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Page 2

by Rebecca Zanetti

  He looked thirty, tops. She tried to grasp the new reality and studied his face. Way too rough to be called handsome, the hard ridges and planes created a wild beauty that matched the glint in his eyes. Straight nose, high cheekbones, masculine mouth.

  A predator harder to catch than the wind.

  She shook her head. Now she was becoming poetic. Yep. She was near death. “You said earlier that mating is forever.” She barely kept from stuttering on the word “mating.”

  “It is.” He reached for her, enclosing her chilled hand in warmth.

  Energy thrummed between them, heating her throughout. When was the last time she’d been warm? “But Olivia said it might not be?” What if the mating was just temporary? Ronni would take the immortality if it was that easy, wouldn’t she?

  Jared shook his head. “It’s forever, Veronica. While there is a virus that has negated a mating bond well after one party has died, it hasn’t been tried in two living mates, and it won’t be in our case. Too dangerous, and I won’t allow it.”

  Warning crept up her spine.

  Every once in a while, his mask slipped. Oh, on the surface, he was calm and gentle…even reasonable.

  Yet…a restless energy crackled from him. A force with strength she barely imagined but could sense. On a primitive level, she knew without question there was more to Jared Reese than he was letting her see. What exactly was a vampire?

  He’d have her believe he was just another species.

  So was the jaguar.

  Even in her weakened state, her body hummed near him as if his primitive energy captured hers. “Since you’re so old, I’ll let the word ‘allowed’ pass. This time.” It took all her strength, mental and physical, to meet his gaze without blinking.

  “Ah.” He didn’t move an inch but somehow seemed bigger. Stronger. More focused. “It’s good we’re having this chat.”

  The entire world felt unsteady around her. “What do you want from me, Jared?”

  It was the first time she’d used his name, and by the straightening of his body, he knew it. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re offering me life and immortality. What do you want from me?” Favors were never free, and she had to know the full facts before agreeing. The way he looked at her kept her pinned in place. She was so out of her depth with him. “There has to be something.”

  His expression revealed absolutely nothing. “All right. Here it is. Mating you gets me three things I want. One, I get to see more of my brother. Two, I get my mother and all other relatives off my back about finding a mate. Three, someday I get children.”

  She leaned back into the sofa, her breath heating. “From me.”

  His cheek creased. “Yeah. From you.”

  So this was more than a one-night deal. “Wait a minute.”

  He held up a hand. “I don’t mean tomorrow or even during this century. Five hundred years from now would be fine. But someday, I do want a family. As my mate, you’re pretty much the only one who can give me sons.”

  “Or daughters,” she said almost automatically, her mind spinning.

  “No.” He smiled now, transforming his face into raw beauty. “Vampires are male only. We’d have sons.”

  Sons. Big, strong, dark little boys. Her damaged heart thumped. Strong and nearly immortal boys who she could adore forever. “What about love?” she asked, surprising herself.

  “Even for humans, arranged marriages work out more than those founded by love,” he said evenly. “I want an agreement and you get to live. Take the deal.”

  She came from a long line of passionate women, some still in Colombia, and others scattered across the world. Love meant something to them and to her. “You’ve never been in love,” she mused.

  “Wrong.” He tightened his hold on her hand. “I did love a woman, a witch, and she mated somebody else two centuries ago.”

  A witch? Seriously? Ronnie jerked her head. “Witches exist?”

  “Yep. Another species. They use quantum physics to alter matter.”

  Wow. Life was so different than she’d imagined. She’d find out more about witches later. How could any woman reject love from a man like this? The witch must be crazy. Even without love, an offer from a guy like Jared was tempting. He was sex and danger personified. “You think you won’t find it again. You might.”

  He flipped his hand over and captured both of hers in a reassuring hold. “Nope. I’m not looking for love again, and that’s just fine with me. I like the thought of our arrangement.”

  An arranged mating. She’d be giving up love but gaining life. A forever with Jared. Intrigue had her trying to concentrate. “I’m not ready to die,” she whispered, her chest compressing.

  “Then don’t die.”

  It was so simple for him, but she could barely think straight. Not enough oxygen was reaching her brain, and she knew it. “I need to rest before I make a decision.”

  “Your head won’t be any clearer than it is right now,” Jared said, his face implacable.

  “Okay.” She tugged her hands free to dig them into her hair. “Say we mate. Olivia says it’s sex with a bite and forever.” Sex. With Jared. With that body.


  “Then what? You take off, and we meet up again in about five hundred years?” She tried to ignore her clamoring body and concentrate on the facts. To have kids. Yeah. That kind of thing could be scheduled, probably. Just think what she could accomplish in five centuries.

  “Well, not exactly. I’d set you up with a nice place and a monthly allowance, and you can do what you want.” He breathed out. “I’d visit periodically to see you and my family.”

  Humor burst through her. Had he really just used the word allowance? “You’re kidding.” She grinned.


  She laughed, unable to help herself. “You want a mistress. Not a mate.”

  “No, I don’t.” He frowned, his entire face angled in one way or another.

  Intriguing. She could spend an entire century just deciphering his expressions. “Sure. You keep me in style and show up for a good lay once in a while. How convenient.”

  His nostrils flared. “If we mate, we’re the only people we can have sex with. If either of us tries to get intimate with somebody else, the mating allergy kicks in, and it totally sucks. Think the worse attack of poison ivy imaginable.”

  “Then there are requirements you want.” The idea of sex with him shot a welcomed energy through her body to pulse in her erogenous zones. Yet she was no man’s plaything, whether he saved her life or not. “I think you need to be a little clearer with your demands here.”

  “I thought it was obvious.”

  Truth be told, he did seem a little surprised by her response. She took a deep breath. “Here’s the deal. I want to live.”

  “Good.” His expression smoothed out.

  “But I’m not willing to be a mistress.” God, she wanted to live. To see the future. To have children. “I understand we can only have sex with each other, and I do like sex.” At least she’d used to like it. “I’m not a sure thing. Meaning, you have no rights to me.”

  He studied her, energy radiating from him and brushing along her flesh. “First of all, no woman is ever a sure thing. Even during my time as a pirate on the high seas, I never forced a woman. Any and every time is your choice, and I would never force you. Ever.”

  Her chest settled. “Good. We’re on the same page. And second?”

  He leaned in, his nose nearly touching hers. “Second of all, if we mate, I have every right to you. Don’t you ever forget it.”

  Chapter 2

  Jared made sure he had the brunette’s attention, giving her the full truth. Oh, he’d never force her, but mating came with obligations and responsibilities. Mainly, her life became his to protect.

  Why did modern women think they were invincible?

  Somehow, he wasn’t getting his point across. It seemed as if she thought they’d mate and he’d go on his merry way and out o
f her life. While he didn’t want a traditional mating or love, he also didn’t want to be cast out into the cold. Who would take care of her?

  Her bourbon-colored eyes darkened. Challenge and defiance filled them. A light pink brushed across her bronze skin. For the first time, he could see the woman she’d been before becoming ill.

  Something awoke inside him. Power pulsed through his veins in an unconscious beat, and his lungs heated. His cock perked. No. Definitely…no. This was a fragile human, and he needed to remember that fact.


  He blinked away the image of who she could become and concentrated on the blue tinge to her lips and the frightening breakable bones beneath her smooth skin. “Do you have anybody to protect you?” he asked, wondering where her family was.

  “Yeah. Me.” She crossed her arms.

  His breath sped up. “How about you lose the attitude and we talk?” Before he lost every one of his good intentions and kissed the chin she now jutted out. There was also a fullness to her mouth that made his ache to taste.

  She swallowed. “I’m fine with talking, but you should check your own attitude.”

  His lips twitched. God, she was cute—spitting at him like a kitten hissing at a panther. “I’ll ask again. Do you have family?”

  “Just Olivia, whom I’ve known since preschool,” Ronni said, her eyes clouding. “I lost my parents when I was twenty in a small plane wreck. No siblings, no other family.” She hunched into herself and yet kept her head up.

  Strong. The woman had a strength he hadn’t noticed. “I’m sorry.”

  She nodded. “You?”

  “Mother and two brothers,” he said. “You met my entire family earlier today.”

  They’d had a little problem to deal with, and Ronni had been present to help. Then he’d offered to mate her after discovering her illness, and here they were.

  She cleared her throat. “I’m not the right woman for you.”

  No. The right woman had followed duty, out of obedience, and mated somebody else. “You could be,” he said softly.

  “I’m not the type to belong to somebody, Jared.”

  Yet she would belong to him if they mated. “I don’t think you’re a handbag or a pair of shoes.” Maybe the deflection would work.


  Nope. Didn’t work. “Listen. I’m not human, and mating isn’t a human experience.” He searched for an explanation she’d understand. “It’s permanent on a baser level.”

  She frowned. “You’re not a man.”

  “No. I’m a male.” Maybe that distinction would help her.

  “Does mating hurt?” she asked softly.

  The woman’s thoughts bounced around quicker than a volleyball in a contested match. “The mating happens during sex, and I imagine the bite hurts a little.” He kept his voice reassuring. Was the woman strong enough for sex? Even if he kept as gentle as possible, he might harm her. But what was the alternative? Temporary pain seemed better than her ultimate death, which would happen soon. “I’ll try not to hurt you.”

  “I’m not afraid of pain. Just wanted to be prepared.” She clutched the blanket closer around herself. “If I accept your offer.”

  It was already a done deal. He could see it in her eyes. “All right.”

  “You’ve been honest with me, and I want to be as transparent.” She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I don’t want to die, and I would like immortality. Who wouldn’t?”

  “Agreed.” Where was she going with this?

  “You need to know who I am.” She picked at a loose thread on the blanket. “Your vision of a woman waiting around for you and being supported by you isn’t me. I usually can take care of myself, and I’m not going to change that.”

  “I imagine we’ll have a bit of a disagreement, then,” he said, enjoying the color sliding into her face. Finally. “How about we get you healthy and then take it from there?” His veins lit with heat. Anticipation?

  “That’s fair.” Her jaw tightened visibly. “Once I am healthy, you need to know that I’m going to look into that virus that negates a mating bond.”

  He stilled. Hell. It was a bit insulting how little she wanted to be mated to him. In some circles, he was a catch. Even so, the virus was untested in a situation like theirs and would no doubt be dangerous. “No,” he said very softly.

  “Think you can stop me?” she said just as softly.

  “Yes.” Yep. That was anticipation.

  She barely lifted a small shoulder. “Maybe…maybe not. Our cards are on the proverbial table. You still want to do this?”

  More than ever. “I do.”

  “Okay.” She glanced down, and more color tinged her cheeks. “I’ve never had a one-night stand.”

  “I have.” Hell. He’d had plenty. “Though this isn’t a one-night stand.”

  “We’ll see.” She looked back up. Delicate blue lines ran through the dark circles under her eyes. She was fading fast.

  His chest settled. This was going to happen. “All right.” He crossed to sit next to her, lifting her carefully onto his lap. Her butt hit his thighs, and he enfolded her almost too easily. Man, she was small. “Let’s get you ready.”

  She sputtered and plastered one hand against his chest. “Don’t need foreplay.”

  He stilled. A laugh rumbled up from his chest. He truly enjoyed how her mind worked. “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” His fangs flashed low. “But I was talking about something else.” Keeping her in place, he slashed into his wrist and then lifted it to her mouth. “Drink.”

  She plastered herself against his chest, trying to avoid his blood. “What the hell?”

  Shit. He should’ve explained. “Our blood has some healing properties. Take a little, and it’ll give you strength for the night.”

  She turned and looked into his face. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah.” He’d forgotten humans didn’t like blood. “You’ll feel better for a short time.”

  Something leaped into her eyes. A light. “What if I just drink a lot of your blood? Will that fix my heart?”

  The woman really didn’t want to mate him. “No.” He gentled his voice to soften the truth. “Without being my mate, if you take too much blood, it’ll kill you. You’d need a deadly dose to even temporarily fix your heart. It’s impossible.” He would’ve offered that in the first place, had there been a chance.

  Her brow furrowed.

  Whoa. She was thinking of taking the chance.

  He shook his head. “Won’t work. I promise.” No way would he be responsible for killing her. For now, he could give her a small taste of immortality. “Now, drink,” he whispered, holding his wrist to her mouth.

  She kept her gaze on his and leaned in, swiping her tongue across his wrist.

  Everything inside him seized. Fire roared through his chest, burned him throughout, and landed hard in his balls. He breathed out, shocked when there wasn’t steam. “Again,” he said, his voice guttural.

  She blinked and wiggled on his suddenly rock-hard dick. Her eyes widened.

  His narrowed. Pain pounded into his groin in a need so fierce he could barely breathe. His fangs lowered and pricked the inside of his mouth. His lip peeled back.

  Her eyes widened.

  Control. Fucking control. He slid his fangs home and forcibly calmed his entire body. Except his cock. That didn’t calm. “Now,” he said.

  She looked up, fear in her eyes.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he said.

  The fear dissipated, leaving something else. Need. Definite need. Her lids half-lowered. She grasped his hand and pressed his wrist to her mouth, taking a deep swallow of his blood. She hummed in pure pleasure. Her eyes closed, and she tried for more.

  “No.” He pulled away, holding her still when she tried to follow his wrist. “Too much will hurt you.”

  She leaned back and licked a drop off her lips.

  His pants tightened to the point of causing agony.
r />   Color blew into her cheeks, and her eyes brightened. “God. It’s amazing.” Her voice had gone husky and low, and she might as well have whispered right across his bare cock.

  His muscles tightened as he held himself in check.

  She stretched her neck, her body moving against him. “I feel so good.” Holding out her hand, she twisted her arm left and right. “Strong. Well, stronger than I just was.” She rubbed her palm along his whiskers. “That’s not all.”

  Yeah. He felt it, too. Attraction. So he turned her to straddle him, feeling her body warm several degrees. “Let me know if I go too fast.”

  She leaned in and settled her lips on his. “The first time I saw you, I thought wow. A real wow.”

  Her breath brushed his mouth, and he stiffened to remain in control. “Is that a fact?” he asked, waiting for her to make a move. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her, and he couldn’t tell how much stronger his blood had made her. If at all.

  “Yes.” She nibbled at his bottom lip.

  Magma boiled through his blood. “When I first saw you, I thought your eyes were the prettiest color I’d ever seen,” he said against her mouth. “Like a fine whiskey that has just caught the light.”

  She kissed him, and he could feel her smile. “That’s sweet,” she whispered.

  Yeah. That was him. Sweet. Nobody in his entire life had called him that. “I don’t want to rush you,” he said.

  She tunneled her hands through his hair and hummed. “But we’re on a bit of a deadline?”

  “Yeah.” The slight tug of her fingers hazed red over his vision. “Don’t know how long your extra strength will last.” Probably not very long. And there could be repercussions to her damaged heart from his blood, so they had to mate and now. He stood, easily holding her to him. “Bedroom.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Um. Okay.”

  He swallowed and carried her through the small apartment and to the only doorway from the living room. Her bedroom was decorated in rich purples and blues…with scarlet accents. A room for passion.

  Who was this woman? He’d have centuries to figure that out.


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