Claiming the Alpha

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Claiming the Alpha Page 3

by Alicia Montgomery

  “Fine.” She flipped her hair. “Don’t wait too long to invite me for that drive.” She turned around to walk away, her full hips swaying with purpose as she teetered on her spiky heels.

  He wasn’t sure why, but Mila’s attentions had recently turned on him, having already cycled through most of the single males in The Family. He ignored her, but short of outright telling her to leave him alone, she didn’t seem to take the hint that he was not interested.

  Alexandru raised a thick brow at him. “Are you ever going to give in to her?”

  “Would you?”

  The head enforcer gave him a grim smile. “She’s not interested in me. You know she prefers her studs young and virile.”

  “You’re not exactly old and decrepit,” Darius added. In fact, Alexandru was in better shape than most men his age. He was only an inch shorter than Darius but just as wide and covered in even more ink. He was, as many would say these days, a real silver fox, with his thick head of gray hair and a full beard.

  “But I’m not stupid,” Alexandru said with a quirk of his brow. “And neither are you.” True, they were both serious and all business. Which is why they occupied the second and third spots in The Family’s hierarchy. “Still, you know she always gets what she wants.”

  Maybe if he was bored enough, he might fuck her just so she could move on to her next conquest and stop bothering him. His inner wolf reacted violently at the thought. Strange. His wolf usually couldn’t care less about who he slept with.

  Alexandru gave him a pointed look, but said nothing.

  “Come.” He stretched his neck to the side, cracking the tight muscles. “My uncle is waiting. And you know he doesn’t like to wait.”

  The two men headed inside, deep into the recesses of the compound. Over the years as The Family’s influence and wealth grew, they were able to increase the size of their headquarters, adding more and more space for living quarters, training areas, and of course, storage for whatever illicit wares they were trading in at the moment.

  After walking through the maze-like hallways, they found themselves right at the heart of the compound, just outside Anatoli Corvinus’s office. Alexandru had barely raised his fist to knock when a gravelly voice shouted, “Come in!”

  Darius followed behind the head enforcer and stood right in front of the solid mahogany desk in the middle of the room. Despite the disorganized maze of the compound and its nondescript appearance from the outside, the office was richly appointed and lavish to the point of being tacky—rich, dark paneling, gold trimmed everything, animal print rugs and even a velvet wingback chair next to a fake fireplace. Of course, as head of The Family, Anatoli Corvinus could decorate his den as he pleased.

  “Sir,” Alexandru greeted. Darius, meanwhile, chose to bow his head at Anatoli.

  “Take a seat. Both of you.” Anatoli leaned back in the large leather office chair behind the desk, his massive hands gripping the arms so hard the wood protested under his grip.

  Settling into his seat, he searched his uncle’s face, from his light brown brows to his crooked nose down, to his thick jaw. Searching for what, he didn’t know. Maybe something familiar or a trace of his own father. They had the same size and bulk, however, that was about it. But then again, Anatoli and Demetri Corvinus were only half brothers.

  “You’re probably wondering why I’ve summoned you both here,” Anatoli began. His dark green gaze bore right through him. “I’m here to discuss the Alpha.”

  For a moment, his heart stopped. Did his uncle know that he’d been following Adrianna Anderson all this time? Did he suspect anything was amiss?

  “Frankie Anderson has reached out to me and invited me for an audience,” Anatoli continued.

  Relief swept through his body and his muscles relaxed. “She knows about us?” As far as he knew, no one knew about The Family.

  “She is Alpha,” Anatoli said. “She knows everything.”

  “Which means that is not an invitation.” Alexandru scowled. “It is a command.”

  “Female Alphas. Hmph,” he spat, a distasteful look on his face. “But then again, this is why my father, your grandfather,” he eyed Darius, as if reminding him of the blood they shared, “chose New Jersey as the place to build his empire. With that bitch in heat focused on nothing else but being mounted by her mate and popping out his pups, she all but abandoned this territory, making it ripe for the taking.”

  His uncle’s vile words left a terrible taste in his mouth, but he swallowed it down. To Anatoli, all female Lycans were bitches to be bred, so he tried not to take it personally. “So, why did you need to talk to me?”

  “Because I want you there, my boy.” Anatoli said. “When I meet the Alpha.”

  “Me?” He looked at Alexandru. “He is your second.”

  “Which is why I need him here,” Anatoli said. “Besides, you’ve had previous run-ins with them, and what you know and see might prove useful.”

  He had reported what had happened during the failed ascension ball, but left out the part about the Alpha’s daughter. “Then I will be there.” Coming from Anatoli, this was not a request.

  “Do you think the Alpha will try to make us stop our business?” Alexandru asked.

  “I know she will. But don’t worry, I have a plan in place. A plan that will ensure our future is secure, no matter who is in power.” Anatoli’s expression darkened.

  He felt a tick in his jaw. “What plan?”

  “You will all know when the time is right, but for now, we must use this opportunity to gather intelligence and find out what our Alpha wants,” he said, distaste dripping from his tone.

  Anatoli was cruel and harsh, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew real power came in the form of what you know, who you know, and what you knew about them. That was why The Family became so successful under his leadership. Despite his differences with his uncle, Darius respected that.

  “So,” Anatoli turned to the leather-bound book on his desk, “we meet tomorrow evening at eleven o’clock at Muccino’s Italian Restaurant in Barnesville, New Jersey.”

  “I shall be there,” Darius declared. “Is there anything else?”

  “No.” Anatoli gave him a wave, signaling that he’d been dismissed. “You may leave. Alexandru, you and I need to have a talk about Councilman Evers …”

  He gave his uncle a nod and got up, then strode out of the office. So, tomorrow he was meeting their Alpha. He wondered if Anatoli would be able to contain his hatred enough to treat Frankie Anderson like an Alpha. As the ruler of this territory, she would have every right to kick them out, and she would be backed by the Lycan High Council. In fact, she could send them all to the Lycan prison facility in Siberia if they didn’t obey her.

  Tomorrow would certainly be interesting. If they survived.

  Chapter Three

  Frankie had set the meeting with Anatoli at the original Muccino’s Italian Restaurant in New Jersey after-hours. As she went about her work day, Adrianna had tried not to think about it, but her busy mind would eventually go back to the topic. What would the mob boss be like? Would he agree to their terms? Would she and her mother be able to pull off the plan they had concocted?

  Her position as president of Muccino International demanded all her time, and it wasn’t unusual for her to work past nine o’clock most evenings, though today seemed extra long. She was glad when after she had sent off the last of her emails, Julianna arrived at her office to pick her up so they could drive from Manhattan to New Jersey.

  When they got there, the restaurant was empty, the entire place scrubbed clean for the day, and their employees had left long ago. Frankie was already there waiting for them, and they went over what they were going to say. It would be a gamble, but hopefully, one that would pay off.

  “He’s here,” Frankie declared as they heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. “Now we wait.”

  They positioned themselves in one of the circular booths in the dining room, with Frankie in the midd
le and Adrianna on her right and Julianna on her left, spread out so they occupied the entire seating area. From across them, they placed a lone, uncomfortable chair. They didn’t take out any food or drink, not even a glass of water for their “guest.”

  “Should we greet them?” Julianna stood up, but Frankie placed a hand on her arm.

  “No. Let them come to us.”

  She had to admit that her mother was smart. Having the meeting here and setting the scene was meant to put Anatoli Corvinus in his place and show him exactly who was in charge. Being a female in a male dominated industry, she knew how small things like these mattered, to gain respect and demonstrate to others they were not messing around. She’d always thought her father was the master negotiator, but clearly, Frankie Anderson was not one to be trifled with.

  Minutes ticked by, and the front door remained closed. If Anatoli Corvinus was waiting for a welcoming committee, he would be sorely disappointed as they all stayed seated. Finally, the door swung open.

  Two men popped their heads through the doorway, checking out the place. When they spotted the three women, they disappeared, and moments later, they came back inside, holding the door open. A tall, bulky man walked in, his face a mask of irritation. When his gaze landed on the women, however, his expression turned neutral.

  “Primul.” His thick accent rolled over the r as he used the formal title Lycans called their Alpha. “It is an honor to be invited to meet with you.” He gave Frankie a deferential bow. “I hope you don’t mind if I say that I was … surprised by your request.”

  Frankie gestured to the chair. “Anatoli Corvinus, thank you for accepting my invitation. As I’ve mentioned, I have my daughters with me. This is Julianna, my middle daughter, and as you know, Adrianna is my heir and will be taking over soon.”

  “An honor to meet such lovely women,” Anatoli said.

  Though it sounded like a compliment, it only made Adrianna’s skin crawl. She only hoped she could stay as expressionless as Frankie.

  Her mother’s gaze landed on the two goons behind Corvinus. “I didn’t expect that you’d be bringing your … friends.” They hadn’t thought to ask anyone else to be here or bring backup from the New York Security Team. But surely, the mob boss wouldn’t try anything tonight, would he? Frankie was his Alpha. If he tried to hurt them, there would be hell to pay.

  “They can wait outside then if that is your wish, Primul.” With a wave of his hand, the two men marched out of the restaurant, then he took his seat. “Although, I was going to bring one of my top enfor—I mean, my nephew.” His brows drew together. “But he’s nowhere to be found. Perhaps he’s lost track of time.”

  “If your nephew didn’t care enough to be on time, then we proceed without him,” Frankie said. “My meeting is with you. And I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “Yes but—” The door flew open and all eyes went to the figure who strode inside.

  Adrianna could barely contain the gasp that escaped her mouth. The man standing by the doorway was tall, which wasn’t unusual for a Lycan, but built like a mountain. His white T-shirt strained against his broad shoulders and muscled chest, and tattoos curled out from underneath his sleeve, extending all the way to his wrists. When she saw the shock of silver hair on his head, she did a double-take. The man couldn’t have been more than a few years older than her. His face was drawn into a serious expression, and those cobalt blue eyes stared right back at her. Familiar eyes. And for a moment, she thought she gleaned a hint of recognition in them.

  “It’s you.” A bolt ran right through her system. Her inner wolf, normally silent unless she called upon it, instantly perked up, as if something interesting had captured its attention. It let out an inner growl that was so loud in her ears, she feared everyone else heard it.

  The room suddenly felt too small and she couldn’t breathe. Flashes of her dream came back to her. Strong arms wrapped around her. His skin smelling all male with a hint of vanilla. The bird tattoo on his left wrist. The feel of electricity when his fingers touched her cheek. And those eyes.

  “You know this man, Adrianna?” Frankie’s gaze zeroed in right at her.

  “Yes. I mean … no?” She buried her face in her hands. Oh, God, she was going crazy. She didn’t know this man, but yet she did. Those half-formed dreams she’d been having were coming back. “I remember now.” She lifted her head tentatively to face him. “You were at the ascension ceremony.”

  “Darius?” Corvinus seemed confused as well. “What is going on?”

  The expression on his handsome face remained impassive, but a muscle in his jaw ticked. “I was at the ball. Remember, Uncle? You sent me. She must have seen me there. As a guest.” He too, had an accent, but it wasn’t as thick as Corvinus’s.

  “It’s not just that,” Adrianna insisted. “You took me away.”

  “Took you away?” Frankie’s voice rose by a decibel. “Where?”

  “I mean … everything from the time of the explosion to when I was revived is a blur, but I know you were there.” She searched his face, but any indication that he recognized her was gone. He held the key to what really happened. Why was he acting like he wasn’t even there? “You carried me out of the ballroom and brought me to the ladies’ room.”

  “Is this true, Darius?” Corvinus asked, his eyes narrowing at his nephew.

  He cleared his throat. “As I tried to escape, there were two men in my way, and I took them down. I saw a woman, and she was in my way as well, so I picked her up and then deposited her in the women’s facilities before I left. I did not realize that was the Alpha’s daughter.”

  He treated me like I was a sack of potatoes! She felt her cheeks go hot with embarrassment and anger. Her mother gave her a strange look, but she managed to compose herself. “I guess I should thank you then. Or maybe say sorry because I was in your way.”

  “There is no need.” His eyes stared ahead, not meeting hers. “It was inconsequential.”

  Corvinus gave an impatient snort. “Could we continue with our meeting now, Primul?”

  Frankie hesitated, but nodded. “Go ahead and grab a chair,” she said to Darius, then turned to Corvinus. “I don’t like to waste time or words, so I’ll get right to the point. Anatoli Corvinus, it has come to my attention that you’ve been operating your own little criminal empire in my territory.”

  Corvinus smiled like the Cheshire cat. “My family has had a legitimate trucking and construction business in New Jersey for decades, Primul. My father moved us here from Romania and built everything from the ground up, expanding our interests across the state. We have had no complaints nor has anyone been convicted of any kind of wrongdoing, except for minor inconsequential infractions. What’s the saying here in America? Innocent until proven guilty?”

  “This is not a court nor am I bound by any laws, except Lycan ones.” Frankie’s voice became cold, and the power of an Alpha rippled across the room. “I’m not stupid, and I’ve been turning a blind eye because as you said, you haven’t risked exposing us to the humans. But all illegal activity must cease. I know everything. The kickbacks, the bribes, the loan-sharking, everything must stop now. Or else I will go to the Attorney General’s office and show them what evidence I do have.”

  Corvinus’s face turned red. “You cannot mean that.”

  “This is an order from your Alpha.” Frankie looked at Adrianna. “My daughter will ensure that you follow this order. She will be taking my place as Alpha as soon as possible.”

  Adrianna cleared her throat. “You will give us a list of all your activities. Legal and not.” Under the table, Frankie squeezed her hand and she felt the tension leave her body. “We want to know about every pie you’ve got your fingers stuck into. Every politician you’ve bribed, every kickback you’ve received. If you’ve been hustling old ladies for their pension money, we want to know it too.”

  “We do not harm the old, the sick, women, and children.” It was Darius who spoke up, but he still didn’t meet he
r gaze. “That is a rule we follow.”

  “Gangsters with a code honor,” Julianna snorted. “How noble.”

  Adrianna fought the urge to glare at her sister, but continued. “Still, we want to know all your ‘business’ dealings.”

  “And you mean to shut everything down?” The anger from Corvinus was palpable, and the tension in the room thickened. “Don’t you know what that means? What about the Lycans—your subjects who live here—who rely on us for their livelihood? We have brought many of them here from Romania, and they send their earnings back home. They have families, children who depend on them. Will you take the food from their mouths, even now as you sit here, rich and well-nourished?”

  “Don’t think for one second I don’t know how much your pockets have been lined because of their work.” It was Frankie who spoke, and again, she made the raw power of her Alpha wolf known. “You’ve been bringing people here from the Old Country, thanks to the loopholes in the Constanta Agreement. After all, I’m the one who has given them permission to come and work here. But the agreement was not put in place so you could build your little kingdom.” Her nostrils flared. “But I’m not heartless and cruel, and your people will not starve.”

  “We propose a compromise,” Adrianna continued. “You said it yourself, you have a legitimate trucking and construction business. In exchange for you shutting down all illegal operations, Muccino International will give Corvinus Trucking an exclusive contract to ship all our products and ingredients across the tri-state area, provided you meet our standards.”

  “Plus, construction projects for future restaurants in New York and New Jersey, and additional work for Fenrir Corp. in both states as approved by my husband.” Frankie added.

  Corvinus seemed appeased but eyed them suspiciously. “Why would you do this?”

  “I know what happens when there is a vacuum in power, Anatoli.” Frankie folded her hands on top of the table. “If it wasn’t you, it would have been somebody else.”


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