Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2)

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Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2) Page 9

by G. Bailey

  “I want a new start for us and our baby. I want you, Sebby, because I've always been yours."

  He rests his forehead against mine and kisses me gently.

  "Get better May, so I can take you home with me." He mutters.

  "I like that idea," I say and kiss his throat gently. He groans and I see his hands tighten on the bed. I run my hands up his top feeling his chest as I kiss up his neck and suck on his earlobe before he pulls away. I watch in confusion as he practically jumps to the end of the bed and holds onto to the bar.

  "May, you can't do that when I want you so fucking bad. I'm close to removing that hospital gown and devouring every bit of you but I won’t in here. The first time I'll take you again will be in our bed, in our home." He says breathing hard to calm down.

  "I like that idea. I remember how amazing you were, like no one else. You have no idea how much I want you." I say more to me and Sebastian's mouth tightens when I look over at him. What did I say wrong now?

  "Were you with anyone else when you were away?" He struggles with the question and I struggle more with trying to answer.

  I look down not wanting to answer this but I know I need to so we can move past it.

  "Yes, I met a guy not long after I left you. It was just a rebound. I regret it now, but it only lasted a few days because I found out about the baby and I ended it" I say quietly but I know he heard every word.

  Seb slams his hands into the bed before walking out and I want to cry, but I don't. He did far worse to me by sleeping with dozens of girls. Being with that guy was a bad idea from the start, and I only liked him because he was nothing like Seb. I eventually fall back asleep and when I wake this time, it's to Allie’s face as she paints my nails. I sleep like the living dead, at least that what Allie has told me before so it doesn’t shock me that she manages to this while I’m sleeping.

  "Err hi," I say trying to keep my hand still, it’s hard not to chuckle that she has it on a book and is painting my nails a bright red.

  "Oh your awake, I've painted your toenails too. You can thank me later. How are you feeling and where the hell is Sebastian?" She asks and I chuckle as I look down at my red toes peeking out of the end of my blanket. I love that Allie has no idea of personal space when it comes to me and the people she cares about.

  "I'm alright but could use a drink, and don't ask," I say sitting up a little.

  "Hold on, I'll get you one when I finish this last nail," she says and paints my pinkie finger before getting me a bottle of water. I'm finishing my drink when Luke walks in, without knocking but I can’t be too mad at his cheeky face.

  "Hey, Seb says he will be back in half an hour but he sounded mad, what happened?" Luke asks as he takes the seat by Allie who waves a hello.

  "I don't want to talk about it," I say, looking away with tears. I'm guessing he’s going to end it with me. I knew he would hate me for this; it's why I didn't say anything before. I try to distract myself by looking at Luke. He looks older these days, and I think it’s because of his tattooed arms and the slight beard he always has.

  "Hey don't cry. Whatever he has done, I can say sorry for it," Luke says and Allie takes my hand.

  “Do I need to kick his ass?” Allie asks, being dead serious and it makes me smile.

  "It wasn't him," I say quietly still sobbing. It hasn't escaped my notice that my parents aren't here, and most likely don't care. I've just had enough of everyone walking away from me. I hear the door open and hushed voices but I don’t bother looking away from the pillow that I’m currently crying into.

  I feel a hand stroke my arm and I look up to see Elliot smiling down at me, actually smiling. It shocks me out of crying for a second. I then notice he is holding a ‘get well soon’ balloon and a motorbike helmet under the other arm.

  “You’re not alone, remember that Maisy. I never thought you were right for my brother but I know you are now. He was a fucking mess without you and it’s like seeing a different man now.” Elliot tells me sternly and I nod my understanding. I watch as he gives Luke the balloon and walks towards the door. Just as he opens it, he looks back at Allie for a second, before leaving.

  "Did he really just smile?" I ask Allie, who seems as surprised as me.

  "He is a strange man to understand but I believe he did." she laughs it off and takes the balloon of Luke to tie at the end of the bed.

  "Can I feel the bump?" Luke asks and I nod. He feels all over but the baby doesn't kick for him. I can feel him shifting a little but no kicks.

  "It's amazing," Luke whispers and leans over to rest his head on my bump.

  "I would be insanely jealous if my girl wasn't pregnant," says a voice from the doorway. I look up to see Seb, holding a bundle of balloons and a large blue teddy in the other arm. I can't help but smile at the massive man holding a teddy bear.

  "Can I have a second alone with Maisy?" Seb asks setting the teddy down at the end of my bed and tying the balloons to the end too, next to Elliot’s. I’m surprised the bed doesn’t start lifting at the amount of balloons on the end. I hope they don’t bring this many when the baby is born, I'll start having enough to float a house away like in that Disney film Allie made me watch once.

  "Sure," Luke says getting up.

  "Is that alright with you Maisy bear?" Allie asks without moving.

  "Yeah, I'm ok. I promise." She squeezes my hand before walking to Seb.

  "Don't make her cry again or I'll make you fucking regret it pretty boy," she threatens and Seb's nods, looking scared of the tiny blonde girl, who winks at me before leaving. Honestly, Allie can be a little scary sometimes but I know she means well. I don’t doubt her promise though.

  "My whole family are taking turns being here over the next week, so you won't ever be alone," Seb says sitting on the end of the bed like he doesn't want to get near me.

  "Thanks," I mutter and curl up on my side deciding to look away before he sees my tears. He is going to tell me he doesn't want to be with me, I know it.

  "May, look at me," Seb says kneeling down in front of me. I look up and he frowns wiping my tears away.

  "Damn Allie is going to hurt me now." He says making me smile a little, despite feeling like crying more.

  "I'm sorry I left. I was so angry at myself, that I let you go. To know that you went to someone else for comfort hurts me, but it's worse because it's my fault. I can't be mad at you because I understand it. I did the same thing and I regret every girl. I want a fresh start with you too and if you can move on from my past, then I'm going to try and forgive myself for letting you leave this town, and not chasing you down." he says gently.

  "It wasn't anyone's fault but your right we need to move past this if we are going to have a future. Can you do that?" I ask covering his hand with mine on the bed. He turns my hand then entwines our fingers.

  "Yes, I love you my beautiful May." He tells me with a sigh of relief.

  "I love you too." I smile and he kisses me gently.

  "I got the house keys today. I'll have one cut for you tomorrow. I thought we could look at furniture together if you’re not too tired." He asks and pulls out his phone, handing it to me.

  "I'm a little tired and hungry right now, but later?" I ask with a yawn, pushing the phone back and he nods.

  "I'll go and get you some food, so stay awake. In fact, I'll send Allie in, she will do that. If she and Elliot haven't killed each other yet." he grins, muttering the end part.

  I can't help but laugh and he kisses me once before leaving.

  I get up slowly and use the bathroom while no one is here. I wash my face and check my phone but there are no messages from my parents. I shake those thoughts away and remind myself, looking down at my bump, which I'll never be like my parents. My child will know love and I'll make sure of it.

  "Hey Maisybear, let me help you," Allie rushes to my side slipping her arm around my waist and helps me back into bed.

  "I'm really alright." I say tucking myself into bed.

know but you scared me. I can't lose you again, you’re the only sister I have." she half-whispers with silent tears running down her face.

  "Oh Alliecat, I'm not going anywhere again. I shouldn't have run or let my parents take over my life. It was crazy and I'm finally where I'm meant to be." I tell her and she holds my hand in hers.

  "So is everything ok with you and Sebastian?" She asks.

  "Yes, we are having a fresh start. I love him." I say with a big smile.

  "Hot damn, the sex is going to be awesome." she fans herself and I can't help but laugh.

  "There is no way he going to want to sleep with me, while I look like I have a balloon up my top." I say with a sigh.

  "You’re joking, right? That guy will jump you the minute your home." she shakes her head at me.

  I roll my eyes deciding to change the subject.

  "So are you dating anyone?" I ask.

  "No. Men are pointless. I've given up." she pouts and I laugh.

  "Oh Allie, you'll find someone who you won't be able to push away," I tell her and she shakes my comment off with a joke.

  "Depends on how good he is in bed, then I’ll see about It." she waggles her perfect eyebrows at me.

  "Hey, can I come in?" The sweet voice of Izzy comes from the open doorway.

  "Sure," I say with a smile. We have been messaging each other a lot recently. I know she has been buying baby clothes because she keeps sending me pictures.

  "How are you feeling? I know high blood pressure can cause early labour, you should tell a doctor if you feel anything," she says and I smile at her.

  "How do you know that?" Allie says as Izzy sits on the end of my bed.

  "I've been reading pregnancy books, Sebastian has them lying around everywhere." she says with a grin and then smiles to herself.

  "Blake walked in on me reading one last week and had a panic attack before I told him I was reading it for you. It was so funny." She laughs and we do too.

  "I didn't know he had been reading up on pregnancy." I muse with a small smile.

  "Oh yeah, he keeps bringing up random baby facts in nearly every conversation. Elliot looks bored out of his mind." She says with a laugh.

  Allie snorts with laughter and then messages someone on her phone.

  "I have to go, but I’ll be back tomorrow morning." she tells me.

  "Is everything ok? You look worried." I say noticing the frown on Allie’s face, as her texts quickly.

  "Its nothing." she glances away from me as she says it, and I turn to see Izzy, who is watching her closely her too.

  "Ok, well I'll see you tomorrow," I say pulling her in for a brief hug.

  Izzy and Allie talk for a second before they hug goodbye, and Izzy comes back to sit next to me.

  "So how are you and Blake?" I ask and notice how her whole face lights up at the mention of his name.

  "I couldn't be more in love if I tried." she smiles.

  "How about you and my brother?" She asks gently but only an idiot would miss the protectiveness in her voice. I know it's a warning not to hurt him, or ill have her to deal with, so I say

  "I love him and I plan to have a future with him," I tell her and run my hands over my belly and feeling a kick. I quickly grab Izzy hand, placing it on my bump, so she can feel the kicks.

  "Hey little nephew." she says with a cheeky grin, looking so much like Sebastian.

  "Me and Uncle Blake are going to spoil you." She smiles at me.

  "I think he might be a little spoilt by all his uncles and aunties," I say.

  “He will be, I’ve already brought all those clothes I sent you pics of and put them at your house.” she smiles.

  “Seb told me you were over at ours a lot; I remember something about Blake watching vampire shows all the time.” I giggle and Izzy snorts in laughter.

  “The Vampire Diaries, I love the show and Blake is trying to catch up to where I am, without too many people seeing. Don’t say anything but I saw Elliot watching it with Blake the other day. They are total geeks.” She winks at me and I laugh.

  “I might have to watch it. I’ve wanted to watch that Twilight film for a while now.” I laugh.

  "Hey, how are my two favourite girls?" Seb says walking in, carrying a tray with what looks like a roast dinner and chocolate cake on. He also has a bag which he sets on my table with my favourite iced tea bottle sticking out.

  "You remembered that I'm craving it," I say blushing.

  "I never forget anything about you." He winks.

  "What movies do you have then?" Izzy says moving the wall TV and turning it on as I start eating.

  “It’s that Twilight film, a girl got to love a man that sparkles.” Izzy winks at me as she puts the film on. I laugh as Seb looks between us in confusion but eventually just gives up to watch the vampire movie.

  I fall asleep, happily, somewhere in the middle of the film, dreaming of hot vampires.

  Chapter Ten


  "Now my sons, I have a little game for you both to play." My father grins at me and Elliot, I hate that fucking nickname he uses for us, my sons, total bullshit. Neither one of us wants to play his fucking games but what choice do we have. The man doesn't give us one, Harley is nowhere to be seen and I have no idea where Luke is, that's for the best but I can't help Elliot now. We are outside an old building full of shady looking apartments; they look so bad I don’t even want to get out the car.

  "In that apartment is two women, one in each room and you’re going to look after them.” He says as he clicks our doors open with his keys. We all get out and our father comes to stand right in front of us. He is wearing a full suit; his head is completely shaved, making his sharp face look scary to everyone. On top of the tattoos showing on his neck and his dark green eyes that look hollow.

  "What the fuck does that mean?" I ask in a harsh tone, sick of his games and father moves into my face, I brace myself as his fist slams into my stomach. I force myself not to make a sound as he watches me; I glance at Elliot who shakes his head at me. I know he is warning me to be quiet.

  "What do you want us to do?" Elliot asks in a hard tone. Elliot has changed this last year; turning fifteen didn't help because Harley warned us that our father wants us to fight soon. We both ignored our birthday and we have worked hard to be as built up as we can. Anything to be able to fight back, rather than letting dad think he has won.

  "Like I said, they want to be shown a good time. They are two of my friend’s wife's and well, they saw you." He stops as my throat closes. I panic looking Elliot, who doesn't even seem bothered as he replies


  "Good, now go. Number ten," our father says as he moves back into his car as I follow Elliot, we walk until we are standing in front of the apartment, with the door slightly open.

  "You love Maisy right?" He asks taking his leather jacket off and handing it to me.

  "Yeah, I can't do this. Fuck I can't. I haven't even slept with Maisy yet." I tell him.

  "I know, stay outside and I’ll deal with them." Elliot pats my shoulder.

  "Them both? What about Lily?" I ask. Elliot has a long-term girlfriend, they do break up a lot but I think they are together now. I can't let my brother do this. Maybe I can take fathers attention enough, so he will only kick the shit out of me when I tell him no.

  "I don't love her and this isn't the first time. It's not that bad." he frowns as I ask

  "What the fuck do you mean not the first time?"

  "He makes a lot of money doing this Seb; we look the same so they won't notice if I order them around a little. Some women like that, women like those in that room that will."

  "Bro I can't let you do this, ill figure something out,” I mutter quickly as Elliot walks around me and slams the door shut. I hear him lock it on the other side.

  An hour later Elliot walks out looking like death with freshly showered hair and we both walk in silence to a nearby road as I call a taxi to collect us.

  "You alright?" I
finally ask as we wait.

  "'No," Elliot replies as he takes my jacket back of me.

  "Want to do something to forget today?" I ask wanting to distract him.

  "Like what?" He asks looking more relaxed as he realises I’m not going to make him talk to me.

  "Let’s get a tattoo; I have those fake ids and a fuck load of cash in our banks," I smirk at him.

  "Might as well use our mother’s money for something long-term."

  "Unlike her," I mutter finishing his thought, as he shows me a rare smile.

  The cab pulls up and I tell them the name of the tattoo parlour Luke has been working at as an intern.

  "When we are older, make sure I'm never fucking like him," Elliot says with a glance in my direction as the cab drives us away from this form of hell.

  "Promise me the same bro," I tell him.

  "You got it brother, us Kings need to stay together." he pats my shoulder.

  "That's what Harley always says, I think he is right."

  "He is." Elliot chuckles as both try to move past the bad day.

  "This is so cute," Allie says holding up another baby outfit and puts in the trolley distracting me from my bad past. I don’t know why that memory came up, Maybe it’s because I’m in a shop full of loving parents with they’re young children and some part of me wishes I had that kind of past. We are shopping at some random baby store, which I swear is the most uncomfortable place I’ve ever been shopping at. Somehow my sister and her best friend have ruined shopping for me. The evil duo, my new nickname for Allie and Izzy, has nearly brought the entire shop. I love shopping, but I'm lost in this store. Half the things in the trolley, I have no idea what the hell they do.

  "Sebastian come here," Izzy shouts from somewhere near the back of the store.

  "Go, I'll pick more outfits you'll need and I’ll get some bibs too. Oh those Moses sheets you'll need to." She coos at a piece of cloth that has ducks all over it, what the hell is a baby going to do with a piece of cloth? I have no fucking idea what those are and it annoys me. Most of this stuff was not in the pregnancy books I read. Maybe I should have read the books about what happens when the baby actually gets here.


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