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Finn Page 19

by Ahren Sanders

  “Not tonight.”

  “Is he touching her?”

  “Not now. See you soon.” He hangs up, and my blood starts to boil.

  “Change of plans. Go directly to the gym.”

  Robbie speeds up as I fill him in on the conversation. He’s tense by the time we pull into the parking lot, both of us running for the door. Tripp and a woman I assume is his intern are in the waiting area, watching an arena filled with women. He gives us a slow grin and jerks his head.

  The second I spot Presley, my heart starts racing. She’s wearing her normal workout gear, but there’s a man standing by her, holding her leg at an angle while using his other arm to show a swing. She stumbles into his body, and he catches her easily. I breathe deeply, waiting for him to right her, but instead, he twists so she’s in his arms and he’s helping her sidestep. Ember, Reese, and the other women watch with concentration as he uses Presley to demonstrate a side-kick-jab combo. His arm stretches across the front of her sports bra, rubbing against her tits, and there’s a low rumble that grows up my throat.

  “What the fuck?” I spew, moving quickly.

  All eyes land on me when I step onto the mat, crossing my arms and glaring at the man touching Presley.

  “I’ll give you one second to get your hands off my girlfriend. After that, all bets are off,” I growl, and Presley falls back into him, shocked to see me.


  “Presley, come here, babe.”

  “Finn!” she repeats, cutting loose from his hold. “Stop being rude!”

  “I’ll stop being rude when another man isn’t groping you. Get over here.”

  Her face starts to heat as she puts her hands on her hips. I can practically see the steam rolling off her as she narrows her eyes. The air in the small space changes. Her body stiffens, and she glares, challenging me. My dick grows hard at the thought of throwing her down on this mat.

  I take a step forward, and she inhales sharply, realizing what I’m about to do.

  “Finn Black, if you take another step, I’m going to kick your ass!” She tries to sound strong, but the crack in her voice gives her away.

  There’s a collective gasp, and I vaguely hear Ember mutter something about Presley ‘making a mistake’. Robbie and Tripp come to my side.

  “Sweetness, I’ve been gone for five days. I walk in here and see another man with his hands all over your body. Unless you want to put on a show, I suggest you get over here.” I move my eyes to the space in front of me and look up in time to see her face flash with understanding.

  She finally relents and moves toward me cautiously. When she’s close enough for me to touch, I tag her behind the neck and gently bring her face to mine. “Not sure I like your kickboxing class.”

  “You’re being a Neanderthal. I’m embarrassed. Everyone’s staring.”

  “Would you rather I throw you down on this mat and give them something to stare at?”


  “Kiss me.”

  “No, we are making a spectacle.”

  “Okay, I’ll kiss you.” I tilt her head and nibble lightly on her bottom lip. Her breath hitches, and I dip lower, slipping my tongue into her mouth and moaning when I taste her. Her body loosens as she moves a hand to my chest and kisses me back. I pull away when a throat clears behind us.

  She gives a squeak when she turns around and sees every eye on us. The instructor is staring at me with a smug grin.

  “Take it you’re the boyfriend.”


  “You serve?”

  “Marines, you?” I recognize a few of his tattoos.

  “Army,” he confirms.

  “She’s taken.” I cut to the point, wrapping my arms around Presley’s waist, and feel her brace.

  “I gathered that. Think you’ve made your point.”

  “Have I?”

  “Will you stop?” Pressley wiggles free and slaps at my hands. “You’re being ridiculous!”

  There’s a giggle from the group of women, and Ember and Reese cover their mouths to hide their amusement.

  “Don’t encourage him! And you two aren’t helping matters.” Presley points at Robbie and Tripp, who are both smiling widely.

  “Babe, I think he’s showing a huge amount of restraint. If I walked in here and found this guy fondling Ember, we’d be looking at manslaughter.” Robbie gets serious and cuts his eyes to the man still grinning behind Presley.

  “This guy has a name. It’s Sam.” He gives a chin lift.

  “Sam, I am so sorry these insane, over-bearing, and extremely rude men interrupted your class,” Presley gushes an apology.

  “Don’t mention it. We were almost done anyway. Let’s do a cool down.” Sam goes to the front of the mat and starts a series of stretching exercises.

  “I can’t believe this. It’s mortifying. You’re insane.”

  I try to feel guilty, but I remember Sam’s body wrapped around hers, and the guilt disappears.

  “Babe, I think we already established I have tunnel vision when it comes to you. Before you go into a full on hissy fit, think about what I saw.”

  She bites on her lower lip and looks over her shoulder then back at me. Her expression softens as she realizes I have a point. “I’m never going to be able to take his class again.”

  “I’ll give you a workout… every single night. We don’t need him.” I wiggle my eyebrows and see her lips twitch, fighting a smile.

  “You are out of your mind, but for some reason, I can’t stay mad.”

  “Good. Finish your cool down and let’s go home. I think you mentioned something about blue lace.”

  “That was before you showed up and acted like a barbarian.”

  “Good point. We’ll go straight to being naked. Save the lace for another night.”

  “Finn!” She fails miserably at sounding aggravated.

  “Presley, go finish your workout before I pick you up and carry you out of here. Your attempt to act irritated is cute, and it’s turning me on.”

  Her eyes grow wide and rake down my body, landing on my dick. She gives me a wink then backs away, joining the group.

  “As always, man, you pussy-whipped fools provide great entertainment.” Tripp slaps me on the shoulder.

  “Glad you think this is funny.”

  “Oh yeah. Didn’t think it was possible, but you’re worse than Robbie.”

  I open my mouth to argue, but it’s useless. He’s got a valid point, and I don’t give a shit. Even if I did act like an overly-possessive prick who was insanely jealous, it got my point across.

  There’s no denying it, Presley Chambers officially has me by the balls.

  Chapter 22


  The warmth of his breath sends a tingle down my spine as he kisses a trail to my shoulder.

  “Mmm,” I moan, snuggling closer to him.

  “You’re so beautiful, even in your sleep,” he says softly against my skin. “I could stare at you for hours.”

  I crack open my eyes and notice immediately it’s still pitch dark in his room. The only sliver of light is coming from under his bathroom door.

  “What time is it?” I croak.

  “It’s not even five am.”

  “Why are you awake?”

  “There’s a problem at work. I’m going in for a few hours.”

  At the word problem, I jolt fully awake. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” He moves his lips to my jawline, continuing to kiss me delicately.

  “Can you talk about it?”

  “Someone tripped a silent alarm we installed in Governor DeSantis’ personal residence. I’m going to meet some of the guys at the office to look at the footage and see if we can get an idea of who’s snooping around. Then we can call the men we have planted in his team and see if they can get some answers.”

  “It’s Saturday,” I stupidly point out.

“I know, baby, and I’ll be home in a few hours. Go back to sleep. It’s my goal to be back before you wake up.”

  “I don’t have my car here. Can you drop me off at home on your way?” I try to roll over, but he stops me.


  “Well, it’s probably inappropriate to be here without you. What will Tripp think?”

  “He won’t give a shit.”

  “You sure?”

  “Absolutely. Although, I should worry about his blatant infatuation with you. Maybe I should take you home.”

  A giggle escapes, and I sink into his body, feeling the soft cotton of his t-shirt and realize he’s already dressed.

  “On second thought, take your time. Tripp’s really fun.”

  “Presley, don’t be smart. You know I’m a possessive man, even if he is my best friend.”

  “It’s fun to rile you up.”

  He flexes his hips into my back, and I feel the outline of his erection. “I’ll show you riled up as soon as I get home.”

  “Something to look forward to,” I practically purr, remembering the four orgasms he gave me last night before I passed out on top of him.

  “You’re making it fucking hard to leave you right now.”

  “Hard fucking, that sounds fun.” I run my hand up his leg and rub gently over his cock.

  “Presley,” he growls, cupping my hand.

  “Finn,” I reply, squeezing. An idea pops into my head, and I twist quickly, forcing him onto his back. My hands have his button undone and zipper down before he has time to protest.

  Since the first time I laid eyes on him, I’ve taken every opportunity to memorize each hard ridge and plane of his body. Even in the dark, I expertly work my way down slowly, bunching his shirt, so I can kiss every inch of his skin as I go.

  He lifts his hips to help me pull down his shorts enough to give me plenty of room. My fingers trail up the length of his shaft, and I grip lightly, licking his crown. He gives a low groan when I suck him all the way into my mouth until he hits the back of my throat.

  His fingers flex and tangle in my hair as I work my way up and down, making sure to lick and suck each inch of the hard flesh. He starts to twist underneath me, pumping in and out gently. I start to massage his balls and feel him thicken and swell against my tongue.

  “Presley…” he groans.

  I hollow my cheeks and inhale him while continuing to swirl my tongue until I lick along his slit.

  “Presley…” His voice is low and raspy, turning me on with each movement.

  He grips my head, trying to pull me up, but I tighten my lips and give a vibrating moan against the sensitive skin on the underside of his cock.

  “Baby, I’m going to come.”

  I nod against him and squeeze his balls, telling him it’s okay. He drives upwards with two more pumps, then lets out a low, throaty moan as he grows even thicker and climaxes into the back of my throat.

  I swallow hard before slowly licking his tip once more, then kiss my way up his body and bury my head in his neck. His heart races against my own chest.

  “You don’t play fair.”

  “That’s the point. Now, maybe you’ll hurry back and we can spend the rest of the day and night naked.”

  His arms tighten around me, and he moves his lips to my ear. “There will definitely be plenty of nakedness, but today, I’m taking you out. I have a surprise.”

  “I love you, Finn.”

  “I’ll never get tired of hearing those words.” He takes one of my hands and moves it over his chest. “You feel that, my heart racing against your palm?”

  I nod, burrowing into his hold.

  “It’s beating for you. I never thought it was possible, but now, I know. Without you, I’d be empty.”

  Tears well up in my eyes, and I bite my tongue, trying not to cry. If I could form words, I’d tell him the same thing.

  “Go back to sleep, Presley. Keep the bed warm. I’ll be back soon, promise.”

  I nod again, regaining my composure, and roll to the side, allowing him to get up. He redresses quickly, kisses me on the forehead, and leaves quietly.

  I try my best to fall back asleep, but after tossing and turning for forty-five minutes, I give up. Throwing on one of his t-shirts and a pair of sleep shorts, I shuffle to the kitchen to make coffee.

  There’s a note on the coffeemaker that says ‘All you have to do is press start’, and I smile to myself. Flashbacks of my dream all those months ago come rushing back to me, and Simon’s words send a chill throughout my body.

  “He’ll take care of you. Forever, if you let him.”

  “I will, big brother. I’ll let him,” I say silently to myself.

  An hour later, I’m on my second cup of coffee when Tripp stumbles into the living room, looking around sleepily. He’s wearing nothing but sleep pants, and his hair is sticking out in every direction. I can’t stop the giggle that erupts in my throat. He spots me on the couch with my laptop and frowns.

  “What are you doing out here this early?”

  “Finn had to go into work, and I couldn’t sleep. I was trying to be quiet. Did I wake you?”

  “No, fucking internal alarm goes off no matter the day.”

  “That sucks. There’s coffee if you want some.”

  “You are a goddess,” he gruffs, heading into the kitchen.

  A few minutes later, he comes in and sits opposite me on the sofa, reaching for the remote control.

  “Will it bother you if I turn on the news?”

  “Not at all. This is your house.”

  “But will it interrupt you?” He motions to my computer.

  “No, I was finishing up two articles for a client. They’re done.”

  He nods and switches on the television. We sit in comfortable silence, alternating between the news and Sportscenter. When a segment comes on about the upcoming football season, he becomes animated, yelling at the TV. After thirty minutes, he gives me an exasperated look and puts it on mute.

  “You hungry?”

  “I could be.”

  “You cook?”

  “I do.”

  “Want to join me in making some breakfast?”

  “That depends,” I tease. “Are you trying to trick me into making you breakfast?”

  He has the decency to look guilty, but gives me his signature grin. “No way. I’ll make you the best toast and eggs you’ve ever tasted.”

  “You have eggs?”



  “Sure thing.”

  “And bread?”

  “Yep.” He smiles proudly.

  “How about if I make us a pseudo eggs benedict, depending on if you boys have the right spices for béarnaise?”

  His smile broadens, and he jumps up, bringing me with him. “Come on, woman. It’s time to eat!” He drags me to the kitchen and gives me a bow. “Tell me what you need and I’ll be your assistant.”

  I browse through their fridge and cabinets and am surprised to find everything I need except Tarragon. I locate a jar of dried parsley and decide it’ll have to do. After giving Tripp instructions to toast the bread and blend the yolks, I get started.

  Conversation is easy as I cook and he does whatever I instruct him to. When I take his toasted bread and cut it into a perfect circle, then lay the poached egg on top, he helps by spooning on the sauce and plating the bacon.

  We sit at their small table, and he politely waits for me to take the first bite then digs in. His loud groan startles me. “Woman! This is fucking fantastic. Even my mom can’t cook like this.”

  “Thank you.” Heat spreads across my cheeks.

  “Seriously, if this thing with Finn falls apart, I’m keeping you. Screw the twenty- plus years of friendship.”

  My heart swells with pride. “My mom was an amazing cook. She taught me and my brothers a lot.”

  His eyes come to mine, and he give
s me a sad smile. “Thank you for making this.”

  I reach over and cover his hand. “Thank you for coercing me to make you breakfast.”

  His lips twitch. “We should make this a weekend thing.”

  I start to giggle, thinking about Finn’s reaction.

  He laughs along with me and shovels food in his mouth. Right as I take my last bite, the doorbell rings, and we both look at the clock.

  “Who the hell is here at eight in the morning?” Tripp mutters, throwing his napkin on the table and going to answer the door.

  I get our plates and start cleaning when there’s a loud shriek behind me. “What the hell is going on here?”

  I spin, dropping the plate in the sink, and come face to face with Raven, who’s looking at me with hatred and disgust. Tripp comes rushing up behind her with a look of panic.

  “Pardon me?” I respond blandly, turning off the water.

  “Where the hell is Finn?”

  I close my eyes and count to three, trying to calm my nerves. When I open them, I square my shoulders and face her head on. “It’s none of your business, but he’s at work. Do you need something?”

  “Does he know you’re traipsing around his house with Tripp half-naked?”

  “RJ, you’re outta line.” Tripp sidesteps into her line of sight.

  “Really? Because what I see looks fucking bad!”

  I raise my hand when Tripp opens his mouth, and speak first. “Raven, Finn had to go into work early this morning for an emergency. I can assure you he knows I’m here. He left me in his bed. This may look bad to you, but it is only breakfast.”

  She looks back and forth from Tripp to me, and her face crumbles. Tears fill her eyes, and she throws her face into her hands. “I’m sorry! I’m such a bitch. Why do I keep screwing things up with you?”

  I try hard to feel sorry for her, find an ounce of sympathy, but I can’t. Instead, I step around her and Tripp and head to the living room to get my computer.

  “Tripp, I’m gonna go back to bed and work a little while. I’ll see you later.” I don’t acknowledge Raven before disappearing into Finn’s room, shutting the door forcefully.

  Unfortunately, even the thundering in my ears and the blood storming through my system doesn’t drown out the hushed cries from the other room. I wish like hell my car was here, so I could bolt. A tinge of jealousy creeps up, knowing that if I wasn’t here, she would have still barged in at the crack of ass in the morning. What if Finn was in bed? Who shows up unannounced?


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