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Yuki's Luck

Page 6

by Ja'Nese Dixon

  “Thank you.” I sit back. That’s all I need.

  Dylan’s large hands take my face and he kisses me with such passion that it shocks me.

  “What was that for?” His smile is as intimate as the kiss, a mind-tingling shiver of wanting runs through me.

  “Your mind makes me want to,” he leans closer brushing his lips near my ear, “take you right here and now.” I look in the rearview mirror. Yep, we have an audience. Dylan makes me feel like I can do anything and he’ll love me for it.

  “Next time,” I promise. His smile deepens into laughter. “Now where is that proposal?”

  “Don’t worry about Impose Brew.”

  “Hand it over.” His eyes widen and he hands over the iPad. I read the proposal and immediately notice several key elements missing. “Email this to me.”

  Dylan opens his mouth as if to object when the car stops. I glance out the window.

  “Welcome to Blarney Castle.”


  Dylan jumps out and reaches for my hand. We both turn towards the castle, I immediately turn my phone off. This is the type of moment you have to give your full attention.

  “The castle dates back to the late 1400s. It’s technically the third castle built here and these are the original remains.” Gerald closes his door and stands beside Dylan. “Inside you can tour the castle, gardens, the Blarney Stone. It can take thirty to forty-five minutes or hours. My time is yours.”

  “Knowing this one,” Dylan looks over at me, “we’ll need a couple hours.”

  “Sure. I can accompany you inside.”

  “I think we have it under control. I have your number if anything changes. Should I call when we’re ready?”

  “No, I’ll be here with a book.” Gerald smiles and climbs back in the car.

  “Ready?” I’m ready to get inside. My research this morning did this place no justice.

  “Lead the way babe.” I drag him along pushing aside Impose Brew and BrandShare.

  Dylan buys our tickets and we pass through the gift shop. The area before us is green and full of colorful flowers. We both have to duck to keep the trees from whacking us.

  Then the sidewalk transforms into a gravel path, surrounded by plush, thick grass and aged stone. The Blarney River is our companion as we inch our way through the magnificent gardens.

  “The grounds are impeccable.”

  “And peaceful.” He kisses me as if he can’t help it and I kiss him back. We continue our slow tour talking about everything but work. Taking every left and right available exploring every inch until we enter the castle.

  The stone is an ashen gray covered in moss. I look up and the roof is exposed. Dylan notices a sign affixed to the wall. We are standing in the Family Room and it tells of the windows and fireplaces to liven up the space.

  “That’s pretty cool.” I take his outreached hand entering the castle. We move from room to room. They have updated the stairs but the beauty of the ruins are left intact. The inner area has high ceilings that are a mixture of smooth and rough textures, aged and decaying, is part of its authenticity.

  Next, we climb a narrow stairway following the signs to the stone. The tight squeeze leads us to the top of the tower. I step out with Dylan’s assistance and all I see is treetops, fluffy white clouds, and endless sky.

  He pulls me to him. “This puts life into perspective.”

  “It does.” I wrap my arms around his waist. This brush with the beauty of the past fortifies my resolve to excel in the challenge posed by Jake and create a full life outside of work. I glance up. “I kind of like being your woman.”

  “Well, I am a catch.” He winks barely holding back his smile.

  I laugh and it reaches the depths of my soul echoing off the ancient castle. Heads turn in my direction and I could care less.

  “Watch it buddy or I’ll throw you back out to the sea. Come on, I’m ready to kiss the stone.”

  I reach for the handrail and Dylan places a protective hand around my waist guiding me forward to kiss the stone. The legend says if you kiss it you’ll have the gift of gab to charm people. Sounds a little like luck to me. I stand in line waiting my turn to seal the deal with my destiny. To find a new client, help S&J get Impose Brew as a vendor, and have a future full of success, happiness, and yes, more Dylan.

  “You ready?” The worker is moving the line along.

  I nod. It’s my turn to hang 90 feet above the ground to kiss an ancient stone.

  “Hold the bars and tilt your head to the bottom.”

  I follow his instructions lowering down, gripping the rusty bars tight and I kiss the stone with hope dancing in my belly.

  The rest of our excursions went by in the blink of an eye. The Cliff of Moher turned me into a lover of all things Ireland. We cross the countryside heading back to Dublin with only three days left before returning to Texas.

  “Thank you for sharing this trip with me," Dylan whispers near my ear.

  “Thank you for having me since I sort of invited myself.” His laugh ripples through his chest against my back. I fall asleep with him promising to wake me once we arrive in Dublin, I close my eyes ready to take on my hectic life.

  I wake in the middle of the night with a plan. I look over and Dylan is knocked out. I slide out of the bed quietly. The last time I left his bed I was frightened by the thought of love. This time I’m leaving to help S&J get Impose Brew.

  I tiptoe to the small office and turn on my computer. I put on coffee and get to work. I rewrite their proposal. Impose Brew wanted to remain family owned and partnering with S&J could extend their family. S&J is a family owned company that supports other lesser known brands. This would expand their market while adding to their bottom line.

  “Brilliant.” I sip the hot coffee and type like a mad woman thankful my man sleeps like a log. I pull the facts and figures from the original proposal, a few calculated predictions, and some graphics of their unique labels. The S&J logo adds the finishing touch.

  Pleased, I stretch and glance at the clock. It’s only eleven o’clock. Impose Brew is a bar, what bar closes before midnight? None that I can think of. I toy with the idea of waking Dylan. What if the owner isn’t there or declines my request?

  I’ll go and return before he knows I’m gone. And when the owner agrees, I’ll call and wake him from his peaceful slumber. Satisfied with my plan I tiptoe across the room, grabbing some clothes and my makeup bag. In full ball buster mode, twenty minutes later, I’m in Temple Bar.

  “I’ll wait here for you.”

  “Thanks, Art, I’ll be right back.” I’m glad I’m not alone. I enter the bar and its crowded from wall to wall. It’s a multilevel structure with bookcases lining the walls and self-serve taps at the tables. I cross the room, heads turn.

  As a younger woman, I hated looking different. From the slant in my eyes to the hue of my skin, I know my uniqueness opens doors. All I need is a crack, from there I will kick the door down until I reach my destination. Hopefully kissing the Barney Stone actually works tonight because I’m strolling to the bar and I’m not taking no for an answer.

  I order a beer and listen to the chatter at the bar. I see a man interacting with the bartender and the waiters. He opens a door and disappears.

  “What can I get for you?” I return his smile.

  “Five minutes with him,” I point towards the closed door, “and a mug of your best ale.” I put a tip on the sticky bar and his eyes widen.

  “I’ll see what I can do.” He places a mug in front of me and pockets the money.

  I take a drink of the cold beer, stopping to stare at the glass with appreciation. The flavor is robust, silky on the tongue with a hint of fruitiness. Damn. Not only are they positioned in the market but this is what my guys need.

  “Good evening beautiful.”


  Awareness crawls up my spine at the edge in his voice. “Taste this.”

  I face Dylan with an outreached mug, his denim eyes shooting
daggers. I plead with my eyes for him to take the mug.

  “I was told you want to see me.” I swallow the frog in my throat and place the beer on the bar, spinning on the stool. Straightening my back, ready to bless him with my gift of gab. “Yes. I traveled all the way from Texas to taste your beer and it did not disappoint.”

  “Right this way.”

  I stand and turn for a second to see Dylan. I place a hand on his forearm for the briefest second and his muscle tenses. Stay…please, I whisper praying he can hear me over the music. I plaster on my best smile and stroll to the office following the owner. The proposal will benefit Impose Brew and Smith & Jameson Beer Garden.

  As I wrote the words, I experienced a rush of adrenaline that I haven’t felt in years. This is what I’m missing, the heart. And I have the best incentive to make this work. I’m doing it for my brother and my man.

  Luck don’t fail me now.


  I sit in the offered chair praying Dylan waits for me. I turn to face the man behind the desk and notice a sign over his shoulder. “May you be touched by a bit of Irish luck.”

  I control my destiny. But I don’t want it without Dylan. “Can you excuse me for one moment?”

  “Make it quick.”

  I rush out of the office and Dylan is sitting on my empty barstool and he’s finishing my beer. He shoots a penetrating look my way, I cover the distance in an instant.

  “I can’t do—”

  “He’s ready to meet with us about Smith & Jameson.” An icy fear twists around my heart.

  “Smith & Jameson?” His voice rises in surprise.

  “I have less than a minute to complete my presentation. Will you please join me?”

  “Let’s go.” He stands, confusion etched on his handsome face.

  I walk back to the office needing a touch of the Irish luck. I push down the anxious feeling that I’m going to lose Dylan and focus on Impose Brew signing this contract.

  We enter and Dylan holds out a chair for me and takes the other.

  “I’m Yuki Smith.” I glance over my shoulder.

  “And I’m Dylan Jameson.”

  “Bradan. Nice to meet you both. I’m surprised to see you here. Tonight.”

  I laugh. “I’m sure. We crossed the Atlantic to sit with you.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  “Not more than we are," Dylan says. And Bradan smiles inclining his head for me to proceed with my presentation.

  “May I?” I pull a jump drive from my clutch.

  “Sure.” He moves his chair to the side and I launch into my presentation. I plan to give the whole spill in ten minutes but his questions drag it out to thirty.

  “Can I get either of you an ale?”

  “Yes, I’ll have another Sweet Bliss.”

  “I’ll take your bestseller,” Dylan requests.

  Bradan leaves the office heading to the bar. I turn to Dylan, I have two minutes max to beg his forgiveness, again.

  “When did you do all of this?” There is a suspicious line at the corners of his mouth.

  “This morning.” His serious expression forces me into gab mode. “I know I left but I didn’t want you to be disappointed if Bradan declined my meeting request. But I came with Art and I planned to call you as soon as I got the appointment.”

  “So you represent Smith & Jameson now?” He clenches his mouth tighter. “Or is this about your promotion to partner?”

  “That’s what you think this is?” I’m floored, he thinks I’m here for BrandShare.

  Bradan returns with our beers. He appears eager to continue. I take a drink of my beer and dive into the numbers. He whistles.

  “Your brand is about family but think of the legacy you’ll build if you strategically align your brand with ours. You don’t lose control or equity in your business. And you’ll partner with other family-owned businesses.”

  “Family owned?”

  “Yes, my brother and I are partners along with Dylan….” I didn’t know what to call him. My friend. My boyfriend. My twin’s best friend. I glance over hoping for help but my mention of being a partner must have him shocked.

  An hour later we have a signed contract, Dylan promises to submit the payment for the first order on Monday once we return to Texas.

  “I look forward to working with Smith & Jameson," Bradan says shaking our hands.

  “And we can’t wait to share Impose Brew with the States.”

  Art is outside waiting for me. He drives us back to the hotel. Dylan hasn’t said a word since we left Impose Brew. I comb my brain for the right words to say as we walk back to our room. He pushes the door open and I step inside turning to face him.

  “I’m sorry.”

  His mouth covers mine and I exhale. “No more—”

  “Running.” I kiss him back, pulling him through the entry area to the bed. “So you’re not mad at me?”

  “I’m livid. I’m starting to believe I have no idea what I’m signing up for with you.” He runs a hand roughly through his hair.

  “I said I’m—”

  “You have to trust me. In this relationship, we are in it together. Waking to an empty bed is a problem.”

  “I’ll leave a note next time.”

  “No, you will wake me.” He cups my chin and what I thought was anger looks more like worry. I’ve learned my lesson.

  I turn my head and kiss his wrist. “I won’t do it again.” His suspicious eyes meet my pleading ones. “Ever.”

  He nods and steps back to remove his jacket. I sit on the edge of the bed. Everything is better than I hoped for. Impose Brew signed with S&J. I’m going to submit my letter of resignation from BrandShare when I return home and accept Asher’s offer to join the family business. And I have Dylan.

  Today is our last day in Dublin. We need to pack. I can’t wait to talk to Momma and Asher. But first….

  I sit on the edge of the bed reaching for him. His heated gaze is filled with love as he cups my face in his hands. “Happy Birthday Yuki.”

  “Thank you, Dylan.” I kiss him. “I think this was a very successful trip.”

  “Except for giving me a heart attack, I agree.”

  “Sorry. I love you. And I think I’m going to love being Dylan’s woman.”

  “I can only think of one thing that’s better.” He lowers me to the bed, licking and teasing as he peels away my clothes.

  “Better than this?” I pull his body on top of mine.

  “Yes, love, and that’s being Dylan’s wife.”

  My brother’s prediction is right for once in our lives and before Dylan sweeps us away in bliss, I acknowledge without a doubt, “I’m the luckiest woman alive.”


  Want to find out what happens with Asher and Jazz? Get the alert for Tempting Asher, coming March 16, 2018. Click HERE to sign up.

  Armed with her sexiest f*ck-him dress

  and a hall pass…

  Asher Smith is a complicated man. He’s hardworking, loving, but distant. And the only way Jasmine Smith can have him fully is to make him think he’s lost her for good.

  Fed up she asks for a hall pass and he said yes.

  Barely holding back her tears, he witnesses the crime scene: her string bikinis, lingerie, and her sexiest f*ck-him dress are packed and aimed to kill.

  Jasmine books a flight for a week in Cancun with Yuki, her friend and his sister, willing to do whatever it takes to get his attention.

  This trip will be the death or rebirth of her marriage. It’s up to Asher to decide.

  Coming May 17, 2018!


  Is their simmering attraction enough to defeat their crusades?

  Damian “The Shark” Hughes real estate billionaire lands in Houston, Texas to handle a “problem tenant” stalling his partnership with Rock Star Entertainment. But on first sight he doesn’t know which he wants more, to evict her or bed her.

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the doors of Harmony Dance open. What she doesn’t have time for is the sweet talking, money slinging gorgeousness from Atlanta. Her sole focus is on her students. They are depending on her and she’s not to go down without a fight.

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  Imani organizes a Kwanzaa benefit recital to save her studio not knowing she’s sleeping with the enemy. And Damian is willing to do whatever it takes to close the deal and keep this ebony beauty by his side.

  At odds yet drawn to each other by their undeniable chemistry, the ticking clock and a multi-million dollar development deal erect the perfect battleground.

  Will they win the battle but lose the war? Or will they let love win?

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  "Houston we have a problem and it must be resolved by the end of the year." Soft chuckles came from around the table.

  Damian Hughes was invited to a private meeting by Cameron Carter at The Ritz-Carlton with undisclosed. These types of secret gatherings were not new to him but Cameron had piqued his interest.

  Tilting his head back Damian reached into the corners of his mind to recall the exact verbiage Cameron used—an offer most kill for but only five receive. His father didn't raise a fool, and he knew if Cameron said it, it was worth returning to the United States.

  Damian had cleared his calendar and boarded a private plane from Dubai heading to Atlanta, Georgia. A nomad by choice, he sold his home in the States seven years ago and now hopped from state to state, continent to continent, and a part of him welcomed this meeting due to exhaustion. Working abroad had its perks but lately he missed the comforts of his home country.


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