The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)

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The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) Page 3

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  I stood as he stopped in front of me and I smiled in what I hoped was as open and friendly a smile as his had been and I reached out my hand. He shook it firmly, causing my smile to widen in approval, “I’m Brady,” he said in an even, deep voice which held a confidence that wasn‘t overpowering or condescending, “You’re Alexandra, correct?”

  I nodded enthusiastically as I struggled to look like a student Bastian would teach, “Please call me Alex.”

  He nodded as he glanced at Bastian and shook his hand before turning back to me, “Bastian said that you are doing a paper for him? Maybe I should warn you how brutal that can be.”

  I nodded, “I see you’ve done papers for Bastian before,” I said as he nodded. I motioned toward the books on the table, “My paper is about the fall of Lucifer,” I said, shifting nervously, “Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of information. Bastian said you might be able to help.”

  He raised his brows as he studied my face amused, “Well, you’re already on the right track.”

  I frowned, looking back at the books thinking he was talking about them. I was suddenly afraid the information in the books was all I was going to get. I looked back at him with wide eyes, “How?”

  “You called him by his name…Lucifer,” He said with a shrug, “Most people would call him the devil or satan. It’s always better to know every name your subject goes by because you’ll never know what they’ll be called in the texts. Lucifer has many names but it‘s always better for the references to know his given name. Of course, you already know three but you‘ll want to remember some other ones too. I will make sure to give you a list before we leave. However, let‘s start with the other questions you want to know. What is the most important one for your paper?”

  I frowned as I thought and then, nodded certain of where to start,“Well, it’s what I can’t understand from these books. Why did Lucifer fall?” I asked tilting my head as he took his seat across from me.

  “Well, that you can actually find in the Bible, though it may be hard for you to find,” he said as he took his seat. His brown eyes met mine, “However, I’ll give you the information now and I’ll send you an email with the places you can find the answer later.”

  I nodded, “That would be great. Thank you.”

  He smiled at my expression of relief,“Now, to answer your question. Lucifer’s fall was due to a mixture of greed, vanity and pride,” he said, looking troubled as he named off each one, “To explain them, I’ll need to ask you a question. Did you know that he was the most beautiful of the angels?”

  I shook my head unable to think of the being which had accosted me as being beautiful. Instead, I could only see him as ugly and evil, “No, I didn’t,” I said, forcing the words from between my lips. I was telling the truth.

  He shrugged catching my expression of disbelief, “I know it’s hard to believe but he was and it went to his head,” he said, rolling his eyes, “Obviously that was the vain part. The part that was pride was that he began to believe that he was better than God. Stupid, right?”

  I nodded, “Very. He had to have known there was no way he truly was better than God,” I said, pursing my lips as I wondered at Lucifer‘s stupidity. Finally, I glanced back at Brady, “So, what was the greed part.”

  “He began to plan to overthrow God,” he said, raising his brows, “He wanted his throne. Obviously, it didn’t work out well for him or the angels who followed him. You do know what happened to them, don’t you?”

  I nodded, “They fell,” I said, swallowing as the image of Asmodis and Jezebel came to my mind, “They became demons.”

  He nodded, “Very Good.”

  “And Lucifer is still bound to hell, right?” I asked. I just wanted to make sure I was right about that.

  “Yes, it’s definitely not his time yet. However, that is a whole new subject. However, I will tell you that his demons aren’t bound. They are able to come to earth. They can tempt people,” he said, biting his bottom lip, “They can even enter their bodies. You‘ve heard of possessions, right?”

  I blanched as a tremor shook me, “Yeah…I’ve heard about those.”

  He tilted his head as he studied me. A grin split his face, “You don’t have a stomach for the subject of possessions, do you?”

  I shrugged, “Not really,” I said, swallowing before seeing the question in his eyes. I sighed, fabricating a quick explanation, “Too many scary movies based on true events.”

  He laughed, “Don’t worry,” he said, jovially, “I think you’re safe. They usually don‘t come after people like that.”

  I had to force myself not to laugh hysterically. I was far from safe. I floundered for something to say but the bell rang and I groaned, frustrated. I peered back at Brady with pleading eyes, “Is there any way you can meet me here tomorrow at the same time?”

  He nodded, enthusiastically, “Sure.”

  I stood and he rose with me, “Thank you,” I said, reaching forward and patting his shoulder.

  I gasped as pain slammed through my head and I saw a flash of red before witnessing Brady laying in pain on the floor. A demon twisted through him. I blinked and the vision was gone and I was looking into Brady’s terrified face. I licked my lips, tasting blood.

  “Alex, are you okay?” He asked obviously horrified and I nodded as Bastian grabbed a box of tissues from the librarians desk and handed them to me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, looking at Brady as I grabbed a couple of tissues and pressed them to my nose, “This happens sometimes.”

  “It’s okay,” he said, tilting his head, concerned, “As long as you are really okay.”

  “I’m fine,” I said, giving him a weak smile as I held my nose between the softness of the tissue.

  He shifted unsure what to do, “I really am okay,” I said and finally, he nodded.

  “Then, I‘ll see you tomorrow,” he said, shifting again. He sounded guilty as he said, “I better get to class.”

  I nodded and he was gone after only a moments hesitation. Bastian turned to me with narrowed eyes, “What happened?”

  I pinched my nose and faced him, “I had a vision. A demon is either going to attack him or possess him. I don’t know which.”

  Bastian looked at me terrified, “When did your nose start bleeding like this?“

  “After my visit with Lucifer,” I said, pulling the tissue away from my nose, “I don’t know why.”

  “We really need to figure out why that’s happening too,” he said, frowning, “Especially, with what you’ve just saw. It proves that Lucifer truly is starting his war.”

  “I realize that,” I whispered, “I know that what we’ve just learned is just a small bit of it but I think I know enough to be able to explain what we’re facing. It’s time to get all of the Appointed together.”

  He nodded in agreement, “I’ll get them to the park after school.”

  Chapter Three

  Blood Stained

  “Are you seriously mad at me?” I asked, looking at Ky with raised brows. We were in his car on the way to the park to meet the other members of the Appointed. I had explained to him everything that had happened, including the visit with Semarias. Since then, he had been grinding his teeth which was a clear sign that he was mad…very mad.

  He frowned. His eyes darkened to nearly Indigo and I winced already knowing the answer, “Yes, I am,” he said, looking back at the road as he drove. Red marked his mahogany skin and he ran his hand through his black hair in frustration, “How the hell am I supposed to protect you if you don’t tell me what’s going on?”

  I tried not to bristle at the idea that he thought I needed protecting especially since I hadn’t exactly disproved the point in the past. Instead, I decided to work on defending my actions.

  “I was going to tell you,” I said, rolling my eyes and then, huffed, “I just wanted to make sure what we were up against. I needed to know as much as I could before I told everyone. Besides, it was only for a few ho

  His eyes narrowed further as he glanced at me, “And during that time, you had another vision and your nose started to bleed because of it,” he said as his expression darkened more and more by the second. He raised a brow, “By the way, when did the nosebleeds start happening?”

  I winced, debating on whether to tell him or not. He narrowed his eyes, catching my intention, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll find out anyway,” he said with a sardonic smile.

  My mouth opened in surprise. He was able to tell a person’s past by simply touching them. Since he rarely threatened to use it, it usually wasn’t annoying.

  “You would use your gift on me?” I asked, frowning as he parked the car near the picnic area in the park.

  He twisted the key in the ignition and then, turned to me, pursing his lips. His expression was still thunderous, “If I have to, Alex,” he said as his eyes widened frightened, “I’m not going to just sit here idly and do nothing when you’re trying to sacrifice yourself for everyone…again. I‘m not going to sit back and allow you to do stuff that will get you hurt or worse, killed just because you think we can‘t handle it. I‘ve already lost my mom. I‘m not going to lose you too.”

  I winced. His mother, Micah, had been one of the Appointed. When she had died five months before, she had passed her gift to Ky. Ever since, he had been understandably protective of those he loved.

  “I’m not trying to sacrifice myself,” I said, pouting as I tried to convince myself that I was telling the truth. Somehow, I began to doubt my intention even as I said, “I’m trying to be careful.”

  He sighed and then, closed his eyes, “Don’t keep stuff from me anymore,” he said, opening his eyes and looking at me, pleading. He reached forward and caressed my cheek as his anger faded, “I love you and I want you to trust me with this stuff.”

  My heart squeezed, “I do trust you,” I said, feeling guilty for not telling him, “But you need to trust me too. Sometimes, I won’t be able to tell you because of what I see. Sometimes, I have to be silent for a while but you have to realize that I‘m doing what is best.”

  He bit his bottom lip and then, nodded, “Just promise that you won’t put yourself in unnecessary danger.”

  “I won’t,” I said, forcing a smile as I wondered if I was telling a lie. Still, I decided that I really would try, “I promise.”

  “Okay,” He said, grasping my hand and kissing it before opening his door, “Let’s go face the others.”

  I nodded as I looked out of the windsheild at the rest of the Appointed gathering in the park’s covered picnic area. My heart froze as I realized that each of them were in danger. I bit my lip as I wondered again if I had just lied to Ky because I would gladly sacrifice myself for each and everyone of them. I closed my eyes as I forced myself to remember what Semarias had told me. I just had to remember that if I sacrificed myself, not only would I die but all of the Appointed would too.


  A few minutes later, I stood in the middle of a covered picnic area surrounded by the Appointed. I looked at each one of them, noting that they were talking amongst each other with an ease that I would destroy with one sentence. I sighed and glanced around feeling like I was always the bearer of bad news which caused a strange sliver of guilt to pierce through me.

  I pushed back my guilt and then, glanced around again. My eyes landed on the oldest of us first. My gaze always found him first. I realized it was because of who he was. He was my dad, Ryan Denton. He was looking around taking in each of the Appointed much as I was. His hair was dark blonde but had once been the same sunny color as mine. I had also received the same deep blue eyes as as he possessed. Dimples dented each hollow cheek and there were dark spots beneath his eyes. My heart clenched as I realized that he shook slightly. Until recently, he had not participated within the Appointed even though he carried three gifts. He had the ability to make a strong wind with his breath. He could find missing things or people by simply thinking of them and he could see ghosts. Until he had rejoined the Appointed, he had drowned his guilt in alcohol and drugs. Since rejoining, he was going through the long road to recovery. His eyes met mine and I gave him a small smile before turning my attention to the others which stood around him. Their names were Drake and Gloria Taylor.

  Gloria was the typical pretty blonde with deep blue eyes. She was beautiful with a delicate bone structure and perfect body. She was in her early forties but looked way younger than her actual age. She had been in the Appointed since she was a child with one of the gifts of sight. She could touch you and know every minute detail about you. It was annoying really but essential.

  Drake was only a year older than Gloria but just as beautiful with mahogany skin, black hair and dark brown eyes. He was able to hear long distances. My father, Drake, Gloria and his late sister, Micah had joined the Appointed around the same time. Drake and Gloria had fallen in love and had a daughter named Lynne, who was my best friend. Micah had died passing her gifts to Ky.

  I shifted and looked toward Drake and Gloria’s daughter, who had somehow received the very cool gift of flying. Through her, I could see what Gloria looked like when she was young. The only differences between Lynne and her mother were the mahogany tint to her skin and the raven color of her long hair which she had inherited from Drake. I frowned as I gazed at her. For the first time, I realized something seemed off but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I shook my head sure I was imagining it.

  Beside her stood Bastian who was flanking her with a worried frown across his face. Slowly, he turned and looked at me. I waved absently as he gave me a sad and concerned smile.

  I breathed out and moved my gaze again, finding my brothers, Jeremy and Jonathon. They had opposite gifts. Jeremy could control fire and Jonathon could control water. Jeremy was a year younger than me at seventeen years old but he was still taller than me at six feet. He had hair which was thick and almost black. His eyes were dark brown and surrounded by long thick lashes. His skin was flawless and olive in color.

  Jonathon was fifteen but was also taller than me. Still, he looked more like me than my other siblings with the same sunny hair and skin which would have been pale if he didn’t spend so much time in the sun. His eyes were green in color, but we had the same nose and smile. He was slender and toned. I heard him laugh and I couldn’t help but to smile. His laughter had always been infectious.

  I turned away from them finding my friends Jace and Catherine. Jace was a little older than me and Catherine was my age. They were dating and had been since before I had returned to Tennessee from Texas where I had lived for years before returning to my place as one of the Appointed. Jace met my eyes, raising his brow. I had always thought that he looked more at home on a beach in California than in the mountains of Tennessee with his short sunny blonde hair and blue eyes which shined out from his tanned face. He was toned in a way that showed that he exercised regularly. Unfortunately, I also knew that he was using his gift of reading minds. I narrowed my eyes and he grinned unapologetically.

  Catherine hit his shoulder. I laughed. Looking at her, you would never know that the perky strawberry blonde could cause major pain with just a word. The sweet girl with the splatter of freckles across her pale cheeks and kindess in her blue-green eyes could change in an instant and with her gift to control senses, she could make you see fire burning your skin. She could make you smell it and feel the flames. She could make you feel real excruciating pain. I shuddered. Thankfully, she loved me and would never do anything to hurt me.

  My eyes shifted again and I found Jeremy’s girlfriend, Raina speaking quietly with Leighton and Sarah. She turned and her hazel eyes met mine. I smiled at her. She smiled back but her eyes were dark with concern. She was pretty with dark brown hair which curled around her face. She was taller than me and super model curvy. I grinned as she crossed her arms across her chest. Stubborness radiated from her. Looking at her, no one but the Appointed would know she could move things with her mind.

nbsp; I looked at Sarah who was laughing. It was the kind of laughter that spread pleasantly through the air. She had just turned sixteen and was pretty with wavy dark hair that fell just past her shoulders and large blue eyes fringed in long, dark lashes. She had translucent skin and an open, friendly demeanor. Out of all of the gifts, hers would surprise you the most. She was able to speak with animals but she was also able to shape shift into them. She was very proud of her gift and would use any time she could.

  My eyes slid to Leighton who was like a little brother to me. I noticed that he had shaved his very curly brown hair again. His brown eyes were framed in glasses and he had his hands shoved into his pockets. He was listening intently to Sarah who was his crush. His gift was the ability to visit others dreams and pull people into his. I winced as I wondered if he’d seen my dream with Lucifer. He turned to look at me and I saw the bags beneath his eyes and realized that he probably had. I shifted uncomfortably. I didn’t want him to see that. I didn’t want him to worry.

  I pursed my lips as my eyes slid away from him to the next table. There sat the tallest and strongest man I would ever meet and not just because he had the gift of super strength. His name was Clyde. He was six feet five inches tall with rope after rope of muscle covering his body. His hair was the deepest darkest black and his eyes were the same shocking color. His skin was dusted copper and he had piercings surrounding his ears. He also had one in his nose and one in his eyebrow along with one in his labret in the shape of a spike. Most people were frightened upon meeting him because to them it seemed as if he could crush them in one of his hands but I knew he was a big teddy bear.

  Beside him sat Will, who seemed small in comparison. He had long blonde hair and eyes of the deepest blue. He was tall and dimples dented each cheek. There was a constant look on his face that said he said he knew something that you didn’t which he probably did. He could control time and often I wondered if he used that gift to obtain secrets.

  I shook my head and allowed my eyes to slide to the last person at their table. Immediately, I wished I hadn‘t. His name was Daniel and he was my ex-boyfriend. We had a childhood romance which had begun again when I had returned from Texas. We had broken up after he had not stood by me during Jezebel’s attack. Now, he regretted it and I found that remorse every time I looked into his brown eyes. As I met his eyes, I saw it again even though he looked down quickly, showing the top of his dark hair. I sighed. He probably wanted to be anywhere but here and he could do that with a thought. Especially since his gift was to transport from one place to another with a thought.


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