Yours To Seduce

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Yours To Seduce Page 3

by Karen Anders

  Yet, she was supposed to make him hers for a bet. He grinned at her, a slow grin that turned her stomach to mush.

  “Lana? What are you doing in here?” he whispered in a voice laced with surprise and what she thought sounded like pleasure.

  The words beckoned her to him, a man whom she’d wanted for years. She had to acknowledge that to herself. She wanted him for what seemed like forever.

  She moved toward him caught in the magnetic pull of his body and eyes, the promise of his lips.

  As she drew close to him, she could feel the warmth of his body. “Lana?” he asked in a thick voice as if he were strangling.

  She swallowed and realized she was holding on to the terry cloth draped around her body in a death grip. She loosened her fingers and released the towel.

  Sean lunged forward. “Lana, no,” he cried, his big hand wrapped around the unraveling cloth.

  The backs of his knuckles nestled in the valley between her breasts. His touch set off chaos in her chest, sending her heart into a breath-stealing lurch. Her nipples tightened into hard nubs, the wet towel arousing each hot peak.

  “Why not?” she whispered back, afraid to ask it any louder.

  “So many reasons,” he replied as if in agony. “We work together. We’re friends. It would complicate matters,” he commanded softly.

  “I was thinking the same, but if we got the sex thing over with maybe my skin wouldn’t tingle every time I see you.”

  “Lana,” he groaned.

  “I want to touch you.” Lana closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the need to do more than touch him.

  “I want you to, but…” he said in a rough, low voice.

  She caught her breath. Ignoring the but, she reached out and touched his damp skin. The moment her fingers made contact, she wanted to press the flat of her palm to all that hard muscle.

  With need coiling inside her, she slid her fingertips around his well-defined pectoral muscles.

  There was something in his eyes, something that threatened to rip free. She wanted it and was also terrified of it. She knew it because it was exactly what she felt. For one long moment, the battle raged inside her—logic against need. If she moved forward, just a fraction of an inch, she could have something she was yearning for, aching for.

  They were caught in each other’s gazes, a scant inch apart. If she moved away, the towel would fall. If he moved away, the towel would fall. She had no intention of catching it. Something more powerful than common sense pulled her toward him, heated her blood, drew her eyes to his mouth. That lush, full bottom lip beckoned to her. Then she noticed the wound on his forehead. The bandage was gone, taken off for his shower. The powerful emotions rushed back and she reached up to gently touch the skin around the injury.

  She’d wanted a taste of him from the moment she’d first laid eyes on him, and now, as the heat between them intensified, she couldn’t think of a single reason not to take that taste.

  She trailed her fingers down his scratchy cheek, along the taut cords of his neck. Bringing her other hand into play, she pressed both flat against the heavy muscles of his chest, trailing her hands along the thick ridges of muscle delineating his abdomen.

  He released the towel with a harsh groan as the back of her hand brushed the tip of his cock. As the terry cloth fell away, Sean caressed every inch of her nakedness with his eyes. It felt decadent and dangerous to stand before him free of all that heavy clothing they wore every day. Freeing to finally let him know that she wanted him.

  “I must be out of my friggin’ mind.”

  His lack of sanity didn’t seem to stop him. He stepped closer to her, his big, rough hands cupping her breasts.

  He bent his head and his tongue snaked out. “Sean,” she whispered, begged. His mouth closed over her and she arched wantonly into the heat of him. She moaned his name again. The sound of it reverberated against the tiles, throwing his name back at them.

  He sucked hard, and she cried out in raging hunger for more.

  When his head raised, her lips parted slightly and Sean read the action for what it was, a silent invitation. She pushed on his chest backing him into the spray of warm water and he pulled her with him.

  The water splashed down over her skin, warm and wet, sliding over her skin like liquid silk, a cleansing, heated waterfall.

  Dropping his mouth to hers, he pressed his full, sensual lips against hers. Even with her confidence that what she wanted was him, a warning bell sounded somewhere in the back of her mind. One time wouldn’t be enough it clanged, not nearly enough. But desire swept through her like a flood and drowned the alarm, leaving nothing but incredible sensations in its wake. He tangled his fist in her dark hair and tilted her head back, giving him better access, a better angle.

  Lana fell against him as the strength in her legs ebbed. She gasped at the shock of their bodies coming together, at the surprise pleasure of his lips touching hers, and he slid his tongue slowly into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. He kissed her slowly, deeply, with a lazy insolence that made the act as intimate as sex.

  She pulled him closer, gasping in the feel of his mouth, the hot water pounding her sensitized skin. At that moment she knew nothing about prudence. The desire rising up blocked out all else, letting instinct take control. She sank against the hard, muscular planes of his body, shivering at the feel of her breasts flattening against his chest. He swept a hand down her back and over the ripe curve of her buttocks, cupping her, lifting her into him, and pressing her close against the erection that was hard, yet silky against her stomach.

  Lana trembled and groaned, barely aware of the sounds she made. A dozen different emotions ripped around in her like leaves in a storm wind. Every nerve in her body was jumping with life. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had touched her like this, made her want like this. And with nothing more than a kiss. It thrilled her and frightened her and made her burn for him.

  He took control, pressing her back against the wall of slippery shower tiles. She cupped his face as his kisses got deeper and stronger, more frantic. Her hands went into his whiskey-colored hair. Her fingertips massaged his scalp as his hips pressed against hers, his pelvis thrusting against her with wild abandon.

  Her hands curled over his shoulders, sliding around to his back as she urged him as close to her as he could possibly get. Her hands continued their adventurous exploration when she reached for him and cradled his hardness in her hands. His face pressed into the hollow of her shoulder and he groaned softly as she caressed him wonderingly, amazed at the strength and sensuality encased in that hardness.

  “Lana,” he begged huskily.

  She had every intention of complying. It took her only a moment to grab the foil packet from her cosmetic case that she had purposely carried with her in the hopes of getting Sean alone. When she came back, she moved down his body an inch at a time, kissing his chest, abdomen, the jut of his hipbone, and the tops of his thighs. On her knees she was at the perfect level for his straining cock.

  As her mouth closed over him, he stiffened, both hands pressing against the shower tiles, his breathing ragged. Lana explored his strong length with her lips and tongue, licking away the streams of water, an endless task, as the shower continued to provide more. Long minutes passed until Sean became too restless with need. With two hard hands, he pulled her up and fastened his mouth to hers savagely.

  All finesse was gone, the thought of control laughable. He pressed her against the tiled wall, branding her with his body. She couldn’t get close enough; she couldn’t feel enough. His mouth was everywhere and had a direct relation to her ability to stand. His warm avid tongue swirled the droplets from her nipples, then paused to suck deeply, causing Lana to cry out at the sharp sensation. One hand smoothed her flat stomach then tangled in the wet hair at the juncture of her thighs. His intense desire ignited her own, and she cried out at the exploring finger he sent inside her.

  “Sean,” she whispered, almost incoherent with need, bu
t she didn’t have to be more direct, because Sean knew exactly what she wanted. What they both wanted. He grabbed the condom out of her hand and sheathed himself.

  He placed both hands beneath her bottom and lifted her against the tile. Her legs encircled his waist, and he entered her with a surge that drew a moan from both of them.

  “You’re so hot, Lana, so damn tight.” He gasped, his hands at her hips directing their movement. His eyes were slitted open, and he watched in satisfaction as Lana reacted in pleasure. The sight of him watching her pleasure made her back arch away from the wall. He drew one nipple into his mouth. And then it was too much for both of them. He pressed her to the wall again; her legs tight around him, and powerfully thrust up inside her over and over until they both cried out in unison.

  Long moments later Lana became aware that the water running over them was cold. Sean released her, and she put her feet on the floor, grateful that he didn’t completely let go of her.

  He held her against him as if he couldn’t seem to let her go and a giggle slipped out of her.

  Sean moved away so that he could look into her face. “This isn’t funny.”

  “I know. It isn’t funny at all.”

  Sean closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers.

  “Are you surprised, Sean?”

  He once again looked down into Lana’s face. “Yeah, I guess I am. I thought we were friends.”

  “We are friends.”

  “Now we’re a little bit more.”

  “Yes, we are.”

  “I don’t want sex to muddle everything else.”

  “It doesn’t have to.”

  “Yeah, but it does.”

  Lana moved away from him into the spray of the water, washed her hair and soaped her body quickly. When she was done she turned to look at Sean. He was watching her; that same hungry look back in his eyes.

  “You’re a damn beautiful woman,” he said raggedly.

  Before she could answer, a booming came from the shower room door.

  “Jeez, Dempsey! Are you going to use up all the hot water? The grub is ready!”

  “Keep your shirt on! I’ll be there in a minute!” she yelled back, irritated at the interruption.

  She walked over to where she’d placed her robe and shrugged into it.

  Sean grabbed her arm and hauled her up against him. “You are something else. Do you have nerves of steel?”

  “They wouldn’t dare come in here while the sign is on the door.”

  His mouth came down on hers, his lips still wet, his body damp. Droplets from his hair dripped on her cheek, but she didn’t care. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  When they finally parted, Lana reached up and gently touched his cut. “You should get another bandage on that.”

  He nodded. “Thanks for saving my life.”

  There was something in the gruff quality of his voice that got to her, and Lana found herself suddenly struggling against a thick wad of emotion. She clenched her eyes shut and swallowed hard, nearly overcome with feelings for this man. Feelings that caused a painful ache deep inside her.

  “I was terrified,” she said in a small voice. “I wanted to wrap my arms around you.”

  He pulled her closer as she released a breath. Rubbing his hand down her spine, hugging her hard, he said, “Can you imagine how big that would have gone over? We would never have lived it down.”


  “And if we’re discovered in this shower together like this, we’ll get more than ribbing, Dempsey.”

  “Right.” A rush of fear nailed her squarely in the chest. Common sense told her she was in way over her head. She gave herself a minute to fight the powerful emotions, then swallowed hard and drew in an unsteady breath. Bracing herself for the bereft feeling, she started to pull away. “Sean, I—”

  He pulled her back, tightening his arms around her. “Not a chance,” he said, his tone gruff. Grasping her jaw, he lifted her face, covering her mouth with a soft, sweet kiss, one that made her pulse go berserk. Her heart was pounding so hard when he finally drew away that she felt it from her scalp to her toes. He combed her hair back from her face, and then nestled her head firmly against his shoulder.

  Sean gave her a tight hug, and then began rubbing her back. “Don’t have second thoughts,” he said quietly.

  Lana pressed her face against the soft skin of his neck, her whole body trembling. She grasped the back of his head holding on to him with what little strength she had. She took a deep, shaky breath, struggling to bring things back into focus.

  He smoothed his hand up her back, his jaw pressed tightly against her temple. “Just so you know,” he said, as if warning her, “I never throw in a poker hand, Dempsey.” He carefully tucked some of her wet hair behind her ear, his touch oddly comforting. When he spoke again, there was a touch of amusement in his voice. “And I sure as hell don’t quit while I’m ahead.”

  That prompted a shaky laugh, and the tension abruptly drained out of her. “I didn’t take you for a gambler, O’Neil.”

  “Shows you that you don’t know everything about me.” He wrapped his wet towel around his waist. “You’d better exit first.”

  Still stunned by what she had done, she dazedly turned and started to leave, her knees threatening to buckle with every step.

  No, she didn’t know everything about him. She didn’t know how sexy his voice sounded when he was aroused or the way he would feel against her, his penis thick and hard. She hadn’t known those things. What she’d known about Sean was his ability to always understand how she felt. How he supported his family to the point of having no life of his own. A man who gave in every sense of the word. She wondered what would happen if Sean suddenly decided he wanted to take. She shivered with the thought of his dormant power. A power, if unleashed, would be purely devastating. And everyone, including her, would have to watch out.

  She felt as if she’d been run over by a Mack truck.


  “HEY, BRO?”

  Sean looked up as his eighteen-year-old brother came across the garage floor of the fire station. Where Sean was tall and muscular, Riley was shorter and skinnier, but with a promise of a robust male body that he only had to grow into. His hair was longer and more blond, his eyes blue. He was wearing a pair of surfer shorts and a white muscle T-shirt.

  “Riley, what are you doing here?” Sean set down his overnight bag.

  Lana walked by and tousled Riley’s hair.

  “Hi, Lana.”

  “Hi yourself.”

  “I came to ask you to do me a favor,” Riley said, running his hand nervously through his hair.


  “Isn’t that like the second time this week. But who’s counting.”

  “I’m supposed to mow the lawn, but Jeff called and said the waves are radical right now.”

  Sean’s gaze flashed to his brother’s expensive surfboard tacked down to his car roof. His brother turned to look.

  Sean’s eyebrows rose and his eyes narrowed. “I guess you were pretty sure of yourself.”

  Lana chuckled and called, “Good luck, Sean.” Her eyes lingered on his face. He watched as she disappeared around the side of the doorway.

  His brother snapped his fingers in Sean’s face to get his attention. “You always help me out, man.”

  “Shirking your chores to go to the beach to surf is irresponsible, Riley.”

  “I know. Just this once? I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  Sean smiled. Riley was a good kid, just wave crazy. “All right. I’ll do it, but you’ll owe me. The next time we have a family gathering, you can go pick up Grandma.”

  “Sean, she always pinches my cheeks like I’m some kinda baby.”

  “That’s the deal. Take it or leave it.”

  “I’ll take it,” he said over his shoulder as he ran for his car and jumped in. He pulled away from the curb with a screech.

  Sean shook his head an
d headed for his car. The same old story. Good ol’ Sean will always pick up the slack.

  IN HER CAR, LANA THOUGHT about Sean and his family. They relied heavily on him as the oldest and Sean never said no. Even when Lana thought they were asking too much, he just shrugged and smiled. She had to accept that it was just Sean’s easygoing nature that allowed him to tolerate his family’s demands.

  It was three-fifteen and she was revved from turning in early last night and getting ten hours of alarm free sleep.

  The first thing she did was go back to the site of the fire. She took a plastic bag with her and filled it with a sample of the soil. Afterward, she went over to the San Diego University football field and started to run the bleachers, something she did regularly. She needed a way to blow off some steam and stop herself from acting like a stupid high-schooler with a crush.

  Lana had just finished when she saw a small figure way down at the bottom. She sprinted down as the figure sprinted up. Halfway, Lana saw that it was Sienna Parker, one of her women-who-dare girlfriends.

  “Hey, I called the station, but they said you’d left,” Sienna said when she got within hearing distance. Sienna looked radiant. Matching wits with the SEAL must really be good for her.

  “And you guessed I was here,” Lana replied.

  “I heard about the apartment fire and your run-in with Bryant.”

  Lana sat down on the closest bleacher and Sienna sat next to her. “Oh, and how did you hear about that?”

  “Sean answered the phone. He told me you were edgy. I know what happens when you’re edgy. You either go to Mahoney’s and play a game of pool or come here.”

  Lana shifted on the bench. She hated to be predictable. “You checked Mahoney’s?”

  “Sure did. Why are you edgy?” Sienna handed Lana one of the bottles of water she was carrying. She gave Lana a rueful smile before she opened hers and took a sip.

  Sweating profusely, Lana stared at the liquid in the bottle for a minute, then opened the top and took a long drink. “I’m surprised that you didn’t get that information from Sean, too,” she quipped.


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