Stuck Together

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Stuck Together Page 8

by Jamie Knight

  “Are you sure?” I asked, gently stroking her pussy.

  “Yes, I-I trust you.”

  After licking her gently to orgasm to help get her ready, I climbed slowly on top of her, the head of my very hard cock brushing against her wet pussy. Taking hold of myself, I eased myself into her, slipping inside inch by inch, feeling her tight little pussy stretch out in my wake. I got most of the way inside her before she let out a soft yelp.

  “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, please, fuck me, baby.”

  At her word, I did just that, fucking her to orgasm in just one of the positions we would go through on that oh so long night.



  I had forgotten how beautiful the sun could be. The second we heard the lockdown was lifted, we all went for a walk in the park. Jessica observed the behaviors of the local ducks as Becky and I cuddled on a nearby bench. It had been a few months since our first encounter when I hadn't been really careful about where I was coming, and she was really starting to show. I could almost I could feel the baby moving if I put my hand on her belly.

  Jess was almost as excited about her new little cousin as we were. We already knew it was going to be a girl and had a name picked out. Simone.

  “Hey guys,” Joe said, coming up over the crest of the hill.

  “And he arrives,” Becky said.

  “See you at home,” I said, giving her a quick kiss.

  “Bye, Uncle Dean,” Jessica said, hugging my leg goodbye.

  “Bye, honey. You sure you're okay to get her home?”

  “I think we'll manage.”

  “Shall we walk?” Joe asked.


  There was a coffee shop a few blocks away we both liked. At least we had the last time we had been there before I went to England. In a way, I was surprised that it was still there after all those years — the forces of gentrification doing a real number on the entire city. You had to go all the way out to Lincoln Heights to find some good, proper seediness anymore.

  “I could hardly believe it when it actually showed up. All those zeros!”

  “Have you ever know me to be a liar?” I asked.

  “Well, no, not really. A rare thing these days, but still, can you really blame me? It really isn't, you know, characteristic of you, Dean. You usually don't spend a dime unless it is on yourself or to fight the power.”

  “I've reassessed my priorities,” I said, getting my London Fog from the serving end of the counter.

  We took our drinks to one of the refinished old tables by the window where we could watch the world go by. Everyone looked like they were in even more of a rush than usual. They were trying to catch up on life after such a lengthy lockdown.

  “Well, blimey, guess miracles really do happen, Mr. Scrooge,” Joe said, doing his best approximation of a Dickensian urchin.

  “First, Scrooge was a miser who didn't spend money on anyone, including himself. Two, never do that accent again.”

  “Awe come on, you do.”

  “Yes, but you see the difference, dear boy, is that I have put in my time,” I said, sounding like someone with a title in front of their name.


  “I know, right?” I said, taking another sip.

  “Did you get it?”

  By way of reply, I took the small black box out of my pocket and placed it on the table between us. Joe picked it up and carefully opened it, as though it might detonate at any time. There, cradled in the black velvet base was a solid gold ring with careful etching around the outside, a large diamond set in the middle surrounded by smaller rubies.

  “It was my grandmothers. I asked my dad if he knew where it was, and by some merciful act of the fates, he remembered. I just picked it up today.”

  “You flew to France?”

  “The concords are very fast.”

  “The concord isn't flying anymore,” Joe pointed out.

  “I think you sometimes forget just how rich my family is.”

  “Yeah, but come on.”

  “Two castles, Joe.”

  “I always thought that was metaphorical,” Joe said.

  “The battlements would indicate otherwise. I tried to add it all once. The calculator exploded.”

  “Come on, that's an exaggeration.”

  “Only a little bit. The problem isn't the ring, it’s how to give it to her.”

  “I've always found the direct approach to work. Maddie and I have been together for ten years, after all.”

  “I know that's why I thought to ask you,” I said.

  “Look, man, it's not that complex. You love her. Becky loves you. She's having your baby, which is a sign of commitment if there ever was one. I highly doubt she is going to say no.”

  “I want it to be special,” I argued.

  “You could try the custard approach,” Joe suggested.

  “Die on a big hill surrounded by enemy natives?”

  “No, not the Custer approach. The custard approach is when you surprise — though, with you, it would probably be more like shock — her with a nice meal, including a fancy dessert in which the ring is hidden.”

  “Now, that's a good idea.”

  “I have my moments,” Joe said with a shrug.

  There was no one around when I got home. Apparently, I had gotten back first. Jessica really did like ducks. Seizing on the opportunity, I booted it into the kitchen and put all my hard-learned cooking and baking skills to work, making one of the nicest spreads the house had ever seen, including the somewhat novel addition of a large plate full of Philly cheesesteaks. Or at least my closest approximation of the species.

  No sooner had I laid everything out than I head the front door close, excited voices filling the front room. Most of the joviality was coming from Jessica, who seemed to have energy to spare. Becky was really just trying to keep up.

  “Oh, hey, babe,” Becky said, catching sight of me in my finery.

  “This way, please ladies,” I said, sounding as close to a Downton Abby character as possible.

  “Why is he talking like that?”

  “No idea, honey,” Becky said, following me into the dining room anyway.

  I pulled their chairs out for them, helping Jess up onto hers, both of them gazing with some surprise at the spread I had managed to conjure.

  “This is amazing.”

  “Thank you,” I said, bowing my head politely.

  “Who helped? Is your mom hiding somewhere?”

  “We've been doing a master chef class,” Jess said.

  “Yeah, but still, wow!”

  “I think I'll take that as a compliment,” I said.

  “Good, it was meant as one,” Becky said, reaching for a cheesesteak and taking a bite.

  “What do you think?”

  “Pretty close,” Becky said, mouth still full.

  The meal went off without a hitch, and then it was time for dessert. A New York cheesecake recipe I had just learned but looked pretty good none the less. I gave Becky the piece with the ring in it, not expecting her to eat it so fast.

  “No!” I shouted, not quite sure how to do the Heimlich on a pregnant woman.

  She blinked at me. “What? It was good.”

  “There was an engagement ring in there! I was trying to surprise you! Should I call a doctor? Will the baby be okay?”

  “This ring?” Becky asked, pulling it from where she had hidden it inside her lip.

  “How did—”

  “Felt it on the fourth bite. And yes, by the way. I will marry you.”


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  Sneak Peek of Under Lock & Key

  The first book in the Love Under Lockdown series is Under Lock & Key. Enjoy!

  Click here to read it.

  Chapter 1


  Just one day after pulling up outside my new apartment building and unloading all of my boxes, with my loyal German Shepherd by my side, I can actually say any excitement I initially felt about this move is completely gone. That is definitely disappointing, but it's not my fault.

  I’m heading back to my apartment after getting my mail, and my new landlord walks up to talk to me. I expect a friendly "hello," or a "good morning," but boy, am I in for a surprise. He immediately starts complaining about my dog.

  I don't understand this! I had specifically called ahead to see whether I could have a dog before signing the lease, and he had said that I could. The lease had said “no dogs,” which is why I had called, but he had said he would make an exception for me.

  I don't think I have ever been so angry at anyone before. I haven't even been here that long, and I already hate this landlord.

  I tap my foot impatiently as he explains to me again, "I'm sorry miss, but you can't have that dog here. It's just too big and too mean. When I said you could have a dog, I thought you meant a little one, since this is a small apartment. Little ones are annoying and yappy, but they’re not big and mean-looking like yours is."

  I can tell that he's trying not to sound aggressive because he's scared of my dog. Boxes are lined up around us as we stand in the hallway outside what was supposed to be my new apartment. But with the way things are going right now, it doesn't look like that is going to last very long. I glare at him.

  "You know you said I could have a dog. You didn't specify any extra requirements or anything. Even though the lease says no dogs allowed, you said I was allowed to move in here with him," I snap. “I wouldn’t have come here otherwise, without my Mr. Barker. Plus, he’s not mean.”

  Mr. Barker whines at my feet. I try to calm down, but it's not working. I want to pull out the lease and shake it in his face. I do not need this kind of problem.

  "I'm sorry, but I’m free to change my mind. I told you you could have a dog and now I can tell you can’t," the landlord finally snaps back at me. “The only thing that’s in writing says no dogs. Tough luck, kid.”

  "We haven't even lived here that long. You don't even know us," I try to plead.

  My German Shepherd is perfectly loveable. Although he's protective of me, he wouldn't hurt anyone. He pants happily next to me. The landlord looks us both over.

  "Sorry, those are my rules," he replies again.

  Why is he being so unfair?

  I feel like everything in life is unfair right now.

  This is not how today was supposed to go.

  "Fine, I will just take my stuff and move somewhere else," I reply childishly.

  I'm fed up with this man, and I don't have time to keep arguing about petty stuff right now.

  "That's fine with me," the landlord replies, and then he just walks away.

  Muttering angrily, I grab my boxes, which only takes me a little while, since I didn't have time to unpack very much.

  After I put everything into it, my car is cramped, packed with all my belongings. I make my dog comfortable in the passenger seat and stuff the back with boxes. I climb in and start the car, then peel out and speed away in anger.

  I can't help it. I'm worried now that all this nonsense has made me late for work.

  I brake suddenly, almost running a red light. I let out a sigh of frustration and try not to cry angry tears.

  "Why doesn't anything work out for me?" I ask myself quietly.

  Nothing has been going right for me lately. This move was supposed to change that. It was supposed to shake things up and make life more exciting. I don't see that happening now.

  Mr. Barker looks out the window happily as we drive. I’m almost jealous - it must be so nice to be worry-free. I reach over and give him an affectionate pat on the head, before sighing in disappointment again.

  Everything has gone off the rails. This whole move was supposed to be exciting and fun. I was going to get to explore a new area and meet new people. Between work and unpacking, I haven't had time to do any of that.

  Now I have to worry about finding a new place to live, again. That's going to be a giant headache.

  I have to hurry to get to work in time. After I make a quick detour to drop my dog off at a friend's house for the day, I realize I’m going to be late.

  Hopefully no one will notice. My boss is always looking at me like he has a crush on me, and he’s really busy with work all the time, so he lets a lot slide. I’m grateful for that. It also doesn’t hurt that’s he hot as fuck.

  I feel a little calmer now as I come up with a plan for what to do next. I will just apologize as soon as I get to work. And as for another place to live, well, I'm glad I saved the addresses of other possible places to rent from my previous house-searching efforts. None of them are too far away from the office, so I decide that I’ll check them out on my lunch break.

  Even though the problem is pretty much solved, I'm still ticked off that the landlord treated me like that. I usually don't hold grudges, but I guess I'm just so upset at the way things don't seem to be working out for me lately. At least work is going well for now. That's the one steady thing I have in my life at the moment.

  I've already been on edge all week because everyone has been panicking about getting sick. All this unnecessary stress is just making me more of a wreck. It just goes to show you that anything can happen during the day. It's just my luck that this kind of stuff seems to always happen to me, though.

  Actually, this is beyond bad luck. I take a sip of my coffee and try to force the stress to melt away. I don't want to start my day in a bad mood. That’s pretty difficult right now, but I'm trying.

  I pull into the parking lot outside the office, trying to hurry up, but I look a mess. I reapply my makeup and straighten my clothes as quickly as I can. Then I grab my purse and rush inside the office building.

  Work is always busy, so at least it's sure to distract me from everything that's happened this morning, I tell myself. As long as I don’t get fired for being late.

  My boss is keeping me under lock and key!

  I just moved out of my place after a fight with my landlord.

  Only to find out that my office has been shut down.

  We're ordered to work at home, but I don't have one!

  My boss offers to take me in as his "assistant."

  How could I say no to someone so rich and handsome?

  Even if he expects me to fulfill his every deep, dark desire.

  I agree to be his captive while we're under quarantine.

  No matter how possessive or demanding he gets.

  But he's a lot more experienced than I am.

  So I didn't exactly know what all I was signing up for.

  The deal is that he can do whatever he wants to my body.

  But neither of us expected our hearts to get involved.

  It's supposed to be a temporary arrangement.

  But what if I love being locked down with my boss?

  Under Lock and Key is a standalone romance novella with no cheating, no cliffhanger and a very happily ever after.

  A note from Jamie: Because you're likely under lockdown, you deserve something HOT to help you pass the time while you stay home and stay healthy. I have a new series called Love Under Quarantine that are standalone books with a similar theme of romance during the lockdown. They can be read and understood separately but are best binge-read all at once. I guarantee this book will push all your buttons and hit the right spot. Enjoy!

  Click here to read it!

  Love Under Lockdown series:

  1): Under Lock & Key

  2): Under Lockdown

  3): Und
er Strict Orders

  4): Stuck Together

  Click here to see the entire series!

  Jamie Knight –

  Your Dirty Little Secret Romance Author

  All rights reserved.

  Thanks for reading!

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