Holding Her Hero

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Holding Her Hero Page 13

by Amy Lamont

  She wanted to giggle. He actually sounded as surprised as she did at their coziness. “Did you not expect to like it?”

  “Honestly?” He looked at her out of the side of his eyes.

  She nodded, curious to see where this was going.

  “I haven’t ever had a woman…” He paused to rub his short, cropped hair self-consciously. “Umm, I guess you could say I’ve never really been an overnight guest kind of guy.”

  She wrinkled her nose. What the heck did that mean? “You’ve never had a woman here before.”

  She watched him closely, confused. If she didn’t know better, she’d say his cheeks just got pink. She’d be giggling in delight if his words weren’t causing some niggling doubts and insecurities to come rising to the surface.

  “No, I have. Had a woman here.” He shook his head and turned to look her directly in the eyes. “Just not anyone I wanted to have stay for breakfast.”

  “Oh.” She kept her gaze locked on his. Should she be flattered to be the first or skeeved at the thought of him bringing a parade of one-night stands home? She shook her head. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “I promise I’m not trying to be an ass here.” He reached over and took her hand from her lap. “I guess that’s my messed up way of telling you you’re special.”

  Well, when he put it like that. Without a conscious decision her body leaned closer to his. She placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly before pulling back to meet his gaze before whispering, “Okay.”


  She nodded, bit her lip to hide her grin, and turned back to her breakfast. It took all her self-control not to jump off the stool and do a happy dance. If she wasn’t mistaken, although his delivery left a little to be desired, he was telling her he had feelings for her.

  Good. It was nice to know she wasn’t the only one here with feelings. She smiled and tucked into her eggs.

  * * *

  “So,” he asked as they headed toward his car a little while later, “are you planning to stay with Miss Abigail indefinitely?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Now that you’re making this a permanent move,” he said and squeezed her hand, making her smile, happy in knowing they’d overcome the hurdle of his commitment phobia, “are you going to get your own place or stay with your grandmother?”

  She stopped in her tracks. “You know, I haven’t even thought about it. Between fixing Grandma’s house and working on my shop, it didn’t even occur to me. Not to mention, I still have to go clear out my apartment in New York.”

  She fought the urge to sink to the ground. She had a vision of herself spinning plates—a remodeling project, a new business, and a new relationship. Throw one more plate up there if she decided to start looking for her own place. Surely one of those plates was bound to go flying off and shattering.

  “Whoa.” Mitch pinned her against the passenger door of his car. He cupped a hand under her chin. “What’s going on here?”

  Mandy stared blankly into his concerned face. The panic had snuck up on her, knocking the breath from her lungs.

  “Sweetheart?” He kept his hips pressed to hers, holding her against the car while he pulled slightly away to cup his hands around her shoulders and stare down at her.

  She shook her head. “Everything.”


  “Everything just hit me at once.” She slid her arms up and flattened her palms against his chest. “I mean, everything’s going good.”

  He nodded and lifted a hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  She took a deep breath, realizing as the air hit her lungs that her breathing had been getting erratic. “Sorry. Sorry.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. Anyone could freak out with so much change at once. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to add to your worries by bringing up looking for a place to live.”

  She shook her head and absentmindedly caressed his chest. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s all me. I think all the changes I’m making just hit me all at once. It’s a little overwhelming. I hope I’m not biting off more than I can chew.” She worried her lower lip between her teeth.

  He chuckled softly and kissed the top of her head. “That’s what this is about? Sweetheart, we got this.”

  “What?” She froze in his arms.

  “I promise. We got this.”

  We got this. How many times had Will said that exact same thing to her? It had always filled her with comfort, knowing they were a team.

  Were she and Mitch a team?

  She stared up at him. And the panic almost pulled her under again. Here was a stoic Marine. The same guy who just a few short weeks ago had his own little panic attack because he thought he’d signed up for more of a commitment than he bargained for.

  But here he stood now, everything he felt clear for her to see. He cared about her. Deeply. He was happy she was staying in California. Happy they were going to have a chance to pursue things.

  Heck, he admitted he was happy to wake up with her in his arms even though he’d spelled it out loud and clear that wasn’t his usual M.O.

  “You doing okay?” Mitch leaned his forehead against hers.

  She was flooded with warmth, from the inside out. The feelings she’d been so scared of in the beginning came bubbling to the surface and she knew, just the same way she knew the day two soldiers showed up on her doorstep with news of Will’s death, life would be different from here on out.

  She stood on her tiptoes, lifting her lips to his.

  “Better?” He growled against her lips.

  “Mmm….” She let her lips do her talking, caressing his, allowing the tip of her tongue to slide out to meet his.

  A piercing whistle broke into the intimate moment. “Way to go, Captain.”

  They remained standing together, but turned their heads to see three young men—young Marines—walking out of the apartment building next to Mitch’s. They sported desert camo and close-cropped hair, each with a duffle slung over their shoulders.

  “Stow it, Marines.” Mitch’s voice rang with authority.

  Suddenly, Mandy’s panic returned with a vengeance. She turned in Mitch’s arms, clutching for the door handle. She did not want to stand here and let him introduce her to these men.

  “Mandy?” His attention returned to her immediately, the concern back in his voice.

  She managed to pull the handle with a jerk, and they both had to jump back to avoid being hit by the door.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry. I just saw those guys….” She trailed off, realizing how ridiculous it was for her to freak out like this at the smallest reminder of his job. But it was like they’d been in their own little bubble the last day, none of her past or his job intruding into the little world they’d created.

  But how could she tell him she was freaking out because a bunch of guys in fatigues reminded her of what he did for a living and it caused another panic attack?

  She shook her head as she sank into the passenger seat while he loomed over her, holding onto the top of the car door. “Sorry. Just saw…” she gestured to the guys piling into a crew cab pick-up truck a few spots down from them. “And it reminded me you have to get to work today. I didn’t want you to be late because of my freak out.”

  Mitch squatted next to her, the car door providing them with a modicum of privacy and recreating a little of the intimacy between them. He reached out and caressed her cheek with a thumb. “You know I’d stay here all day if I could. And believe me, you wouldn’t be worried about your freak out.”

  She giggled, trying to let go of some of the heaviness that settled at the reminder of his job. She leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. “And believe me, if you didn’t have to work, I’d be tempted to let you distract me from my freak out.”

  He smiled, his dimple making an appearance. “Rain check?”



s Mandy pulled into Mitch’s apartment complex, she fought the urge to pinch herself. Life had been sweet the last few weeks. Her shop was on target to open at the end of the month, her grandmother’s house was shaping up, and things between she and Mitch were….

  Amazing. She drifted a little remembering the nights she and Mitch had spent tucked together in his apartment. He still took her out and, if anything, had become more solicitous. But as many nights as they could manage it, they ended up here at his place, making love, sharing quiet conversations.

  She shook herself out of her reminiscing and suppressed a giggle. She was just steps away from seeing the man in the flesh and it still didn’t stop her from daydreaming about him.

  As she slid out of the car and grabbed a few grocery bags off the back seat, she waved to a few guys in fatigues moving into the apartment building across from Mitch’s.

  Even that had gotten better. No more panic attacks at the reminders of Mitch’s job. She’d even been introduced to a few of the guys she’d flinched from the first day.

  Mandy all but danced up the steps to Mitch’s apartment, tingling with pride at overcoming her fears. Her grandmother and Hal had been so right. Whatever this was between them was so worth the risk.

  Before she could raise a hand to knock, Mitch’s door flew open.

  “Hey there, sweetheart.” He swung her, grocery bags and all, into his arms and kissed her long and hard.

  Mandy kept her eyes closed for long moments after the kiss ended, enjoying his arms around her. When she finally opened them, he grinned down at her and again she marveled over how much he’d let down the barriers between them. The grin that reached his eyes, the dimple coming out to play—he was obviously as happy to have her here as she was to be here.

  “Let me get these.” He grabbed the bags from her grip and headed to the kitchen.

  “Are you hungry?” She’d promised to cook dinner for him tonight and couldn’t wait to get started. They ate together often, but it was usually at a restaurant, getting takeout, or eating something her grandmother cooked for them. She hadn’t had a chance to show off her culinary skills yet. She shook her head at her own silliness. Who would have thought she’d be this excited to feed this man and share something she loved with him?

  A pang of guilt tightened her stomach. She was so happy to share her passion, but hadn’t she been shutting him down any time he tried to do the same? Oh, she was aware how much he loved to fly, but any time he started to really go into details about missions he’d flown, she mostly plastered a polite smile on her face and took the first possible opportunity to change the subject.

  “Anything I can help with?” Mitch’s voice pulled her back to the present and her eagerness to cook for him.

  “Want to cut up some veggies?” She smiled and silently vowed she’d be better about giving him the chance to share his passion with her.

  * * *

  Dinner was a hit, and Mitch wasted no time in showing his appreciation. While she had her hands elbow deep in soap suds and dirty dishes, he snuck up behind her, pushing her dark hair over one shoulder so he could lave her neck with tender nips, licks and kisses. Shivers danced their way up and down her spine. She stood rooted in place, dishes forgotten, as he worked his way up to her ear.

  “The dishes can wait,” he said. His hot breath and low growl made her moan, shifting so her head rested back on his shoulder. His hands moved from their spot on her hips, sliding up her sides until he grasped a breast in each palm.

  Mandy bit her lip hard as he teased her nipples, causing them to rise up hard against his palms. She stood in his embrace, allowing him access to her body, his hard length pressed against her back, until she couldn’t hold out another moment.

  She swiftly turned, soap suds trailing from her hands, and threw herself into his arms. She plastered herself against him, reveling in the feel of her breasts pushing into his hard chest. Their lips and tongues met in a fierce kiss and the passion that always seemed to grow so hot and fast between them hit an explosive level as they began to tug at one another’s clothes, desperate to get to bare skin.

  “Not here, sweetheart.”

  “Yes, please, right here. Mitch.” The last word came out with a little petulant whine as Mitch tugged her toward his bedroom. “You and your fantasies.”

  * * *

  Mitch chuckled at her grumbling and pulled her into the bedroom as fast as he could, but he couldn’t argue with her. She was right. It seemed he hadn’t exhausted the fantasy he’d shared with her their first night. He couldn’t get enough of seeing her spread out on his bed. One of these days he’d get around to some of his other fantasies.

  But not today, he thought as he all but dragged her down to the bed, his lips automatically seeking hers.

  In minutes he managed to free both of them of every scrap of clothing between them. He latched his lips around the pink peak of one breast and fought for self-control at the sweet whimpering moan that came from between her parted lips.

  He gave each nipple equal time, sucking and nipping each delicious bud in turn. She writhed beneath him, her silken limbs heating his skin everywhere they touched. He needed a taste of her. Now.

  He raked his teeth over her nipple one last time and began his journey over the smooth softness of her belly. When he reached the spot just above her center, he grasped her thighs, pulling them apart almost roughly in his haste to delve into her wet core.

  His hands slid to cup her ass, pulling her closer to his mouth. No more teasing. His tongue pushed into her, lapping up and savoring her sweetness. He raised his gaze to treat his eyes to as much of a feast as his tongue received. And he was not disappointed.

  Better than fantasy. So much better. His dream had come to life. She was spread on his bed, dark hair damp and wild around her. Her pale limbs stretched tight as her pleasure pulled her along. The pink tips of her breasts stood out like beacons, almost making him abandon his current quest so he could feel them once more against his tongue. Almost.

  As her back arched off the bed, pushing her breasts out even more, he groaned and his eyes dropped closed. He moved his hands to spread her open wider for his pleasure, moving tongue and teeth back and forth between her silken nub and the welcoming depths of her wet channel.

  Before he could completely lose control, her muscles clenched beneath his hands. Her body arched again and soft whimpers hit his ears. He sucked hard, and she bucked, her thighs coming out of his hands.

  “Mitch, Mitch.” She frantically chanted his name and his scalp tightened as her hands reached to grip his hands. He lightly scraped his teeth over the engorged bud, and she went over the edge with an incoherent scream.

  No more waiting. Mitch pulled his mouth from her and slid up her body, relishing the feel of every soft curve. Before her ripples of pleasure stopped, he was moving his hard shaft to the spot his mouth had plundered just a moment before.

  As he moved to her entrance, her eyes flew open. She clutched his shoulders frantically and her body bowed, pulling him into her. He gritted his teeth and in a swift jerk he impaled himself fully within her.

  “Oh…God.” Her moan sounded as if it was pulled from her very depths. Her feet crossed over his back and the continued contractions of her clinging walls pulled him even deeper.

  With a groan, he started moving in short, hard strokes. Her hips moved to meet his on every thrust, and he leaned down to claim her mouth.

  Her hands gripped tighter and slid over his shoulders and down his back. Pleasure and pain mingled as her nails made a trail. He picked up the pace, pounding into her.

  “Mitch.” Her cry came as she clenched tightly on him as she exploded beneath him.

  That was all it took for him to lose control. He shuddered over her, groaning out her name, before collapsing to bury his face in the spot where her neck and shoulder met. Her arms held him to her as they fought to get their breathing under control. He’d done uphill runs with full packs on his back that didn’t leave hi
m gasping like this.

  After a few minutes, he rolled, pulling her with him as he went. He tucked her into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. He tipped his chin down to look at her and smiled.

  Her head was angled back so she could meet his gaze. Her dark eyes looked like melted chocolate, and her lips curled up in a small, satisfied smile. She stretched against him like a cat before burrowing closer.

  “Hope you told Miss Abigail not to expect you home tonight.”

  She giggled. “I did. Good thing. I don’t think I could make it home tonight if my life depended on it.”

  He reached up to push strands of her inky hair off her face, using his thumb to caress her chin. “Good. I like waking up next to you.”

  She looked up at him. Her eyes shined, but her voice teased. “That’s just so you don’t have to take yourself in hand in the morning.”

  “Just one of the many benefits.” He kissed her softly.

  “Mmm.” Her eyes drifted closed and she snuggled in more deeply. “I have to admit, I don’t mind that benefit myself.”

  He chuckled quietly and leaned his forehead against hers. “Good to know.”

  Her lips tilted up in a smile, but her eyes remained closed. He stretched an arm to grab the tangle of sheets and comforter from the bottom of the bed. He pulled them up and tucked the covers around her shoulders before turning more fully onto his side. She moaned softly as he pulled her close and then her breath smoothed out into the even rhythm of sleep.

  His arms closed protectively around her then he gave a small, quiet laugh. Never in a million years would he have imagined himself happily cuddling a woman close after making love. Usually there was nothing like love about it. And immediately afterward he headed for the door or helped her on her way.

  But something about the way Mandy fit so perfectly in his arms made his gut tighten. He knew from the beginning he was attracted to her, but he hadn’t counted on how many times over the course of the day she would fill his thoughts.


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