The Half-Light

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The Half-Light Page 21

by A D Lombardo

  “What’s next?” Shane interrupted, pointing to the next tent. “Lemon pudding? Not sure about this one. I like lemons, but what is pudding?”

  Amelia pushed forward. “I’ve had pudding before. If you like custard, you will love pudding. They’re very similar, only pudding is not as thick. Five cups please.” She handed the man behind the table a few coins and distributed a tiny cup to everyone.

  Kai hesitantly stirred the yellow mixture. He was not overly fond of lemons. Bravely he took the smallest taste. To his surprise, it wasn’t bad. His next bite was a heaping spoonful. “Hmmm, I don’t usually like lemons, but this is good.”

  “I disagree. I am not a fan at all.” Shane made a face. “There is too much sugar in this. Lemons should be tart.” He passed his cup back.

  Rayna bumped Shane on the arm. “I can’t believe you didn’t like it.”

  Julia came to his defense, taking Shane’s arm. “I agree, Shane. Lemons should be tart.” She pulled him ahead of the group through the crowd.

  Kai’s eyes went wide, and he tossed his hands in the air. “Well, alright. What’s next? I am getting full. We should find the Henley gazebo.”

  “Just one more,” Amelia called out. “Cheese pie, that smells wonderful. It doesn’t smell sweet at all. Miss, can you tell us what is in your pie?” She sniffed the row of pastry cups.

  “Certainly, my lady. You are correct, this is not a sweet pie. Cheese pie is a savory dish. The outer shell is a flour pastry filled with a mixture of cheese, onion, herbs, and potato. Would you like to try a taste?” She cut a bite-sized slice from one cup.

  Amelia took the offered bite. Thrilled, her eyes enlarged, and she swallowed. “It is wonderful, and still a little warm. You all must try this. Miss, can you cut the rest of this pie cup into four slices? I am afraid we’ve had a little too much before finding you.” Amelia offered her a few coins and turned to the group delighted.

  “Happy to, miss. Enjoy.” She offered the plate.

  Rayna sighed. “One last bite, and then I am finished.”

  Everyone ate their slice, and Kai nodded in agreement. “That was good, but I cannot eat another bite.”

  Six pavilions angled out like spokes on a wheel around one large gazebo, each filled with people eating. The Henley gazebo had eight sides, raised up several feet off the ground, and stood tall in the center. It was stained dark walnut, and it had two round tables beautifully decorated with white lines, flowers, sweets, and teapots. Drew sat with his father and stood quickly when he saw Prince Kai.

  “Your Highness, Prince Kai, thank you for honoring us with your visit. I would like to introduce my father Lord Robert Henley and my mother, Lady Elizabeth Henley,” he said, bowing to Kai as the group entered the gazebo.

  “Drew, thank you. Lord and Lady Henley, thank you for having us on such short notice.” They each shook hands.

  Kai felt a little uncomfortable being the center of attention. He was used to his father being the focal point. He remembered seeing the Henleys at the winter festival, but he had not actually spoken with them. Seeing them once a year didn’t make them exceptionally close.

  “You have a lovely town,” Kai offered. “I heard you were having a festival today. I hope it is acceptable we came unannounced.”

  Lord Robert shared Drew’s pitch-black hair and blue eyes. “Your Highness. We are most humbled to have you here today. Drew speaks very highly of you. It is our pleasure to finally spend private time with the young Prince of Diu.”

  Kai blushed and quickly turned to his friends. “Allow me to introduce my friends. This is Lady Amelia Maxwell from Milnos.” Amelia curtsied in response. “This is Miss Rayna Kendrick of Diu.” Following suit, Rayna curtsied.

  Next Kai gestured to his best friend. “This is Mister Shane Marduk of Diu.”

  Shane extended a hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Lord and Lady Henley.”

  “And finally, this is Miss Julia…” Embarrassed, he looked at Julia. He did not know her last name.

  Julia did her best curtsy and added. “My name is Julia Blackwell, from Diu.”

  Lord Robert bowed to the group. “It is my pleasure to meet all of you. Please sit. I am sure you have tried many delicious treats around the festival. I doubt you have room for more.”

  Lady Elizabeth Henley offered a delicate hand to Kai. She also had black hair and blue eyes. “Your Highness, I am so happy you are here.”

  “Thank you, Lady Elizabeth.”

  Everyone sat. Kai surveyed his guards, staggered around the gazebo and staged through the park. Kai took a small sip of tea. “Lord Henley, this is a wonderful event. We have sampled a fair amount at the festival today. I could not eat another bite.” He eyed the treats on the table and glanced at Rayna, who was quietly speaking with Amelia and Lady Henley.

  With a nod, Kai motioned to the fortifications. “I noticed your walls are under construction. Honestly, I can’t tell if they are being built or torn down. There is a rather large section missing to the west. I hope you’ve not had any trouble.”

  Lord Henley pursed his lips. “Well, in order to expand, we took down the west wall, and our plans were progressing on schedule. Unfortunately, this past winter we lost two large oaks near the east wall. The older section already had cracking issues, and the weight of two fallen trees was more than it could bear.” He folded his arms around himself. “It is not a good feeling being exposed on two sides.”

  “I agree.” Kai thought about what his father would do. “Would you be open to Diu offering aid? Either on the wall repairs or on the new buildings? The faster your new buildings are started, the sooner you can determine the new wall location.”

  “Thank you, Prince Kai. Any assistance you could provide would be most welcome.” Lord Henley relaxed his arms and poured a new cup of tea.

  “You are close enough, the very least we could do was offer additional guard detail. I will speak with my father and Grand Duke Dante.”

  This was a new feeling. Kai enjoyed offering support. He knew it would be his mission in the upcoming trip to provide this same support to the Hamrin Estate and its town if needed.

  “Again, we greatly appreciate your provision. I hope it is not too presumptuous of me to mention, but I had heard you traveled with a wolf. I now see it’s true. What did it take to domesticate such an animal?”

  Taken aback by the question, Kai looked toward Smoke lying in the grass. A magnificent wild animal that he felt fortunate to know. “Smoke is still wild. I have not domesticated him. We share a mutual respect. Smoke is not dependent, unlike a dog who needs its human owner.”

  “Really? That is fascinating and terrifying at the same time. The Nebean black wolf is much larger than any other dog or wolf I have ever seen. Tell me your thoughts. We have a pack of black wolves to the west. My hunter says they are getting closer and closer each season. I would hate to put them down, but I have livestock and people to protect.” Concern tightened Lord Henley’s brow.

  The thought of killing a wolf because it was too close to the town shocked Kai. Although he knew first-hand wolves were typically put down when they got too bold—for the safety of the people living nearby. Sadly, he remembered the day Hunter Marduk killed a wolf to save his life because he ventured out alone into the forest.

  “Before you do anything, let me speak with Haygan our stablemaster,” Kai implored. “He also travels with a Nebean black wolf. He may know how to keep them away or move them to another area.”

  Shane cleared his throat. “My father tends the base of Thade Mountain. We’ve had to put down a wolf or two over the years. They can get aggressive. They steal food and kill livestock. Although most are afraid and avoid people, a few get curious or desperate. Packs are territorial. They are either expanding their area or being pushed out by another pack. Even people can displace a group, cause them to get desperate for food.”

  Robert took a sip of tea and nodded. “My hunter still suggests we put them down, but I’ve been able to discourage the
idea, at least for now. If you could assist us, I would greatly appreciate any advice.”

  Dresnor stood near the stairs. “My apologies, Prince Kai, but we should make our way back to the stables. We need to make it back to the palace before it gets too late.” He motioned to a nearby guard. “See that the stables have our horses ready.”

  Drew stood. “I will go with him, see to the preparations. Father, it was good to see you. I will be back tomorrow. I have a few days off before summer. Mother.” He offered her his hand and kissed her cheek before jogging after the other guard.

  “Agreed, Dresnor.” Kai stood and offered his hand to Lord Henley. “Lord Henley, thank you for a wonderful afternoon. I will send word when my father decides what aid we can offer. Your growth and security are important to Diu, and we will do what we can to assist. Also, I am most interested in finding a peaceful solution for the wolves. Expect a response within a day or two at the most.”

  “Kai. Can I call you Kai?” Lord Henley asked. “Call me Robert. Allow me to walk part way back with you. We should talk.” Robert put his arm around Kai, escorting him into the crowd.

  Robert was like an older version of Drew. Even though Kai was tall for his age, Robert was still much taller. “Sure. Robert, between us you may call me Kai.” He wasn’t sure his father would approve, but the Henley name had an honorable reputation.

  “If you don’t mind me saying, I notice you travel with … well, common people, and you call them friends. My son Drew mentioned you’re rather progressive.” They started walking down the main street toward the estate grounds. “You favor your father in that respect. We were great friends when he was young. Even after you were born, we saw him quite often. Since he married Nola, we never see him outside the winter festival. The loss has been most unsettling for us.”

  “My father mentioned he spent a good deal of time here when he was younger. He said it was a picturesque place. I’d say your town has grown significantly over the years since his time.”

  Kai thought back. He could not remember Robert and Elizabeth from his youth. He was surprised to hear this man was so close to his parents. It was hard to believe they no longer spoke. “So, you knew my mother?”

  “I knew your mother. Wonderful lady. Loved to laugh. She was all about you, her little man. My Elizabeth so loved your mother. They were very dear friends.” Somber, Robert looked off into the trees. “You have become a fine young man. It has been my pleasure to get to know Iver and Mariana’s son.” Robert stopped at the entrance to his estate. “I should get back to Elizabeth.”

  “Robert, today has been a total surprise. I had no idea you were close with my parents. It is good to know they had loyal friends. I hope to return and get to know you and Lady Elizabeth.” He turned to face Robert.

  “You are welcome anytime. Should you ever need anything in return, you can count on us for support.” Without asking, Robert embraced Kai. He let Kai go and looked up the road. “Your better catch up to your friends.”

  “Goodbye, Robert,” Kai waved.

  He approached Dresnor, who’d hung back. “Dresnor, I want to ask Drew to become part of my royal guard. I thought I owed it to you to ask if you agree. I know you have a few more men to select before our summer trip. Please consider my request,” Kai said confidently.

  Dresnor stroked his beard. “Normally they need to reach a certain rank to be in the regular detail. I will admit he is well on his way. He came with us today, recommended by his uncle. Your trip was short notice, and since Kempery-man Henley could not come with us, he felt it best if Drew, a local, take his place.” They stopped and let the trailing guards pass them. “Look, Kai, if you want Drew in your service, I will do whatever you wish. Only, don’t promote him before he’s put in his time. That would not go over well with the other men. He should start as a scout; I will speak with the Grand Duke about the assignment. He oversees palace and royal security. Dante should not have a problem with your choice.”

  “I appreciate the advice, but I trust Drew. Provided it doesn’t upset the natural order of his advancement, please consider him.”

  Chapter 24


  The late-afternoon sun warmed their backs as Kai’s small group mounted up and left town Henley, behind the lead scout—Drew. Kai rode beside Shane. “I hope you had a good day. I know it is not what we planned.”

  “Like you said, we have all summer to swim and fish. Getting to know Amelia was nice. Especially considering you must marry her someday. Makes me wonder why you spend so much time with Rayna.” Shane cringed at his words.

  “You’re not the first person to mention I should not spend time with her.” He looked to Shane. “Be honest. If I said you could never see Julia, what would you say?”

  “But I don’t … well, maybe … she is very…” Embarrassed, Shane shifted in his saddle. “I hate to turn it back around on you, but what does Julia have to do with you and Rayna?”

  “I am trying to prove a point. There’s no need to say it out loud, but be honest, you like Julia. Every time we get together you enjoy her company.” Kai let Shane settle on the truth. “Now imagine if you could not spend time together. Ever!”

  Silence lingered in the air as they continued riding. Up and over the next hill they rode. Diu city was now in view. “Not being with Julia would be difficult. So, I ask again, why spend time with Rayna if it can never be more?” Shane pressed.

  Kai knew Shane was right. Everyone was right, based on the information they had. Still, he could not let go. In his soul, Kai knew Rayna was meant to be his future. “Can I tell you a secret? One you promise you will not tell anyone, not even your dad?”

  “Come on, Kai, you know I can keep a secret,” Shane whispered. “I’m already keeping one. You can tell me anything.”

  Kai was afraid to say it out loud, and he held his breath, he’d only told Kendra. Haygan didn’t even know. “I have dreams. Well, visions. Things that either have happened or will happen.” Relieved, he let out a long sigh and looked to his friend. “Rayna is in my future.”

  “Not sure what to say to that. I think my mother had dreams. But then it is difficult to remember.” Hesitating, Shane looked over his shoulder back at the girls. “I remember the day we met Rayna and how much you spoke about her on the ride home. If you believe she is important, then trust yourself. Trust Alenga. Whatever is meant to be will find a way.”

  Kai nodded. “You are my best friend. I appreciate your honesty.”

  Changing the subject, Kai asked. “Are you ready for our trip to Hamrin?”

  “I’m excited, yes. This will be my first time east. We only ever go south to Porta Anahita or north around Thade Mountain. My dad said it will not be an easy ride. Unlike the gentle stroll today, we will ride much harder and faster. We must cover forty to fifty miles in a day—sunrise to sunset in the saddle. I’d say the better question is, are you ready?”

  That was a good question. Honestly, he was nervous. He had never slept under the stars, and Hamrin would be two full days in the saddle. “I am as ready as I will ever be. Not much choice, really. My father wants to teach me responsibility. Between us, I am both excited and terrified.”

  Shane sat high in his saddle. “This will be the best trip of our lives. That is until the next summer when we go to Chenowith. Dad told me each summer trip we will go farther and farther. I can hardly believe we get to spend an entire summer together.” He grinned from ear to ear. “Considering that we will be leaving soon, do you mind if I circle back and talk with Julia for the rest of the ride home?”

  “I would like to speak with Amelia,” Kai nodded. “See if she had a good day. I will ride back and send Julia forward.” Kai pulled Ember out of line and circled back. “Julia, would you mind if I rode by Amelia for a while? You can take my place beside Shane.”

  Julia blushed, looking to Amelia, who nodded approvingly. Julia gave Misty a squeeze and trotted ahead to Shane.

  Not wanting to remind Amelia of Tolan’s d
eparture, and make her cry again, he didn’t mention the boy’s name. “I wanted to ask, did you have a good day?”

  “Thank you for inviting me,” Amelia swayed with the movement of her horse. “You have kind friends. Rayna is a lucky girl.”

  Now he was embarrassed. Amelia meant the world to him. “Thank you.”

  He looked off into a nearby thicket and saw Smoke stalking something inside the tree line. In his mind, he connected to his sight and saw a small rabbit in the brush.

  “No matter what, know that I am here for you. You are my dearest friend and my sister in spirit. We will find a way to make this work.” Kai tried to reassure her, but deep down, he knew it was just as much for himself.

  “Kai, you can say his name—Tolan. There I said it and no more tears. This morning his goodbye struck my heart. I will miss him dearly. Six months is a long time to be apart.” She did her best to look happy. “Now since you leave soon, you better make use of this ride.” Amelia pulled on her horse and circled around to Rayna. She said to her, “Trade places with me. I will ride with Kempery-man Dresnor. Spend some time with Kai before he leaves for the summer.”

  Rayna pressed Snowflake forward to join Kai and Ember. “Amelia said it is my turn.” She smiled, her head held high, her back straight as a board.

  How is it she could make him feel so happy and yet so nervous at the same time? “I hope you enjoyed the afternoon away. How are you and Snowflake doing?” He wanted to tell her he knew she had bonded with Snowflake and what that meant.”

  She paused, tilting her head to one side. “This may sound strange, but on the way here, I got a sense that she felt anxious. Lost, even. My dad told me when I learned to ride our pony that animals can sense your nature. Snowflake gives me such self-confidence and love. It is easy to give that back in return.”

  Her words were truer than she knew—without knowing how she had bonded with Snowflake. She was making a difference just by being herself. “That does not sound strange at all,” Kai said. “Haygan told me something similar.” How could he tell her? Learning her horse was going blind would break her heart.


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