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Scoring Chance

Page 11

by Lane Martin

“Are you two done?” I asked, sitting up and squaring my shoulders. Their banter wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

  Both men grinned at my outburst. “There’s our determined girl,” Mr. Carroll said. “Now what are you going to do about it, and how can we help?” I felt better asking now that I knew the Miners’ owner considered me “his girl.”

  “Well, I was thinking of making a grand gesture. Can I use your ice?” It was the first part of my idea, to which Mr. Carroll agreed without a second’s thought. He said I was welcome to the ice any time the team wasn’t using it. And Mr. Lawrence said he would make sure it was ready for me.

  “I can see those wheels turning, Sprout. What else are you thinking?” Mr. Lawrence was always my favorite person at the rink, and now I remembered why.

  “Could I also commandeer your intermission show?” Both men whooped and hollered about it being a show they wouldn’t miss.

  Being on the seat of Mr. Lawrence’s Zamboni was much different than being in a pair of skates on the ice. After taking the first step, I closed my eyes and breathed in the cold air. I centered myself and lifted a prayer to the ice gods or whoever was listening that skating would be just like riding a bike, then I pushed myself forward.

  “You could do that when you were eight.” A voice I never thought I would hear again boomed in the otherwise empty practice facility. The Miners were still on the road I was grateful for the time to implement my plan. But at the same time, I worried about the continued radio silence between Rhett and me. I hoped it wouldn’t push him further away from me. The problem was if I called him now, would he even want to talk to me? Not once, but twice, he had stuck his neck out by declaring his love for me. I had to show him just how far I would go for him. But this was pushing me further than I ever thought I would go. I skidded to a stop and turned toward the voice.

  Mr. Lawrence stood next to Bryan Holm, my ex-coach. The man who had supposedly “loved me like a daughter.” The same man who had handed me over to child protective services when my mother was arrested and never looked back.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” I didn’t look in Bryan’s direction. I couldn’t; it hurt too much, which surprised me. All these years, I’d thought I was angry. The realization that I was actually hurt by him nearly knocked me on my ass. I bent at my waist and reminded myself it had all happened a long time ago, and I was no longer a helpless child. After several calming breaths, I straightened and opened my eyes.

  “You need him, Sprout,” Mr. Lawrence said firmly before turning at the edge of the ice and leaving us alone.

  “Well, hello to you too, Eden.” Bryan smiled. “Look, I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now, but I want to help you.”

  “Help?” I laughed. “Where were you when I was twelve, Bryan?” I took off toward the other end of the rink, a fire burning deep within.

  “That’s better.” You’re not a child anymore Eden. As a rational adult, I knew Bryan didn’t just leave me to the wolves. His entire career was put in jeopardy by my mother.

  His sideline coaching fueled me. I lifted my arms, picked my toe, and reached back, launching myself into the air before solidly landing back on the ice on my right foot. It felt amazing. Before confronting one of the two people who had let me down the most in the world, I did an upright spin. Being able to harness the centrifugal force and channel it into something graceful made me feel powerful, which I needed.

  “I’m sorry, Eden.” Bryan didn’t apologize. Ever. “I screwed up. I can’t change what I did. If I could, I would. You were just a kid, and I let you down. I didn’t help you then, but if you’ll let me, I’d like to help you now.”

  “What’s in it for you?” my hands rested on my hips.

  Bryan Holm didn’t do anything for anyone but himself. I’d always understood that about him, even as a child. So, it shouldn’t have surprised me so much when he’d left me to rot in foster care.

  “Eden.” I hated the way he said my name; it made me feel like I was twelve again.

  I took off across the ice away from him again. I didn’t have time for his bullshit. Rhett was coming back. I couldn’t help but think it was already too late. Maybe I’d ruined everything, but I wasn’t about to go out without telling him exactly what I felt. Determined to leave everything I had out on the ice, I launched myself into another jump. Only this time I landed flat on my ass.

  “Eden.” Bryan reached me in seconds. I rushed to get up without his help, which caused me to fall again. “Just stop. Let me help you. You’re hoping Rhett will give you a second chance; that’s what I’m asking for too. Please, Eden, let me help you.”

  Bryan Holm was one of the most sought-after coaches in figure skating. He was good, but he was expensive. I think a part of me always blamed my mother’s actions on him, which was unrealistic because I was the reason for the expense, not Bryan. Ice skating—the very thing that tore my life apart—was the thing I was hoping now would put it back together. Talk about full circle. I couldn’t help but laugh. Fuck it, what did I have to lose? I put my hand out to my former coach.

  “So, you’ll let me help you?” he asked as he pulled me up off the ice.

  “No strings?” I tilted my head as I studied the man more closely. His hair was thinner and graying, but he was as charismatic as ever.

  He placed his hand on his chest. “Just the one that’s been holding my heart together since the day I walked out on you, Eden.”

  Jesus, either I bumped my head on the ice or being in love with Rhett was making me mushy. It might have been the dumbest thing I had done since I’d given Rhett Letitia’s phone number, but since I didn’t see an ounce of insincerity in his eyes and I really did need his help if I was going to pull this off, so I agreed. “All right, but so help me God, if you cross me, they’ll need to put me in the cell next to my mother.” I smiled as I skated away from my new coach.

  We had returned to Colorado, but the place that had started to feel like home now felt cold and lonely. I was pathetic. She didn’t want anything to do with me.

  “Dude, for someone who’ll be suiting up for the first time, you sure don’t seem excited.” Niko was practically bouncing off the walls of the house. After the long stretch of away games, the team couldn’t wait to get back on home ice. I held my phone in my hand and deleted what had to be my fourth text to Eden today.

  Hell, the last time I’d seen her she couldn’t even look at me. I didn’t expect her to say I love you just because I had. I was okay with waiting, but I had left the ball in her court. When you told the girl you loved her and asked her to call you and she didn’t, the message was loud and clear.

  I still couldn’t understand how I had been so wrong. I didn’t need the words. I felt the connection between us. At least I thought I had. It wasn’t just sex and you know it.

  I tossed my phone on the coffee table in front of me. “I’m ready to play, but it would be kind of dick-ish if I said I was excited since I’m only in because Belenov is out.” Our starting goalie was a league legend and he’d been fighting an injury the last few weeks. He’d been playing game to game, but last night they took him off the ice on a stretcher. His season-ending injury meant I would officially be on the Miners’ roster and suit up with the team. Fuck! I wanted to ask Eden to be in the stands tonight. I couldn’t see it ever happening, but it didn’t change the fact that I wanted it. Eden would never be a part of the crowd cheering my name. She wouldn’t be the girl sitting in the stands wearing my number.

  Lord knew I’d asked her to enough games. Not that I blamed her, having learned about her past. Hockey was what saved me. It gave me something to look forward to. For Eden, the ice represented everything that had been taken away from her: her mom, the coach she loved, and the future she’d thought she’d have. I wished she could see it for something good again. In the meantime, I was doing everything I could to keep my feelings on ice. Hockey had made me feel alive once—it had lit me up inside. I hoped it would again beca
use without Eden it was just cold.

  “Alex is one hell of a biscuit blocker, but you’re a mother fuckin’ Ford. Built tough!” Niko made his words echo like he was an announcer over the PA system. “They should put you in their television commercials, pretty boy.” He chucked my chin playfully and I couldn’t help but smirk. Niko Vanzetti was a pain in the ass, but he was also a good guy, one I was lucky to call my friend.

  Coach hollered, “Crawford. You’ll lead the team out of the tunnel.” It was an odd request. The team captain usually led the team back out to the ice. Maybe it was a team tradition when new players joined, I was unaware of. Luke Evans, tonight’s starting goalie, muttered what sounded like “unbelievable” under his breath. Coach Perkins gave him a warning glare. Evans couldn’t close his five-hole to save his life. But despite Luke having played like shit the first two periods, we were only losing by one point. I was dying to get on the ice. I looked at the game clock ticking down the minutes of intermission. It seemed early to leave the locker room to me, but when Coach told us to do something, we did it.

  The stadium lights were still down. It was my first game in uniform, but I had attended every home game this season and knew it was odd for the team to be in the tunnel this soon. Spotlights danced over the crowd and they went wild when the announcer asked them to welcome a special guest to the ice. “Eden Snow.”

  Just the sound of her name made my already racing heart rate accelerate. Eden wasn’t just there in the arena; she was on the ice. I couldn't believe it. I swear I stopped breathing. Not only was she there, in a place where she didn’t think she could ever return, but she was performing. It didn’t seem possible. For a second the entire arena went dark before a single spotlight lit her up, poised to begin a routine at center ice. God, she looked like a sexy version of Tinkerbell. The crystals adorning her costume twinkled as the familiar voice of Mariah Carey filled the air.

  Eden pushed off the ice and spun. The arena was silent as she effortlessly glided in circles. Each movement was more beautiful than the one before. I could picture the lyrics she was conveying as she spun around on the ice. I imagined us lying together.

  Her skates left the ice, and I continued to watch her in awe as the crowd cheered when she stuck the landing. Eden and I sailing.

  Eden raised both of her arms, opened them wide. They were open. To me. It couldn’t be happenstance. The timing of her return to the ice. My first game. The song choice. A classic ballad originally performed by a male singer, instead being sung by a woman. Eden. It was her voice. She faced to where she had to know I would be. Turning to me.

  I always knew she was strong. It was proven just by her being inside the building, but the combinations she was performing effortlessly in front of me in the packed stadium drove it home. I couldn’t say at what point I came out of the tunnel and stood inches away from the ice. Eden opened her arms. And her heart.

  She ended her spin with the last note, and the crowd erupted.

  “What are you waiting for? Go get your girl.” Barrett McGill said. How long had he been standing next to me? I glanced over at Coach, who gave me a curt nod before shaking his head like he couldn’t believe he was encouraging me to be thinking about anything right now other than the game we still had to finish playing. Eden, who faced the other side of the arena, took a small bow and gave them a wave before turning toward me. She blew a kiss at the crowd on this side of the stadium and waved at them while they cheered for her performance.

  “Take these.” A massive bouquet of long-stemmed red roses were slapped into my hands as I stepped onto the ice and skated toward her.

  “Rhett, I’m so…” Tears glistened in her eyes once she saw me. I hoped they were tears of joy. She didn’t get to finish what she was trying to say. She didn’t have to. She’d just said everything I needed to hear on the ice. The crowd went wild as I lifted her with my free arm and carried her off the ice. My ears rang as I pressed my lips to hers. Eden didn’t hesitate as I kissed her like no one was watching. I didn’t even realize the arena lights were on and the rest of the team had come out on the ice. Eden was the only thing that mattered at that moment. I could have held her and kissed her all night.

  “Are you going to put her down so we can win this game and you can take her home?” Niko asked as I slowly lowered Eden back down to the ice. The entire stadium was on its feet. Niko had my gear in his hands. “You're in for the final period but Coach says you better not make him look bad after all this.” I didn’t want to let Eden go, but I also wanted to be in the net more than ever before.

  Eden seemed to sense my hesitation. “Go. I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

  “With open arms?” I questioned with a lopsided grin as Eden Snow, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, smiled back at me with nothing but love in her eyes. Not only had she faced her fears, but she had shown me how much I meant to her.

  “Always.” Eden kissed me one more time before we both skated backward away from each other. We never lost sight of each other as she made her way to the exit and I made my way to the net. As the door closed behind her, Kassie who was sitting with Adelaide in the front row next to the exit, handed Eden a sign. I hadn’t noticed them before. I’m sure they were the ones I had to thank for the beautiful flowers Eden now handed off before lifting her sign high above her head. It read:

  I have the keys to my FORD

  Yes, she did. I’d let her take me for a ride anywhere and anytime. Eden smiled at me before she flipped it over to the other side.

  I love #30

  Jesus, I was gushing. I needed to get my shit together. She didn’t just heart me. She loved me. Eden was mine.

  “Okay, you got the girl. Now it’s time to get the W.” Devin fist-bumped me before taking his place on the ice.

  Like Eden, I left everything I had on the ice. With two minutes left on the clock, Barrett scored the tying goal. At the end of sixty minutes, the score was still three to three. With thirty seconds left in the five-minute overtime period, Paul, one of the Blades’ forwards, cut to my left. I blocked his shot, and the sound of my name echoed around the stadium.

  Ford! Ford! Ford!

  It looked like we were headed to a shootout. I would just need to block three Blades shots, and McGill, Stevens, or Vanzetti would need to light the lamp at least once to prevent a sudden-death shootout. I was still reeling from the block when I saw Vanz flying down the ice. The Blades tried to catch him, but he pulled up and fired high into the net. Sweeney’s attempt at the save was noble, but he didn’t stand a chance. The goal light illuminated just as the clock ran out of time. The rest of the team joined us on the ice in celebration. There was only one person I wanted to celebrate with, and I sure as hell didn’t want to do it on the ice. Ice burn wasn’t anyone’s idea of fun.


  “What’s this?” Eden reached for the envelope I put on her bedside table in the apartment we shared over the garage at my team captains house. Okay, so I never officially moved in. I just never left. The apartment was small, but unlike the room I had a Niko’s house, we didn’t have to worry about anyone hearing us through the walls. Niko loved to taunt Eden about her “moans of pleasure.” I think the bastard was jealous, but I didn’t like the idea of him getting any weird ideas overhearing my girlfriend when we had sex anyway. Those noises were mine and mine alone. Not to mention, Niko had two houseguests. I hoped for everyone involved it all worked out. They deserved the happiness Eden and I had found.

  “Get back in here and open it up.” I lifted the sheet and pulled her back into bed with me.

  “I told you not to get me anything.” Yeah, right. That wasn’t going to happen. Today was a big day for Eden and I felt like shit for the crappy schedule we had to deal with.

  I pressed my lips to her temple. “Baby, you deserve to be celebrated today and every day.” Unfortunately, her graduation ceremony was scheduled to take place at the same time as our third game in the second-round Western Conference playoffs against
Nashville. Luckily, we were at home and not away. I couldn’t imagine not being with her at all on her big day. She would have never said how much it would have bothered her if I was out of town, but I knew it would have. It would have killed me. While Eden may have asked for tacos and foot rubs, she never asked for emotional support. She was working on it, but as they said, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

  “I love you.” Those were the only words I needed. Every time I heard her say them, I felt like I just won the lottery. Eden snuggled into me a little more.

  “I love you too. Now stop stalling and open your card.” I smiled against her bare skin.

  “Why don’t you give it to me later at the party I’m not supposed to know about?” Damn her. She was too smart for her own good. I knew she was onto us.

  “I want your full attention when you open it.” I moved, taking her with me so we were sitting up in bed her back to my front.

  She ran her hand down my naked chest. “I like your full attention,” she purred.

  “Oh, I know precisely what you like, baby. But stop trying to distract me and open it.” My girl knew exactly how to get me off track. She wiggled against my hard cock at her back. I placed my hand on her hip to stop her.

  “Fine, I’ll be good for now,” she agreed as she began to open the card. It was a simple graduation card with my words of praise for her scribbled inside. I was so proud of what she’d done for The Little Miners. She decided to stay on and work full time with Kassie. Not only were they planning on expanding the organization to other cities in partnership with other NHL teams, but they were also working with US Figure Skating to offer ice skating programs in areas where kids might otherwise never get a chance to be on the ice.

  “Are you crying?” I tightened my hold on her before kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you cry, I’m just so frikin proud of you.”


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