Tray's Sweetheart

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Tray's Sweetheart Page 1

by Angela Franklin



  By: Angela Franklin

  Cover by: Liz Elmore

  This book is a work of fiction. The town, characters, and situations have no bearing in the real world. If you expect it to be true to life, please do not read this, but if you want to let your imagination wonder, enjoy!

  Welcome to Cedar Springs, NC

  Where the ladies are voluptuous,

  And the men are good ole country boys

  Trying to corral them!

  Eighth Grade

  Last day of School


  Today was the day. He had finally gotten up the courage. Tray had watched Molly Mitchel since elementary school, but no more. He was going to ask her out. Her smile lit up a room, and her blue eyes sparkled when she laughed, but it was her dimples that he couldn’t resist.

  He put on his newest button up shirt, and combed his blonde hair, wanting to look his best. On his way out, he stopped and picked one of his mom’s red roses, and heard her laugh as she watched him from the porch. When a guy gave a girl flowers in a movie, it always worked out.

  Molly wasn’t what some people thought of when they thought of a pretty girl. She wasn’t as thin as most of the girls he knew, but she was perfect in his eyes. He had heard some people pick on her, but she never paid them any attention. There were other girls in their school that were like her, but they all stayed to themselves.

  When he walked in the front door at the school, he saw her standing by her locker. She looked beautiful in the light blue dress she was wearing. He took a deep breath, then walked toward her. She looked up and smile when she saw him coming. Her dimples were on full display as he stopped in front of her.

  “Hey, Molly.” Tray said so nervous his palms were sweating.

  “Hey, Tray.” She replied softly.

  “Um.” Tray started, then took a deep breath. “Will you go out with me?” He rushed out.

  “I can’t.” She said with tears in her eyes.

  Before he had a chance to ask why, she turned and ran into the girl’s bathroom. He stared at the door hoping she would come out, but he had to give up when the bell rang. He tucked the rose in the slit at the top of her locker and went to class. The last class of the day they had together. He would try to talk to her then.

  He waited all day. He didn’t see her in the hall like he usually did, and when he went by her locker, the rose was gone. By the time he got to his last class, he was a nervous wreck. He waited patiently, but she never came to class. Tray didn’t know much about girls, but he thought she liked him too. She always smiled at him. Maybe it was because it was summer. He would try again when they went back to school after summer break.

  When he went to school in August, she wasn’t there. He didn’t know what happened, but he felt lost without her. He wished he had asked her out sooner.

  Eighth Grade

  Last day of School


  This was it. The last day of the school year. Most of the kids were excited about summer, but not Molly. Last night, her mother had told her they were moving next week. It was just Molly and her mom, and her mom had gotten a new job in Oak View which was about an hour away. Molly had cried all night. She didn’t have many friends, but she liked it here.

  She got picked on because of her weight, but she knew that would happen anywhere she went. Kids could be cruel. Her mom had told her she didn’t have to go to school today, but she wanted to see Tray one more time. He had been one of her only friends.

  Molly pulled out a light blue dress and got ready for school. She was going to pretend everything was fine. She wanted one more day of normal before her life was turned upside down. She went to school and to her locker so she could get her stuff out. As she turned, she saw Tray coming her way. He had on a black button up shirt she hadn’t seen him wear before and jeans. She couldn’t stop the smile that lit up her face.

  “Hey, Molly.” He said spinning a rose in his hand.

  “Hey, Tray.” She bit her lip. He seemed nervous.

  “Will you go out with me?” He blurted out.

  “I can’t.” Molly said and rushed to the bathroom.

  Her heart felt like it was being ripped in two. She had liked him forever. Why did she have to leave now? If she wasn’t moving, she could go out with Tray. His blue eyes stood out against the shaggy dirty blonde hair that always fell in his face. It hadn’t been today. He had combed it back.

  She shut herself in a stall and grabbed some toilet paper as her tears started to fall. After last night, she didn’t think she had any tears left. After the bell rang and she was sure the hall was empty, she went back out. There was a rose stuck in her locker ad she knew it was the one he had been holding. She pulled it out, then took it with her to the office to call her mom to come get her.

  There was no use staying here. It would only hurt worse when she sat through her last class with him. Besides, her mom could use the help packing. She wiped away another tear knowing she probably wouldn’t see Tray again.

  Chapter 1

  Present Day

  Molly stood in the bathroom of her new apartment and looked at her reflection. She had a job interview today. The library in town was hiring. After her mom passed away, she hadn’t wanted to stay in Oak View anymore. She came to the only place that had ever felt like home, Cedar Springs.

  She knew she was starting over, but that was okay. Hopefully she could make a life here. Molly had never been good at making friends. The patrons at the library she used to work at loved her, she was always smiling, but she never felt comfortable enough to make friends.

  The library here was huge, she noted as she pulled in. Just being back in town had helped her relax some. She took a deep breath, then opened the door to the library and went in. She saw a beautiful brown-haired woman behind the counter and walked up to her.

  “Hi, I’m here to see Taylor.” Molly smiled hoping this woman was as nice as she looked.

  “That’s me. You must be Molly.” She said reaching out a hand for Molly to shake.

  Taylor led her to a couch and they sat and chatted for a while. She really liked Taylor. Maybe she would get the job and she could be friends with Taylor. She was the first person Molly had felt any connection to since… Nope, not going there. Taylor invited her to lunch at her friend’s bakery, and Molly quickly agreed.

  “This place smells amazing.” Molly sighed after they had placed their order.

  “Yeah, Chasity makes everything she sales.” Taylor bragged as they sat down.

  “You look familiar.” Chasity said as she sat their order on the table.

  “My name is Molly Mitchel. I lived here till the end of eighth grade.” Molly told her as she figured out who Chasity was.

  “Oh yeah, are you moving back to town?” Chasity smiled as her.

  “I just finished setting up my apartment.” Molly grinned happy it was done.

  “Good, you can come to girls’ night. It will be here Friday at 7pm.” Chasity nodded.

  Molly listened as the two girls talked. She was stunned that she had been invited to something. Maybe this is exactly what she needed. These girls seemed to accept her easily, maybe the rest of their group would too.

  “Chad is on his way. Can you start training Wednesday?” Taylor asked after checking her phone.

  “Really? Absolutely.” Molly squealed. This was perfect!

  “Molly?” She heard called in a deep voice and turned to see who had called her name. She watched stunned as a man slid in beside her.

  “Tray?” Her heart skipped a beat as she looked into those familiar blue eyes.

  “It is you.” Tray grinned at her.

  “I take it you two know each ot
her.” The man with Taylor said.

  “Miss Molly stole my heart in eighth grade then disappeared.” Tray said staring at her. She heard Taylor call his name, but he didn’t look away. Molly looked at her, hoping Taylor could side track him.

  “Ouch! What was that for?” Tray growled looking at Taylor finally.

  “It’s not nice to stare.” Taylor growled back at him.

  “Have you seen her?” Tray gestured toward her.

  “I’m sitting right here.” Molly snapped not liking the thought he was making fun of her.

  “Trust me, sweetheart, I know.” Tray turned his heated gaze on her. Molly gasped and looked down at the plate in front of her. She didn’t know if that was anger or something else in his eyes. “How long are you here?” Tray asked her as he scooted closer.

  “She just moved back and got a new job.” Chasity said happily. Maybe friends weren’t a good thing.

  “Really, good. Where are you gonna be working?” Tray asked. His thigh was pressed against hers, and she couldn’t move away.

  “Library.” She murmured as she stuck a piece of her bear claw in her mouth. It melted in her mouth and she moaned. Tray squirmed beside her.

  “Everyone has that reaction to Chasity’s goodies.” Taylor laughed.

  “I will have plenty of goodies on hand for girls’ night. Only catch is no alcohol. We used to drink wine, but that stopped when the kids started.” Chasity told her.

  “I don’t like wine anyways.” Molly shrugged sipping her coffee.

  “Welcome to town, Molly. You have already been taken in by the group, so you will be fine.” The guy who Taylor assured her.

  “This is Chad.” Taylor told her.

  “What’s the group? You kinda make it sound like a cult.” Molly started to feel a bit apprehensive.

  “Don’t scare her away, Chad.” Chasity admonished. “It’s really not like that. It’s us, my sister Callie and her husband Chase, Lindy who owns the boutique in town and her husband Luke whose an emergency dispatcher, and Kara who is the waitress at Susie Q’s, and her husband Cameron the sheriff.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll help you remember everyone.” Tray promised.

  “That won’t be necessary.” Molly wanted to keep a distance between her and Tray.

  “You’ll meet the girls Friday. It’s not as bad as it sounds.” Chasity reassured her.

  Molly was starting to feel overwhelmed. She had never had many friends, but suddenly she was being pulled in by this group. She ate the last bite of her bear claw trying to calm herself. The conversation continued around her, but she barely heard them, she was lost in her own head.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Tray whispered by her ear causing her to jerk back and hit her head against the glass window. All the conversation stopped and everyone turned to look at her. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He reached over and ran a hand over her head.

  “Um.” She couldn’t make her brain work with him this close. Her heart was hammering against her ribs as she stared into his blue eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Taylor asked and Molly turned to look at her. She knew her face reflected the shock she felt. He was still touching her.

  “Tray.” Taylor snapped. “Give her some room.”

  “He can’t.” Molly heard Chad whisper.

  “Why not?” Taylor asked Chad confused. He gave her a look only soul mates can understand. “Caveman.” Taylor whispered looking back at Tray.

  “Let me take you to dinner tonight.” Tray commanded. Molly looked at him startled, then looked back to Taylor for help.

  “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Taylor apologized.

  “No.” Molly said into her empty coffee cup.

  “I didn’t ask a question.” Tray growled.

  “Tray.” Chasity tried to get his attention, but he never took his eyes off of Molly.

  “I can’t.” She whispered turning to look out the window.

  “Are you going to disappear again?” Tray asked putting a finger under her chin and turning her back to face him.

  “I don’t even know you.” Molly didn’t know him, not anymore, but it was hard to fight back when he was looking into her eyes.

  “Then get to know me, tonight, at dinner.” Tray held her in place, keeping them in their own little bubble.

  “Okay.” Molly mumbled, she was drowning in his eyes.

  “Give me your phone.” Tray ordered her.

  Molly looked down to reach in her pocket book to get it for him. Her head tried to tell her to rethink this, but her heart wasn’t having it. She handed it to him. Her mind flashed back to her first year at her new school.

  She walked in the doors of the new school just hoping to be invisible. Her heart still ached with how much she missed Tray. Every time she passed a couple holding hands, hugging or kissing, she thought about Tray. Would he have held her hand if she had said yes? If he put his arms around her, would he be repulsed by the extra padding she had? What would it feel like to have those masculine lips pressed to hers? It hurt to think that she would never see him again.

  A phone dinged snapping her back to the present. Tray had his phone out. He had sat hers down on the table between them. Molly bit her lip and peeked up at him through her lashed. As if he could feel her eyes on him, he turned to her and grinned. She could feel the blush making her cheeks flame.

  “There, now I have your number, and you have mine.” Tray put his arm on the booth behind her.

  “Where are you gonna take her to dinner?” Chasity was leaning against the booth as she watched them.

  “Susie’s, I have to work in the morning.” He looked like all was right in his world.

  “Where do you work?” He knew where she was going to work, so she should know where he worked.

  “I’m a fire fighter at the fire house in town.” His face lit up causing her heart to skip a beat.

  “That’s what you always wanted to do.” Molly couldn’t stop the soft smile that curved her lips.

  “See, you do know me.” He squeezed her shoulder, and left his arm draped over her.

  “Not anymore.” She mumbled.

  “Not much has changed.” He laughed when she quirked an eyebrow and snorted. “Other than physically, not much had changed.”

  “I have to get back to the library.” Taylor sighed as she nudged Chad to let her up.

  “I need to go finish packing so I can get everything over to your place.” Chad kissed Taylor’s forehead as she looked up at him stunned. “You knew this would happen.” He kept his gaze steady on Taylor.

  “Caveman.” She whispered. Chad nodded and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Are you still going to help me, Tray?” Chad asked turning back their way.

  “Sure, it will make the time pass faster.” Tray nodded, then turned and locked eyes with her. “Text me your address. I will pick you up at 6pm.”

  “I know where Susie Q’s is, I can meet you there.” Not much had changed while she was gone.

  “Molly, text me so I can pick you up. I’m not letting you slip away again.” Tray’s intense gaze kept her from doing anything but nodding. “I’ll see you after while, Sunshine.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

  She sat with her eyes wide, stunned as he scooted out of the booth. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. In less than an hour, her whole life had been flipped upside down again. Unconsciously, her head turned so she could watch him go. When he got to the door to the bakery, he turned giving her a wink before he walked out. Her body slumped back against the seat, she took deep breaths as she tried to get her heart back to a normal rhythm.

  “Are you alright?” Taylor asked tilting her head to the side quizzically.

  “Um, yeah. Is he always that intense?” She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the fog his burning gaze left there.

  “Hardly.” Chasity laughed. “The only other time I have ever seen him that intense was when Luke got caught in the fire at Lindy’s place.”<
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  “Oh, no.” She gasped. “Is he alright?”

  “He’s a giant pain in the butt, so yeah, he’s fine.” Chasity joked.

  “Good.” Molly hated the thought of anyone being hurt, but for someone to be injured trying to help others it was a whole lot worse.

  “I’m heading out, I’ll see y’all later.” Taylor called moving toward the door.

  “I’ll go with you.” Molly hurried up to join her. “Thanks for inviting me, hopefully I’ll see you Friday.” She waved to Chasity.

  “Are you okay?” Taylor stopped and asked her.

  Molly looked up and nodded. She was startled to find they were already back at the library. She didn’t remember any of their walk. Hopefully, Taylor didn’t think that she was rude. Her mind had wondered back to Tray. It felt like she had no control over her own thoughts.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Taylor coaxed.

  “What just happened?” Molly whispered walking behind Taylor back into the library.

  “I believe you have been claimed.” The grin Taylor gave her was just as confusing as her words.

  “By the group?”

  “Us too, but that’s not who I was talking about.”

  “Who were you talking about then?” Molly couldn’t follow along with Taylor’s thoughts right now.

  “Tray obviously.”

  “Huh?” Molly’s head jerked back. Could this day even be real? Maybe she was still in her bed, dreaming of an alternate reality.

  “This is great. I was worried about Tray being the only single one left. In just one day, I found a new friend, someone to help me here, and Tray found his girl. I’m so excited.” Taylor bounced on the balls of her feet.

  “Wow, seems like a full day. How many people have you met today? This used to be a sleepy town, I never could have imagined three new people in one day.” She had hoped to come back to the same sleepy town she had left.

  “Oh, honey.” Taylor gave her the ‘bless your heart’ look, and she knew it wasn’t in a good way. It was amazing how many different things that phrase could mean; it could be a blessing, pity, sadness. In this case it seemed like she was saying Molly’s mind wasn’t functioning on all cylinders. She was probably right at the moment.


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