Let Me Taste You: Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Let Me Love You Book 2)

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Let Me Taste You: Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Let Me Love You Book 2) Page 5

by Mia Madison

  Raquel’s financial skills were as impressive as her beauty, and the vibe she possessed. She’d taken a few classes on finance, she worked with her father’s accountant to manage her expenses, and she didn’t blow her grief in shopping sprees.

  … But that sex appeal? Fuck, she blew me away.

  My dick fought to stay soft when her tongue curled around that ice cream cone. Every creamy lick made my dick jump and left me speechless. That tongue made time move in slow motion.

  When I got home, I jumped in the shower and imagined my dick in her hand instead of that ice cream cone. I wanted her to eat my dick, savor it just like that. The nut I blasted from the fantasy exploded all over my shower.

  But that vibe? Her vibes were life.

  Raquel, if I were to be honest, was the kind of woman I could see myself with. She was calm and confident, but there was a hedonistic goddess beneath that elegant exterior.

  Hedonistic because the word was perfect for her. She was sensual, primal, and uninhibited when uninterrupted. She loved her food, but she also loved to work hard to maintain a great body too. It was respectable. We could work out and eat well together, my warrior goddess and I. That would be better than watching her pop frozen grapes and diet popcorn and pant through a half-mile jog.

  That dramatic shit was exactly why I couldn’t deal with Angela. She never wanted to step it up. She lacked ambition, didn’t have any substantial plans for her life. She didn’t want to work out. Fitness wasn’t important; she wanted to starve herself and use plastic surgery to save her body from poor dieting. It was a turn off. I wanted a woman who would sweat, eat, and fuck like an animal, not one that was a delicate blow-up doll without ambition.

  It was enough that Angela called me nonstop all weekend, her messages ranging from concerned to venomous. She wanted me to talk to her, let her know what was going on and why I wasn’t returning her calls.

  We weren’t even together, and yet, I felt smothered. She was pushing herself on me, pushing sexual favors on me, hoping that another blowjob would seduce me into another round of sex. Sex I wasn’t interested in because I didn’t trust her. I’d have to supply my own condoms, and flush them down the toilet to make sure she didn’t go fishing in the trash for my sperm. I wouldn’t fully sleep with her in my presence. A woman hungry for a come up was a woman I couldn’t have around me.

  Yeah, getting my dick sucked long and slow would have felt so damn good, especially if I just leaned back and imagined it was Raquel. But I could just sense letting Angela around me at the moment would lead to nothing but trouble.

  I opened my phone and looked at Raquel’s IG account. I’d taken a picture of her at the boardwalk. Her pink dress flowed beautifully around her, draping those athletic curves in all the right places. Her hair flowed over her shoulders, and while she hadn’t worn as much makeup as she had the night we met, she glowed all the same. Miami sunshine had nothing on that smile.

  Angela’s text messages interrupted my gaze.

  Can you answer me??? Hello

  - What’s up?

  You tell me.

  - Nothing. How obvious could I be? I wasn’t fucking interested.

  We had a date Friday night and you stood me up.

  - Yeah, something came up.

  Are you okay?

  - Yeah.

  When will you be home?

  - I’m home

  She went silent, and I thought that was the end of it. But the unexpected knock at the door changed everything.

  I looked through the peephole, and sure enough, Angela was standing outside.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She stood there, her arms folded, with her hips jut out to the side. I had to admit, she looked amazing as usual, a full face of makeup and an expensive cream-colored sundress that made her look like a modern-day Marilyn Monroe. She even had that little beauty mark tatted on.

  “I came to see how you were doing.” She beamed, eyes slightly bulging. It was the craziest smile I’d ever seen. Imagine Cruella Deville meets beauty queen. She shooed me aside, and I stepped back to let her in.

  She walked around, her snooping obvious as she checked out my place. Her eyes were narrowed slightly, as if she were seeking out evidence of a party or another woman in the place.

  “What are you looking for?” I asked, the annoyance clear in my voice.

  “Oh, nothing. It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen you,” she said with a melodic tone. Her sing-song, sugar-coated sarcasm wasn’t lost on me. She saw me last week, before I met Raquel, and it was some of the best head in my life.

  Nobody ever came to my place. Ever. She only came because she had been lucky enough to be trusted at one point. But the fact that she found her way here, unexpectedly and uninvited bothered me. I’d have to speak with the property owners about letting uninvited guests in, mainly her.

  Once she was convinced there was nothing to find, she proceeded to make herself comfortable.

  “Mind if I get something to drink?” She paused, perfect eyebrow arched as her scarlet manicure grasped the fridge handle.

  I gestured my arm out. “Go ahead.”

  She wouldn’t find anything in there. Just water, beer, and orange juice. There weren’t any traces of Raquel in my apartment. Yet.

  I sat down in the living room, eager to mentally prepare myself for her inquisition. I would have turned her away, but the truth was I wasn’t a dick. Angela didn’t deserve my trust, nor did she win any cool points for this spontaneous behavior, but she was relatively harmless. I wouldn’t destroy her feelings.

  “So, to what do I owe this occasion?” I inquired as she approached me on the couch.

  “We had a date Friday night, and you didn’t show,” she said.

  “We were supposed to hang out, Friday night.” It was important to correct her. I wanted my position made clear. Angela and I were in contact again, but the connection was far from romantic.

  In my mind, we were casual, and we would stay that way. If I wanted to be with her, there would be no mistaking it. I’d call her. I’d text her. I’d spend time with her. I certainly wouldn’t take another woman out on a date and avoid speaking to her all weekend.

  Angela wanted to play dumb, but she knew things had changed. She just didn’t want to face the truth. I went from calling her once or twice a day, to not calling her at all. My texts stopped flowing in her direction also.

  “What’s changed, Kenny?” she whined, suddenly transforming into a pouty girl. “Who is she?”

  “It’s not about a ’she,’ Angela. It’s about you. I can’t trust you. You know that.”

  “Kenny, is it about the phone? I told you I’m sorry. I just had a weak moment,” she attempted to plead. “You have to understand.”

  “Yeah,” I said, dismissively. She had no idea that I knew about the condom. I planned to keep it that way. Her lack of integrity was obvious to me, but I decided to remain blissfully amused by her ignorance. “Again, why are you here?”

  “I miss you. I wanted to see you.” She batted her falsies at me as she asked. “Is that so bad? Am I wrong for wanting you? Loving you?”

  “Loving?” I snorted. That was a riot. There was nothing loving about this relationship we had. Of course, we had some potential, but that died the moment I realized I couldn’t trust her. Ever.

  “Yes, Kenny, love. It’s been long enough.”

  “It’s only been a couple of months.” She could miss me with that bullshit. I wasn’t going there. “We were never even official.”

  “No, but can you really say there wasn’t a chance for us?” Her eyes lowered and their sultry gaze did its best to penetrate my exterior.

  She should have been in Hollywood, California, not Hollywood, Florida. Everything with Angela was an act, carefully designed to evoke reactions in her favor. I wasn’t a puppet.

  I immediately thought of Raquel’s effortless seductiveness. Raquel showed up, as-is, no agenda on sight. If anything, she was a bag
of nerves, just as I was, and fighting to remain cool in my presence. It was sexy. Refreshing. Welcome.

  “What have you been up to?” I asked, giving her a friendly gaze. I swept my eyes over her body. “You look wonderful.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, blushing. “I’ve been on this new diet. It’s been working wonders.”

  “You’re beautiful as is, Angie.”

  She proceeded to talk about the diet. Something about cottage cheese, an apple, and four Saltines. I smiled, nodded, and pretended to listen. I decided to indulge her ego and pretend to care. I hoped it would make her feel good when I put her out in less than an hour. I wanted to take a shower and lie in bed for the rest of the night. She was the last person I wanted to see after my boardwalk date with Raquel.

  The first five minutes were fine, and then I started to get bored. My eyes began to lull as she spoke, yet I did my best to continue the smile and nod.

  “Kenny…?” Her unspoken question rolled through the melodic tone in her voice. “Kenny?”

  “Hmm?” I said, barely trying to wake up from this.

  “Are you tired?”

  “Yeah, somewhat.”

  “Aww, baby.” My tears pricked. She sounded like she was up to something. “Baby, you’re so tired.”

  “I know,” I said. “I need to get some rest.”

  “Yes,” she affirmed.

  Silence grew, but I could feel her presence. She still hadn’t made any moves to get up and get out of my condo. I decided I’d count to ten, and then gently escort her to the door. I didn’t want her to spend the night in any capacity.

  Instead, I felt hands on my face. Soft, warm, caressing hands. They slid down my chest and attempted to slide under my shirt. Oh, God. She was in the mood. She was always in the mood. I wasn’t. Not for her.

  She giggled mischievously when I jerked away from her.

  “Ang…” I sighed, weary. “I’m tired.”

  “I know, silly.”

  I felt her hands, on my knees. There was a little extra pressure on them as she leaned to kneel. I could feel her position herself between my legs.

  My cock jerked. I could have used a good suck. It would have put me right to sleep. But I didn’t want one from her.

  “Ang.” I warned, weary but much firmer than before.

  She continued to ignore me and rubbed her hand over my crotch. The moment she reached for my zipper, I broke free of my sleepiness, and grabbed her wrist. “I need you to go.”

  Her eyes looked wide and hurt, as if I’d offended her. But I didn’t care. I just wasn’t interested. If she did what she planned to do, I would be betraying my interest in someone else, and wasting my time because she’d only want to stay longer.

  And I didn’t trust her to be in my space while I slept.

  “Kenny, why are you acting like this? You were fine just a minute ago. We just had a nice conversation. I’m trying to be there for you. I know you’re tired. I miss you. Why don’t you just let me relieve your stress?”

  Her voice was so mellow and seductive, she would have experienced an easy win if my mind weren’t somewhere else, thinking of someone else, and wanting to be around that someone else.

  And she didn’t hold a candle to that someone else, even in that Marilyn Monroe dress with the beauty mark and extra cleavage.

  I rose to my feet, convinced that I wouldn’t get any peace until she was gone. I was exhausted, but the quicker I did this, the quicker I could head to sleep.

  “Come on,” I said, escorting her to the door. “It was nice seeing you, but I have to get up early in the morning.”

  “Well, I can come over tomorrow,” she suggested.

  My patience wore thin and the truth came out.

  “Ang, I need space. Okay?”

  “Space? We haven’t spoken in so long and I haven’t seen you in a week. How do you need space?” The rage rose in her tone, but her feelings meant nothing to me.

  “Ang, we hung out last week. This week, I’m sorry, but something came up. Now it’s Sunday night, and I have a long week ahead of me. I need some space to focus and get things done.”

  “You want space for another woman.” Her eyes narrowed viciously. “I already know there’s someone else.”

  “No,” I shot back. “There isn’t anyone else. There’s work. There’s family. There’s solitude. There’s needing to figure out where my head’s at.”

  “You didn’t have a problem figuring it out when I was sucking your dick last week.”

  I shrugged, weary and tired of her dramatic behavior. “That was last week, and now I’m telling you to give me space this week. Let me call you, okay?”

  “Kenny, how can we get past what’s happened if you treat me like this?” she pleaded, and I could see the fear and pain in her eyes. They begged me to stop, to give her a chance. She slunk down to her knees and attempted to kiss my crotch, but I placed my palm on her forehead.


  “Kenny, please…” She began to tear, mascara running down her face as her lips twisted in hurt.

  “Angela, I can’t.” I looked at her and felt a pang of sadness. I didn’t like seeing women cry, and while this girl was acting psycho, the truth was her heart was almost in the right place. “You deserve a man who wants you as much as you want him. Blowjobs aren’t enough for me right now. I have a trust issue with you. I can’t trust you.” She looked at me like this was news, to which I reiterated, with a shrug, “I can’t.”

  I pulled her to her feet; she lacked dignity kneeling before me in such a pitiful manner. I kissed her cheek.

  “If it’s supposed to happen, it will. Give me time. I’ll call you.” She didn’t seem convinced, so I gave her one of those jaw caresses with my thumb. “Okay?”

  She finally nodded, and turned to go. I watched her get on the elevator, and then I closed the door.

  Twenty minutes later, I was in the shower again, thinking of Raquel and the way her tongue made me jealous of that ice cream cone.

  After I exploded all over my fist, I washed up again, completely. Something about Angela made me feel dirty. I’d done nothing, but I didn’t want another woman’s germs all over my body.

  Once I was in bed, I texted Raquel, Good night, beautiful.

  Raquel whet my appetite. She was mouthwatering from head to toe, and she had no idea how much I wanted her. My dick desired to fuck the shit out of her breathtaking ass, but I knew I needed to wait. There was so much more to her than met the eye, and I wanted to explore her inside and out before I ravished her body.

  Inside and out.


  “Girl, he wants you.” Dilayla popped her gum as we walked toward the pool in my home. “What are you gonna do about it?”

  “You think everyone wants me,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “If I was so wanted, I wouldn’t be single. Not that I’m complaining about it.”

  “Bye, Rocky,” she said, dismissing me with her hand. She blew a bubble and popped it loudly.

  We sat in front of the pool, letting the music play gently in the background as we tanned. Dilayla was blessed with dusky skin, so tans blossomed beautifully on her body. She turned a deep caramel color that popped against her blue-black locks.

  “Have you heard from Alex?” she asked.

  “Ugh. Don’t bring his name up.” I scoffed and shook my head. “He won’t go away.”

  Ever since he’d been caught with Beverly, Alex wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone. It was Wednesday, and he was still texting me several times a day, trying to figure out how I’d landed another date in front of him, and trying to make up with me. I knew he was a player from jump, and after what happened that night, I just wasn’t interested.

  “Why don’t you block him?” Dilayla asked. “Fuck his ass, sis.”

  “I enjoy watching him act like an ass,” I admitted. Even though it hurt to be played the way I had, I had to be honest. Watching him squirm and throw fits over me stroked my ego some. His groveling only tur
ned me onto the effect that I would let him keep doing it. I otherwise had no plans to connect with him.

  “What about his girlfriend?” Dilayla probed.

  “What about her?”

  “Does she know?”

  “She doesn’t have a clue, and I don’t plan to enlighten her either.” I shrugged. “She’s doing my makeup later this week.”

  I didn’t know Beverly all that well, but we followed each other on Instagram. Sometime that week, we planned to meet up for my model makeover. I looked over her work and she was pretty legit. She’d done makeup for Larsa Pippen, the Kardashians, and some of the girls on a local reality show. I was excited to see what she would come up with.

  “You don’t feel bad?” Dilayla said.

  “Why? I did nothing. I had no idea he had a girlfriend. And we never made it to our date, so it’s not like I’d done anything.”

  “You’re right. He came after you, not the other way around.”

  “Exactly. She seemed to give a shit more than he did. She’s a nice girl, I can see that.”

  “Hmm.” Dilayla purred ruefully. “She wouldn’t be so nice if she knew the truth.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But I can’t see how telling her the truth would help either of us. She’s trying to build her portfolio, and I’m trying to look sexy for Kenny.”

  “Oh, look at this… she finally admits her interest in the man,” Dilayla said, lowering her sunglasses to make flirty eyes at me.

  “He’s always been sexy, but there’s just something about him that has me on reserve.”

  Kenny was sexy. We’d started speaking to each other almost every day since we’d met. I couldn’t resist smiling when I got those Good morning, beautiful texts or the evening Good night, gorgeous.

  He didn’t do that “I’m busy” shit younger guys my age did. They swore they were too busy to be consistent, but Kenny was truly busy—and yet he managed to be very consistent.


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