Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series)

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Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series) Page 11

by Angie Daniels

  “That’s a good thing,” he murmured, sliding another finger slowly into her core. “Now you know how I feel.”

  “Rance!” she cried rolling her hips desperately.

  He laughed softly and his strokes became deeper and stronger. “I love hearing you beg.”

  Debra gasped for her next breath as she stared up at Rance. His gaze was dark and filled with lust as he teased her relentlessly despite how much she flinched and struggled to contain her desire for an orgasm. But Rance was making her body blaze. She dissolved on the bed as he stroked her into a mindless state of confusion.

  However, when he lowered his head between her thighs and circled her clit with his tongue Debra could no longer contain herself and was met by a powerful ripple.

  “Rance, Rance!” she shouted, pumping her hips and thrashing on the mattress. Damn him and the control he had over my body, she thought as the final wave swept through. As the shudders diminished, she collapsed her legs on the bed, still feeling the pulse of her clit against his lips.

  Debra groaned, exhausted and happy.

  Rance kissed her once more, causing her vagina to contract once more, before he looked up at her. “Ready to admit you’re no match for me?” He raised one eyebrow, and a very small smile quirked his lips.

  “Whatever. You ain’t all that,” Debra tried to giggle, but it was too much effort.

  Kissing her, a soft brush of his lips over the swell of her breast, Rance gave her a wicked look. “Hmmm, that’s too bad,” he murmured, aiming his penis at her damp opening and sliding inside in one long, hard thrust. “Shit,” he groaned as he settled over her in a blanket of muscular strength.

  Debra’s head thrashed with pleasure while Rance pumped his length inside her. “God, you feel so—!” There were no words for the way his penis felt thrusting fiercely in and out of her warm core.

  “Good?” he said filling in the blank.

  “No… better than good,” she groaned.

  Staring up at his face silvered in moonlight, she watched him. His eyes were half closed, his lips parted with the delight of being so deep within her. The muscles at his powerful shoulders worked as he braced himself over her, and stroked long and hard.

  Debra grabbed his butt and held on as his thrusts pounded her body. Within seconds another orgasm was swelling and she was on the verge of exploding.

  Instinctively, she ground her pelvis against him, her breath catching in her throat as she continued to stare up into his eyes.

  Fast, intense. His eyes closed and his lips tightened as he drove into her.

  “Come for me again,” he demanded in a low tone.

  “Yes,” she moaned. She’d never felt so connected as she did at that moment. Passion pounded through her veins. His thrusts quickened and he sucked air through his teeth. Debra rocked her hips to meet his, then clenched her core muscles, grabbing his dick and holding it tight as an orgasm exploded inside her.

  He came right behind her, crying out her name as he poured himself into her core. His body shuddered and his arms shook as he collapsed on the bed beside her.

  She lay there in the crook of his arms, thinking she’d didn’t want to let him go.


  Chapter 12

  “So am I still your best friend or what?” Bianca asked as she slid into the booth across from Debra. They were at Clarence’s Chicken & Fish House during the dinner rush.

  “Barely,” Debra said. “Especially after the stunt you pulled.”

  She had just returned from the cruise when Bianca had called, demanding she meet her at her husband’s restaurant on Main Street for dinner.

  Debra immediately saw the guilt on Bianca’s face. “I know, I know. It was wrong for me to set you up like that, but I didn’t know how else to get you to start dating again.”

  “And you just figured I’d be interested in dating Dr. Dribble.” Even saying his name made her stomach do a slow roll.

  Bianca shrugged. “He is cute.”

  That was an understatement.

  “Actually, Jaden was in on it, too. He was sick of seeing Rance walking around feeling sorry for himself.”

  “And what made you think I was the solution?”

  Bianca gave a sheepish grin. “I was just hoping.”

  She wanted so badly to be mad at her friend, but how could she after the amazing weekend she had spent with Rance? “You owe me,” Debra said with a roll of her eyes.

  “Owe you?” Bianca looked disappointed. “So are you saying the weekend didn’t go well?”

  “I’m not saying that.”

  She must have seen something in Debra’s face, because Bianca’s large walnut eyes suddenly grew round and wide. “Oh shit! I want details.”

  Their waitress came and took their drink orders and saved Debra from blurting out what had happened during the weekend. But as soon as she had moved to the next table, Bianca stared at her with growing curiosity. Bianca was her best friend and Debra was dying to share her feelings, she just wasn’t sure where to begin. Or maybe it was best to just leave things alone.

  When it came to relationships, Debra had always been private. She was afraid that if she shared too much information she just might jinx the relationship before it had a chance to get started. But in this case there was no relationship. What she’d had with Rance had ended the second she had departed the ship.

  “Rance isn’t half bad,” she said at last. And hoped she hadn’t given her feelings away.

  Bianca, who had been sipping her water, rested her elbows on to the table and leaned closer to ask, “What do you mean by that?”

  “I mean, after we got over the shock of being roommates I actually had a good time with him.”

  “Define ‘good time,’” Bianca instructed between sips. Debra should have known Bianca wasn’t going to settle for anything less than the details.

  “I mean… he’s nothing at all like I thought he would be.”

  “Well, I could have told you that. Never judge a man by the size of his shoes,” Bianca stated.

  Debra’s brow rose. “I wouldn’t say all that.”

  Bianca, who had been taking a sip of water, laughed and choked. “Oh shit!’ she managed between coughs.

  “My bad,” Debra said between giggles.

  “Uh-huh,” she paused long enough to clear her throat. “You need to quit stalling and start talking.”

  Debra gave her best friend a wicked look. “You booked us in the same cabin. You should have known things would get too close for comfort.”

  “And what was that like?” she asked as she pushed her shoulder-length hair away from her face. For years Bianca had worn it short and cropped, but the new hairstyle made her look young, professional and amazingly happy. Debra smiled. London was definitely good for her.

  “At first it was kinda awkward, but he was easy to talk to, and once I warmed up to him I realized he wasn’t as shallow as I had originally thought.”

  “Keep going.”

  Debra released a sigh. “By the first evening it was like … like I had known him all my life.” She reran the entire day through her head. How in the world was she going to explain to her best friend that she’d had a weekend fling?

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Bianca said, waving the waitress over. “Sorry, but I’m starved,” she said to Debra. Let’s order and then finish this conversation. And trust me… we’re going to finish.” She gave Debra the evil eye.

  Debra giggled. Bianca was something else. But she was glad for the interruption. Anything to keep her from talking about the weekend. She wasn’t sure how she was going to explain without her feelings pouring out.

  Her cell phone vibrated in her purse. She pulled it out and glanced down at the screen, and what she saw caused her heart to thump. She had a text message from Rance! A shiver of pleasure raced down her spine.

  Let me know you made it home. Missing those soft lips.

  She smiled, probably wider than she should have, because Bian
ca snatched the phone from her hands.

  “What are you looking at?” Her eyes dropped to the screen and she shook her head, grinning. “Which lips is he talking about?”

  Debra had been asking herself the same question. Without hesitation, she grabbed for her phone and was sure she was blushing like crazy at the memory of their explosive weekend.

  “None of your business,” she murmured and lowered the phone on the seat beside her, out of Bianca’s reach.

  “Come on. Don’t be shy,” Bianca insisted. “I have a right to know what happened on the cruise.

  “Why you figure that?”

  “Because I’m the one who hooked the two of you up.”

  “Yeah, without our permission, and neither of us will ever forget that.”

  Bianca’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she conceded. “Obviously, my cousin didn’t have a problem with it.”

  Debra’s gaze widened. “Why’d you say that? Did you talk to him?”

  Bianca laughed, nearly choking. “Look at you. You really like him.”

  “Whatever.” Debra frowned, picked up the phone, and read the text again.

  “So are you going to text him back?”

  She shrugged, not sure if that was a good idea. She didn’t want him to know she was thinking about him. She had assumed after they had said their goodbyes in the parking lot the fairy tale would be over and they would go their separate ways. She hadn’t expected him to text and confess he missed kissing her. Especially since she was feeling the exact same way.

  Bianca tsk-tsked, shaking her head at her. “What are you waiting for? Send him a picture of your lips. Unless of course, you need some privacy.” Bianca wagged her brow suggestively.

  Despite the conflict she was feeling, Debra couldn’t resist a smile. She would love to have a relationship with Rance, if that was what he wanted, but she knew it wasn’t. He had pretty much made himself clear on that subject. So the best thing would be not to start anything, although deep down she wished he would. She’d give anything to give her best friend the intimate details of the weekend cruise. But she didn’t want Bianca to know how much she really liked Rance, just in case he didn’t feel the same way. The last thing she wanted was for Bianca to feel sorry for her again.

  But as she stared down at the phone she had this overwhelming urge to do something different for a change.

  “Okay, here,” Debra handed her the cell phone. “Take my picture.”

  “Now that’s more like it.” Bianca held up the phone.

  Trying to be as silly as possible, Debra leaned over the table and puckered her glossed lips.

  “Got it!” Bianca cried, then looked down at the finished product. “That is so cute.”

  Debra took the phone from her hand and gazed down at the photo. At that angle she showed a generous helping of cleavage. She remembered how much he had admired her breasts. So before she could chicken out she typed a quick return text saying she had made it safely, attached the picture, and hit Send.

  Bianca watched her, eyes narrowed. “Now are you going to give me the details or what?”

  Debra smiled while her belly quivered at the memories they’d created. “We had a good time. End of story.”

  Glancing up, she found London coming their way, carrying two plates of his famous fried chicken. Debra smiled. She couldn’t have timed it better herself.

  “Hello, London,” she greeted.

  He winked. “Hey, there. I heard my beautiful wife was out here, so I thought I’d personally bring your food out and steal a few moments of her time. Being that she’s a big time VP and all,” he teased as he lowered the plates carefully in front of them.

  Bianca swept an admiring glance over London and said, “I was planning to come back and see you before we left.”

  “I couldn’t wait that long.” Leaning forward, he seared the mahogany beauty with such an intense kiss that Debra had to look away. Those two were so in love. Why was it so hard for her to find a man who wanted the same?

  She groaned. “Seriously, you two need to get a room.”

  Grinning, London pulled back and gestured for his wife to slide over on the bench so he could sit beside her. “How was your trip?” London asked, eyes dark with curiosity.

  Debra looked from one to the other, then down at her plate. “Just fine. And I’m not saying another word.”

  Bianca turned to her husband and sighed. “I’ve tried. It’s useless.”

  “It serves her right for setting me up like that.”

  London held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, I’m staying out of this discussion. I learned a long time ago not to come between friends.”

  “Good answer,” Bianca said and laughed.

  “Debra, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about those cupcakes,” London said, resting his elbows on the table.

  Debra gave him a curious look. “What about them?”

  “Your cupcakes were so popular I have customers calling and asking when we’re going to have more.”

  That was the best news Debra had heard in weeks. She beamed. “Well, just send them down to the bakery.”

  London looked at Bianca, then back across the table. “Actually, I was hoping you and I could negotiate a contract.”

  “A contract with your restaurant? Are you serious?”

  He nodded. “I’m dead serious. I’d like to order cupcakes for all our restaurants.”

  “All of them?” Debra was so stunned she didn’t know what to say.

  “I was thinking we could start out with maybe only having DebbieCakes available two days a week, and then, depending on the demand, expand the orders.”

  “Wow! I don’t know what to say.” She was practically speechless.

  “Say yes.”

  Excitement was pouring from every pore. “I’d feel honored.”

  London smiled softly. “Actually, I’m the one who’d be honored to serve those amazing cupcakes. I’ve been waiting for you to get back just so I could order another dozen lemon meringues for myself.”

  Bianca shook her head. “He isn’t kidding, either. That’s all he’s been talking about.”

  Debra beamed at both of them. “You got yourself a deal!” Her expression softened with gratitude as she reached out and shook his proffered hand.


  Debra made it back to her condo feeling better than she had in days. Adding the chain of chicken restaurants to her list of clients was proof her business was growing. But it also meant it was time for her to hire a full-time assistant. Currently, she had two part-time employees who covered the front of the store, and a high school student who came in after school to wash dishes. Then there was Mr. Omar, who helped with deliveries. But with the increase in orders she was going to need someone else to help her keep up with the growing demand.

  Not that she was complaining.

  It just meant trying to find a baker in the area. She sighed. Making money meant spending more money. If only she could just be lucky enough to out-bid everyone else for the donut shop on Main Street, then her business would blossom. Yeah, right. She wasn’t even going to get her hopes up with that possibility.

  With a yawn, she padded down the hall toward the kitchen in a pair of biker shorts and a faded green t-shirt. She suddenly wanted a freeze pop. They were her guilty pleasure. As she reached into the large freezer she grinned. She savored the sweet flavor and loved the ice-cold taste in her mouth. Ever since she had been a little girl she’d loved them, and during her monthly shopping sprees she always managed to buy herself a small box just for moments like these.

  Reaching into the drawer she removed a pair of scissors, clipped off the tip and tossed the plastic in the nearby trash can.

  “Mmm,” she moaned as she sucked a large chunk of the cherry flavored ice into her mouth. She remembered how her grandmother used to tease her about how red her lips became. It was like she had on lipstick. How she missed her grandmother. Nana had been gone now for almost f
ive years.

  Glancing up at the clock, she noticed it was almost time for Game of Thrones. She chewed happily on her freeze pop while she moved back down the hall to the master bedroom. She liked her new condo, and might have liked it even more if she hadn’t been forced to move.

  Immediately, she brushed aside the thought. The last thing she was going to do was waste an evening thinking about Sony. She hoped the sale of the Avalanche would help compensate for some of her expenses. It was prominently parked in front of Jaden’s body shop. Bianca’s brother was certain he’d have a buyer in no time.

  Stepping into the spacious master suite, she moved over to an old comfy loveseat. She flopped down onto the cushions and reached for the remote control.

  HBO was showing the previews of a brand-new series coming in August when she heard her cell phone ring.

  “Damn,” she muttered under breath as she walked over to her purse. Reaching in, she retrieved her phone and muttered, “This better be important.”

  Debra glanced down at the screen and her heart lurched.


  She forced a deep, calming breath before answering. “Hello?”

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Goodness. The sound of his voice caused her nipples to instantly bead with arousal. “Hey. How was your flight?”

  “It was good. Thanks for sending me your sexy smile. Although those weren’t the lips I was talking about.”

  “Nasty,” she laughed softly as she moved back over to the couch and returned to her seat.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear… your laughter.” His deep baritone voice poured through the phone.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because I’ve been thinking about you since you pulled off the parking lot.”

  She wondered if he was being sincere or just telling her what she wanted so desperately to hear. All her daydreams revolved around this sexy man. Most were naked and involved sex.

  Giddy with nerves and excitement she replied in a teasing voice, “Really? I thought maybe you were calling because your ears were burning. Bianca insisted I have dinner with her tonight.” Looking over at the television, Bianca realized her program had started. Immediately, she hit Record on her DVR. The award-winning television series was going to have to wait.


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