Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants Page 20

by Sarah Tork

  The taste of the red punch wasn’t as surprising as the first initial drop in my mouth. I was glad I’d adapted quickly to the taste.

  It was almost sour now. Like candy. I could do candy, easily. The liquid rushed down my throat, spiking nerves inside of me, creating rushes of heat down the trail of my throat like I’d never felt before. I was on my way towards a more carefree relaxed Annabelle.

  Would I be classified as a lightweight? I was getting buzzed already.

  I found Jenna and her crew huddled together behind a large crowd of couples talking, kissing and arguing with one another.

  “Hey guys!” I yelled at them happily, holding out the punch, signifying my active participation in this party. I was no Debbie downer and was about to get down like everyone else here was.

  Because after all that’s what parties were for, having fun and letting loose.

  I gazed at each individual face of Jenna’s crew, each giving me back surprised yet amused expressions. Once their eyes met the punch in my hands, they understood the dramatic change in my party attitude.

  Annabelle was getting hammered. And they loved it.

  My eyes fell last on my best friend, whose entire face brightened at the realization that stuffy boring Annabelle was gone, and fun, wild, vibrant doesn’t give a shit Annabelle was here.

  “Welcome to the party Anna!” Jenna rejoiced loudly, grabbing her own cup from the counter beside her. “Finally!”


  So this was what feeling free was like.

  Peter dimmed the lights in the room more, making it feel more like a night club. My arm shot up along with everyone else’s on the dance floor.

  After my second cup of special punch, things were different. Like my perspective on everything. All of a sudden stuff I’d worried about didn’t seem that important anymore.

  “Yeah Anna!” Jenna swirled around, waving her arms into the sea of hands, pumping to the music. She’s drunk and loving it.

  I laughed at her, not in a judgmental way but because I got it and that made me so freaking happy.

  I got it.

  Having fun and going to parties without a care in the world, this was what life was all about. I lived free in this moment, dancing in a room, careless. Judgment from stupid bystanders be damned, they could kiss my ass.

  It was the alcohol, but who cared!

  I was living free. And loving it!

  Song after song, my body grew more fearless. The fact that my muscles ached from all the dancing I was doing didn’t bother me. I was having too much fun. However the fun was about to come to a stop, I had to pee, again.

  I mouthed ‘bathroom’ to Jenna and danced around flailing arms and booty’s on my way off the floor, heading towards the bathroom.

  “I’m so drunk.” I chuckled to myself, stumbling down the empty hallway. How come no one else had to pee? I was a newbie to this whole scene and my bladder had much to learn about resilience. After knocking three times on the bathroom door, I opened it confident that I wasn’t about to walk in on someone peeing or doing something with someone else.

  A senior high school party, I’d only ever seen the ones from the movies, and they usually had some risky business going on in the bathrooms or one of the bedrooms. On my way into the bathroom, a pair of hands grasped my shoulders.

  “What!” I gasped as the hands forced me inside the bathroom. Before I had the chance to turn and address my assailant, I heard the door lock snap closed.

  I gulped, scared out of my mind as I took in the person behind me. My heart rate dimmed a smidge when I saw who it actually was. A fitted black shirt, messy dark brown hair hiding scrunched underneath a black backwards Miami Marlins Baseball cap and very familiar green eyes.

  “James?” My eyes narrowed on him, grabbing the edge of the vanity table. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Instead of answering, he leaned against the door with his strong tanned arms folded across his broad chest. His beautiful green eyes glared hard at me. His stare captured mine, stalling me from questioning him further.

  “Stop staring at me!” I ordered after a few seconds. I wasn’t regular Annabelle right now, I was drunk, and drunken Annabelle, well she was about get loud if needed.

  Especially for douchebag liars!

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve, pushing me in here, locking the door, and you don’t even have the balls to say anything.” I hissed. The alcohol made me brave. I felt it coursing through my veins, aiding my brain, telling it to tell James, to go and screw himself.

  “Did you have fun?” James snipped, making me feel like I was being accused.

  I shook my head at him. “Depends, what do you mean?” I sneered.

  Yeah, he totally saw me with Dean.

  “I saw you!” He accused.

  Yep, totally saw me with Dean.

  I cocked an eyebrow and jerked my chin at him in defiance. “And?”

  “Slow dancing with that pitcher and letting him touch your face!” James growled, his face subtly twitching from his growing anger.

  Not that I cared.

  “And?” I pressed, sounding bored.

  “On the couch!” He exclaimed, pointing to the closed door.

  “Oh!” I drawled out. “You mean Dean. Yeah, I had a great time connecting with him. We have a lot in common!”

  “Oh yeah! Like what?” He sneered, sounding like he didn’t believe me. God forbid anyone else be attracted to me. I guess I was more than lucky these past couple of months with two guys showing their interests in me. Even if James couldn’t believe someone else was actually interested in me.

  “Like, we’re both funny, and nice and we’re both cute!” I explained acidly, with a bitter smile.

  James’s nostrils flared. “Oh so you think he’s cute now?”

  “Just told you that, didn’t you hear?” I slurred, holding the vanity tighter as my body began to sway slowly to the left. “Besides, why the hell are you interrogating me, you’re the guilty one!”

  “Me?” James eyes widened, surprised.

  The nerve!

  “Yeah, you!” I snapped. “First, you danced with Donna, slow dancing!”

  “Oh, you caught that.” He said smugly, side smiling like he was so smart.

  He wasn’t!

  “I’m not blind, asshole!” I hissed. “You kissed her in front of everyone!”

  “Yeah, so I did. I’m allowed to.” He stated arrogantly.

  He was allowed to?

  I blinked at him, a little stunned. Hearing him finally say how he really saw our relationship left me bewildered. Why couldn’t he be this honest from the beginning, then maybe, I wouldn’t be here, slightly depressed from his mind screw.

  “Then what the hell am I doing locked in a bathroom with you?” I asked him quietly, slowly.


  “Why did you push me in here?” I continued quietly.


  All of a sudden, James pushed off the door and stood in front of me, staring down. “Let me take you out tomorrow.”

  “What?” I jerked my head back.

  He grabbed my shoulders. “Tomorrow, we’re going out!”

  “No, we’re not!” I yanked my shoulders out of his grasp.

  He grabbed me again. “Yes, we are!”

  “No we’re not, I’m not interested!” I snapped, struggling to break free. Not that I was trying that hard to break free, considering I was still drunk.

  “We’re going!” He declared again.

  I gave up trying to break free of him and leaned back against the vanity. “Why don’t you go out with Donna tomorrow instead, I’m sure she’d love to go out with you!”

  “Donna?” He jerked his chin back, looking confused.

  “You made out with her in front of everyone!” I yelled, astonished at his confusion. Was he playing with me right now? Pretending he had no idea what I was talking about.

  “She kissed me!” His eyes widened.

you didn’t pull back!” I kept going.

  “Stop it, it wasn’t like that!” He let go of my shoulders and stood back.

  “Then how was it?” I crossed my arms, tilting my head to the side.

  “It just happened. She’s been all over me tonight, what was I supposed to do?” He exclaimed, like he had no other option but to concede to her.

  “I don’t know, and I don’t care.” I snipped, looking away.

  “You’re a liar, you care.” He sneered.

  I gazed back at him. “I don’t.”

  “You do, otherwise you wouldn’t be this upset.”

  “Whatever.” I murmured, rolling my eyes.


  “You like this Dean guy now?” He said all of a sudden.

  “Why do you care?” I murmured, not looking at him.

  “Answer me?” He ordered, grabbing my chin delicately, tilting it upwards so I was looking at him again.

  “I barely know him.” I answered, lifelessly.

  “Then go out with me tomorrow.” He breathed, relieved.

  “Why?” I asked, skeptically.

  “I told you why.” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated by the grit of his teeth.

  I jerked my chin back. When?

  “You really don’t like Donna?” I asked, slowly.

  “If I wanted her do you think I’d be in here with you now?” James explained. “And besides whatever that girl’s offering, trust me, I could have had it a hundred times till now.”

  “Gross.” I cringed, leaning away as a reflex but he gripped me firmer, stopping me.

  He leaned in, looking deep into my eyes. “I didn’t though, that should count for something, right?”

  “You didn’t call me for two weeks.” I accused, shaking my head.

  “I told you I had to get a new phone.” He explained.

  “Then why didn’t you come back to the club and get my phone number. You knew I still worked at the lemonade stand.” I pressed, still unconvinced.

  “I didn’t want to look like a pansy coming to you begging for your number again.” He explained, as if it pained him to.

  “And now?” I pressed, gulping.

  “Now what?” He repeated, confused.

  “What are we now? What are we doing in here, alone?” I asked, apprehensively.

  “Go out with me tomorrow.” He pushed again.

  “Why? What do you want from me James?” I asked him, not knowing what to believe anymore.

  He caressed the side of my face. “For you to say yes.”

  “What about Donna?” I breathed.

  “I’m not interested in her.” He answered firmly.

  “Really?” I gulped, wide eyed.

  “Really.” He answered, softly. His fingers began caressing my jaw line, making me feel a hundred different exhilarating emotions, all at once.

  “Okay.” I gave in meekly.

  He rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. “Okay?”

  “Yeah, okay.” I answered, closing my eyes too.

  James breathed a sigh of relief. “Damn….fireball! Finally, gave a guy a break!”

  I smiled. “I wasn’t going to make it easier for you.”

  “Oh yeah?” He chuckled.

  “Yeah,” I giggled drunkenly. “How else were you going to learn how to not act like an asshole?”

  “Don’t talk like that to me, it turns me on.” He smirked, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

  “Shut up.” I muttered, becoming dizzy as his warm lips pressed against my cheek. He quickly leaned back, smiling from ear to ear. Then he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed my palm, letting his lips linger a little longer than usual, making my stomach feel like the Sea World Aquarium. Things were swimming down there, wildly and passionately.

  I was weak, I know.

  He was just so cute, I couldn’t help it.

  James lowered my arm. “Come here.” He ordered smoothly, grabbing my elbow and pulling me into his chest. As his arms encircled my waist, pulling me close to his body, my head rested against his firm chest as if it was the most natural thing to do.

  I had no problems with doing that. My nose rubbed against his shirt, taking in his cologne and body wash greedily.

  He smelled so good….damn good.

  “Are you smelling me?” James asked, clearly amused. Then he sighed, sounding content and began chuckling. “You love smelling a God, don’t you? I don’t blame you!”

  “Shut up.” I giggled against him, kicking his leg playfully.

  “You look so good tonight though,” James murmured into my hair. “Real good baby.”

  “Shut up.” I murmured burying myself deeper into him, embarrassed at his compliment. He tilted my head back and stared deep into my eyes for a second before they lowered to my lips. I knew what was going to come next.

  The kissing.

  But as I stared at his beautiful plump lips, I remembered that they were plastered on Donna’s not too long ago.

  “I’m sorry.” I let go and pulled back before he could kiss me. “I’m drunk right now,”

  “Alright.” James sighed, looking away, clearly frustrated that I didn’t allow things to progress the way they normally would have.

  I was about to have her sloppy seconds. Didn’t he get that? I should tell him that, so he’d know I didn’t like sharing.

  “I’m not going to kiss you.” I smirked and his eyes widened.

  His jaw dropped. “Ever?”

  I stifled a smile, trying to be serious. “No, but my lips are not going to touch yours, not when you’ve got some other girl’s lips still on you. If you ever want to kiss me again, your lips better be clean.”

  James pretended to think for second before smiling sneakily. “What about my grandma?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “What about your grandma?” I asked, confused.

  “Well she likes to kiss my entire face, does she count too?” He laughed.

  “James!” I screeched, appalled. “Be serious!”

  He stopped laughing and grabbed me, pulling me back where I belonged, plastered against his chest. “Hmmm.”

  “What?” I murmured into his hard chest, making me feel warm all over.

  “You’re funny,” James sighed.

  Dean said the same thing.

  “And cute.” James continued.

  Dean said that too.

  “And nice.” James kept going.

  I said that to Dean, which he didn’t take to well to.

  “That’s great, I’m nice.” I said, sarcastically.

  “I like nice, a whole lot more than angry bitch.” James stated.

  “Then don’t be an asshole, and I won’t have to be an angry bitch. It’s simple.” I explained.

  He hugged me tighter. “Okay, deal.”

  “Good.” I said, tightening my arms around his muscular back.

  “Tomorrow, it’s going to be just me and you.” James rubbed his hand across my back. My back tingled at his touch and in response my feelings towards not kissing him dimmed.

  A little kiss….wouldn’t kill anybody and he probably drank some punch, the alcohol would have cleaned his lips of Donna’s DNA for sure.

  Stay strong. Tomorrow he’ll be completely fresh. Hopefully he’d take a shower and be a hundred percent Donna free.

  Germ free.

  But it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep denying him what we both wanted, so we had to get out of the bathroom.

  Like right this second.

  “I think it’s time to go back to the party.” I said as my hands unconsciously began rubbing his lower back.

  “I agree,” He hummed into my hair and then chuckled. “But if you keep rubbing my back like that, I’m going to need five minutes first.”

  “Why?” I asked, confused. My brain pieced it together and my arms dropped from around him. I jerked back, gasping. “James!”

  He laughed as he turned around and adjusted his pants.

nbsp; “You should wash your hands.” I ordered, looking at everything but him I was too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

  “Why?” He laughed, turning on the faucet. “This is because of you.” He finished washing his hands and held them up for inspection. “Happy, baby?”

  I gasped. “Alright, they’re fine. You go first. I have to use the bathroom.”

  I grabbed his arm with one arm and unlocked the door with my other. On the way out he turned to me. “Did you really delete my number today?”

  I stalled for a few seconds before answering. “Yeah.”

  “Where’s your phone now?”

  “Right here.” I patted my back pocket.

  “Give it to me.” He held out his hand.

  I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. He grabbed my hand, took the phone with his other hand and quickly tapped at the screen before giving it back. Not letting go of my other hand. “There, now you have my number again. This time, don’t delete it.”

  “We’ll see if you’re a good boy or not.” I said, trying to pull my hand back. “Now go!”

  Reluctantly, after giving it one last warm squeeze, he let my hand go and strutted down the hallway back to the party. A small giggle escaped me as I shut the door and locked it.

  Wow. I held my hand to my beating chest as it ran wild. Wow.

  Things had changed in a blink of an eye. Who would have thought.

  After finishing my business, I headed back to the dance floor, slightly less buzzed. The alcohol had clearly worn off a bit.

  The music quickly overtook my thoughts, being too loud to even think. I searched through the sea of flailing arms and legs for James. I couldn’t see him.

  Where is he? And who is he with? I thought worriedly.

  And it’s begun again. I was getting jealous. It’s only been about five minutes since James and I sort of got back together.

  Were we even together?


  We were just going on one date tomorrow.

  That didn’t mean he was mine.

  This was great, just great. I was confused all over again.

  I felt a strong grip on my shoulder, pulling me to a stop. I turned and faced Jenna, who had joy written all over face.

  “You’re back!” She yelled, pulling me towards her friends who were jumping up and down in a huddle. “Let’s dance.”


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