Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series)

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Do Me Baby (The Beaumont Series) Page 17

by Angie Daniels

  The ladies giggled.

  Shaking her head, Danica said, “Sorry about the sauce. I should have warned you.”

  Debra waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. I was hungry.”

  Brenna rose. “I guess we can finish this party inside. I’m ready to eat.”

  “So am I,” Debra replied as she followed the ladies.

  They went in and summoned their children from the game room. Everybody gathered in the sunroom. Sitting around the table, they ate ribs, hot dogs, corn, coleslaw, and London’s amazing baked beans.

  Debra had taken a seat at the far end of the table, where she had a breathtaking view of the sandy beach a few feet away. Boats dotted the ocean, and there were people out on jet skis.

  “Okay, Debra, what’s the verdict?” Bianca asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  “Yes, whose ribs were the best?” London wanted to know.

  Her gaze traveled around the table, where she found all eyes on her. “They were all good,” she replied, stalling for time, taking another bite of grilled corn just so she had an excuse not to answer.

  London shook his head. “One’s got to be better than the other. C’mon Deb. I’m tryna school these bozos that when it comes to meat, it’s all about the seasoning.”

  “True, which is why you need to stick to fish.” Jace’s comment granted him a few chuckles.

  The men started bouncing insults off each other until Sheyna finally threw her hands in the air and shouted, “Enough! Debra, please pick a winner before these four drive me crazy.”

  The other women agreed.

  Her eyes traveled around the table before she finally replied, “Honestly, Jabarie’s was the best when it comes to sauce.”

  He sprung from the chair and kept repeating. “Yeah! Yeah! What did I tell you?”

  Jace gave him a dismissive wave.

  “Whatever,” London mumbled and went back to eating.

  Jace just looked at his wife and shook his head.

  “You men are so competitive,” Brenna said with a grin. “I don’t know how your parents dealt with you.”

  Bianca gave a rude snort. “Father was just as bad.”

  “Who was just as bad?”

  Debra looked up to find Roger Beaumont standing in the doorway, hugging his oldest granddaughter Arianna close to his side. The nine-year-old was the splitting image of her mother Brenna.

  Bianca gave him an adoring look. “Father, I was telling the ladies how competitive it was growing up.”

  “Oh, I can tell you some stories,” her father began with a chuckle, and then moved to take a seat at the end of the table next to Jace.

  “Pops, remember that time you took us target shooting in the woods?” Jace asked between chews.

  The devastatingly handsome elderly gentleman chuckled and took the liberty of explaining how they’d each shot the windows out of one of his old warehouses.

  Debra had always admired Roger Beaumont, the man behind the Beaumont Hotels. He was a stern, no-nonsense kind of guy, but over the years he had softened, and now seemed to warm up to people without being pretentious, making it hard to believe the man was a millionaire.

  Debra leaned back in the chair and watched the family, the way they were so close. She loved being around the Beaumonts. One man in particular.

  She sighed. There was no point in wasting her time dreaming about something that was never going to happen. But no matter what, her baby was going to be a part of this family, surrounded by so much love. Knowing that caused her to smile.

  “I hear you’re now the new owner of Kona Donuts,” Roger announced.

  Goodness! Were there ever any secrets around town?

  Debra nodded. “Yes, I am.”

  “Good for you,” he said with sincerity.

  It was still hard to believe. After all those years of hoping and praying, she was finally going to be on Main Street.

  Bianca started dancing in her chair. “I’m so happy for her. Her business is really going to expand.”

  She was grateful that Bianca had not said anything about Rance buying the space for her. That would really give the townspeople something to gossip about.

  Jabarie rose. “Well, it’s almost time to go downstairs and watch the game.”

  Debra looked over at Bianca. “Game?”

  She met her intense stare. “Rance is playing tonight.”

  Just the thought of seeing him, even if it was only on the television, had her heart racing like crazy.

  “Sixers are playing the Knicks tonight. They’re about to get that behind spanked!” Jace howled.

  “Traitor,” Jabarie muttered as he started clearing the table.

  By the time the table had been cleared and the kids had all gone back to playing, the grownups had moved to the media room, where a projector screen covered the majority of the wall. There was theatre seating and even a popcorn and soda machine.

  “You want something stronger to drink? Beer? A wine cooler?”

  Debra immediately shook her head. “Oh, no, nothing like that. A bottle of water would be great.”

  As soon as the game highlights began, her heart started pounding. And the second the camera captured Rance, her entire body heated and quivered. As she continued to watch him running up and down the court, she brought a protective hand to her stomach.

  That man was the father of her unborn child.

  “You okay?”

  She looked over at the concerned look on Bianca’s face and nodded. “I’m fine. Why?”

  “Because I swore I just heard you moan.”

  She swatted her arm playfully, “Whatever.”

  Bianca giggled and leaned over, and said low enough for her ears only, “You miss him, don’t you?”

  There was no denying it. Her entire body craved him. “Very much.”

  “Have you told him?”

  Her head whipped around and for a second she thought Bianca was talking about the baby. “No. It’s the playoffs, and he doesn’t like distractions.”

  “Is that what that idiot told you?” Bianca shook her head. “I don’t understand the men in this family.”

  Neither did she. She wasn’t sure what he was going to say when he found out about her pregnancy. Either way, she was going to have to find a way to tell him.


  Later that evening, Debra lay in bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about Rance and the baby growing inside her. She had an appointment with her obstetrician on Thursday to confirm what she already knew. Her heart clenched as she thought about her feelings for Rance.

  “You got it bad,” she said aloud as she lay there preparing for another restless night. Memories of him crowded her brain, making her edgy and difficult to relax. She lay there a little longer before she finally reached for her phone. Rance had been calling her all afternoon and she had yet to return his call. She decided to send a text instead.

  I saw you play tonite.

  She had barely lowered her head to the pillow when her phone rang. She smiled when she glanced down to see his number flash across her screen.

  “So. Whatcha think?”

  She smiled. He was so cocky. It was part of what made him so appealing. “I think you’re the biggest man on the team.”

  “That’s why I play power forward and center.”

  “In a few more years you might be as good as Shaq.”

  “What?” he gave a rude snort. “I’m better than Shaq.”

  Debra stifled a chuckle behind a groan. She loved getting him all riled up. “You and your ego.”

  “You know you like it.”

  “Whatever you say.” She laughed. “But you looked good out there.” Damn good.

  She loved hearing his laughter. As he gave the highlights of the game as if she hadn’t seen it, she shifted onto her side and listened to the deep rumble of his voice. She could listen to him all night.

  “I need to see you.” His voice was low and deep.

  “I thought y
ou didn’t like distractions,” she mocked.

  “I’m willing to make an exception.”

  “Wow, thanks.”

  There was a pause. “Deb, I miss you.”

  She couldn’t believe what he was saying. Or that she had responded with, “I miss you too.”

  “So how about me flying you to New York on Friday to watch me play live and in person?”

  “Okay,” she said without hesitation.

  “I’ll have my travel agent book the flight. I’ll text you the info.”

  Her mind was already racing with excitement. “Okay.”

  “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Neither can I.”

  They talked awhile before she finally said goodnight and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about Rance and their unborn child.

  Chapter 18

  Rance paced the corner of the dressing room. Five minutes to game time and they’d be lining up and heading out onto the floor.

  And Debra should be sitting there in the stands. His heart thumped from just imagining her beautiful smile lighting up the bleachers He wasn’t sure when she had gotten under his skin, but she had, and he wasn’t sure what, if anything, he was going to do about it. All he knew was he couldn’t go another week without her.

  And then they were walking out onto the floor and his eyes traveled over to where she would be sitting. His breathing stalled. There she was, lowering onto her seat. Her honey brown hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she wore silver hoops in her ears that dangled low enough to skim her shoulders. She was wearing a Sixers t-shirt that stretched across her breasts, and blue jeans that complimented her hips. She waved over at him and he waved back, sending her a wide grin.

  He tried to tell himself he was just having a good time, sharing incredible sex, but the more he got to know her the more he thought about the chance of their having more. It was crazy. If anyone had told him six months ago he’d be crazy over a woman, he would have told them to have their head examined. But now… Now he wasn’t sure what he wanted anymore. But whatever it was, it would have to include Debra.

  Adrenaline pumped through his veins and pounded at his heart. Everything about this moment felt right. Which was why tonight, after the game, he planned on talking to her about becoming something steady in his life.

  But for now, it was game time.

  * * *

  Debra was standing outside, away from the media, under a large tree when she spotted Rance only a few feet away. He was heading right for her. Heat shot through her, and even though it was in the low 80s, she had the sudden urge to fan herself, although she was certain it wouldn’t have done any good.

  She stood there, grateful for a few moments to get herself together while Rance signed a few autographs, and then he was once again heading her way, his gaze fixed on her. It was hard to believe she was finally here and up close. She wasn’t dreaming.

  “Hey, beautiful.” The air between them suddenly became charged.

  “Hi,” she blushed.

  As soon as he got close enough, Rance yanked her close and kissed her with such fierce desperation that it made Debra gasp.

  “Wow!” she said after he released her. “I thought the whole reason for meeting out here was to avoid the media.” She pointed to the reporter on the other side of the street snapping photographs.

  “Damn,” he growled and draped an arm around her shoulders, steering her away. “C’mon. I have a car around the corner.”

  Everything was happening so fast she could barely catch her breath. Rance escorted her into a rented Lexus and whipped her away from Madison Square Garden to his hotel. She put on a pair of dark shades and slipped into one of his hooded sweatshirts and made it up the elevator and onto the floor. Only moments after Rance had kicked the door shut, their clothes were off, and they were on the bed in each other’s arms.

  Debra smiled up at him. “Babe, tell me this isn’t a dream.”

  Rance cupped her breast and grazed her nipple until it pouted. “No, sweetheart, you’re really here.”

  “Good,” She cooed as she slipped her arms around him, feeling his muscles flexing as he moved. “I missed you.”

  “You have no idea how much I missed you,” he admitted as his brought his lips down over hers again.

  “I hope you’re planning to show me.” Debra ran her hands along his shoulders, enjoying the feel of his skin beneath her fingers. Goodness, she missed touching him!

  “You think you know me,” he breathed against her cheek.

  “I know you better than you think.”

  “Really, and what is it that you know?” Rance’s gaze flicked up to meet hers.

  “I know you like me, and missed me, and couldn’t wait to see me,” she teased.

  “I guess you do know me,” he murmured as his masculine lips closed over her nipple. Debra arched off the mattress and lost all interest in anything else.

  Finally, after days of restless nights and her body yearning for him, Debra could touch and kiss Rance the way she wanted.

  As his teeth raked the taut peak of her breasts, she freely explored his body, allowing her hands to slide all along his back, down to his tight ass and around to skim his thighs. She loved kissing him. The smell of him made her feel dizzy and breathless with pleasure. Tonight was all about them. She wouldn’t ruin it with talks about her being pregnant and her plans of raising her child alone. There would be plenty of time to discuss that tomorrow. Tonight she planned on being with the man she loved while he did things to her body that no one else was capable of doing. Only tonight she was determined to show Rance just how much she loved him, even if she never said a word.

  “It’s my turn to show you how much I missed you,” she whispered. Rance was licking his way down past her breasts, and it was obvious where he was headed.

  He gave her a hot look loaded with desire and went back to sucking a path around her navel with his tongue. “You already showed me by coming up to see me.”

  “That’s not what I had in mind.” With that, she flipped him over onto his back and turned around to straddle his face.

  “Now this is more like it,” she purred as she slid her tongue along his erection.

  Growling, Rance closed his mouth over her clit in retaliation and sucked, sending desire ricocheting through her body.

  Moaning with delight, she licked the head of his dick, savoring the taste of him while enjoying the havoc his tongue was creating between her thighs.

  Reaching up, Rance caught her nipple and rolled it round between his fingers while he continued circling her clit with his tongue. Debra quivered and moaned while she nibbled and sucked at his erection, taking him deep and then dragging him out to the tip before slipping him back inside her mouth again.

  Rance growled and slipped a finger into the wet opening of her kitty and caught one of her labia between his teeth, giving it a gentle tug.

  “Oh yes,” she moaned while drawing him deeper.

  “You like that?” Rance hissed before he added a second finger and plunged deep.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she groaned, then swallowed as much of him as she could in one long sweep that had Rance rocking against her mouth.

  Heat filled her body, tightening her nipples. It was hard to concentrate on what she was doing with Rance doing erotic things with his own skillful tongue. The man was talented in so many ways.

  The feeling of her lips wrapped around his dick made Rance moan against her pussy. A man could only handle so much. He was holding her full breasts in the palm of his hands and her mouth was on his penis. Rance was in heaven.

  He had never felt like this in his life. Sure, he’d had dozens of women go down on him, but with Debra it was more than sex. Their lovemaking only took their relationship to another level. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he had no words.

  Instead, he tried to show her with his body, even though she was the one driving him crazy with her mouth.

  “Ride me, babe!”
he ordered, and after a few more torturous strokes Debra withdrew him from her mouth. With his help, she guided his penis to the opening of her sex and sank down, one glorious inch at a time.

  “Mmmm!” she moaned as he filled her. “I was dying to feel you inside of me again.”

  “So was I,” he groaned as her ass settled across his hips. Rance clenched his teeth and hissed, certain he’d lose control before she even started.

  After several deep breaths, he pulled himself together just in time, because she starting rocking her pelvis. She was so wet, he groaned inwardly, and he tried to control his breathing again. Debra rose up and down, feeling slick and tight all at the same time. Thank goodness her movements were slow and in control, otherwise he’d be spilling into her far too soon. He stared up at her and felt that familiar tightening at his chest. She was so beautiful with her wide eyes, dark and glazed, her lips slightly parted, and her breasts bouncing with the slightest motion.

  Something strong and powerful swelled in him, as hot and erotic as the pleasure of her slow strokes. “I’m crazy about you,” he gasped, then grabbed onto her waist and guided her body along his length.

  “I’m crazy about you,” Debra cried out as he slammed her down hard, making sure she felt every glorious inch. “Oooh, so crazy!”

  It was her moans that sent his climax rolling up in a ferocious wave. Rance came hard, bellowing her name.

  Arching his body, driving his full length inside her wet core, he felt her muscles contract and her walls tighten around him before an orgasm ripped her body in surges that caused her back to arch as she screamed out in ecstasy.

  They gyrated their hips together, enjoying every single exquisite second before Debra finally collapsed against his powerful chest.

  He rolled her over and pulled her tightly into his arms. They lay there kissing and hugging as he savored the feel of her warm lush body in his arms. She was quiet, her hip pressed back against him as she drifted off to sleep.


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