Blackout: A Romance Anthology

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Blackout: A Romance Anthology Page 68

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  “I was hoping you didn’t think we were following you, especially when we saw you at The Mob Museum.”

  He throws back his head in laughter.

  “Why were you even there?” I ask.

  “Promise you won’t laugh?”

  “Oh, jeez. Now, I’m scared,” I joke.

  “I was so freaked out about what I was about to do. I was trying to get in touch with my inner mobster, so I went there to use the surroundings for strength to go through with it.”

  I let out a loud laugh before covering my mouth, feeling bad since he asked me not to laugh. It’s just so cute though, and the expression he’s giving me right now is just as sweet and innocent.

  “I see it worked.” I sigh, remembering what’s really going on here.

  “Along with some encouragement from Tyler.”

  Tyler … the reason he did this. I have to respect that. I’d do anything for my sister, and if I were in his shoes, I know without a doubt that I would do the same thing. And knowing Tyler is the only family member he has left drives that home even more.

  “What does this mean for Tyler?” I ask.

  “It means that we can pay for the portions that aren’t covered under the study, which is the only stipulation for being in the study.”

  “So, without the money—”

  “They wouldn’t have included him.”

  I nod, understanding even more why he did it.

  “He wants to meet you,” he says, pulling me closer to him.

  “You told him about me?”

  “Hell yeah, I did. Every step of the way, he knew about you.”

  “Every step?” I place my hand on his chest.

  “Well, not every step …” His smile hits my soul deep. “Look, I’m not asking you to understand or forgive me for what I did. I know it’s a lot to take in. I’m just asking for a chance to get to know you better and see where this goes.”

  I nod. “I’d like to meet Tyler.”


  “Okay, are you guys all set? Need anything else?” I ask Jason and Tyler. “I have to check on some things then I’ll be able to sit with you the rest of the game.”

  “We’re big kids, Mom. I think we can handle this,” Tyler says with a smirk covering his face.

  Not only have I fallen madly in-love with Jason, but his brother has become like family to me as well.

  Jason and I moved in together a few months ago and now that Tyler is out of the hospital and able to help Jason with his new business, he’s at our house more than he’s not.

  Jason leans over to kiss me. “We’re fine, just hurry back.”

  I grin from ear to ear; loving the feeling he gives me no matter what time of day or where we are. I’m truly happy, and it’s better than I ever imagined.

  I leave the two of them sitting at their courtside seats. The game is about to start but I have a press release I need to finalize and send out before I can enjoy the game with them.

  We're celebrating tonight. Tyler finished his last treatment today and the doctors are thrilled with the results he’s shown so far. If it keeps on this route he’ll be in remission in no time.

  I’d like to say I was able to hook them up with the courtside seats for tonight’s game but that was all Jason.

  We don’t really talk about what actually happened in Vegas. All I know is he cut the generators at the Paris hotel and was paid enough to help his brother with the medical bills. Yes, the little angel on my shoulder says it was wrong and he’s a bad person for doing so, but my gut says he did what he had to do. When I look back, seeing the two of them jaw jacking each other, and smacking each other’s shoulders like brothers do, I can’t blame him for wanting to help.

  To this day, nothing has come out in the media of what actually happened, or more importantly, what was stolen. I have to believe that everything happens for a reason and we should move on, especially because of how my life did a complete one-eighty due to the blackout. I never would have met Jason if he weren’t there that night. Some things are written in the stars and there’s no stopping it.

  Shortly after Vegas, Jason told me about computer software he was working on that was going to help put a stop to online bullying. He was able to create code that monitors all online accounts for keyword phrases like “you’re fat,” “go kill yourself,” “I wish you would die,” and things like that. Sadly the list is miles long of mean, hurtful things that are said and it’s added to daily.

  If someone sends any type of harmful message to someone else, his software flags it and looks into it further. If it is deemed unsavory, it notifies Facebook, Instagram or whatever platform they are using and the account is put in “jail.”

  Then he went a step further and made it to where every account that is under eighteen has to have a parent notification feature attached and if their account is flagged the parents are instantly notified.

  With his contacts in Silicon Valley he was able to get meetings with the heads of these companies and things have really taken off. There are talks of buyouts but Jason isn’t in a hurry to sell. He enjoys what he does and seeing the difference he’s making in the world is enough for him.

  As head of PR for the LA Lakers, I thought the platform was something we could get behind, and when I pitched it to the team owners they were thrilled. Commercials have been filmed using players and we officially hung our #stopbullying banner at last weeks game.

  The attention the team has gotten was more than the owner expected, and now him and Jason are best buds.

  It takes me a little longer than I hoped and I’m not able to leave my office until almost halftime. As I’m finally heading back to the seats, my phone dings with a text message?

  Are you almost finished?

  Yes. On my way now.

  I reply before tucking my phone in my back pocket and entering the hallway from my office. As I turn the corner, heading out to the concession stands, I notice employees and security guards outside of their normal positions, like they’re waiting for something to happen.

  John, the head of security, is talking into his walkie talkie and, as I make my way toward him, the lights go black.

  Everything around me is dark and nothing but security lights remain.

  My heart pounds and my stomach turns as I walk faster toward John.

  What the hell is going on?

  I search around to see every employee remaining calm and making sure the patrons are okay. John notices me approaching and when I hear him say, “She’s here,” with a grin covering his face I stop in my tracks.

  What feels like an eternity turns out to be only five seconds. When the lights flicker back on, John is by my side, escorting me through the curtains to the arena.

  My eyes glance up at the overhead monitors. Right there, in the middle of the screen, is Jason. I rush my hand up to cover my mouth, shocked to see him there.

  I search for where he is and when he steps out onto the center court my eyes instantly fill with tears.

  “Sorry everyone, but I’m going to hack into the halftime program for just a few minutes because I have something I wanted to share with you all,” he says as he stands tall, so comfortable with the thousands of people focused on him, wondering what the hell is going on.

  A loud laugh escaped my mouth when he said the word hack. He absolutely had something to do with the lights going out and all I can think of is how did he get the organization to allow him to do such a thing?

  “You see,” he continues, “I just happened to be in Vegas when the blackout happened awhile back. There was this woman who had captured my attention the night before. Just like right now, the electricity was cut—with no warning—and this woman ran into the hallway wearing nothing but a robe to see what was going on, not knowing that the locks themselves ran on electricity. The little keycard she was holding in her hand was nothing more than a piece of useless plastic now.”

  I drop my head back in laughter. I’m shocked he’s telling everyo
ne I was locked out like this.

  John places his hands on my shoulders and nudges me forward, down the stairs to meet Jason. I grab the handrail, trying to calm my body from the nerves racing through me.

  Jason continues, “I, being the gentleman I am,” he says with a smirk that makes everyone laugh. “Swooped in to rescue her, giving her my own sweatshirt and pants to wear and made sure she was safe for the night. The only thing I didn’t count on that night was for that same female I kept running into to steal my heart.”

  Everyone hoots and hollers as I step onto the basketball court. Our eyes meet and I can’t help but laugh at this entire situation. Cameras follow him as he walks toward me, reaching his hand out to grab mine. As soon as our fingers grasp, he drops down to one knee and everyone around us applauds.

  Tears fall from my eyes as my cheeks start to sting from the huge smile spread across my face.

  “I went to Vegas that night lost and feeling hopeless. Now, I know I was there for a bigger reason. That reason was you. You’ve brought so much happiness and hope into my life. I know, without a doubt, that I never want to lose the feeling that ripped through me the night you fell at my feet.”

  I laugh out loud and cover my mouth with my other hand, not wanting to ruin the moment.

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be your hero as you have been mine.” He pauses to pull out a ring from his shirt pocket. “Gemma, will you marry me?”

  I choke back my sobs as my shoulders fall forward and my eyes fill with tears. Everyone around us cheers as I nod my response.

  He stands up, wrapping his arms around me. When he stops, I look into his eyes, seeing the tears he’s shedding, too. “I love you, Gemma,” he whispers.

  “I love you, too, Jason.”

  His lips meet with mine as everyone swoons and claps around us. When I feel a body jump on us I laugh, knowing Sam is here, squealing at the top of her lungs. Her excitement makes me laugh.

  That final piece of my life is complete all due to a blackout.


  Lauren Runow is the author of multiple Adult Contemporary Romance novels, some more dirty than others. When Lauren isn't writing, you'll find her listening to music, at her local CrossFit, reading, or at the baseball field with her boys. Her only vice is coffee, and she swears it makes her a better mom!

  Lauren is a graduate from the Academy of Art in San Francisco and is the founder and co-owner of the community magazine she and her husband publish. She lives in Northern California with her husband and two sons.

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  Sexton Brothers Series




  Club Bridge Series

  Black Widow

  Falling into the Black

  Unwritten Series



  Standalone Books


  Sparks Fly

  Last Chance

  The High Road (a novella)

  Blind Faith


  By C.A. Harms


  Ten Years Ago...

  “Do you really have to do this tonight?” I absolutely hate Kami’s whining voice. That needy desperate tone she uses whenever she pushes Levi in order to get her way. I focus on the books and papers spread out on the table before me and do my very best not to look up and roll my eyes at her. Seeing her feet is all the confirmation I need to know she is hanging on him as she always does. Desperate much?

  “If I want to play football, and keep my father off my ass, then yes.” I can sense the irritation in his voice. “I told you, I’ll call you later.”

  “Then you’ll come over,” she says, her words don’t sound like a question. “My parents will be gone until after nine.”

  I fight the urge to gag. I will never understand what Levi sees in her. Ever.

  “Depends,” Levi answers as he steps back and I hear the chair screech against the floor, causing me to look up. I instantly regret it. Kami reaches out, fists his shirt in her hands, and practically throws herself at him like a lovesick puppy. The way she kisses him is more like a two-year-old slobbering over her favorite ice cream. Gross.

  “You’ll make this as quick as possible, right?” I blink, still feeling queasy. “Hello?”

  I blink again and realize the bitch is looking at me and not Levi. He tries to shush her but she continues to press me for an answer.

  I want to say, “If you’re asking me if I’ll rush through the lesson so Levi can run off to your house to screw you because you seem so desperate for him, then my answer is no. He has a huge test Friday, but if you paid attention to anyone other than yourself, you would already know that.”

  Instead, I force a smile. “That will depend on how familiar Levi is with the lesson plan.”

  “Just hurry,” she nearly demands as she rolls her eyes before giving him another kiss and I force myself this time to look away. The sloppy sounds of it are enough to make me cringe. Closing my eyes tightly, I pretend to be looking down at my binder while waiting for it all to end.

  “Sorry.” I jerk in response to the sound of Levi’s voice. He eyes me closely, fighting his smile and it’s impossible to hide my own. It doesn’t matter what kind of mood I am in or what kind of day I am having, Levi makes me happy. Pathetic, I know, but uncontrollable.

  But he doesn’t see me, not the same way I see him. He doesn’t think of me when I am not around, but all I can think about is him. It has been that way since my freshman year when the star of the football team in only his junior year was paired up with me for tutoring.

  I am the awestruck, blubbering girl who falls over her own feet each time he flashes that dimple at me. I am the girl infatuated with the gorgeous guy she’ll never have.

  Those innocent thoughts always lead to not so innocent ones where I dream about him often. Even daytime fantasies about him when I should be listening to the answers he provides while being quizzed. Like now.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” I don’t miss the way his shoulders shake with laughter as he rests his elbow on the table. The movement brings him even closer to me and I freeze, feeling my heart race. The smell of his cologne assaults me, an aroma I now can’t seem to get enough of fills my senses.

  “I said that, thanks to you, my grade has gone from a D to a high C.”

  I nod, because it’s a miracle I’m still breathing.

  “You make everything easier … interesting actually.”

  Again I nod, his words nothing but a blur. All I can focus on is the way his lips move when he talks. Or the flash of that dimple in his left cheek. I could stare at him all day I know and still not get enough.

  If only he knew all the dirty thoughts that roll around in my head. Him kissing me, touching me, the sounds he makes when I do the same in return. I wonder often what a longing plea from his lips would sound like. I know my imagination doesn’t do the reality of the moment justice. Those dreams I have of him will never become my reality, which is why I rely on my fantasies so desperately. They are mine. In my recurring dream, he always looks at me like I am all he needs while holding me close, telling me how I am his everything.

  I need to ditch these dreams. The feelings I have are just so strong. I am the pathetic girl having a sordid affair with nothing more than my mind. My version of the perfect guy… Levi.



  Picture the movie, Bridesmaids, but skip the getting married part. My friends and I are about to rock Vegas, and it’s going to be epic. The kind of epic where everything stays in Vegas epic. We were ready to leave behind the rules and create our own instead. Just for one weekend it was time for us to live, get wild and have absolutely no regrets in the process. Or at least three out of the four of us were, that is.

  “Do you have the reservation confirmation number for the hotel room?”

  I roll my eyes and look to my left, ignoring the continuous questions from Lucy the worry wart. Zara covers her smile and tucks her chin down as if that would help. I can see her shoulders shaking with laughter. I know already she is thinking the same thing as me: Lucy is going to drive us out of our minds until we’ve loaded her with enough drinks to make her forget all her worries.

  “Hello?” I feel her reach across the aisle and poke me in the shoulder to gain my attention. “Do you still have that printout?”

  “Lucy,” I say her name slowly as I swivel around to face her. Just behind her, Robyn is making faces, which only makes me giggle and then bite my lip in order to try and control the laughter. Lucy glances over her shoulder to see what I am laughing at and Robyn pretends to be swatting a bug on a plane no less. It’s Lucy’s turn to roll her eyes.

  “You can all make fun of me as much as you want, but the three of you can’t keep track of shit and I refuse to land in Las Vegas and be stuck sleeping in an alley somewhere so a homeless man can pee on my shoes.”

  “I’m sure if a homeless man sees the four of us sleeping in an alley, he’d want to do a little more than pee on us.”

  “Eww,” I push Zara’s shoulder and she only laughs harder. She is our friend with no filter. My best friend who’s crude, dirty, and straight up fun. More like a sister, really, but by far the most embarrassing. Her mind is always wandering to unforeseen territory and constantly coming up with the wildest scenarios.


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