Fugitive Countess

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by Anne Herries

  He was Anton of Gifford, the son of the Marquis of Malchester: the man who had saved her on the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

  He was as she remembered and yet he was so different. He looked older, stronger—his eyes cold and unsmiling as they moved over the assembled nobles and their ladies. He gave no sign of recognition and she felt a little pang of disappointment as she realized that he did not know her.

  She held back the rush of tears that suddenly threatened. How foolish of her to imagine that he might know her! Why should he? Too many years had passed and she had changed. Something in her had known him instantly despite the changes to his appearance, but he felt nothing.

  She sat back, struggling to control her disappointment. Even if he had remembered her, it could make no difference. She was married and had borne her husband a child. Nothing had changed, but her insides churned with emotions she could not control. That day had been enshrined in her memory as something magical, helping her through the worst days, helping her to do what she must.

  Fugitive Countess

  Harlequin® Historical


  Award-winning author who lives in Cambridgeshire, England. She is fond of watching wildlife, and spoils the birds and squirrels that are frequent visitors to her garden. Anne loves to write about the beauty of nature, and sometimes puts a little into her books—although they are mostly about love and romance. She writes for her own enjoyment, and to give pleasure to her readers. She invites readers to contact her on her Web site, www.lindasole.co.uk.

  Fugitive Countess

  Anne Herries

  Available from Harlequin® Historical and ANNE HERRIES

  The Abducted Bride #135

  Captive of the Harem #145

  The Sheikh #157

  Rosalyn and the Scoundrel #166

  A Matter of Honor #173

  *A Perfect Knight #180

  *A Knight of Honor #184

  *Her Knight Protector #188

  **Lady in Waiting #202

  **The Adventurer’s Wife #208

  ††Forbidden Lady #209

  †An Improper Companion #227

  ††The Lord’s Forced Bride #231

  †A Wealthy Widow #235

  †A Worthy Gentleman #243

  ††Her Dark and Dangerous Lord #249

  ‡Marianne and the Marquis #258

  ‡Married by Christmas #261

  ‡Marrying Captain Jack #265

  The Unknown Heir #269

  Ransom Bride #276

  Fugitive Countess #279



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten



  France 1520

  ‘This is a fine spectacle, Father. Thank you for bringing me today.’

  ‘It was His Majesty’s wish that you accompany us, Anton.’ Andrew, Marquis of Malchester and Earl of Gifford, smiled. ‘But you speak truly. It is a day that people will remember for ever, and you will be proud to tell your grandchildren that you were here.’

  Anton’s smoky grey eyes travelled round the glittering gathering, hungrily absorbing the scene. His father had no need to remind him of the importance of the occasion, for he was well aware that this was a special day in history. He and his father were amongst those fortunate enough to accompany King Henry VIII of England to France. Here on this field the nobles of both King Henry and King Francis I of France had gathered, to witness the meeting of the two kings. It looked like a field of gold, the richness of the gowns and jewels worn by the wealthy men of two countries beyond anything anyone had ever seen. It was, Anton thought, as if the two monarchs wished to outshine each other.

  At just seventeen, Anton was already a man of some stature: broad-shouldered and long in the leg, his dark hair cut so that it turned under and just brushed the gold lace ruff he wore about his throat. His jerkin of black velvet was slashed through with gold, and he wore tight-fitting hose of cloth of gold with soft leather boots that came halfway up his calf and boasted tassels of pure gold. His flat cap was black, but in honour of the occasion it had a feather fastened with a huge emerald and gold pin. Across his body was a sash of gold sewn with precious jewels; his sword was encased in a scabbard of leather set with semi-precious stones. He looked what he was: the son of an extremely wealthy man, and his position in the King’s train showed that His Majesty held him in some esteem.

  Anton took his place in the world for granted, sitting astride his horse proudly as he relished the glittering scene. More and more nobles were entering the field, some of them riding carelessly, their horses jostling for position as they tried to get closer to where the two kings had come together to exchange greetings and promises of friendship. Anton was feeling excited, for his father had told him that King Henry had spoken of giving him a more prestigious position at court. Despite his father’s wealth, Anton knew that he was expected to make his own way in the world. He would one day inherit a fortune, but it had always been clear to him that he must win honour and fame for himself.

  It was so exciting to be a part of this momentous occasion. Anton did not wish to miss anything, his gaze travelling constantly from one face to another, unwilling to miss a moment. Young and strong, he had proven himself on the training ground and now longed for adventure.

  He suddenly noticed a fracas going on to his left, and realized that some of the proud nobles were not satisfied with their position. An English noble he recognized and a French lord he had never seen before were trying to edge each other out, their horses jostling and shying. One of the horses close by was snorting, clearly nervous of the crowd. As Anton watched, it reared up and started to kick out at the nearest horse, which made that beast snort and shy sideways, in turn causing some of the others to panic. It was obvious that some of the horses were on the verge of mad flight. One fine chestnut mare reared up and dislodged her rider.

  As the rider screamed and went tumbling, Anton leapt from his own horse and rushed towards the lady, scooping her up out of the way of flailing hooves. The nobles were starting to bring their horses under control once more as Anton pushed his way through the crush, carrying his precious burden to a place where pavilions of rich cloth had been set up apart from the crowd. The lady had been frightened, and clung to him as he carried her to safety, but he thought she was not seriously harmed.

  ‘Are you hurt, little mistress?’ he asked as he set her down, for he thought her not more than thirteen or so, and little more than a child. Her breasts were mere buds beneath the silk gown that clung to her slender form. Her hair carried a hint of red in the gold, and her eyes were more green than blue. He thought that she was fair, and would be beautiful one day, and he was angry that she might have been seriously harmed. ‘The fool who caused your horse to rear like that should be flogged for his life.’

  ‘Oh, no…please…’ The girl blushed delicately. She spoke English well, but with an accent that told of her French birth. ‘I would not have a fuss made, sir. My father would be angry. He wanted me to ride pillion behind my groom, but I insisted that I could manage my horse. I did not expect such a crush.’

  ‘I dare say no harm has been done.’ Anton smiled at her, for she was both pretty and sweet, her face that of an innocent angel. He glanced round. ‘Someone has rescued our horses, it seems…’ He saw his squire leading his mount, and a French vassal was bringing the spirited chestnut that had thrown her.

  She touched his arm to reclaim his attention. ‘Will you tell m
e your name, sir? I am the lady Marietta Villiers…’

  ‘I am honoured.’ Anton bowed gracefully. ‘Anton of Gifford—son of the Marquis of Malchester and Earl of Gifford.’

  ‘Thank you for my life, Anton of Gifford.’ Marietta reached up and kissed his cheek. There was a faint flush in her cheeks, but her eyes were as bright and clear as the summer sky. ‘I shall honour your memory for as long as I live. I must go, for my groom comes and my father will be anxious…’

  ‘It was nothing…’ Anton said. He hesitated, wanting to ask more—who her father was, where she came from—but he knew that he too was looked for. He must return to the King’s train, for he might be summoned to do His Majesty some service. The girl had had a fright, but she had borne it well and she was not alone. She was but a child, and they were not likely to meet again. He must forget her and remember his duty to the king.

  He relinquished her to the care of her groom and made his way back to where his father waited. The Marquis had noticed his act of gallantry and nodded, a look of approval in his eyes. It was no more than he would expect of his son.

  ‘That was well done of you, Anton. I dare say it did not go unnoticed by others. As you know, we are to accompany His Majesty to the court of Charles of Spain. Charles has recently been appointed the new Holy Roman Emperor and Henry must pay his respects.’

  ‘Yes, Father. I am happy to be a part of His Majesty’s train.’

  ‘I think you will find that Henry thinks much of you, Anton. It may be that you will be given a position of more importance than you imagine…’

  Anton felt a surge of excitement. He was not sure what his father meant, but the future held a golden promise. He was strong, ambitious, and impatient for the good things life had to offer. All thought of the young French girl was forgotten as he watched the moment when the two kings greeted each other. It was good to be young and on the verge of something wonderful.

  Later he would remember the girl he had rescued and smile, tucking the memory away deep in the back of his mind, but for now history was in the making!

  Marietta looked at the man who stood beside her father, to the right of the French King. It was due to the Comte that they had been invited to this glittering affair, and she must be grateful for the privilege. The Comte was not ugly, for his years sat well on him, and though of a heavier build than she found attractive, he seemed strong and noble. Her father, brought to the verge of ruin by foolish investments, had given her to this knight in return for the right to live in peace on his own lands. She was fifteen years of age and it was time for her to be wed. The Comte de Montcrief would make her a good husband, for she knew him to be a kind and generous man.

  However, his smile did not make her heart beat faster—the way the young English knight’s had when he’d held her close to his chest. He was so bold, so strong and so handsome! She had felt so safe in his arms! More than that, she had felt a warm melting inside her, like liquid honey that curled through her body, arousing sensations she had not known existed.

  Anton of Gifford—the son of the Marquis of Malchester!

  Marietta knew that she would never forget the man who had rescued her from what might have been painful injury or even death. Something in her had responded to him as he’d looked down at her with those serious grey eyes. In those brief moments she had experienced the strangest feeling—as though she had met her destiny. She had kissed him impulsively, but wished that he had kissed her back—on the mouth. Instinctively she wanted so much more that in her innocence she did not understand.

  She was so immodest! It was as well that neither her father nor the Comte could read her mind. Her thoughts were wild and romantic—the foolish dreams of a young girl. She had listened to the storyteller and his fables of courtly knights too often! The reality was that she must marry a man she did not love or see her father dispossessed of all he owned and both of them turned out to beg for their living.

  Marietta might instead have chosen life as a nun, but she doubted she would be taken without a dowry, which her father was unable to give her. Perhaps if she had felt a true vocation she might have chosen that life rather than marry the Comte, but her father would still have been faced with poverty. By agreeing to marry the Comte de Montcrief she had ensured that her beloved father would end his days in his own bed.

  She must think of the good she had done, Marietta decided. Her future was not what she would have wished, but she must do her duty. She would be a good wife to the Comte and bear his children—and she would try to forget that once a young man had made her long for so much more…

  Chapter One

  France 1525

  ‘Marietta.’ Comte de Montcrief greeted his wife with a smile as she entered his chamber, carrying a pewter cup and a small flask containing a dark liquid. She grew more beautiful with every day, her red-gold hair like threads of silken sunbeams and her eyes more brilliant than any jewel. ‘You never fail to bring my medicine when I need it. I do not know how I should have managed without you this past winter. I am sure that without your nursing, my dear wife, I should have died.’

  ‘I know this eases the tightness in your chest far better than the mixture the apothecary sent you, my lord. I believe the fluid on your chest is easing, is it not?’

  ‘Yes. I grow stronger every day, thanks to you, my love. I was blessed when your father gave you to me, Marietta.’

  ‘I have been blessed in giving you a son,’ Marietta replied. ‘I failed twice, and thought it was God’s will that we should not have a child—but our little Charles flourishes. He has passed his first year, and as you know too well ’tis the first few months that are so dangerous for vulnerable babes.’

  ‘You have given me a fine heir, but I hope he will not inherit too soon…’ The Comte frowned. ‘It worried me when I was ill, for though I know you are both brave and wise, it would be hard for you to hold the castle against the barons who might seek to take it. The nobles are a greedy rabble, Marietta. If I should die before our son reaches his maturity I have left the care of him and my estate to you, to hold for our son until he is old enough to take it—but I would urge you to choose a husband as soon as you may decently marry. I have no doubt that you will have many offers, but choose wisely. You must take a man with fortune enough that he will not covet our son’s inheritance—and one who will treat you well.’

  ‘Please, my lord, do not speak of such things to me,’ Marietta begged. ‘I am not sure that I would wish for another husband. You have been good to me, and to my late father.’

  ‘Your poor father suffered greatly towards the end, and I was pleased that you should nurse him here in our home. I would do anything to please you. I am too old for you, Marietta. I offered for you when your father told me of his need—but I think I have not been fair to you. You should have had a fine young husband to bed you and give you many sons. It lies heavy on my conscience that I took your youth and squandered it when you might have had so much more.’

  ‘Hush, my lord.’ Marietta held the cup out to him. ‘Drink this and ease yourself. You have been a kind husband, and many are not. I am content with my life, especially since we have our son.’

  The Comte smiled indulgently. ‘You have been a good wife. I shall buy you a present. What would you like?’

  He took her hand and she felt the press of the heavy gold ring he wore on the middle finger of his left hand. It had a huge cabochon ruby and was very fine.

  ‘I ask for nothing but your affection, my lord—but if you will give me something, let it be a lyre. The one I have has cracked and is no longer sweet in tone.’

  ‘You shall have the finest that can be bought,’ the Comte said, and kissed her cheek. ‘And perhaps a ring for your finger too. Now, go about your business, Marietta. I would sleep.’

  Marietta sighed as she made her way to her solar in the south-facing turret of the castle. When she had married her husband he had given her all the rooms in this tower, so that her ladies might be there to serve her. Sh
e had a bedchamber, a chamber where she could sit with her ladies and sew, and there was another chamber where her clothes were kept and her ladies slept on pallets that were stowed away during the day.

  Montcrief seldom disturbed her these days. He had always been considerate. Marietta believed that if she had given him a son the first time she had conceived he would not have troubled her again. She knew now that he felt he had wronged her by taking her to wife. The difference in their ages had shown more as the years passed; he was too old for her, and his health had deteriorated suddenly after a fall from his horse. They had been fortunate that she had managed to produce a healthy heir. Her son, to the joy of both his parents, thrived.

  Marietta had long since ceased to regret her marriage. She enjoyed being the chatelaine of a fine castle and ran her home with ease. Her child had brought her great joy and made her sewing a pleasure, for she liked to see the boy dressed in fine gowns and spent hours at her embroidery.

  Yet Montcrief was too old, and although Marietta loved him it was more the love she would give to a dear uncle or friend. However, she had never thought of betraying him…except for once or twice at the start, when the picture of a handsome Englishman had popped into her head as she lay beside her husband.

  It was nearly five years since the day she had almost been trampled beneath the hooves of that horse. Marietta sometimes wondered where Anton of Gifford was, and what he had done in all those years. She imagined him living on a fine estate in England. She knew that the countryside was beautiful there for her mother had told her. Baron Villiers had married an English lady of great beauty but little fortune. Jane, Lady Villiers, had been a sweet lady, and had taught her daughter much before she died.


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