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B*E*A*S*T* of Burden

Page 11

by Rebecca Goings

  "Stay down, Wade,” Rogan said behind his hand. “We're not out of the woods yet."

  Marlie continued to glance in the rearview mirror with sweaty palms, but no one was sounding an alarm. Once they were a few miles away, a sign on the road alerted them to a rest area.

  "Pull in here, sweetheart,” Rogan said. “I'll take over."

  "Nope,” came Wade's muffled voice as he finally sat up. “You drove before Marlie. It's my turn. Not that much further anyhow. I reckon I can drive us all the way to Portland. We should roll into the Rose City in about five hours. You guys get some rest."

  Marlie parked the Hummer and glanced at Rogan. His eyes bored into hers, and she shivered. Cuddling with him in the back and falling asleep in his arms was exactly what she wanted to do.

  "Sounds heavenly,” she said.

  The side of Rogan's mouth curved into a sexy grin, and he held out his hand. She took it, following him into the back of the truck. When Wade pulled the Hummer back onto the road, Rogan's arm curled around her waist as he pulled her closer.

  "You all right?"

  "Is that how you guys crossed the border when you came to find me?"

  "Yup. Stole a couple of passports from men who kind of looked like us. Faked our way across."

  "Good Lord, you guys could have been caught!"

  "Made sure we crossed over the border in hats and sunglasses. The guards were none the wiser. Besides, we just crossed again doing the same trick."

  "I never want to do that again,” Marlie said, scooting closer to her husband's warm body. “That scared the crap out of me."

  "Let's hope we don't have to."

  "Amen to that,” Marlie said with a deep sigh.

  * * * *

  Rogan ran to the keypad and cursed foully. He didn't have the code to free the shifters, and he knew he had to be quick as his every move was being captured by the security cameras. After running back out to the chain-link fence where the guards were handcuffed, he grabbed one of them and shook him hard.

  "Tell me the code!"

  "The code is ... 95325. Please ... please let me go! Please!"

  Rogan didn't have time to deal with the man. He merely ran back through the gate and punched the code into the pad without another thought. A short bell could be heard just as the doors to the cells opened, releasing all the shifters in the B*E*A*S*T* compound.

  Too late, Rogan remembered the bound guards as they began screaming in agony. Glancing toward the fence, he could see the one he'd just been talking to being devoured by a lion. The other two guards were just as helpless, trying in vain to fight off a black bear, a Bengal tiger, and a leopard. Dark red blood stained the teeth of the shifters as they exacted their revenge upon the men shackled to the fence.

  Jesus. Sweet Jesus! Stop...


  Rogan sat up, glancing around the back of the Hummer in frantic disorientation.

  "Rogan?” It was Marlie. “Are you all right?"

  "Christ, buddy,” Wade glanced over his shoulder as he pulled the truck onto the shoulder of the highway and stopped. “What's going on?"

  "I ... I'm fine."

  "Are you sure? You're covered in sweat.” Marlie felt his forehead. “You don't have a fever."

  "I told you, I'm fine. Just had a horrible dream."

  "You want to talk about it?” she asked.

  "No!” he exclaimed, a little harsher than he'd intended. “I'm sorry, Marlie. But no. I don't want to talk about it."

  Turning on his blinker, Wade once again pulled out into traffic. “Goddamn, Wolfe. You just about scared the shit out of me."

  Rogan couldn't help but chuckle. “Sorry about that,” he said, lying back down with a sigh.

  Marlie lay next to him, tucking his hair behind his ear. She didn't say a word, but he could see her concern in her eyes.

  "After what I've been through, sweetheart,” he said. “I'm bound to have a few bad dreams."

  "I know. But if you ever want to talk about them—"

  "You'll be the first person I come to, I promise."

  "Can I ask you a question?"


  "When you were sleeping, I saw something on the back of your neck. It said B*E*A*S*T* #105. What does that mean?"

  "I've got one too,” Wade said. “B*E*A*S*T* #133. Wanna see?"

  Rogan scowled at him. “Shut up and drive, Cougar."

  Wade flashed him a grin and made a kissy-face in the rearview mirror.

  With a sigh, Rogan turned back to his wife. “That was my number at the compound. I was experiment #105. They gave all the shifters a number. I suppose it made things easier for the scientists if they were torturing a number rather than a name."

  "So, it's a tattoo then?"

  "'Fraid so,” he said with a nod.

  "I can't believe all the horrible things they did to you. To all of you."

  "Neither can I. Guess there are some seriously evil people in the world."

  Marlie stayed quiet after that. It was a while before Rogan spoke again, but his voice was soft as he held her to him.


  "Hmm?” she answered with a yawn.

  "I've been wanting to ask you something for awhile now but never really had the chance until now."

  "What's that?"

  "Will you change your name?"

  Marlie sat up to look him in the eye. “Change my name? You don't like Marlie?"

  Rogan had to smile at her. She was so beautiful with her bottom lip stuck out like that.

  "Sweetheart, I love your first name. I meant your last name. I want you to be Marlie Wolfe."

  She sucked in her breath, and he could tell by her scent that he'd shocked her.

  "Are you serious?"

  He arched his brow at her. “I want you to wear my ring again, right?"

  "Well ... yes."

  "Then I'm serious about this too. Matthew Silver doesn't exist anymore. The only man I am now is Rogan Wolfe. If you're still my wife, then your name is Wolfe now, not Silver."

  Marlie stared at him for a good long time—long enough to make him wonder what her answer would be—but after a few moments of silence, she smiled at him.

  "I don't care what name I wear, Rogan. As long as it's yours."

  "I was hoping you'd say that,” he murmured as he pulled her back down for a kiss. She stroked his cheeks and ran her fingers into his hair. He sighed at the feeling.

  As Marlie snuggled close once more, she lifted her lips to his ear and whispered softly, “I love you, Rogan Wolfe."

  She tucked her head underneath his chin and held him close. In that moment, Rogan felt as if he could conquer the world.

  Twenty Four

  Noah Carpenter smiled when he gazed at the woman he loved as she slept on the couch not too far away. Lanie had fallen asleep reading a book, and she looked so peaceful despite the whirlwind the past few weeks had been for both of them.

  Since they'd liberated the B*E*A*S*T* compound in the Colorado Rockies, they had made their way west following the word of the B*E*A*S*T* scientist they'd met along the way who had told them of other compounds. The prospect terrified Noah, and his blood ran cold at the thought that B*E*A*S*T* was much bigger than anyone had first realized. He had no idea what he would do if they ever found a second compound in the Pacific Northwest, but they had to do something. They had to at least try.

  Along with the scientist, they'd also come across a few other shifters in the mountains, limping and scared out of their minds. Once Noah and Lanie had convinced them they were the good guys, they'd banded together. The other men's names were Trevor, a lion; James, a falcon; Mac, a jaguar; Jet, a leopard; Jason, a bald eagle; and Tyler, a lynx. Six in all. They were good men, and loyal to a fault.

  It had taken a lot for Noah to convince Mac not to kill the scientist when they'd first encountered him, since Mac had just recently been tortured with some particularly nasty electrical shock tests. He didn't care whether or not the scientist hated B*E*A*S*
T* as much as they did. To him, the only good scientist was a dead one.

  Once they'd reached Portland, Noah and Lanie had managed—thanks to her father's no-limit credit card—to rent a house that butted up to the Columbia River. God bless Richard Erickson for giving them that card. It had already been their salvation on more than one occasion.

  The house itself was two stories with four bedrooms. The master bedroom was given to the scientist, because even though he was a man who had once experimented on the shifters, no one wanted the responsibility of letting him out in order for him to use the bathroom. One of the first things they did when they rented the house was go to Home Depot and buy a few sheets of plywood to board up the windows of the master bedroom. For all intents and purposes, the scientist, Luke Cooke, was in a cell. A very nice cell, but a cell nonetheless.

  Each of the other shifters doubled up in the other three rooms and made sure someone guarded the door to the master bedroom at all times—despite Luke's insistence that a twenty-four-hour guard wasn't necessary.

  With a sigh, Noah scooped Lanie into his arms, and she sighed with a soft smile, laying her head on his shoulder.

  "My hero,” she whispered.

  He couldn't help but smile. “I try, my dear,” he said, climbing the stairs.

  "Will you come to bed with me?"

  "Yeah. It's late."

  "Is Tyler in our room?"

  "No, tonight is his turn to guard Luke's door,” Noah said, knowing exactly where her thoughts were headed.

  "Maybe we can use that to our advantage, Mr. Carpenter."

  "Mmm, I hope so, baby."

  Just as he walked into their room and started to put her on the bed, his cell phone rang on the dresser.

  "Damn,” he groaned, laying his head on her shoulder. “What timing."

  "Don't answer it,” Lanie pleaded, bunching his shirt up his belly.

  "I've got to. It's probably Rogan wanting directions. It's been a few days since he called.” He walked to the dresser and grabbed his phone. “Noah here."

  "Noah! Hey there, buddy. Good to hear your voice!"

  "Wade! How are things?"

  "Good, man. Listen, we're just about to cross the Oregon border. We've been driving literally for days—straight through without stopping. Our asses are numb, and we're going insane. Please tell me we're close."

  Noah chuckled. “You're in luck. If you're near the border, then you're right on top of the Columbia River. We're renting a house on the riverfront, so it won't be too far of a drive."

  "Can you give me directions? I think we're almost there."

  For the next five minutes, Noah explained the directions to Wade on the phone. “Do you think you can manage?"

  "Who you talking to? Of course I can manage. Pshaw!"

  A wide grin spread out on Noah's face. “Can't wait to see you guys again. Hope you get here soon."

  "See you in a bit."

  Noah hung up and sauntered back over to his mate who was still lying on the bed.

  "I take it they're almost here.” she said.

  He nodded, looking down at her as she raised her arms on the pillows.

  "Do we have enough time to...” She let her sentence hang.

  "Baby, you should know by now that I can go quick or I can go all night long. You have but to ask."

  Lanie gave him a sexy grin and began pulling him down with her on the bed. “Then I want you now—hard, fast, and wild."

  Noah closed his eyes and shuddered. “Dear God, woman. I'll never get used to your plain talk."

  "Just shut up and kiss me, Tiger."

  * * * *

  "Well, here we are!"

  Wade's chipper voice cut through Marlie's skull like a knife. Her head was pounding, but she was more than thankful to finally get out of the truck and stretch her legs. Wade parked the truck in the driveway of the house Noah was renting and turned off the engine. A white Lexus they assumed was Noah's sat in front of them.

  "I think that's the first time in about three and a half days that this truck has been turned off."

  Rogan chuckled at him. “You forgot all the times we stopped for gas."

  "Ah. Right you are. Damn, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to crash."

  "I'm ready for other things.” Rogan's gaze pierced Marlie to the core, making her blush furiously.

  Wade merely chuckled, climbing out of the driver's side door. Once Wade was out of the truck, Rogan leaned closer to her and lowered his voice.

  "It's been a long time, Marlie."

  She knew what he meant, but she said, “Only a few days."

  "An eternity."

  Leaning past her, he opened the back doors of the Hummer. “I'm just letting you know that I intend on breaking this dry spell. Very soon."

  Marlie bit her lip and accepted his hand as he helped her out. “I'm counting on it,” she said as she playfully patted his cheek.

  Once they made it to the porch, the door swung open, and Noah greeted them before they even knocked.

  "Hey, guys!” he exclaimed, giving Rogan and Wade a hug and turning to give Marlie a hug as well. “I feel like I already know you,” he said, grinning at her from ear to ear.

  "The feeling's mutual,” Marlie said with a smile for the handsome man with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. According to Rogan, Noah could shift into a white tiger. Marlie imagined those blue eyes were even more striking in a tiger's face.

  "Come in, come in,” Noah said. “The others are all sleeping right now, but you can meet them in the morning. We have a couple of pull-out couches you can sleep on if you're tired."

  "Good,” Wade said, trudging into the house wearily. “I've been driving since Canada. I wanna crash."

  "Sure thing, buddy,” Noah said, leading him to one of the couches in the living room.

  "Where's Lanie?” Rogan asked. “I can smell her all over you."

  Noah grinned devilishly. “I'm afraid I tuckered her out not too long ago. She's asleep upstairs."

  "I bet she is,” Rogan said with a wink, the corner of his mouth lifting. He cast a glance at Marlie and wagged his eyebrows. “You got a shower around here, Tiger?"

  "Yup. Down the hall and to your left. Towels are in the cabinet above the toilet."

  Rogan grabbed Marlie's hand and began pulling her down the hallway. Fortunately, her injured foot gave her no more twangs of pain as she trotted to keep up with him.

  Looking over her shoulder, she waved at Noah and called out, “It was nice to meet you!"

  * * * *

  Wade chuckled as he settled in between the covers and said in a sing-song voice, “I know what they're gonna do!"

  Noah grinned. “I don't blame him. She seems like a nice woman."

  "Marlie's great,” Wade said behind a yawn. “Rogan couldn't have asked for a better gal."

  "I'm glad. He deserves some happiness.” After a few moments of silence, Noah turned and said, “So you guys drove straight—"

  He cut off in mid-sentence with a tired grin. Wade had already fallen asleep.

  Twenty Five

  "Take off your clothes."

  Rogan's tone left no confusion about what was on his mind. They'd just walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind them. Once he'd twisted the faucet on the tub, he turned to her with a wry grin, slowly unbuttoning his jeans. When they were pooled on the floor, he yanked his shirt up and over his head until he was naked in front of her.

  "Didn't you hear me, sweetheart?” he asked, stepping closer as he reached for her.

  She had heard him, but she'd been so wrapped up in watching him undress that she'd forgotten his request.

  "I did, but I—"

  She didn't get any further because Rogan grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it up until it came off, then he peeled the sleeves from her arms.

  "You're overdressed,” he whispered in her ear, making shivers run down her spine.

  As he fumbled with the button of her pants, Marlie found her courage a
nd touched the skin of his belly. It leapt away from her fingers.

  "You have cold hands!” he exclaimed with a chuckle.

  "Will you help me warm them up?"

  Finally he succeeded in unfastening her pants, and he dipped his hands inside, grabbing hold of each cheek of her backside. “You know that I will,” he said right before he pressed her hips against his.

  Marlie gasped, having to hold on to his neck or risk falling to the floor. He didn't kiss her but rather smoothed his hands down the back of her thighs to slide her pants down her legs.

  "That's better,” he said.

  In no time at all, the bathroom was full of steam as Rogan led her to the tub. Stepping into it, he pulled her in with him, dragging the shower curtain closed behind them. The warm water felt so good on her cool skin that Marlie closed her eyes and moaned.

  "Step into the stream of water, sweetheart,” Rogan whispered, gently nudging her in front of him while he grabbed the sliver of soap on the ledge of the tub.

  She didn't resist. Once her skin was wet, he turned her around to get her hair wet.

  "What are you doing?” she asked without opening her eyes.

  "I'm going to wash you."

  Marlie's eyes snapped open in shock, but before she could say another word, Rogan's soapy hands were caressing her breasts. He gave particular attention to her nipples, rubbing and lightly pinching them until they puckered in response. Now Marlie moaned for another reason. Feeling his hands sliding deliciously over her skin had her passion suddenly flaring hot inside of her.

  "Like that?"

  She nodded furiously and heard Rogan chuckle.

  "Thought you might,” he said. “How about this?"

  She felt his fingers exploring between her legs, gently stroking back and forth on her sensitive skin. “Yes."

  "Yes what, sweetheart?"

  "I ... I like that."

  "What if I...” Rogan didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he continued his erotic caress while rubbing her nipple with his thumb.

  "Mmm,” Marlie said, licking her lips. Without conscious thought, she was moving her hips to the rhythm of his hand. The slick soap intensified the sensation, making her circle his neck with her arms.

  Rogan groaned, finally lowering his head to take her mouth. His tongue stroked hers just as his thumb stroked her nipple. Marlie's entire body quaked at his touch. Even though water sluiced over her skin, she felt as if she were burning to a crisp.


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