get away and rob the oriole’s nest.

  The Blue Jay gave a scornful, chattering laugh as he answered:

  “That’s none of your business, Jim Crow.”

  “Take care!” warned the crow; “you’ll be sorry if you don’t treat me with proper respect.”

  The Blue Jay winked solemnly, in a way that would have been very comical to any observer other than the angry crow.

  “Don’t hurt me — please don’t!” he said, fluttering on the branch as if greatly frightened. “My mother would feel dreadful bad if anything happened to me.”

  “Well, then, behave yourself,” returned the crow, strutting proudly along a limb and flopping his broad wings in an impressive manner. For he was foolish enough to think he had made the other afraid.

  But no sooner had he taken flight and soared into the air than the Blue Jay darted at him like an arrow from a bow, and before Jim Crow could turn to defend himself the bill of his enemy struck him full in the breast. Then, with a shriek of shrill laughter, the policeman darted away and disappeared in the forest, leaving the crow to whirl around in the air once or twice and then sink slowly down, with some of his own torn feathers floating near him as witnesses to his defeat.

  The attack had dazed and astonished him beyond measure; but he found he was not much hurt, after all. Crows are tougher than most birds. Jim managed to reach one of the brooks, where he bathed his breast in the cool water, and soon he felt much refreshed and more like his old self again.

  But he decided not to go to the oriole’s nest that morning, but to search for grabs and beetles amongst the mosses beneath the oak-trees.

  Chapter VI. Jim Crow Fools the Policeman

  FROM that time on Policeman Blue Jay made his home in the forest, keeping a sharp eye upon the actions of Jim Crow. And one day he flew away to the southward and returned with Mrs. Blue Jay, who was even more beautiful than her mate. Together they built a fine nest in a tree that stood near to the crow’s tall pine, and soon after they had settled down to housekeeping Mrs. Blue Jay began to lay eggs of a pretty brown color mottled with darker brown specks.

  Had Jim Crow known what was best for him he would have flown away from this forest and found himself a new home. Within a short flight were many bits of woodland where a crow might get a good living and not be bothered by blue jays. But Jim was obstinate and foolish, and had made up his mind that he never would again be happy until he had been revenged upon his enemy.

  He dared no longer rob the nests so boldly as he had before, so he became sly and cunning. He soon found out that the Blue Jay could not fly as high as he could, nor as fast; so, if he kept a sharp lookout for the approach of his foe, he had no trouble in escaping. But if he went near to the nests of the smaller birds, there was the blue policeman standing guard, and ready and anxious to fight at a moment’s notice. It was really no place for a robber at all, unless the robber was clever.

  One day Jim Crow discovered a chalkpit among the rocks at the north of the forest, just beyond the edge of trees. The chalk was soft and in some places crumbled to a fine powder, so that when he had rolled himself for a few minutes in the dust all his feathers became as white as snow. This fact gave to Jim Crow a bright idea. No longer black, but white as a dove, he flew away to the forest and passed right by Policeman Blue Jay, who only noticed that a big white bird had flown amongst the trees, and did not suspect it was the thieving crow in a clever disguise.

  Jim found a robin’s nest that was not protected, both the robin and his wife being away in search of food. So he ate up the eggs and kicked the nest to pieces and then flew away again, passing the Blue Jay a second time all unnoticed.

  When he reached a brook he washed all the chalk away from his feathers and then returned to his nest as black as ever.

  All the birds were angry and dismayed when they found what had happened, but none could imagine who had robbed the robins. Mrs. Robin, who was not easily discouraged, built another nest and laid more eggs in it; but the next day a second nest in the forest was robbed, and then another and another, until the birds complained that Policeman Blue Jay did not protect them at all.

  “I can’t understand it in the least,” said the policeman, “for I have watched carefully, and I know Jim Crow has never dared to come near to your trees.”

  “Then some one else is the robber,” declared the thrush fussily.

  “The only stranger I have noticed around here is a big white bird,” replied the Blue Jay, “and white birds never rob nests or eat eggs, as you all know very well.”

  So they were no nearer the truth than before, and the thefts continued; for each day Jim Crow would make himself white in the chalk-pit, fly into the forest and destroy the precious eggs of some innocent little bird, and afterward wash himself in some far-away brook, and return to his nest chuckling with glee to think he had fooled the Blue Jay so nicely.

  But the Blue Jay, although stupid and unsuspecting at first, presently began to get a little wisdom. He remembered that all this trouble had commenced when the strange white bird first arrived in the forest; and although it was doubtless true that white birds never eat eggs and have honest reputations, he decided to watch this stranger and make sure that it was innocent of the frightful crimes that had so aroused the dwellers in the forest.

  Chapter VII. Jim Crow is Punished

  SO one day Policeman Blue Jay hid himself in some thick bushes until he saw the big white bird fly by, and then he followed quietly after it, flitting from tree to tree and keeping out of sight as much as possible, until at last he saw the white bird alight near a bullfinch’s nest and eat up all the eggs it contained.

  Then, ruffling his crest angrily, Policeman Blue Jay flew to attack the big white robber, and was astonished to find he could not catch it. For the white bird flew higher into the air than he could, and also flew much faster, so that it soon escaped and passed out of sight.

  “It must be a white crow,” thought the Blue Jay; “for only a crow can beat me at flying, and some of that race are said to be white, although I have never seen one.”

  So he called together all the birds, and told them what he had seen, and they all agreed to hide themselves the next day and lie in wait for the thief.

  By this time Jim Crow thought himself perfectly safe, and success had made him as bold as he was wicked. Therefore he suspected nothing when, after rolling himself in the chalk, he flew down the next day into the forest to feast upon birds’ eggs. He soon came to a pretty nest, and was just about to rob it, when a chorus of shrill cries arose on every side of him and hundreds of birds — so many that they quite filled the air — flew straight at the white one, pecking him with their bills and striking him with their wings; for anger had made even the most timid of the little birds fierce, and there were so many of them that they gave each other courage.

  Jim Crow tried to escape, but whichever way he might fly his foes clustered all around him, getting in his way so that he could not use his big wings properly. And all the time they were pecking at him and fighting him as hard as they could. Also, the chalk was brushed from his feathers, by degrees, and soon the birds were able to recognize their old enemy the crow, and then, indeed, they became more furious than ever.

  Policeman Blue Jay was especially angry at the deception practiced upon him, and if he could have got at the crow just then he would have killed it instantly. But the little birds were all in his way, so he was forced to hold aloof.

  Filled with terror and smarting with pain, Jim Crow had only one thought: to get to the shelter of his nest in the pine-tree. In some way he managed to do this, and to sink exhausted into the hollow of his nest. But many of his enemies followed him, and although the thick feathers of his back and wings protected his body, Jim’s head and eyes were at the mercy of the sharp bills of the vengeful birds.<
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  When at last they left him, thinking he had been sufficiently punished, Jim Crow was as nearly dead as a bird could be. But crows are tough, and this one was unlucky enough to remain alive. For when his wounds had healed he had become totally blind, and day after day he sat in his nest, helpless and alone, and dared not leave it.

  Chapter VIII. Jim Crow Has Time to Repent His Sins

  “WHERE are you going, my dear?” asked the Blue Jay of his wife.

  “I’m going to carry some grubs to Jim Crow,” she answered. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Jim Crow is a robber and a murderer!” said the policeman, harshly.

  “I know,” she replied, in a sweet voice; “but he is blind.”

  “Well, fly along,” said her husband; “but hurry back again.”

  And the robin-redbreast and his wife filled a cup-shaped flower with water from the brook, and then carried it in their bills to the pine-tree, without spilling a drop.

  “Where are you going?” asked the oriole, as they passed.

  “We’re just taking some water to Jim Crow,” replied Mrs. Robin.

  “He’s a thief and a scoundrel!” cried the oriole, indignantly.

  “That is true.” said Mrs. Robin, in a soft, pitiful voice; “but he is blind.”

  “Let me help you.” exclaimed the oriole. “I’ll carry this side of the cup, so it can’t tip.”

  So Jim Crow, blind and helpless, sat in his nest day after day and week after week, while the little birds he had so cruelly wronged brought him food and water and cared for him as generously as they could.

  And I wonder what his thoughts were — don’t you?


  Chapter I. The Picnic

  ON the great western prairies of Dakota is a little town called Edgeley, because it is on the edge of civilization — a very big word which means some folks have found a better way to live than other folks. The Edgeley people have a good way to live, for there are almost seventeen wooden houses there, and among them is a school- house, a church, a store and a blacksmith-shop. If people walked out their front doors they were upon the little street; if they walked out the back doors they were on the broad prairies. That was why Twinkle, who was a farmer’s little girl, lived so near the town that she could easily walk to school.


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